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Regular Show Wiki

"Ra-Ha Ringtone" is a Regular Show short released by Cartoon Network on April 15, 2011.


Mordecai and Rigby are on the House stairs relaxing when Mordecai gets and idea to write a hit song. Rigby agrees and they both come up with a song with them saying "Ha" in a remixed tune. Benson then arrives wonder what's going on with Mordecai saying that they were trying to write a hit song. Benson furiously claims that there is no way that they could write a hit song. Mordecai denies this but when Benson asks Pops, Muscle Man, and Skips if they could they all agree no. In an effort to prove them wrong Mordecai and Rigby drive straight to a record company to pitch their song but they get thrown out in the process.

Back at the Park they agree with Benson that they can't write a hit song, who tells them to get back to work. Mordecai then gets an idea to write a ringtone instead with Rigby agreeing. They change their song to add lyrics with them singing "pick up the phone" which turns out to be a success. That is, until Benson arrives, telling them to get back to work.




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