How To Use The Profit and Loss Templates
How To Use The Profit and Loss Templates
How To Use The Profit and Loss Templates
The two types of templates included in the file are shown below.
The monthly P&L template is perfect for businesses that require regular reporting and detail.
By showing all of the information in a series of monthly columns, much more detail is visible
than if only the annual figures were shown.
The monthly profit and loss template is perfect for small, medium, and large businesses as it
can easily be adjusted to add or eliminate detail as required. Learn more about monthly cash
flow forecast modeling.
For businesses that have been in operation for several years, it may be helpful to show an
annual (full fiscal year or year-to-date) statement. The annual profit and loss template below
follows the same format and structure as the monthly version, however, it doesn’t have a total
column at the end that sums up each of the periods.
This template is ideal for any size business and can easily be changed by adding or removing
line items (rows) as necessary. It is also useful for performing year-over-year (YoY) analysis.
Fill out the form above to download the free annual P&L template Excel file.
While each income statement is unique to every company, there are many common line items
that you will see over and over again.
The most common P&L line items include:
All the CFI templates included in the free Excel file can be easily edited and changed to suit
your own business.
If you require more line items, simply insert additional rows in the section where you need to
add revenues or expenses. Then check to make sure the formulas adding up the totals capture
those new rows.
If you need to remove line items from the templates, simply delete unnecessary rows and
ensure all formulas are still working properly.
To learn more about the details of financial reporting, check out PWC’s free guide to
financial statement presentation
Additional Resources
Thank you for checking out CFI’s free templates for making your own annual and monthly
P&L statements in Excel. To keep learning and advancing your career as a certified financial
analyst, these additional resources will be helpful:
Below is a break down of subject weightings in the FMVA® financial analyst program. As
you can see there is a heavy focus on financial modeling, finance, Excel, business valuation,
budgeting/forecasting, PowerPoint presentations, accounting and business strategy.