Tuning PI Controllers For Stable Processes With Specifications On Gain and Phase Margins
Tuning PI Controllers For Stable Processes With Specifications On Gain and Phase Margins
ISA Transactions 43 共2004兲 297–304
In industrial practice, controller designs are performed based on an approximate model of the actual process. It is
essential to design a control system which will exhibit a robust performance because the physical systems can vary with
operating conditions and time. Gain and phase margins are well known parameters for evaluating the robustness of a
control system. This paper presents a tuning algorithm to design and tune PI controllers for stable processes with a
small dead time while meeting specified gain and phase margins. Simulation examples are given to demonstrate that the
proposed design method can result, in a closed-loop system, in better performances than existing design methods which
are also based on user-specified gain and phase margins. © 2004 ISA—The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automa-
tion Society.
Keywords: IMC design; PI controller; Gain margin; Phase margin; Time delay
0019-0578/2004/$ - see front matter © 2004 ISA—The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society.
298 Ibrahim Kaya / ISA Transactions 43 (2004) 297–304
兩 G c 共 j g 兲 G 共 j g 兲 兩 ⫽1, 共23兲 ⫽ 冉 2A m
⫺1 ⫽0.91 . 共31兲
m ⫽ ⫹arg兵 G c 共 j p 兲 G 共 j p 兲 其 , 共24兲
Hence the PI controller parameters are given by
where the gain margin is given by Eqs. 共21兲 and Eqs. 共18兲 and 共19兲 with given by Eq. 共31兲.
共22兲, and the phase margin by Eqs. 共23兲 and 共24兲. Remark: If a second-order plus dead time
The frequency p is known as phase crossover 共SOPDT兲 plant transfer function model, Ĝ ( s )
frequency, where the Nyquist curve has a phase ⫽Ke ⫺ s / ( T 1 s⫹1 )( T 2 s⫹1 ) , instead of the
lag of ⫺, and the frequency g is known as the FOPDT model, is assumed, then the controller
gain crossover frequency, where the Nyquist curve G c ( s ) will be a PID controller. However, it has
has an amplitude of 1. been observed during extensive simulations that
Substituting Eq. 共20兲 into Eqs. 共21兲–共24兲, results using a PID controller provides a little improve-
in the following set of equations: ment in the closed-loop performance of the sys-
tem. Hence simulation results only for the PI con-
p ⫽ , 共25兲 troller are given.
3.1. Tuning procedure
A m ⫽ p 共 ⫹ 兲 , 共26兲
冉 冊
4. Switch from the relay mode to the controller
1 mode with calculated tuning parameters for the
m⫽ 1⫺ . 共30兲
2 Am control of the process.
Ibrahim Kaya / ISA Transactions 43 (2004) 297–304 301
冉 冊
5. Conclusions
⫺ ⌬t 1 共 e ⌬t 1 /T ⫺1 兲 e /T
Simple tuning rules for a PI controller for con- K ⫹
2 共 e 2 / ⫺1 兲
trolling stable process with small time delays have
been derived using specified gain and phase mar-
gin specifications. The design method presented in
this paper is model based. Therefore first a
⫽ 冉
h 1 ⫺h 2 冊冉 R⫺⌬⫺
G 共 0 兲关 h 1 ⌬t 1 ⫹h 2 ⌬t 2 兴
P 冊
FOPDT plant transfer function model was ob- 共A1兲
tained from a single relay feedback test with exact and
冉 冊
limit cycle analysis. Once the model was found,
simple tuning rules provided in the paper were ⌬t 1 ⫺2 共 e 共 ⫺ ⌬t 1 ⫹2 兲 / ⫺1 兲 e /T
used to control the process. Since the proposed K ⫹
design method incorporates IMC design prin-
2 共 e 2 / ⫺1 兲
冉 冊冉 冊
ciples, where pole zero cancellation is used, the ⫺ G 共 0 兲关 h 1 ⌬t 1 ⫹h 2 ⌬t 2 兴
closed-loop system with designed PI controller re- ⫽ R⫹⌬⫺ ,
sults in good set point responses. The designed h 1 ⫺h 2 P
where h 1 and h 2 are the relay heights and ⌬ is the
hysteresis. ⌬t 1 and ⌬t 2 are the pulse durations
and P⫽⌬t 1 ⫹⌬t 2 is the period of the oscillation.
R is a constant valued signal entering the system
and ⫽ T.
Two more equations can be obtained for the
maximum and minimum of the plant output wave
form which are given by the following equations:
a min⫽
G 共 0 兲关 h 1 ⌬t 1 ⫹h 2 ⌬t 2 兴
⫹ 冉
h 1 ⫺h 2
Fig. 11. Control signals for example 4.
⫻ 冉 ⫺ ⌬t 1 共 e ⌬t 1 /T ⫺1 兲
共 e 2 / ⫺1 兲
冊 共A3兲
304 Ibrahim Kaya / ISA Transactions 43 (2004) 297–304
冉 冊
a max is measured. Finally, with K and T known,
G 共 0 兲关 h 1 ⌬t 1 ⫹h 2 ⌬t 2 兴 h 1 ⫺h 2
a max⫽ ⫹ the dead time can be calculated from either Eq.
P 共A1兲 or Eq. 共A2兲.
⫻ 冉 ⫺ ⌬t 1 e 2 / 共 1⫺e ⫺⌬t 1 /T 兲
共 e 2 / ⫺1 兲
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