Intensive Review 2014. (Prof Ed 1) WITH ANSWER
Intensive Review 2014. (Prof Ed 1) WITH ANSWER
Intensive Review 2014. (Prof Ed 1) WITH ANSWER
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1. “The highest happiness is the contemplative use of the mind”, said Plato. Therefore, let us give more
opportunities for our students to do _____.
a. Introspection b. cooperative learning c. social interaction d. role playing
2. Mencius believed that all people were born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people
makes it easier to ____ our pupils.
a. Motivate b. respect c. like d. teach
3. Teacher Maria sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely
disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?
a. Behaviorism b. Existentialism c. Progressivism d. Reconstructionism
4. Teacher Sally is of the thinking that from the very start students must be made to realize that
study is indeed hardwork. To which philosophy does Teacher Sally adhere?
a. Progressivism b. Perennialism c. Essentialism d. Reconstructionism
5. If your students appear to be more interested in a topic outside your planned lesson for the day,
you set aside your lesson for that day and take the opportunity to discuss the topic of particular
interest to your students. Strike the iron while it is hot! Which philosophy governs your action?
a. Existentialism b. Rationalism c. Empirism d. Reconstructionism
6. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Then it is better to be a
generalist, claims Teacher Lani. On which philosophy does Teacher Lani lean?
a. Perennialism b. Progressivism c. Essentialism d. Existentialism
Read the situation given and answer the questions that follow.
In a faculty development program, the teachers were asked what schools should
do to help develop the learners. The response of the teachers could be grouped into five:
Group 1 – Schools should go back to the basics; they should teach the three R’s.
Group 2 – School should develop in the students’ appreciation of the humanities.
This way they become highly rational and moral.
Group 3 – Schools should help develop students to become enlightened and
intelligent citizens of a democratic country.
Group 4 – Schools should teach students to make responsible choices and be
made accountable for such choices.
Group 5 – Schools should develop in the students the ability to adapt to a
changing world.
7. What can be said of teachers in Group 1? The group adheres to ____ philosophy of education?
a. an essentialist b. a reconstructionist c. a progressivist d. a perennialist
8. To what educational philosophy does group 2 adhere?
a. Essentialism b. Progressivism c. Perennialism d. Reconstructionism
9. To which educational philosophy is Group 3 oriented?
a. Progressivism b. Behaviorism c. Reconstructionism d. Existentialism
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10. If Group 4 wants schools to teach students to make responsible choices and he made
accountable for these choices, which philosophy governs the thinking of the group?
a. Existentialism b. Perennialism c. Progressivism d. Reconstructionism
11. To which philosophy does Group 5 adhere?
a. Essentialism b. Perennialism c. Progressivism d. Reconstructionism
In a faculty meeting, the Principal told his teachers: We need to improve our
school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do? The
teachers gave varied answers as follows:
1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 85%.
2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance.
3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning.
4. Let’s make use of the experiential methods of teaching.
How a teacher relates to his/her pupils depends on his/her concept about him/her. In a
faculty recollection, the teachers were asked to share their thoughts of the learner, their
primary customer. What follows are the gist of what were shared:
Teacher Rona – The learner is a product of his environment. Sometimes he has no choice. He
is determined by his environment.
Teacher Belen – The learner can choose what he can become despite his environment.
Teacher Ramil – The learner is a social being who learns well through an active interplay with
Teacher David – The learner is a rational being. Schools should develop the learner’s rational
and moral powers.
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b. Progressivist d. Cognitivist
19. Which domain in the National Competency – Based Teacher Standard (NCBTS) upholds gender
a. Social Regard for Learning c. Diversity of Learners
b. Learning Environment d. Community Linkages’
20. On which philosophical foundations is reflective teaching ground?
I. Plato’s contemplation of eternal truths
II. Arsitotle’s basic method of inquiry
III. Rationalist’s superiority of reason
a. I, II and III b. II and II c. I and III d. I and II
21. According to Plato, “the best life is one of contemplation of eternal truths.” What is an
application of this thought in the classroom?
a. Make students and teachers reflect on their learning.
b. Take reflective students as anti-social and unmotivated.
c. Emphasize on the use of the five senses.
d. Begin your class with a prayer.
22. “The highest happiness is the contemplative use of the mind”, said Plato. Therefore, let us give
more opportunities for our students to do ________.
a. Introspection c. social interaction
b. cooperative learning d. role playing
23. Mencius believed that all people were born good. This thought on the innate goodness of
people makes it easier for us to ___ our pupils.
a. Respect b. motivate c. like d. teach
24. When we teach our objections to fatalism and determinism, our thought is contrary to ______.
a. Stoicism b. Skepticism c. Epicureanism d. Humanism
25. When we convince our students that pleasure is not the only good in life, we object to the
teachings of _______.
a. Skepticism b. Stoicism c. Epicureanism d. Humanism
26. Teacher N sees to it that her classroom is clean and orderly so her pupils will less likely
disarrange seats and litter on the floor. On which thought is her action based?
a. Reconstructionism c. Progressivism
b. Existentialism d. Behaviorism
27. Teacher R asserts that he needs to make his students get interested in the subject whether they
like it or not or may not get interested at all. This is more the thinking of a/an ____.
a. Reconstructionist c. perennialist
b. Essentialist d. behaviorist
28. Teacher S is of the thinking that from the very start students must be made to realize that study
is indeed hard work. To which philosophy does teacher S adhere?
a. Essentialism c. Progressivism
b. Perennialism d. Reconstructionism
29. The use of value clarification as a strategy in Values Education flows from which philosophy?
a. Existentialism b. Progressivism c. Essentialism d. Reconstructionism
30. The practice of non-graded instruction stems from _______.
a. Existentialism b. Reconstructionism c. Essentialism d. Progressivism
31. Who is more like to advise you to modify your classroom environment in such a way that your
pupils will be motivated to learn?
a. The Behaviorist c. The Cognitivist
b. The Humanist d. The Social-Cognitivist
32. You make full use of the question-and-answer method as a model for discussion. Who
championed/advocated the question-and-answer method?
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d. Not on bread alone is man to live but one every utterance that comes from the mouth
of God.
45. When the teacher allows freedom and individual self-expression in the classroom he believes
that the fundamental aim of education is self-fulfillment. The open classroom is the result of this
educational belief. This philosophical basis is –
a. Linguistic Analysis c. Naturalism
b. Existentialism d. Realism
46. Since its earliest conception, Philippine education has continually stressed the teaching of basic
competencies such as language, arithmetic, social studies and the sciences. That there are
important things that every person must acquire from the school system and is the focus of –
a. Idealism b. Existentialism c. Essentialism d. Progressivism
47. Which is not an anthropological view of education?
a. Education is a social institution.
b. Education is the process of teaching and learning Culture is a shared product
c. Education is an agent of change and modernization.
d. Education is boundary breaking between social classes.
48. Why should a teacher take the obligation upon himself to study and understand the custom and
traditions of the community where he works?
a. To change the culture of the community
b. To have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the community
c. To identify the weaknesses of the culture of the community
d. To please the people of the community
49. What practice is applied when a principal emphasize the need for clean and orderly classroom
as well as green and beautiful surroundings to contribute to effective teaching and learning?
a. Establish rapport between teachers and pupils
b. Provide adequate physical facilities
c. Provide an atmosphere conducive to learning
d. Utilize educational technology
50. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked which nationality they preferred if given a choice.
Majority of the pupils wanted to be Americans. In this case, in which obligation relative to the
state is school seemed to be failing?
a. Instill allegiance to the constitution authorities
b. Promote national pride
c. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
d. Respect for all constituted authorities
51. Education during this period was essentially intellectual discipline based on rational arguments.
This influenced educators who emphasized organization and reason in learning. This points to _.
A. Saracenic Education
B. Monastic Education
C. Scholastic Education
D. Feudalistic Education
52. The first American teachers in the Philippines were ____.
A. Soldiers
B. Graduates of the normal schools
C. Missionaries
D. Elementary graduates
53. Confucius asserted that in teaching there should be no distinction of classes. Confucius teaching
is in support of ____.
A. Education for All (EFA)
B. Moral Recovery Program
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C. Back-to-the-Basics
D. Values Education
54. Education during Revolutionary Period in the Philippines then was focused on the ____.
A. Establishment of nationhood.
B. Strengthening of the moral fiber of the people.
C. Mastery of the basic skills.
D. Mastery of the Spanish language.
55. One philosopher considers education as an acquisition of the art of utilization of knowledge.
This implies that ____.
A. A learner’s application of what she has learned is necessary.
B. A learner’s in art is commendable.
C. A learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient.
D. A learner’s acquisition of information is important.
56. Which of the following is the best situation where you can balance rights and authority?
A. Allow all their daughter’s suitors to come and go as she pleases.
B. Censor all their only daughter’s suitors.
C. Choose a life-time partner for their only daughter.
D. Caution their only daughter’s choice of a boyfriend.
57. Parents admit that SMS led about its effect on ____.
A. Communicating through guessing.
B. Ability to guess words correctly.
C. Shortening messages effectively.
D. Ability to spell words correctly.
58. Which action/s show/s that political factors affect schools as agents of change?
I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippine Schools.
II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum.
III. The practice of mainstreaming.
IV. The turnover of day care centers from DSWD to DepEd for supervision.
A. I and III
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. II and IV
59. Learner often finds it easier to fit into a new social situation when given encouragement and
support. How can this be done?
A. By giving him room responsibility.
B. By assigning “peers or buddies” to him.
C. By giving him special help.
D. By discovering his new interest.
60. Education is a life-long process. This simply means that education __.
A. may take place formally or informally to enable the individual to grow.
B. may take place anywhere and anytime the individual so desires.
C. is a continuous process of experiencing and reorganizing experiences.
D. take place in the school where the individual is exposed, self-contained
61. Tutoring learners is now practiced in our school provided it is not done by their own teacher but
by an outsider. Which of these Western philosophies influenced this practice?
a. Athenian b. Roman c. Spartan d. Egyptian
62. Which curricular move serves to strengthen spiritual and ethical values?
a. Re-introducing science as a subject in Grade 1
b. Integration of creative thinking in all subjects.
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