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"It is not our way. The Counts of Serenno do not complain or cry. We are born to take care of others. We don't expect others to take care of us."

Serenno was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories. It was known for its aristocratic Counts, the most famous of them being Dooku. It was also well known for its long history of resisting authority.[9]


The Old Republic[]


The forested surface of Serenno at night

In about 3661 BBY, during the Great Galactic War, Serenno was attacked and captured by the forces of the Sith Empire, under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Malgus.[5] One thousand years before the Battle of Yavin Serenno was governed by the six Great Houses to which the Counts of Serenno belonged; the Counts were amongst the wealthiest beings in the galaxy and believed in noblesse oblige and self-reliance. Two of the six Great Houses were Nalju and Demici. Other lesser noble families allied themselves with the Six or were distant relatives.

Serenno capital backed many projects of the Galactic Republic of which the planet was a valued member, despite being a frequent hotbed of sedition.

During the Light and Darkness War, around the time of the Ruusan campaign, agents of Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness found their way into the Unknown Regions and encountered the Chiss Ascendancy. The legion of Chiss that accompanied Kaan's agents back to the New Sith Empire settled Thule and soon spread into the larger galaxy.[10]

In 990 BBY, the planet was the site of anti-Republic agitation, and a failed kidnapping attempt of former Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum, both of which failed due to the manipulations of Darth Zannah. Since the kidnapping attempt involved killing servants and attacking a guest under the protection of Count Nalju, it offended the Great Houses, which quickly took steps to eliminate the seditious movements.[3]

Separatist heartland[]

"I didn't mean to suggest that the Republic is purposely depriving the outlying systems of the right to self-determination. I'm merely speculating, because I see a growing threat."
"You are not alone in seeing it, Magister.
―Magister Damask and Jedi Master Dooku discuss the possibility of a coming war[4]

Nearly a millennium later, Serenno gave rise to a far more dangerous rebel demagogue. Dooku was born on Serenno in 102 BBY. His family bore the title of Count and lived in a great house with rose bushes. Dooku once visited the seashell-littered shores of a Serenno ocean as a child. Dooku was found to be Force-sensitive at a young age and was taken in by the Jedi Order, rising to become one of its foremost Masters and counted among the Old Guard of the Order.

In 52 BBY, Serenno was caught in a dispute with Celanon over the placement of new hyperwave transceivers that would disrupt existing hyperroutes, exposing Serennian ships to greater tariffs. Serenno's Count Vemec convened a conference on the issue in a castle with Minister Damask—the head of Damask Holdings and a major figure in the InterGalactic Banking Clan, as well as a Sith Lord—which was mediated by Jedi Master Jocastu Nu, assisted by Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn.[4]


Count Dooku on a balcony of a structure on Serenno conversing with his master via hologram.

After resigning from the Jedi Order in the aftermath of the Battle of Galidraan and the death of Qui-Gon Jinn in the Battle of Naboo, Dooku returned to Serenno and resumed his hereditary title as Count, giving him control of the vast fortune controlled by his family. The planet acted as one of his strongholds during the Clone Wars.

After murdering Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, Dooku stored his cryogenically frozen body on the planet, to be retrieved several years later for transportation to Geonosis, where a blood transfusion between the dead Jedi and Qymaen jai Sheelal occurred. As the Clone Wars progressed, Dooku kept his castle on Serenno and used it as a base of operations from time to time. On one occasion, Darth Sidious contacted Dooku in his palace via hologram and ordered him to kill his apprentice Asajj Ventress, who was growing too powerful and posed a threat to the Sith. Ventress survived, and in retaliation, she led the Dathomiri Nightsisters Karis and Naa'leth to raid Dooku's palace and kill him. Despite their concealment power, Ventress and her two allies were no match for Dooku, who used the Force to hurl the three assailants out of the palace, a fall from which they barely survived. After the Skirmish, Dooku received a message from a old acquaintance, Mother Talzin, who offered him a new apprentice, the brother of Darth Maul, Savage Opress.[11] Opress was delivered to Dooku by Mother Talzin and a couple of her Nightsisters.[12] It was here Dooku started to train Opress as his new apprentice through brutal exercises.[13]

After this Dooku brought eleven of the galaxy's best bounty hunters, which included Cad Bane and Obi-wan Kenobi, disguised as Rako Hardeen. Dooku wanted to test to see who was worthy to take part in Moralo Eval's plot to kidnap the Republic Supreme Chancellor. Dooku then put them in Eval's Box to test them.[14]

When the Confederacy of Independent Systems was forced onto the defensive in 19 BBY during the Outer Rim Sieges, Serenno was at the heart of the Serenno theater, the Republic's offensive into Separatist territories in the Northern Dependencies. The Republic drove to Serenno from New Bornalex and Ord Radama, hoping to clear the way to the hyperspace crossroads of Celanon and Dooku's homeworld.[7]

Imperial era[]

"Lord Vader! This is barbaric! You never spoke of this!"
"The rest of the Galaxy suffered, so now will Serenno. The houses will be cleansed by blood."
―Adan Dooku and Darth Vader[15]

Even after the defeat of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the formal end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, shadowy interests on Serenno continued to back Separatist holdouts. During the Ciutric Offensive, Separatist forces that had fled from Muunilinst and Mygeeto into the Ciutric sector were funded by Serenno, while Serennian mercenaries assisted in breaking the Imperial Siege of Binquaros and helping the Separatists there evacuate.[7]

Cleansing of Serenno

Darth Vader turned the heirs of Serenno against their fathers.

Shortly thereafter, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader drove the heirs of the Great Houses of Serenno to mass parricide that came to be known as the Cleansing of Serenno. As a result, the Great Houses were brought in the bosom of the newly formed Galactic Empire, and Adan Dooku was appointed Count of Serenno, liege lord of all the other patricians on the planet. Most of the galactic community never knew what really happened on Serenno that day, only that the event had seen the replacement of the old heads of houses by their sons. Agent Jahan Cross of the Imperial Intelligence was one of the few to ever learn the true story of the Cleansing of Serenno, which he heard in 3 BBY from the mouth of Count Rodas Borgin, who had drawn the first blood during the massacre.[15]

Five days after the death of Adan Dooku, the various Serenno houses held a conclave to appoint a regent ruler to rule in Bron Dooku's place until he came of age; as an official Imperial envoy, Agent Jahan Cross was naturally invited to attend these normally highly exclusive discussions. Though assigned to ensure Rodas Borgin's appointment as regent, Cross took it upon himself to protect the child of the man he himself killed. The main negotiator at the meetings was Cross's father, Davim Cross, who was skeptical of Jahan's supposed non-involvement with the death of Count Dooku.[15]

The next round of meetings took place aboard the Dooku airship, the Windrunner. In the midst of negotiations, the airship was attacked by a pirate airship known as the Bloodskull. Commanded by Vex, operating under the employment of Rodas Borgin, the pirates attempted to capture Bron Dooku.[16]

During the Galactic Civil War, an heir of Count Demici set out to hunt split-tail dorsallope with a dozen of House Demici Noble Guard and went missing near the House Nalju territory. His father, Count Demici, suspected the rival House Nalju for his son's disappearance.[17]

Count Demici hired a group of colonists to locate his missing heir. During their investigation in Nalju territory, they were captured and accused of espionage and brought to a House Nalju encampment led by a heir of Count Nalju. Young Nalju claimed that he was investigating a sighting of House Demici Noble Guard and that he would gladly escort the Demici heir home if he found him, in order to avoid war between their houses. The group learned that House Nalju was not responsible for the boy's disappearance.[17]

In the middle of the night, the Nalju encampment was attacked by House Demici Noble Guardsmen. The heir to House Nalju was stunned and abducted into the forest. The group followed the kidnappers to a canyon. Once inside, they discovered the two heirs have allied to drive their houses to war. They had planned to kill their fathers during the confusion and take over their respective houses, and after a brief arms race, unite House Demici and House Nalju and dominate Serenno.[17]

Following the Battle of Endor, Warlord Zsinj set up a base on Serenno[18] and used the planet as a capital of his empire.[2]


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