Versus Wiki

A Ray Of Light ( (ひと) (すじ) (こう) (みょう) Hitosuji no kōmyō?) is the 4th chapter of the Versus manga series.


Humans from 13 different worlds gather to discuss their survival. Zaybi suggests them to refer their respective threats as "Natural Enemies", and says that the world's names have already been decided. He then asks them to formally share information on their natural enemies.

Each of the 13 worlds are introduced, alongside their natural enemies and main characteristics. Zaybi asks the other humans for ideas to getting past their situation, but he is met with silence. Hallow reveals his idea of making natural enemies fight each other.

However, the hero is met with disagreement amongst the other worlds. Unable to defend himself, Hallow asks his brother for help but this gives Zaybi the idea of mocking every other natural enemy and claiming Demons are the strongest. This starts an argument between the other humans who claim their natural enemy is the strongest.

Humans from other worlds argue

Humans from other worlds argue

The situation escalates when every human starts arguing with each other, and later start fighting while Keila is begging them to stop. When Zaybi finally tells them his intention, they tell him it would not work with natural enemies, and while Zaybi agrees, he says it is not impossible to succeed.

Meanwhile, the end of the battle between Kiva and the Advanced Robot is revealed as Kiva destroys the robot. Exhausted, he swears to get revenge on Hallow. Kiva's left hand is then shown in the fortress as it twitches.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


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Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234
Volume 2 56789
Volume 3 1011121314
Volume 4 1516171819
Chapters not yet in Volume format 2021
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Story Arcs
Introduction Arc 12345
Titans vs The Neo-Humans Arc 6789
Demons vs Aliens Arc 101112131415
Demon Lord Arc 161718192021