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Regular Show Wiki

"Married and Broke" is the fourteenth episode in Season Six (and the one-hundred and sixty-seventh episode overall) of Regular Show. It first aired on January 29, 2015.


Muscle Man and Starla hope game show winnings will pay for their wedding. Outside of the game show at The Park, most of the workers whose been watching Muscle Man and Starla's participation are somehow attacked by an Alien Ants.




S6E14 Married and Broke Credits



Tony and Oren.

Episode Connections[]

Pop Culture References[]

  • After Muscle Man passionately kisses Starla, there are two people in the audience, Tony and Oren, who resembles Regular Show storyboard artist, Toby Jones and Owen Dennis, who also storyboarded this episode.[1]
  • Kyle Garrity is likely a reference to comedian and television host 'Steve Harvey'.
  • The Orphan Couple is very much like the characters Bones Justice and Sherry Steele from the Mutant League drawing.
  • A man strongly resembling Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls is visibly seen as one of the people in the audience when they gasp.


  • Hi Five Ghost can be heard saying "Ant farms?" even though he isn't saying anything.

