
国際教育推進機構 教員一覧


石川 涼子Ishikawa, Ryoko

専門分野 / Research Fields


Political science, contemporary political theory

研究主題 / Current research interests


Political theory of multiculturalism, multiculturalism in Canada

私はこれまでカナダの多文化主義政策を手掛かりに、文化的に多様な集団がお互いを尊重しながら共生することは可能かという問いに政治理論研究とカナダ地域研究の両側面から取り組んできました。なかでも、カナダの政治哲学者チャールズ・テイラー(Charles Taylor)の論考に注目し、「包摂と排除」をキーワードに、デモクラシーを共生のために機能させる方策を考察しています。


I am trained as a political theorist. My main research focus is on theoretical examination of multiculturalism in Canada. I am especially interested in analyzing under what condition democracy becomes exclusive and how democracy can be more inclusive. I teach political theory classes and preparatory classes for studying abroad including academic English classes.

羽谷 沙織Hagai, saori

専門分野 / Research Fields


Comparative Education, Educational Anthropology and Cambodian Education Development

研究主題 / Recent Research Topics


Khmer classical dance in the context of tourism development, comparative study on education for ASEANness and citizenship education in ASEAN countries and genocide tourism as 'touristic consumption' in Cambodia.

私は、これまで、カンボジアの舞踊教育について研究を進めてきました(「カンボジア古典舞踊教育にみる『クメール文化』の創出」(2008)アジア経済、日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所、49(10) 、31-56頁 」。古典舞踊に内包され、その上演を通して明示される「クメール文化」とはどのようなものなのか。これは、国民の大多数を占めるクメール民族が共有すべき性質としてのクメールなるのもをいかに再生するのかという課題と深く関わっていると考えます。

The Khmer Rouge regime under the Democratic Kampuchea took power in 1975 and was overthrown in 1979. At least 1.7 million people have died from starvation, torture, execution and forced labor during this period. Cambodian survivors, since then have been seeking to identify who they are. My main research topic is Khmer classical dance in the context of social/tourism development so as to focus on the reproduction process of their collective identity, Khmerness after genocide.

Kanduboda P. Bカンダボダ パラバート

専門分野 / Research Fields


Psycholinguistics & applied linguistics (Sinhalese, English, Japanese)

研究主題 / Recent Research Topics


Cognitive processing of words and sentences in Sinhalese, English, Japanese.

私は基本的に言語と文化に興味があります。 学位関連では、修士課程は応用言語学、博士課程では心理言語学の関連の研究で学位を取得しました。しかし、個人的な興味から大学生の授業内活動や課外活動、海外留学などの研究も行っています。最近は、アカデミックスキルについても調査を着手しています。

I am interested in languages & cultures. As for the degree obtained specialties, my MA says I am an applied linguistic researcher while the PhD shows a psycholinguistic research background. However, out of my personal interests, I also do research on in-class activities, extra-curricular activities and students’ study abroad programs pertaining university students. And, recently I started working on Academic Skills research too.

駒見 一善Komami, Kazuyoshi

専門分野 / Research Fields


International relations, Area studies  (China, Asia)

研究主題 / Recent Research Topics


(1)Political relations between Mainland and Greater China,
(2)Analysis of Immigrants from Mainland China and the impact to Ethnic Chinese Society 




曹 瑞林Cao, Ruilin

専門分野 / Research Fields


Public finance、The Chinese Economy

研究主題 / Recent Research Topics


(1)Comparative study of the tax system in China and Japan,
(2)Regional economic disparity,
(3)Comparative study of local government fiscal adjustment between countries



My first book, Modern China Taxation Systems (Gendai Chugoku Zeisei no Kenkyu, Doctoral dissertation Ritsumeikan University, published by Ochanomizu Shobo (Tokyo) in 2004), reveals the features of modern tax system in China in connection with the market economy of China. It summarizes the transient features of China tax system and presents reform agendas.

In recent years, my research interest focuses on public finance at local government level. Alone with the rapid growth of China economy, Social problems such as economic disparity and imbalance of public service between urban cities and rural areas, have emerged. I have presented research about relation between healthcare finance and local government finance, and local government fiscal adjustment of public service. These studies has led to improve the quality of educational content.

糸井 貴夕(ITOI Kiyu) 国際教育推進機構嘱託講師
LIU Soraya 国際教育推進機構嘱託講師
