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The Pervs are a hunter gang in Manhunt 2. They are the third hunter group the player encounters in the game.


The Pervs are contemptible people. Guys will come into the club "expecting a blowjob", and end up being tortured by them. [7] It is unknown where the name of the gang came from, the first mention of the name is by Leo Kasper, introducing the gang to Daniel Lamb. These bouncers are more violent as other hunter groups as they have a basement of the club and use the place to take victims and torture them with such weapons and tools.



Image File name Description
sm_uni (PC/Wii) This Perv is a light skinned man wearing a white unicorn mask with a black mohawk, along with a crimson red dress shirt and black tie, a white blood splattered lab coat, black surgical gloves, a pair of oversized chrome red leather pants, and black leather dress shoes.
sm_sas (PC/Wii) This Perv is a light skinned man wearing a hairy Nosferatu mask. He also wears a stained black rubber apron, a dark leather shirt, a dark pair of gloves, black leather pants with two dark red stripes on the bottom of each leg, and large black laced boots.
sm_piss (PC/Wii) This Perv is an obese Caucasian man with scarring across his body. He wears a PDF-2SH gas mask with a gimp hood and custom strapping, along with a piss drinking funnel attached to the exhale valve port. He is also almost naked except for a widely belted harness, two leather bracelets on his right arm, laced leather jock shorts and black jockey boots.
sm_pig (PC/Wii) This Perv is an obese man wearing a bloodied faux pig mask, along with a bloody white shirt with very bloody black rubber overalls, a pair of bloody black rubber gloves, a brown leather belt with a leather satchel containing meat as well a stained green cloth tied to it, and a pair of knee-high black water-resistant rubber boots.
sm_hor (PC/Wii) This Perv is a Caucasian man wearing a dark horse mask with a black mohawk and leather studded detailing,He wears dark pants with black leather dress shoes, a white dress shirt and black tie, and a bloodied black double-breasted officers coat with red trim, as well shoulder boards and an arm band stylized after a romanticized interpretation of Schutzstaffel officials.
sm_cat (PC/Wii) This Perv is a light skinned man wearing a leather cat mask. He also wears a stained brown leather smock, a dark pair of gloves, black leather pants with two dark red stripes on the bottom of each leg, and large black laced boots.
Jan_A This Perv is an older Caucasian man with short brown hair nicknamed "Janitor". He wears a stained white surgical mask, a bloodied white striped shirt and bloody brown overalls with a single pocket, a brown leather belt with a dark blue rag tied to it and a and dark brown leather satchel attached to it, a pair of stained black rubber gloves, and black rubber boots.
gmp_A This Perv is an obese Caucasian man with scarring across his body. He wears an open gimp hood with metal eyelets and jagged zipper teeth. He is also almost naked except for a widely belted harness, two leather bracelets on his right arm, laced leather jock shorts and black jockey boots.
gmp_B (doorman) This Perv is a densely built Caucasian man with trybal tattoos on his stomach and left bicep. He wears a black leather chest harness, black leather chaps with holes taken out and a black leather jock strap with cod piece, a pair of black fingerless leather motorcycle gloves with holes taken out, and black leather jockey boots.


This Perv is a thick Caucasian man wearing a zipped gimp mask. He wears a bright red shirt with black collars, pockets, and the end of the sleeves, a red and black plaid skirt, a black pants and shoes.
sm_B This Perv is an athletic light skinned man wearing a muzzeled black leather gimp mask with jagged edges and studded detailing. He wears a ripped black shirt with red stitching in the form of "X"s along with a large red X painted in the middle, a pair of tattered stockings on his arms, a large black studded belt with a cod piece attached via straps, worn and repaired black cargo shorts and knee high black leather combat boots.
sm_D This Perv is a large Caucasian man wearing a loose red hood with a substantial amount of holes. He wears a red undergarment beneath a clawn and torn black shirt emblazoned on the front with white lettering reading "FATHER FIST" and below it an arrow pointing to his nether regions, under his red garment is what appears to be chainmail going up and covering his hands, along with crimson red pants covered in an innumerable amount of mismatching black leather belts, and finally black leather boots.
This Perv is an a light skinned man wearing a tight homemade looking gimp mask, with wide open eyes and a stitched up mouth, red painted trim and "LOVE" inscribed in red on the forehead. He wears a ragged black shirt with red trim, a mismatched pair of stockings on his arms- on his left arm a shorter black stocking with tears and on his right a longer red stocking with rips and holes, a large black studded belt with a cod piece attached via straps, black shorts with a red bleach pattern, and knee high black leather combat boots.


Events of Manhunt 2[]

Circa 2007[]

After finding matches with a name "Judy" written on it, Daniel Lamb goes to the Le Papillon Rouge S&M Club while Leo Kasper tries to warn him. Starting the episode, Leo Kasper introduces The Pervs to Daniel. Daniel enters to the restroom, seeing a Perv entering the restroom urinal. Daniel kills the Perv with parts of the urinal.

Exiting the restroom, Daniel spots the Pervs done watching the stripper dancing, so one of them stand in a pressure plate opening the exit door.

Going through the receptionist from the back way, Daniel spots a Perv idling. Entering the next room, Daniel sees two Pervs telling the strippers into the dungeon with the help of Judy. Some Pervs stay in the current place to guard. In the dungeon, the Pervs are torturing innocent people with Power-Saws, Stun-Prods, scalpels, and electric chairs.

A lost Perv is seen inside Velvet Glove on the cashier. His actions are different from other Pervs, as he will not hurt Daniel but instead run away from him.

Episode Appearances[]


The Pervs

Official Screenshots[]


  1. Used as a name for their own animations. Also from the dialogue labels.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Used as names for an unused Perv model.
  3. Sexual Deviants intro cutscene
    Leo Kasper: You know this place. The Project recruited here.
  4. Sexual Deviants
  5. Dixmor Hospital Patient Records, p. 11.
  6. Jay O. Sanders, Wikipedia
  7. Leo dialogue: "The Pervs run this club. They're pure sleaze. Guys come in expecting a blowjob, they go out Project zombies."

