Pengiraan Kadar Keluar Masuk Staff

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Staff Turnover Measure

This is a simple spreadsheet to help you calculate staff turnover in your business.
Thanks to FX Consultants.
FX Consultants, 2002
FX Consultants - making performance matter
Contacts: [email protected], 09-378 9299, 021-392 667
This page provides an introduction, and sample results.
The spreadsheet below has been set up with some sample data to show how it works (scroll across to see O1 & O31 for sample 'Results' )
The next page (see the tab 'Your STO' below) has a blank version for you to use for your figures.
The spreadsheet is organised so that you input and collect results on a quarterly basis. Most organisations find that monthly data is too variable.
To calculate annual staff turnover - voluntary or total - you will need to collect information back one year ('Year 1' in the sample):
The quarterly results are a 'rolling annual average' - this reflects ongoing trends, and removes short-term variablity.
Small businesses (<50 employees) may want to go to half-year calculations.
This tool will allow you to distinguish voluntary (VSTO) from total staff turnover (TSTO).
This is important as there are other reasons for voluntary turnover and it is managed differently from general turnover figures.
You can also look at staff turnover for different groups of employees/units of the business, which may help you make better management decisions.
Exits - all staff who leave; the number of people who left your organisation each quarter
VE - voluntary exits; the number of people who left voluntarily (not redundant, performance-related, sickness-related, retirement etc - decide based on your exit interview notes)
NS - new staff
TS - total staff (the number remaining after subtracting exits, and adding new staff) the total number of employees, not the FTE.
You may want to treat different groups of employees - such as part-time and full-time - as different "organisational groups" in the table above
EYTD - exits for the year (for the preceeding 4 quarters)
VEYTD - voluntary exits for the year
ATS - average total staff (average over the preceeding 4 quarters)
TSTO - staff turnover (of all leavers)
VSTO - voluntary staff turnover
Sample entry Year1 Quarter 1 Year1 Quarter 2 Year1 Quarter 3 Year1 Quarter 4
Organisational groupsExits Vol Exits Total Staff Exits VE TS Exits VE TS Exits VE
Unit A 4 3 100 4 3 100 4 3 100 4 3
Unit B 3 2 125 3 2 125 3 2 125 3 2
Unit C 8 7 125 8 7 125 8 7 125 8 7
Unit D 2 1 100 2 1 100 2 1 100 2 1
Unit E 3 3 125 3 3 125 3 3 125 3 3
Total organisation 20 16 575 20 16 575 20 16 575 20 16
These units could represent different employee groups, or different divisions in the business.
For each new quarter of the present year enter the numbers of staff who leave, and the new hires - the results give you 'year to date' staff turnover.
For future years - cut and past the 'Year 3' section of the spreadsheet.
To view the chart results - see 01 & 028 for samples, and see the next page for instructions.
FX Consultants, 2002
FX Consultants - making performance matter
ph: 09-378 9299, email: [email protected]
Page 1
See sample results See sample results See sample results
To create your own
FX Consultants, 2002
FX Consultants - making performance matter
ph: 09-378 9299, email: [email protected]
Page 2
Your annual staff turnover - for different groups of employees or business units within your organisation.
To calculate annual staff turnover, voluntary or total, you will need to collect information from the last year ('Year 1').
These may need to be estimates, depending on the information you collect or can access.
Exits - all staff who leave; the number of people who left your organisation each quarter
VE - voluntary exits; the number of people who left voluntarily
(not redundant, performance-related, sickness-related, retirement etc - decide based on your exit interview notes)
NS - new staff
TS - total staff (the number remaining after subtracting exits, and adding new staff) the total number of employees, not the FTE.
You may want to treat different groups of employees - such as part-time and full-time - as different "organisational groups" in the table above
EYTD - exits for the year (for the preceeding 4 quarters)
VEYTD - voluntary exits for the year
ATS - average total staff (average over the preceeding 4 quarters)
TSTO - staff turnover (of all leavers)
VSTO - voluntary staff turn-over
Your table Year1 Quarter 1 Year1 Quarter 2 Year1 Quarter 3 Year1 Quarter 4
Organisational groups Exits Vol Exits Total Staff Exits Vol Exits Total Staff Exits VE TS Exits
Unit A - if you only have one department use this 0
Unit B - eg sales, call centre etc. You can rename them.
Unit C
Unit D
Unit E
Total organisation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For each new quarter - enter the numbers of staff who leave, and the new people hired - the results give you 'year to date' staff turnover (STO)
It may be a good idea to change the name of (Year1) to the actual year eg. 2005 etc
For future years - cut and paste the 'Year 3 (&/or Year 4)' section of the spreadsheet
To create charts from the results - for total or voluntary STO:
Copy and paste the 'Organisational groups' labels - to,say, 021
Copy the 'Year 1, Quarter 4' STO (either voluntary or total - including the heading)
Go to, say P20, and 'Paste/special' via 'Edit' - and choose 'values'
Repeat with the other values
Highlight the values and the labels
Use the chart wizard/Lines to create the chart
FX Consultants, 2002
FX Consultants - making performance matter
Contacts: [email protected], 09-378 9299, 021-392 667
FX Consultants, 2002
FX Consultants - making performance matter
ph: 09-378 9299, email: [email protected]
Page 3

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