MR Semiotic

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Name Of Group : Angelia Secilia Sitinjak (2173520003)

: Anggi Veronika Simanjorang(2173220005)

: Christian Jourdan Tambunan (2173520010)

: Indah Lorenta Sinaga (2172220002)

Lecturer : Anna Riana Suryanti Tambunan, S.S.,M.Hum

Course : Semiotic



APRIL 2019

Praise and gratitude to Almighty God for blessings and help the authors to
complete this paper on time. This paper is arranged to fulfill Mini Research that has given
by Mam Anna Riana Suryanti Tambunan, S.S., M. Hum as our lecturer in Semotic study.

This paper about an analysis of Bear Brand Milk Advertisement which is explain
about the meaning of animals like Dragon in the TV advertisement, Bear as the logo of
Bear Brand Milk in Bear Brand Milk advertisement. But, as we know cows are animals
that produce milk. So this is the material that we researched in Bear Brand Milk
Advertisement that we use for our Mini Research. The writers hope this task will help
students to more understand about Semiotic through advertisement especially Bear Brand
Milk Advertisement.

On this occasion with great humility, we would like to thank you to all of those
who have helped us and guidance so that this paper can be finished. And we apologize if
in this paper there are many mistakes, because we realize that we are still in learning
process. Thank you.

April, 2019



PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

TABLE OF CONTENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii


A. Background of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

B. Research Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
C. Objectives of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
D. Significant of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
E. Scope of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3


A. Conceptual Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
B. Related Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


A. Research Approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
B. Type of Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
C. Object of Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
D. Data Processing and Anlysis Techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10



The title of this research is “A semiotic study in bear brand milk advertisement
using roland barthes teory”. The aim of the study is to find out the meaning of
advertisement of Susu Bear brand about milk from cows but dragon as the ads icon. The
theory used in this study is Roland Barthes’s theory. The method is using semiotic
analysis from Roland Barthes that is research approach. This research to examine the
scenes in Bear Brand adverts 2015 by presenting signs referred to by Roland Barthes's
theory, namely denotations, connotations, myths etc on Bear brand's milk. In the
denotative sign is the white dragon head emerging from the surface of the water, with an
all-white background setting. The connotative signified are white surface water indicating
the sea of milk and the White Dragon is a manifestation of Bear Brand milk. Denotatively
means white is identical to the color of milk and the White Dragon is power. Myths on
the ads Bear this Brand is based on the color look with a culture that believes the meaning
of the color white is purity meanwhile the Dragon is a mythological creature. In addition,
the implications of this study should be able to make people understand and not
misunderstand so they want to consume milk Bear brand as a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords : Roland Barthes, Bear Brand Milk, Advertisement



A. Background of the Study

Technological developments provide many opportunities for producers which can be

used to satisfy consumer needs. With the development of these technologies is easier to
reach the masses more efficient through the use of mass media. Mass media with potential
it can spread messages quickly and simultaneously. Media messages the masses are able
to penetrate demographic boundaries and reach audiences to remote villages.
Use of media mass in economic activities, among others, manifested in the
advertisement. Television medium for example is used as a means of promoting goods or
services to the public. For televisions stations, advertising is a source of income main and
determine bussiness sustainability.
As in Bear Brand ads that are made unique to attract attention audience. Bear Brand
milk advertisements are made different from other milk advertisements displaying human
figures or dialogues in advertisements, but different from advertisements Bear Brand milk
that does not display human figures as models in advertisements. Bear Brand ads only
show animation of a dragon accompanied the narrative and the closing part of the
advertisement is the slogan “Bear Brand Rasakan Kemurniannya”
With the concept of advertising above, encourage researchers to study carefully about
Bear Brand edition ads. This research is intended to obtain a detailed description of the
meaning verbal and non-verbal signs constructed on advertising using semiotic analysis
of Roland Barthes’ theory.

B. Research Questions
Based on the background description of the problem that has been raised, then the
main problem in this study is the identification of marking and meaning on Bear Brand
milk advertisements on television. From the point of the problem, the researches
Chooses the problem questions as follows:
1. How are verbal and non verbal signs constructed in milk advertisement Bear
Brand on television?
2. What is the meaning of the message contained in the Bear Brand milk
advertisement on television?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives of this study are as
1. To identify verbal and non verbal signs constructed within the Bear Brand
milk advertisement on television.
2. To find out the meaning of the message contained in Bear Brand milk ad on

D. Significant of the Study

1. Theoretically. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for
advertising research, especially from the English Department in order to
develop the theory of semiotics, thereby producing a new formula, theory and
perspective of the world of communication and advertising.

2. Practically. Provide an overview of the meaning of the message contained in

the "Bear Brand" advertisement about the meaning of the sign. This research
can be used as a reference for researchers who wish to continue semiotic
E. Scope of the Study
In this scientific writing, the writers will limit the scope of existing problems,
namely as follows:
1. Subject
The subject of this study is the advertisement of Bear Brand Milk itself
2. Object
The object of this study is the verbal/non verbal sign and meaning contain in
the Bear Brand Milk advertisement.



A. Conceptual Framework

Advertising is a form of promotion of goods or services that we normally see on

television. The advertisement itself consists of images, text or words of the goods or
services to be promoted. As material from our mini research, we will discuss the meaning
of the use of bear logos in bottles of milk bear brand, dragon ads on television, while milk
is the result of cattle. That is one of the goals of making an Ads, which one is making the
item can attract the attention of the public to buy or use these goods, etc.

With all the goals and concepts to be carried out, the semiotics are very related to this
Research, because semiotics is a study that studies about signs so that we will know the
meaning contained in these advertisements. one of the theories we use in this research is
from Roland Barthes. Although he was the successor of Ferdinand de Saussure who said
the sign consisted of signifier and signified, but he also put forward his theory namely
Denotation and connotation. The meaning of Denotation and connotation itself is
Denotation as signifier that describes the literal meaning and connotation as signified that
is describe the meaning with different sentence.

B. Related Study

There had been a previous study that we used as a reference because it uses the same
theory from the theory of Roland Barthes, that name is “ Membedah Makna Teman Murni
Dalam Iklan Bear Brand.” In this research it analyzes the meaning of the Teman Murni
sentence in the Bear brand milk ads. The author said that the meaning of Teman Murni is
interpreted as that of a friend which means people who are always there when we are
happy and difficult.


A. Research Approach

This research uses a qualitative approach, qualitative research is a series of activities

or processes for screening data or information that are reasonable about a problem in
certain conditions, aspects or fields in the life of the object. Qualitative research does not
intend to draw conclusions in general, but provides a deepening of data or information
related to the subject of research inductively. The support of subjective social theories
will be used to attract meaning on the subject of this study. This research approach uses
descriptive qualitative methods. This study seeks to examine the scene in the 2015 Bear
Brand advertisement by presenting the signs referred to by Roland Barthes as denotations
and connotations. As part of mass communication, the presence of advertisements on
television media can simply be seen as "social interaction through messages" with the
aim of exploring meaning that involves attention to the signaling system reflecting the
semiotic approach in media analysis. The message recipient has the full right to determine
the meanings he receives from the message, so the role of the source or sender tends to
be overlooked. This message is more accurately referred to as "text" which means
relationship. Where this study discusses the relationship between the meaning of the use
of dragon, bear, and cow milk objects that are used in an advertisement for "BEAR
BRAND" dairy products.
B. Type of Research

This study is an analysis of signs and meanings using Roland Barthes's semiotics.
Semiotic analysis is a method for analyzing and providing meanings to symbols that
contain a package of messages or text symbols. In this case, the symbol is interpreted as
all forms and symbol systems, both found in the mass media.

Analysis of media semiotics not only examines the social reality of mass media, but
also analyzes the reality context in general (such as television shows, caricatures of print
media, films, radio plays, and various forms of advertising) as well as those outside mass
media, such as statues, monuments, fashion show, etc. Semiotics learns the essence of
signs in people's lives. Umberto Eco suspects there is something hidden behind the signs
used in everyday life. The semiotic analysis model is used to refer to Roland Barthes who
put forward a two-stage tagging process, namely denotation and connotation. Efforts to
interpret the nature of the advertisement are activities that are oriented towards efforts to
track the mentality that contains them.

C. Object of Research

The object that used in this study was the advertisement of the 2015 Bear Brand
Edition. The identification of the object of this research was the meaning of the signs that
appeared in the form of dragon, bear and cow's milk in Bear Brand advertisements. This
advertisement is 30 seconds long and is played in various private television stations in
Indonesia. Visualization of the 2015 edition of Bear Brand advertisements as the object
of this research as in the following picture:

D. Data Processing and Analysis Technique

This research is a media text analysis by reviewing the 2015 edition of Bear Brand
milk advertisement. The data collection technique used is documentation technique.
Researchers use public documentation techniques, namely television and the internet. The
researcher downloaded the 2015 edition of Bear Brand ads from the internet. Then the
researcher observed the advertisement by paying attention to the verbal and non-verbal
signs that were in the advertisement.

After the researcher obtained data from the documentation, the researcher analyzed the
data in the form of text and images in the advertisement by looking at the verbal and non-
verbal signs in the 2015 edition of Bear Brand milk. The researcher used media text
analysis with Roland Barthes's semiotic method to observe the signs verbal and non-
verbal signs in the 2015 edition of BearBrand milk and the meaning of the messages
contained in these advertisements. Studying the sign system in advertising is central to
the study of ads that use media text analysis. The sign system can be identified in symbols,
icons and index. According to Berger, in analyzing advertisements, it is necessary to
consider the following: (1) Markers and markers; (2) Pictures, indices and symbols; (3)
Sociological phenomena, demographics of people in advertisements and people who are
targeted at advertising, reflection on socio-economic classes, lifestyle and so; (4) The
nature of the attraction made to sell products, through texts and people involved in the
advertisement; (5) Ad design, including the type of display used, color and other aesthetic
elements; and (6) Publication determined in the advertisement, and the imagination
expected by the publication. While according to Roland Barthes, to analyze
advertisements, it is necessary to pay attention to key concepts, namely (1) linguistic
messages (all words and sentences in advertisements); (2) Encoded iconic messages
(connotations that appear in ad photos, which only function if they are associated with
broader sign systems in society); and (3) Unencrypted iconic messages (denotations in ad



In general, ads is a communication form that has a purpose to give an information.

The information can be like a hot news, product’s promotion, or entertainment. Until now,
ads can be find in print media, or in television media. In indonesia, more than 80% like
ads in television media. It could be happened because television have some advantage
rather than the print media.The advantages were voice, visual, and narrative. As we know,
ads in televesion include all those factors. Because of those things, the advantages can
make a harbinger systems that work to influence audiences. For the example, like
bearbrand ads. An unique ads that made interest many people.

As we know, Bearbrand is one of the product from PT Nestle Indonesia, which is

a branch company from Nestle S.A, in Vevey, Swish. Nestle already know by Indonesia
community since the late 19th century through product "Tjap Nona" (Cap Nona) which
is known by the name "Milk Maid". In Bearbrand ads, there wasn’t a conversation there,
only animated Dragon shown with narration and the motto on the closing section of the
ad such. The ad tells the story of the Dragon which emerged from the water surface White
then flies off into the sky, and while flying at the sky White Dragon surrounded black
cloud. With a circular White Dragon that black cloud slowly disappeared. Then white
moves the Dragon leads the waves so that water the white that had been there were waves
become stable again. According with the product advertised Bear Brand milk, namely
Dragon contained in the ads given the color white and the Sea also.

In qualitative research, especially in semiotic analysis, ads studied through the

signs that composed it. The signs of verbal and shaped non-verbal. The verbal sign refers
to the use of symbol languages while the sign non-verbal relating to the shape and the
color that is displayed in an advertisement. Roland Barthes identifies an analysis of ads
based on semiotics the message contained therein. a message referred to, namely: the
linguistic Message refers to all words and sentences in the Ad; the encoded message i.e.
connotations that appears in the photo ad; as well as the message is not encoded in the
form of the iconic denoted in photo ads.

In first scene, we can see the signifier, and the signified is white water surface
vibrate then appears Dragon's head with open mouth expressions. In denotative sign is a
wihite dragon head emerged from the water surface is white, with an all-white backdrop
settings. In conotative signifier is Surface water that white signifies a sea of milk and
White Dragon is a manifestation of the Bear Brand milk. In denotative signified is the
white color is identical to the color of the milk and the White Dragon is a strength. And
in conotative sign is show if milk gives power. Marker on the first scene of the sentence
delivered a narrator who says purity contains power by showing the surface of the water
that vibrates and then slowly the head Dragon pops up with the mouth open from the
white surface of the water.

Alert shows the surface of the ocean of milk which describes the purity of milk
and the appearance of the Dragon is depicted as the milk content have the power it is
apparent on the face of the Dragon with the mouth open. Setting the image on the ads
Bear Brand dominated with white color, in accordance with Bear Brand milk products.
Myths on the ads Bear this Brand is based on the color look with a culture that believes
the meaning of the color white is purity. While the Dragon is a mythological creature that
takes the form of a giant-sized reptiles.These creatures appear in many cultures.


Based on the research presented about the data that has been obtained, it is
processed using method analysis and Roland Barthes's semiotic theory in the previous
chapter. From the results of these studies it can be concluded that verbal and non-verbal
signs contained in Bear Brand Milk advertisements, which are marked by the appearance
of a splash of milk resembling a white dragon in the advertisement, which can be
concluded that the splash of milk resembles a white dragon which is interpreted as a
source of strength for the body. Bears that become logos and mascots in cans of
packaging, can be interpreted that this milk can be drunk in every situation and in the
current weather conditions both when the weather is hot or cold, and cow's milk is also
related to the current condition hibernate. Where before the winter arrives a bear will
bear with a very large amount to supply energy in its body and after winter arrives the
bear will enter the hibernation phase, and when the hibernation phase, the bear will be
able to convert all fat into energy. And therefore the use of bear logos is used as a sign
that this milk is also capable of being healthy and can be a source of energy intake. The
black clouds displayed before the appearance of the white dragon can be interpreted as a
source of diseases that are disrupting the health of the body and the last is the wave sign
from the ocean of milk is interpreted as an immune imbalance in the human body.
Of all that, the meaning of the overall visual appearance of the Bear Brand
advertisement is a product that offers the superiority of dairy products with the benefits
that consumers will get, namely by consuming Bear Brand dairy products that can recover
lost energy, protect the body and prevent various types of diseases from various dense
activities every day.


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