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Neo-Terra ( (しん) (ぎゃく) (かい) Shingyakukai?) is one of the thirteen worlds featured in Versus. Humanity's natural enemy in this world is the Neo-Humans.[1]


This world's landscape is characterized by buildings with weird designs typically seen in real life carnivals from shapes to appearances, most notably clownish face decorations and monsters' head figures on top.[2] Residing in these cities are mutated human lifeforms known as the "Neo-Humans". Humans in this world are noted for their bright hair color and bodies full of bandages from head to toe as a result of the Neo-Humans' torture on them.[1] Humans are apparently powerless and mentally traumatized from these experiences.[3] Meanwhile, new humans are normally emotionless but are very sadistic, finding joy when brutalizing humans both physically and mentally.[4]

This world displays technological advances slightly above the real world. The cities contain modern infrastructure including roads, with extravagant vehicles like car and mini airships seeing common usage.[5] The humans that were enslaved note that the Neo-Humans' autobikes are much more advanced than the motorbikes used by the Lawless.[6] Neo-Humans are also seen utilizing modern devices like phone and headphone. Their clothes are complex and have great variety in fabric and color.[7] In contrast, humans wear simple patients' robes and have no tool,[8] likely due to confiscation by new humans. Religion is banned in this world as stated by Heidi.[9]

Neo-Terra symbol

Neo-Terra's symbol.


See Category:Characters from Neo-Terra


  1. 1.0 1.1 Versus Manga: Chapter 4, Page 5
  2. Versus Manga: Chapter 8, Pages 34-35
  3. Versus Manga: Chapter 7, Page 24
  4. Versus Manga: Chapter 9, Pages 16-17
  5. Versus Manga: Chapter 8, Page 26
  6. Versus Manga: Chapter 17, Page 10
  7. Versus Manga: Chapter 8, Page 36
  8. Versus Manga: Chapter 6, Page 21
  9. Versus Manga: Chapter 5, Page 7

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