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- "I can hear them…Dooku…Dooku…"
- ―Sifo-Dyas, seeing the future of Serenno
Serenno was a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories' D'Astan sector, covered in lush forests, mountains and plains. Serenno was named after its ruling family, House Serenno. During the Clone Wars, it was aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the leader of which was the Serenno-born Count Dooku. In the Imperial Era, the planet was occupied by the Galactic Empire.
Serenno was a terrestrial[5] planet located in the D'Astan sector's Serenno system, in the Northern Dependencies[2] of the Outer Rim Territories, in grid square P-5 on the Standard Galactic Grid.[1] Serenno orbited a singular star[2] and was orbited by two moons, including the moon of Mantero.[3]
The planet sat at a prime point along a maze of key hyperspace lanes, close to the planet Toprawa and the Corporate Sector that lay to the northeast, at the very start of the Hydian Way super-hyperroute. To the east sat the vast Gordian Reach and, within it, the Yavin system, while Mandalorian space lay south. A direct route down the Hydian Way to Brentaal IV would mean a short jump across to the planet Coruscant and the galactic seat of power. It was also situated along the Spurs of Celanon.[2]
Its surface was covered in lush rainforests and mountain ranges, as well as savannas, which gave way to rivers that spilled into oceans.[2] Serenno silver was a type of metal that shared its name with the world.[11] The plains of the world hid seams of sacanium that were discovered during the Invasion of Serenno.[3]
Many animal species lived on the planet such as spikebats, spine-wolves, and the most famous, the Tirra'Taka–a member of an ancient species of reptilian dragons. The Tirra'Taka was corrupted by those using the dark side, but it was able to break free from the dark side's control and manipulation, and later became trapped beneath the surface of the planet. The dragon who broke through the dark side ended up becoming a Serennian legend.[3]
Early history[]
The forested surface of Serenno at night
According to the legends of the noble houses of the planet, Serenno was once a planet under the control of the Sith Empire. While the Sith Empire controlled the planet, dark side force users found and corrupted the Tirra'Taka for use in battle. At some point, the seven great houses were mobilized by House Serenno and, according to their histories, expelled the Sith forces without Jedi assistance. During the battle, the Tirra'Taka broke free and became trapped underneath the surface of the planet where it later became a Serennian Legend. As a result of the battle, the planet was subsequently renamed in honor of Serenno, a member of House Serenno. Later, he formed the planetary council and joined the Galactic Republic. He also formed the Serenno military as the planetary defense force protecting the Serenno system and its planet, Serenno.[3]
Sometime later, a tale arose of a female theelin archaeologist called Loreth who was determined to find a tomb of a lost princess. Over the years while doing an apprenticeship, she was economical with her money and made some money from selling her discoveries to collectors on worlds such as Naboo and Serenno.[12]
High Republic Era[]
Around 232 BBY[13] during the High Republic Era, the planet was represented in the Galactic Republic by Senator Izzet Noor, who was also the spokesperson for the majority of Outer Rim locations that had been brought under the Republic's control.[14] By 231 BBY,[15] Kresto held the title Count of Serenno.[16]
By 102 BBY,[17] Serenno was ruled by Count Gora. Shortly after the birth of his second son, Dooku, Gora realized that the boy was Force-sensitive; due to his hatred of them, Gora quickly contacted the Jedi Order and then left the boy alone in a forest outside of his palace to die or be found by the Jedi seekers. Gora subsequently refused to speak of Dooku. As such, his other two children, Ramil and Jenza, and the wider Serennian public were initially unaware of Dooku's existence.
Before the Clone Wars[]
Gora's rule was unpopular for many Serennians due to him often laying off workers and replacing them with droids. He also dismantled the Serenno Military with security droids loyal to him and subsequently, many of the other Houses began dismantling their own House Guards in favor of droids.[3] Around 90 BBY[18], a celebration was hosted at Carannia on the planet which brought citizens all over the galaxy and Jedi to the planet. An incident occurred during the celebration where a sudden earthquake caused the Great Assembly House in Carannia to collapse which buried Jedi Initiate Dooku and Jenza, Dooku's sister. They were then saved by Jedi Masters and after the discovery of Dooku coming to Serenno, Gora ordered Grand Master Yoda and the Jedi to leave his planet. This revealed to Dooku that Gora was his father.[3]
Gora's unpopular rule led to a protest in[3] 82 BBY[19] at the Funeral of Countess Anya while Jenza was giving a speech about her mother, during which Gora almost ordered his Security Droids to fire on the protestors until Dooku intervened. This intervention unwittingly reveals Dooku's identity as Gora's son to the Serennian public.[3]
By 42 BBY,[20] Count Gora was replaced by his son Ramil who continued his father's work of dismantling the Serenno Military in favor of droids. While in power, as part of an elaborate scheme to remove the infighting between the Great Houses, he allowed pirates to repeatedly raid the planet and its capital. This forced the Great Houses to hire Abyssin mercenaries which were eventually bought out by Ramil who ordered them to seize control of the planet and its capital leading to the Invasion of Serenno. With no support from the Jedi Council or the Republic, Jedi Masters Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, and Lene Kostana went to Serenno to aid the resistance fighters on the planet. While traveling, the ship the Jedi Masters were in was shot down and crash-landed on the Delgaldon Plains on the planet. They then met up with the resistance fighters and launched an attack on an Abyssin Outpost near Carannia. After capturing the outpost, Ramil and his droid army intervened where they forcibly disarmed the Jedi Masters and the resistance fighters. Ramil then summoned Dooku to his ship, the Windrunner, and taunted him about how he will kill all members of the other six Great Houses and kill Jenza. This angered Dooku particularly when Ramil was about to give the order to kill Jenza leading to him summoning the Tirra'Taka which devastated Ramil's droid army. While the Tirra'Taka ravaged the droid army, Dooku killed Ramil. He was then forced to kill the Tirra'Taka after he lost control of the dragon.[3]
After becoming Count, a title he took on after the invasion of Serenno, Dooku attended a summit requested by the Great Houses in his castle. He then used a seam of scancium discovered near Carannia after the battle to help rebuild Carannia after it was ravaged in 42 BBY.[3]
Sometime before the Clone Wars, Dooku went to the Outer Rim planet Sullust to help continue the contract negotiations between Serenno and SoroSuub Corporation in person. He also went to the planet to secretly seek out the Kaldana Syndicate to ally with his master, Darth Sidious.[21]
In 24 BBY,[22] Dooku founded the Confederacy of Independent Systems, an alliance of solar systems who wanted to secede from the Republic. At some point, he moved his headquarters to a cliff-side castle on Serenno.[5] While ruling as Count, Dooku, like his predecessors, continued to dismantle the Serenno military and replaced workers with droids which caused unemployment to dramatically rise throughout the planet.[3]
Asajj Ventress traveled to her Master's homeworld to find his sister
Around 23 BBY,[23] in the great hall of his castle, Dooku tasked his Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress to go and find his sister, Lady Jenza. For her to find Jenza, she looked through datapads and Dooku's journal and learned how Dooku was before he left the Jedi Order. She finds out that she had been kidnapped and would be tracking Glute, a Crolute criminal who was hired by Raz Fellidrone. Before Ventress could get information from Glute, a sudden blaster bolt was fired into Glute's head, shot by a Republic Intelligence officer, Raz Fellidrone. He tortured Jenza to try to get information out of her to help the Galactic Republic. Ventress caught up with him and stabbed him through his chest with her lightsaber in his apartment on Serenno. Later Dooku arrived and wanted Jenza to be killed, for the information she held, as Ventress was later ordered. She then said "I'm sorry" as she buried her lightsaber into Jenza's chest in the apartment. Ventress then destroyed all evidence which led to the apartment and the building being destroyed in the resulting fire.[3]
Shortly before the Clone Wars, the Spike, a large underground, inverted cone-shaped prison designed to hold important prisoners, was constructed in the rocky Aparian Wastes on the planet.[24]
The Clone Wars[]
Serenno was unaffected throughout the Clone Wars
The hostility between the Republic and the Confederacy turned into a pan-galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, and Serenno became a stronghold of the Confederacy. Protected by a cordon of Confederate warships, the planet was kept insulated from the worst of the Clone Wars battles.[5] Dooku, however, funded his war effort with a war chest of spoils stolen from his people, in addition, to looting from worlds he had conquered.[25]
In the early stages of the Clone Wars, an incident on the Colonies planet Cato Neimoidia led to Dooku making a statement at Castle Serenno, his home on Serenno, where he condemned the Republic for causing the incident on Cato Neimodia in the first place. During the broadcast from his home, he dared the Republic to send Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to Cato Neimodia to prove its innocence.[26] At some point in the Clone Wars, the Blockade of Serenno occurred where the CIS used several Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessels to protect the planet.[2]
Dooku trained Opress on Serenno
In 20 BBY,[27] the Sith Master of Dooku, Darth Sidious, contacted Dooku in his palace via hologram and ordered the count to get rid of his Sith apprentice Ventress. As Ventress had grown too powerful, Sidious feared that she would pose a threat to his plans. However, Ventress survived Dooku's attempt to kill her. After returning to her people on Dathomir, she came back to Serenno with her fellow Nightsisters Karis and Naa'leth who were disguised as Jedi to assassinate Dooku at his palace. Nevertheless, the Nightsisters disguised as Jedi were no match for the count, who used the Force and hurled the intruders out of the palace. After the skirmish, Dooku received a transmission from the Nightsister Mother Talzin, who offered to replace Ventress with Savage Opress, a Dathomirian Nightbrother.[6] Upon completion of the deal, Opress was delivered to Dooku on Serenno,[28] and the count started to train him on that planet.[29]
Sometime later, Dooku summoned eleven of the galaxy's best bounty hunters, which included Cad Bane and Rako Hardeen, secretly Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise, to his home planet. He wanted to recruit the best-suited candidate to take part in Moralo Eval's plot to abduct the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. In order to do so, Dooku put the bounty hunters in Eval's Box, a cubical structure hosted on Serenno.[30]
Remembering how Savage Opress betrayed him and teamed up with Ventress to kill him, he ordered General Grievous in his palace to kill Ventress and massacre the Nightsisters on Dathomir. During the Battle of Dathomir, Mother Talzin attempted to kill Dooku leading to him ordering Grievous via comlink to stop Talzin by following a trail of green mist.[31] Dooku was saved when Grievous supposedly killed Talzin. After the battle of Dathomir, Dooku talked to Grievous about how Savage Opress was becoming stronger and how he sensed that something was rising.[32]
After a malfunction in the behavioral modification biochip of Tup caused the clone trooper to fire on Jedi General Tiplar, Dooku immediately reported to Darth Sidious of the incident in his palace, where Dooku was ordered by Sidious to seize the clone. Dooku obliged and ordered Separatist forces to capture the clone.[33] Dooku later received the two inhibitor chips from Tup and Fives in his palace that Advanced Recon Commando CT-5555 "Fives" was going to use as evidence to prove his theory regarding the chips. He then contacted Sidious who ordered all evidence including the chips to be destroyed.[4] Dooku later contacted Sidious who commanded him to help Rush Clovis take over the InterGalactic Banking Clan and ensure that he has no one else to turn to apart from him.[34]
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Plo Koon went to the moon of Oba Diah to examine a signal from its surface. After exploring the surface, Plo Koon found a crashed ship and the lightsaber of Sifo- Dyas which caused an investigation into what happened to Sifo Dyas. This led to Sidious contacting Dooku in his palace and force choking him to ensure that Dooku eliminated the loose end before the Jedi discover his plans.[35]
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Dooku imprisoned the Jedi assassin Master Quinlan Vos at his palace on Serenno. There, the Sith Lord subjected the Jedi to prolonged periods of torture. To push him to the dark side, Dooku revealed that his fellow assassin Ventress had murdered Vos' late Master Tholme. Enraged, Vos embraced the dark side and became Dooku's latest apprentice. When Ventress arrived with Boba Fett's syndicate to rescue Vos, he spurned their rescue and sided with Dooku.[36]
The clone trooper Kix was captured and to be brought to Serenno
After Dooku found out that CT-6116 "Kix" knew about the plot to kill all the Jedi by investigating what CT-5555 "Fives" claimed, Dooku ordered Kix kidnapped. After capturing and interrogating the clone, the Separatists believed that the clone was deceiving them. Because of this, the Separatists planned to bring the clone to Serenno in the Obrexta III. While the Obrexta III was taking off, Republic forces ambushed the vessel. Under strict orders to not allow the clone to fall into Republic hands and with the ship being unable to go to Serenno due to the ship suffering grievous damage, the cruiser jumped to hyperspace at a random sector where it eventually crash-landed on the Outer Rim planet Ponemah Terminal in the Western Reaches.[37]
In 19 BBY,[27] the Republic attempted to capture Serenno in the D'Astan campaign however failed to do so.[2] Around 19 BBY,[27] Count Dooku sent Duke Solha to the Outer Rim planet Mokivj to turn an existing factory there into a droid factory. While on Mokivj, Duke Solha produced Cortosis B2 super battle droids. Later on, his brother and sister came to work with him on Mokivj.[9] In the same year,[38] Count Dooku ordered General Grievous to bring a large kyber crystal to the planet however the plan was thwarted by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.[39]
Throughout the Clone Wars, Dooku oversaw the Separatist Senate on the Outer Rim planet Raxus Secundus from his home, Castle Serenno via hologram. The planet also acted as a refuge for Dooku where he could meditate in the dark side of the Force.[5]
Imperial Era[]
- "Serenno is Imperial-occupied."
- ―Hunter
![Imperial operation serenno](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/4/4f/Imperial_operation_serenno.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/348?cb=20230106223533)
Imperial operation on Serenno
The Clone Wars ended with the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire, only days after Dooku's death during the Battle of Coruscant.[40] The Empire swiftly conquered and occupied Serenno.[8] Launching a targeted campaign against the planet's population, many Serennians were killed,[25] and at least one of the planet's cities, in view of Castle Serenno, was destroyed via orbital bombardment.[8] Some surviving Serennians, such as Romar Adell, went into hiding on their world. Adell moved into a hidden home in the upper forest region.[25] The Empire sent clone troopers led by Clone Captain Wilco to Castle Serenno to secure Dooku's riches and transport it off-world.[8]
The pirate Phee Genoa learned of the operation and informed her contact Cid, an information broker on Ord Mantell. Cid hoped to secure some of the funds in case she had to flee her operation due to the Empire and persuaded the clone deserters of Clone Force 99, who had been working for her as mercenaries, to try and steal some of the war chest to secure their futures. When the "Bad Batch" arrived on Serenno, they discovered the destroyed city for themselves on approach to the castle. When they arrived there, they found that the majority of the riches had already been loaded onto three class four container transports which were about to depart. Splitting into two groups, the team attempted to steal some of the contents of Transport Three's haul, while the squad's leader, Hunter, attempted to stage a diversion by blowing up some V-wing starfighters.[8]
Things swiftly went wrong for the would-be thieves, however, and Transport Three took off early with Batch members Echo, Tech, and Omega still onboard. Hunter and Wrecker were forced to escape through the castle and out into the ruined city, while the group onboard the transport resorted to jettisoning its entire load of cargo containers to return to Serenno's surface after the starship's escape pods were launched by its crew.[8] Wilco led a pursuit into the ruins and ordered other troopers after the scattered cargo, which landed in the upper forest region. There, Echo, Omega, and an injured Tech encountered Adell and threatened him into letting them briefly shelter at his house.[25]
Omega, feeling guilty due to believing she was the reason her brothers were fugitives, snuck back to the cliff where their cargo container had crashed in an attempt to recover some of the riches. Echo discovered she was missing when he returned from a patrol and tracked her down at the same time that Imperial clone troopers discovered the site, forcing him to retreat into the cargo container. Despite his injury, Tech followed them and fought off some clone troopers, with help from Adell once the old man decided to follow. The fight left Omega unable to retrieve any of the war chest as the cargo container was knocked further down the cliff; Echo persuaded her to abandon it before they escaped.[25]
![Ruins of war](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d9/Ruins_of_war.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/275?cb=20230106222343)
Serenno City was reduced to ruins
In the ruined city, Hunter and Wrecker were tracked and surrounded by Wilco's company while attempting to find something they could use as a weapon. Wrecker improvised a cannon out of parts of an old Separatist tank which he used to blast his way through enemy lines. The two fugitives were able to escape the city and were chased back to their starship, the Marauder. Taking off, they rendezvoused with the other members of the Batch and picked them up. Adell declined an offer to come along. Wilco's attempt to truthfully report the incident led to his murder at Castle Serenno by Vice Admiral Rampart, who was attempting to cover up the Bad Batch's survival of the Fall of Tipoca City to avoid the displeasure of his superior, Governor Wilhuff Tarkin.[25]
By 10 BBY,[41] Chrodber served as the Count of Serenno and was a guest aboard the First Light, Dryden Vos' yacht.[42] In 9 BBY,[43] a B2-series super battle droid recounted that he had carried out patrols on Serenno previously. In the same year, the Mirialan Moran told a story to Jedi Fugitive Cal Kestis about the incident over the Outer Rim Territories planet Muunilinst and how he was accosted by a customs longship due to the fence failing to update transponder codes. According to Moran, his vessel was marked and boarded by three customs officers. Though Moran attempted to lie to the officers, one officer decided to kick open a shipping container which according to Moran, was full of slightly incriminating powder. In order to hide what really was in the shipping container, Moran told the officers that they were looking at the ashes of a thousand ritually cremated Serennian war heroes. The officers believed Moran's lie leading to Moran being able to evade the officers rather than spending time in a Muunilist Work Camp.[44]
By 0 BBY,[45] Corellian smuggler Han Solo met a girl named Sarla in the Carannia Spaceport on Serenno, who fell for Solo's charms.[7]
Later events[]
During the First Order-Resistance War, the Serennian mercenary Kendoh Voss led the Kendoh Gang, intent on restoring her family's once-great fortunes.[46] Voss was known as the "Scourge of Serenno."[47]
- "And for your information, I am the boss. I am Duke Solha of the Free System of Serenno."
- ―Solha, to Anakin Skywalker and Thrawn
Serenno was home to mainly humans, however, the population also included a smattering of Chiss and Twi'leks.[2] During the Clone Wars, Serenno was the personal stronghold for Count Dooku and was insulated from the War. Although it was politically important to the Confederacy, not many visitors came to Serenno, with those who came to Serenno mainly being prisoners such as Quinlan Voss[36] and people vital to the Confederacy.[3] As Dooku exploited his own people for the war effort, the people of Serenno began to turn against their ruler. After the rise of the Empire, however, the Serennian population was persecuted, with survivors such as Romar Adell living in hiding on their planet.[25]
Serennian nobility wore Serennian cloaks to allow people to identify them as nobility. Count Dooku, Duke Solha, Solha's brother, and Solha's sister all wore Serennian cloaks. Serenno also had many customs which included permitting condemned prisoners one last request.[9] Those of House Serenno that died were buried on Mantero, a moon that orbited the planet Serenno.[3]
In 19 BBY,[27] a Model 2 datacore containing a fragment of Serennian history, culture, music, arts, and memories was one such item that survived the Imperial Orbital Bombardment of at least 1 city near Castle Serenno. The item was located in Romar Addell's House.[25]
Castle Serenno[]
Castle Serenno was a luxurious, ornamental castle located on the edge of a cliff overlooking a valley in which stood Serenno City.[6] The upper forest region was situated nearby.[8] The estate featured ten relay stations and a central main tower that stood twenty-two meters high,[2] also housing a great hall and a sleeping chamber.[6] By 20 BBY,[27] the castle housed the Box, a newly constructed cubical structure used to test the skills of bounty hunters.[30] Those permitted to enter the castle walked along a long pathway in between the gardens that led to the Castle.[6]
The castle was the headquarters of House Serenno.[48] During the Clone Wars, it was the residence and stronghold of Count Dooku.[6] By 19 BBY,[27] during the Imperial Era, the structure was abandoned and later pillaged by the Galactic Empire for Dooku's War Chest.[8]
Romar Adell's domicile[]
A house belonging to Romar Adell was located in the upper forest region of the planet. An Imperial orbital bombardment of a nearby city close to Castle Serenno forced him to live there. The house featured a basement containing items that survived the orbital bombardment, including a model 2 DataCore containing a fragment of Serennian history and culture.[25]
Behind the scenes[]
Concept art of a Serenno City
Serenno first appeared in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode Nightsisters.[6]
In the 2018 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Serenno was misspelled as "Serreno."[49]