Phrasal Verbs Conversation - TRABAJO INGLES

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Phrasal Verbs Conversation

• TOPIC: Problems with the Jobs.

(Las palabras subrayadas DE ROJO son los Phrasal verbs.)

PERSON 1: Hi PERSON 2, I called you up yesterday but I couldn’t get through to you. ¿Are you

PERSON 2: Yes, I am. Sorry for not calling you back. I’ve been very busy looking for a new job.

PERSON 1: Really? But what happened?

PERSON 2: I quit my job last week.

PERSON 2: I didn’t get on with my boss very well and I ran out of patience.

PERSON 2: He used to have me do my projects over many times.

PERSON 2: I just couldn’t put up with all the hard work.

PERSON 2: That job was stressing me out.

PERSON 2: It was simply taking up all my time.

PERSON 2: I have to drink lots of coffee to make it through the day.

PERSON 2: I used to work during the weekend too, and I would stay up many nights to finish my
projects and hand them in on time.

PERSON 2: I ended up feeling so exhausted every day.

PERSON 2: My boss used to check up on me all the time.

PERSON 2: When he saw me nodding off at work one day, he had a go at me, telling me off in front of

PERSON 2: Luckily, I had some great colleagues that stood up for me.

PERSON 2: It was so good to know that I could always count on them.

PERSON 2: Anyway, I couldn’t carry on like that.

PERSON 2: I felt like being a slave, I wanted to get away.

PERSON 2: I kept thinking about it for a very long time.

PERSON 2: I spent days turning the problem over on my mind.

PERSON 2: I was not easy for me to just give up my job

PERSON 2: I will keep myself away from that company from now on, So I started looking for a new

PERSON 1: Hold on a moment. I have to pick this up.

PERSON 2: No problem. Go ahead.

PERSON 1: Ok, Let’s take up where we left off.

PERSON 1: So…You’re looking for another job.

PERSON 2: I am now ready to start over somewhere else.

PERSON 1: Maybe you should first try to relax and wind down for a few days.

PERSON 2: You’re right. I really need a break, But enough about me. Tell me about you.

PERSON 2: How are you getting on with your work?

PERSON 1: Everything is fine.

PERSON 2: But You look worried. Is there something going on with you and Sarah maybe?

PERSON 1: Well, the problem is that we broke up so I’m feeling a bit down at the moment.

PERSON 2: I’m really sorry you’re going through this. But what happened?

PERSON 1: I didn’t show up to our date because something just came up.

PERSON 1: I had just found out that I had to attend a business meeting and I didn’t get to call off the
date. She thought I made it all up and I actually fell for somebody else.

PERSON 1: He said I had let her down.

PERSON 1: It’s so hard for me to get over this.

PERSON 2: You should talk it over and sort things out.

PERSON 2: Sorry for bringing up this subject if you’re not comfortable talking about it.

PERSON 1: It’s ok. I have to go now. It was nice talking to you. Call me when you have time.

PERSON 2: Okay. Have a nice day!

-------------------------------------------- FINALIZA LA CONVERSACION ------------------------------------

PERSON 3: PERSON 2 I’m so glad I’ve run into you.

PERSON 2: Did you hear about the boss?

PERSON 3: He was forced to step down from his post.

PERSON 3: We are going to have a new manager next week. I actually met him last year. He respects
people and never looks down on anyone. He will take over the responsibility of the company.

PERSON 3: Everyone says he will bring about a big change in the company.

PERSON 2: Really? I didn’t know that.

PERSON 3: You can apply again for the job if you like.

PERSON 3: The company will take on new employees over the next two months.

PERSON 2: Ok. Thanks for the good news but I have to think about it.

PERSON 2 – PERSON 3: Oh! PERSON 4, Nice to meet you here!

PERSON 4: Hi guys, I was walking home and I heard what you were talking and yeah, we used to be
such a great team PERSON 2.

PERSON 4: You always came up with wonderful ideas and solutions.

PERSON 4: When nobody knew the answer, you would figure out what to do right away.

PERSON 4: You know many colleagues look up to you.

PERSON 2: You really cheered me up PERSON 4. We were a great team indeed.

------------------------------------- FINALIZA LA CONVERSACION


PERSON 2: Hi PERSON 1, what’s up…you look very happy today.

PERSON 1: Hi PERSON 2. I finally made up with Sarah. So, I am very happy. Not only did we get
back together but I proposed to her and she said yes.

PERSON 1: So, we’re going to get married son.

PERSON 2: That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you!

PERSON 1: So, what about you? What happen with your job?

PERSON 2: I was hired back and I have a new boss.

PERSON 2: We get along very well. He is a very nice person.

PERSON 1: I’m glad things have finally work out for you.

PERSON 2: Yeah everything turned out fine.


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