Apr. 16th, 2024

solarbird: (korra-on-the-air)

It may be a little difficult to believe now, but once upon a time Dave Reichert, Republican candidate for Washington State governor, was semi-popular here. He got the nickname “Batman” when he jumped out of a car to stop some sort of assault – a mugging, I think? – in progress when he was sheriff, and it was caught on camera.

To be clear, this was a cop actually doing the sort of thing cops are generally supposed to do, as opposed to what they actually do. People were like “dang, he’s Batman!” and for a little while, it stuck.

Anyway, he’s running for Governor, and in February, he got recorded saying marriage is “between a man and a woman” at a Republican event. That’s the headline in the Seattle Times today.

He’s saying that he wouldn’t take any action to restrict same-sex marriage and there’s the usual trotting out of a couple of supporters spouting “he’s not a homophobe,” like y’do.

But he’s also saying “transgender men” shouldn’t compete in “women’s sports.”

Well, that’s true – they shouldn’t.

But that’s not what he’s actually saying.

He’s not talking about men, trans or otherwise. He’s talking about trans women.

It’s a TERF/fundamentalist requirement – an absolute dictum – never to call trans women women. The further into that belief system you are, the stronger the requirement. So what they do is call trans women “transgender men.”

This came over from TERFism. It’s specifically meant to be demeaning and denying, despite the communications confusion that results. (The confusion is also a desired effect, of course; they want trans women to be seen as men.)

By using this language, Reichert is demonstrating how fully he is into reactionary fundamentalist and TERF politics. No matter how hard he might be trying right now to present himself as some sort of “moderate” Republican – something that I find less likely to exist at this point than a unicorn or honest Trump supporter – he’s not. His language proves his lie.

The fundamentalists, the authoritarians, the fascists – they’ll all hear him, and know.

So should you.

Make sure your friends know, too.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (pindar-most-unpleasant)

Work has been keeping me extra busy, so I’ve been quiet here. But I think things have calmed down now. I hope so, anyway.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

December 2024

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