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Regular Show Wiki
Golf cart Featured Article
This page has previously been in the spotlight as this wiki's featured article, during: May 2012

"Busted Cart" is the twenty-sixth episode of Season Three (and sixty-sixth episode overall) of Regular Show. The episode first aired on May 14, 2012.


Mordecai and Rigby sneak along onto Benson's road trip to get the cart fixed before the warranty expires.


The episode opens up with Mordecai and Rigby doing nearly impossible stunts on a golf cart, and surprisingly not crashing the car. However, shortly after getting out of the cart, the guys watch in horror as the car rolls down the hill it was parked on. Mr. Maellard, who was applauding Benson's park management, notices the cart crash into a tree as Mordecai and Rigby chase after it. Interrupting Benson's yelling at the guys, Maellard takes Benson to his office, ordering him to go to the very far away golf cart dealership before the warranty expires. Benson makes an excuse, but Mr. Maellard doesn't care and tells him to go get the cart fixed or he's fired.

Mordecai apologizes to Benson for ruining his cart and he and Rigby offer to make it up to him. Benson says "no" because they only screw things up. He tells them to stay in town while he gets his cart fixed. Despite Mordecai telling Benson that it's too far for one person to handle, Benson says that he will take his chances. After a day on the road, Benson notices Mordecai and Rigby stowing away in the back of his truck. Benson stops the car and reminds them that he told them not to come. Mordecai says that they really wanted to help. Benson tells them to be quiet so that he can think. He tells them that they were supposed to be a million miles from him right now, but since he doesn't have time to turn around and take them back, he orders them to come with him and also tells them to do exactly what he says for the rest of the trip. After a mishap with a bottle of water and a bag of napkins, Benson is forced to take a DUI test. After this, Mordecai apologizes to Benson and Rigby explains what happened but Benson interrupts him and chooses not to hear anything and also tells them not to say or do anything for the rest of the trip and to stop messing things up. After this, Rigby asks why Benson hates the two so much, but he says that he doesn't hate them, just some of the things that they do, and the trio slowly make up with each other, after some jokes and start to enjoy the trip, and it gets better when Benson asks if they want to listen to electronic pop music. Then he plays the music causing the trio to start dancing to it. This makes Benson lose control of the truck, which causes them to be pulled over by a police car, but the police officer starts dancing too. As they drive on into the night, Benson begins getting drowsy, so Mordecai offers to drive. Reluctantly, Benson agrees and soon is soundly sleeping in the front passenger seat. Getting distracted by a sign, despite being "like two inches away" from the dealership, Mordecai and Rigby decide to pull over and play in a video game arcade, intending to only play in there for thirty minutes.

Hours later, Benson wakes up to find that Mordecai and Rigby have been playing in the arcade for literally all night. He takes them out of the arcade and then begins to erupt into a mix of anger and grief as he explains that, while it seems to him that Mordecai and Rigby aren't aware that their actions have consequences on others and that they don't seem to care about keeping their jobs, he cares about keeping his and he will lose it for not turning the cart in to the dealership in time and how he will be left with nothing, thus bursting into tears and taking his "last bathroom break as an employed man". Feeling horrible for their mistake, Mordecai and Rigby take the ranger truck to Highway 13, an EXTREMELY dangerous shortcut. Benson is able to buy a motorcycle off a random passerby, and is able to catch up to the guys, jumping on the truck and crashing the motorcycle.

In order to survive the highway, Mordecai and Rigby unhook the crashed car from the truck, and attach it to the truck after getting on the road, allowing Mordecai and Rigby to use their well learned car stunts with Benson still being in the truck. They manage to barely make it to the dealership with literally a second to spare. However, the trio are injured along the way and an ambulance has to take them away. On the way to the hospital, Mordecai and Rigby are relieved that they have succeeded, but Benson reminds them that the truck is totaled, to which they then show enthusiasm for the upcoming road trip to take the broken truck to its respective dealership.



  • Park
  • Joyspot Arcade
  • Highway 13
  • Cart Dealership



  • The scene where a cop pulls Benson over and makes him point at himself with his eyes closed is a DUI test which is what police make people do after driving incidents to see if they were drunk driving or not.
  • Benson doesn't hate Mordecai and Rigby, rather he hates the things the duo does.

Pop Culture References[]

  • The signage of Joyspot Arcade is clearly inspired by the real life arcade Funspot, with a similar looking color scheme and mascot.

Production Notes[]

  • This episode received 2.262 million views worldwide.