Many components make up a complete marketing campaign. Messaging, of course, is very important, but so too is the design, as that is what consumers are drawn to first. Design encompasses many elements—the facets on a diamond, a company logo, web page layouts, images and even fonts all play a role in the design that resonates with your target audience. Superb design can influence, enlighten and excite. It can also speak volumes with its simplicity or inspire great thought with its creativity. Adweek Design is a category dedicated to design and the designers who cross boundaries and inspire other industry professionals to rethink the vertical.

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Why AI Design Needs Metaphors to Bridge the Gap With Consumers

These metaphors live on a spectrum—infinite possibilities for design exist within each.

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The Intersection of Design, AI and Creativity With PepsiCo’s Mauro Porcini

"I am genuinely excited about the role of AI in design," says chief design officer Mauro Porcini.

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Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Bring in the Design Team at the 4th Quarter

A case study from The Martin Agency on how to set up great design for great success.

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The Future of Design and AI’s Role in Creativity With Canva

How removing technical barriers will grow your business with ECD Cat van der Werff.

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Unlock Creative Effectiveness and C-Suite Buy-In With Neurodesign

Neurodesign doesn’t offer a paint-by-numbers template or form a creative straitjacket, which seems to be a common misconception.

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The Verge’s Dramatic Redesign Boosts Loyalty Even as Readership Dwindles

The publisher, like much of the industry, has seen traffic steadily decline.

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Take a Page From the Motion Identity Playbook

While a visual identity system provides the essentials, a motion identity expands this toolbox into the realm of video with new brand dimensions.

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The Speed of Culture Podcast: The Power of People, Passion and Purpose

The beverage giant's first-ever chief design officer shares his insights.

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For (Re)Brands, It’s Back to the Future

Go back to the best version of yourself and start from there.

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Marketers Embrace Inclusive Design to Boost Relevancy—and Profits

‘Inclusion is a societal demand and a business imperative for growth.’

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Unilever’s Latest Play to Tackle Food Waste? A ‘Smart’ Mayonnaise Jar

Hellmann’s hopes the temperature-sensitive packaging will get people talking.

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Polestar Reimagines Retail With a Car Showroom Built Out of Snow 

Polestar played with its retail space by constructing a showroom out of snow from the ski slopes.

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Why Escapism Will Be the Defining Design Trend of 2023 for Brands

Marketers are defying the gravity of our fraught historical moment.

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Purpose-Led Spaces Are Redefining the Music Industry

Looking at office design, we can see the impact of tech and trends on how space is utilized.

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‘An Investment in Attendance:’ Why Pop-Up Magazine Is Prioritizing Accessibility

The live journalism publisher partnered with disability consultants to expand its audience.