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The Innocentz are a street gang absorbed in sect imagery. Although young, they are fierce fighters who prefer to use their combined force rather than individual skill. The gang is made up of two specific groups- The Skullys form the basic horde, but Starkweather brought in the Babyfaces to add muscle and a distressing contrast to the gang. The Skullyz resent this intrusion and are genuinely uneasy around them, for good reason. Basically, the Skullyz are playing the part of lunatics and the Babyfaces are the real deal, but they all behave like human jackals.
— Official Strategy Guide

The Innocentz are the fourth gang of hunters the player encounters in Manhunt.


Active since the year 1998,[1] the Innocentz are a “notoriously dangerous and ruthless” gang based around the East Los Albos area in Carcer City[2] where they hang out in the abandoned church and a vacated mall.[3] Their tags found on the walls of the Wardogs apartment imply that it used to be their territory.[4][5] A unique gang, the Innocentz are a mixed bag composed of two subgroups and hence the most diverse gang in Carcer City so far. The first subgroup is the Skullyz, who are distinguished by their prominent skull imagery. Mexicans are prevalent in this group, but there are other ethnicities as well, as shown by one particular American member. They range from mere lowlifes, junkies and drug dealers to real Devil-worshipping occultists. The second subgroup is the Babyfaces, obese men who are unhinged pedophiles or mentally disabled serial killers that even the Skullyz find appalling, although they never say it to their face.

Some of the Innocentz' tags give insight into what this gang is all about. Some of their tags intimidate and perhaps deter anyone who is not them, with chilling words like “GOD IS CALLING”,[6] which seems to be aligned with one of the Innocentz' spiritual beliefs on death.[7] One of their icons is the Chaos Star, which implies their alignment to chaos, perhaps anarchism or lawlessness.[8] One of their tags says “Living just for DYING!”[8] which is aligned with one Innocent's beliefs on mortality.[9]

In their spare time, the Innocentz (both Skullyz and Babyfaces alike) waste their lives in their turfs with cigarettes,[10] alcohol,[3] and recreational drugs such as peyote.[11][12]

According to Valiant Video's Winter / Spring Catalogue, the Innocentz are known to drive their prey insane, perhaps through the evil and edgy things they say about death and hell while chasing down runners to scare them. Those they have driven mad are convinced that they have actually gone to Hell as seen in various religions throughout the world and have simply give up all hopes of escape, falling to the floor to drool and gibber incoherently as the Innocentz close in to kill them.[13] The catalogue also shows one of them offering “professional” bounty hunter or enforcer services.[1]


The Innocentz' Skullyz division are primarily composed of Mexican thugs but there are some exceptions to this, such as the American goth. The Skullyz are an unofficial name, they are named as such because of the skull motifs on their masks and more commonly, face paintings. Carlos is often mentioned by his fellow Innocentz, but it's unknown who among the four Skullyz is Carlos at all, although it is assumed it's the El Vampiro.[14][15][16][17] Their tags around Carcer City that show the facial paintings of the Skullyz also mention Jules and Guerrero but it is also unknown who among the Skullyz have these two names.[8][4]

On the other hand, there are the Innocentz division of Babyfaces who are named as such because of the doll masks that they wear as a self-expression of their twisted nature relating to children, such as their sexual attraction to children or their intellectual disability that retards their mind to that of a child's. Their names are unknown and are not original members of the gang as they were hired by Starkweather.

Notable Hunters[]

Portrait Hunter's name Summary of background
Skully 1 (The Orphan Maker) A young American male who embodies everything about what most people think of about Devil worship: he is a fervent cultist who worships demons and unconfirmed beings like the Devil and the “Keeper of Pain” and makes human sacrifices, as well as being a cannibal and a junkie. He is easily distinguished by his poetic and creepy talk about evil or dark stuff which comes off as edgy and tryhard material, basically his only personality trait. However, this is all just a facade to look cool and one can catch him acting normally in certain circumstances, like when he is smoking fags.
La Cucaracha A Mexican gangster who is mostly very chill and relaxed regardless of the circumstances he is in (the opposite of Skully 3), including being beaten within an inch of his life by Cash. He is a Devil worshipper (although not as fervent as the others), a pervert attracted to both men and women alike, and a junkie who took peyote prior to joining the manhunt, possibly for stimulating purposes. What distinguishes him the most is his unexplained hatred and contempt for dogs.
Jules The only hunter of the Skully half who doesn't worship demons, let alone adhere to any supernatural belief, this either white or Mexican thug is an anxious mess (the opposite of La Cucaracha) whose anxiety frequently forces him to vomit or call for help. He is a wimp who is prone to panicking and being paranoid at the slightest sign of Cash's presence, although this doesn't mean that he can't fight back. When he is beaten down, he begs for his life or tries to convince Cash to spare him and turns on his fellow gang members. He is a heavy smoker and an aspiring pimp who hopes that surviving in Carcer will make him manly and earn him the respect of many women.
Carlos, A.K.A El Vampiro Born as the son of a whore, this Mexican is a bonafide demon worshipper with a staunch faith in his twisted version of Mexican culture's reverence of death. It's the reason why he's a ruthless killer and it gives him answers on why all life is mortal and thus worthless, hence he believes that Death is to be embraced and not feared, like some philosopher of the 19th century. He has a wide spectrum of supernatural beliefs revolving around death, believing in deities like La Cabra Negra (The Black Goat) who lurks beyond the veil and believing in Heaven (to some extend) as an eternal afterlife and thus a good reason to die.
Mr. Bunny A mentally disabled serial killer and a pedophile who collects the eyes of his victims for the many colours there are of the iris. He experiences the dark world of Manhunt with a child's mind, having an imaginary friend named Mr. Bunny, but this does not excuse the heinous acts that he has done and will do as he gleefully murders his unfortunate victims, for murder is but a children's game to this child in an adult's body, and so is the manhunt for Cash.
Daddy A pedophile who's prone to anger outbursts and is apparently afflicted with various mental disorders, including schizophrenia and delusions of Cash being a little boy whom he “loves” affectionately. Twisted to the core, he blames children for his pedophilia due to him thinking that they are inherently seductive and hence he practices BDSM on them, calling himself “daddy” and preferring his eromenos to be obedient by disciplining and punishing them for doing what he thinks is wrong. He appears to be disliked even by his fellow gang members, safe for Babyface 1, who doesn't differ between adulthood and childhood.


Just like with most other gangs in the game, there are three Innocentz models in the game files and three textures for each model.

Image File name Description
Ino_B1A The Babyface is an obese white man with blue irises, balding hair with an utterly bald crown, and a hairy chest and belly. He wears a white porcelain doll's face with red lipstick and a large, stitched-up tear on its forehead as a mask, an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt with its hems torn and designed with blue and yellow flowers and stained with dried blood, jeans, and white sneakers.

Hunters who use this skin: Babyface 1, Babyface 2

Ino_B1B The Babyface is an obese white man with blue irises, slightly balding hair with a prominent widow's peak, and a beard. He wears a puppet face with its skin slightly torn at the edges as a mask, an unbuttoned red plaid shirt with its hems torn, a torn and bloodstained white shirt whose small size reveals his hairy belly, brown pants, and a pair of white sneakers.

Hunters who use this skin: Babyface 1, Babyface 2

Ino_B1C The Babyface is an obese brown-skinned man with a shaven head and a hirsute chest and belly. He wears a white porcelain doll's face with red lipstick, glass eyes with blue irises and dried bloodstains as a mask, an unbuttoned black Hawaiian polo with its hems torn and designed with pink flowers and green leaves, blue and white striped pajama pants with stains of piss, shit, and blood, and a pair of plaid shoes.

Hunters who use this skin: Babyface 1, Babyface 2

Ino_M1A The Skully is a muscular man with light brown skin who wears a red shroud with a pointed hood. He wears a skull mask with some of its teeth missing, red armwraps, jeans, and black boots. He has a tattoo of the Chaos Star on his left bicep.

Hunters who use this skin: Skully 1, Skully 2

Ino_M1B The Skully is a muscular man with light brown skin who wears a black, slightly bloodstained shroud with a pointed hood. His shroud has an upside-down pentagram symbol on the front and the word “MALOS” written on the back. He wears a mask resembling Pazuzu from the film The Exorcist, white bloodstained armwraps, dark jeans, and black boots.

Hunters who use this skin: Skully 1, Skully 2

Ino_M1C The Skully is a muscular man whose light brown skin is drenched in blood. He wears an ochre shroud with a pointed hood and sewn with traditional designs, a flayed skull mask that's missing one eye, grey armwraps with dried bloodstains, olive pants, and black boots.

Hunters who use this skin: Skully 1, Skully 2

Ino_S1A The Skully is a bald and clean-shaven muscular man with light brown skin. He is topless and wears blue trackpants with a white stripe running along each leg, black biker gloves, and a pair of orange sneakers with blue stripes and white shoelaces. He has a white skull painted on his face.

His tattoos include the word “INNOCENTZ” on his chest and “RIFA” on his abdomen, both of which are surrounded by tribal tattoos with the bottom one having a face, a tribal tattoo on his left forearm that contains the number 8, a cross on his right shoulder, an eyed tribal tattoo on his right forearm, two revolvers on his hips, the number 13 on his back, and a tattoo resembling fire on his butt which has a trident sticking out to his back.

Hunters who use this skin: Skully 3, Skully 4

Ino_S1B The Skully is a bald and clean-shaven muscular man with light brown skin. He wears a white vest, maroon trackpants with a yellow stripe running along each leg, and black sneakers with white stripes and shoelaces. He has a black and white skull painted on his face with the number 8 on his forehead.

His tattoos include a large chest tattoo that almost extends to his groin area which has spider web on his chest, the word “INNOCENTZ” on his chest, and a tribal design below them. He also has an encircled pentagram between two number 3-shaped lightning bolts on his hairy left forearm, tribal tattoos on his back and right elbow, four dots arranged in a square on the back of his hands, and a Chaos Star on his right shoulder.

Hunters who use this skin: Skully 3, Skully 4

Ino_S1C The Skully is a bald and clean-shaven muscular man with light brown skin and a hairy chest. He is topless and wears dark blue jeans, white sneakers, and a red headband with traditional designs. He has a white bloody skull on his face.

His tattoos include the word “MUERTE” on his chest, the number 187 underlined with a tribal design on his abdomen, a pair of scales on his left hairy forearm, a spider on each back of his hand, a skull and crossbones with an unreadable scroll on his right hairy forearm, the letter K on his right shoulder, and what appears to be Santa Muerte with a cross that has a dot on its lower left corner to her right on his back.

Hunters who use this skin: Skully 3, Skully 4


With Valiant Video and the manhunt[]

Just like the insane Smileys, the Innocentz are a recent casting made by snuff film director Lionel Starkweather for his latest production, since they have never participated in any of his previous snuff films before. He hired the gang from the East Los Albos area.[2]

Like the rest of the gangs in his recent snuff film, the Innocentz were just fodder for his leading star, James Earl Cash, in a scenario that he exploited to give many advantages for him so that he can extend his survival. This includes filming at night so that he can effectively use the dark against them.[18][19][20] However, his mercy ends there as he has armed them with deadly firearms (none of that puny tranq rifle or nail gun crap) to up the ante and add up more action to his snuff film, but at least he prepared Cash for these gun-toting hunters.[21][22] They aren't exempt from Starkweather's poor opinion on his snuff film's hunters, as he calls them “Mexican assholes” who bore him.[23]

One of the Innocentz was a sponsor of Valiant Video Enterprises, allowing his services as a bounty hunter or enforcer to be advertised in their Winter / Spring Catalogue.[1]

Many Innocentz were supplied with .38 revolvers by Starkweather who got them from a mysterious black market supplier that got these firearms from the hijacking of a police armory convoy, a significant crime that happened a year before the manhunt.[24]

As one of the wielders of the Wooden Bat, individual members of the Innocentz must've signed their bats to be sold by Valiant Video to their members only.[25]


Remnants of their rivalry with the Hoods can be found in the scene View of Innocence, where a Hood's corpse can be found sitting on a toilet (inside the bathrooms where the gun wielding Innocent jumps out of after Cash restores the power in the bar) with his head blown off, presumably done by said Innocent lurking in there.[26]

The Innocentz may have clashed with the Wardogs, since their apartment territory in Divided They Fall still has Innocentz' graffiti left on the walls.[4][5] This implies that the old apartment used to be the Innocentz' turf until the Wardogs claimed it in a gang war, although it's possible that they might have taken over the apartment without a fight, such as the Innocentz abandoning the apartment and moving away before the Wardogs found it empty and moved in.


Events of Manhunt[]

The Innocentz are first seen in View of Innocence where they are hanging out in their territory, the abandoned Church and its graveyard in the scene Drunk Driving. The gang are getting high on drugs and drunk on alcohol, while their shotguns are strewn about the place. Some can be heard firing their revolvers in the distance. One of them can be seen scooping up something on the ground with his hands, probably digging up a grave. Meanwhile in the abandoned church, Ramirez is ordering around Innocentz to their positions in the graveyard and the abandoned mall, before angrily telling these lousy thugs to move out.

Cash enters the mall and is locked inside when the shutter closes behind him, causing him to growl out of displeasure. He is then told about the new script for this scene by the Director, which involves retrieving a tape and a video camera hidden in the mall. He is also told that his new opponents are armed with revolvers, so he is instructed to get a gun from the laundromat to get equal. Eventually, Cash completes the scene after shooting his way to the tape, the broken video camera, the power of the bar, and the bar's television. On the TV, he watches the death of one of his family members by a machete-wielding Babyface before throwing the TV away out of anger.

Following his loss, the Director compensates for his family members with a friend that will alleviate his loneliness in the next scene, Drunk Driving. However, he informs him that the Innocentz have locked him up in a cell and tells him to free him. Cash kills the Babyface guarding the cell, allowing the cell door to be buzzed open. Cash enters the cell and sees a tramp as the Director introduces him as his new friend that he must escort through the area until reaching the graveyard's old tomb. Cash protects the tramp from the Innocentz and completes the scene.

Offscreen, Cash is taken to the Carcer Chem Factory in the scene Graveyard Shift. Cash is instructed to shoot his way through the factory and reach the end at its foyer. Cash guns down the Innocentz on his way to freedom and this gang is never seen again.

Scenes of Appearance[]



Official Screenshots[]



  • The gang being named “The Innocentz” is ironic since its members are a heterogeneous mixture of immoral and detestable people, like rapists, pedophiles, mentally ill serial killers, drug addicts, etc. They were likely meant to be a very offensive and creepy gang in Manhunt, hence the ironic naming.
    • Relatedly, the Innocentz being composed of diverse members with this inclusion of Mexican gangsters makes them a foil to the Skinz. The Innocentz are diverse in both their crimes and ethnicities, while Skinz are purely made of white power skinheads and bigots.
    • Their front is named East Los Albos ("The Whites" in Spanish), while being the most ethnically diverse gang in the game.
  • The Innocentz' designs are filled to the brim with horror motifs and references to the horror and slasher genre.
    • Ino_M1B wears a mask that looks similar to the demon Pazuzu in the horror film The Exorcist.
    • Ino_M1A resembles The Crimson Ghost of the film of the same name with his red shroud and skull mask that's missing a few teeth. Said character is the mascot of the Misfits band, known for injecting horror influences into their music and icons.
    • One of the Innocentz' turfs include a derelict church with a defiled graveyard in the East Los Albos area in Carcer City. Speaking of graveyards, they star in a scene named "Graveyard Shift" which fits their horror theme.
  • Ino_S1C has the number 187 tattooed on his belly. 187 is a synonym for murder, which comes from the California Penal Code 187 that defines the crime of murder. It is possible that Innocent is originally from California.
  • The number 13 is featured as a tattoo on Ino_S1A and as one of their graffiti.[27] 13 is said to be related to the real-life Mexican Mafia, who apparently uses the number as a symbol since M is the 13th letter of the modern Latin-derived alphabet. It was adopted by other real-life Mexican gangs, most notably the Sureños and MS-13. It is also considered an unlucky number, such as on Friday the 13th, which is also a name of popular horror movie franchise, which is fitting considering the Innocentz's connection to the horror genre.
  • Ino_S1A has the word “RIFA” tattooed on his belly. This might be a reference to the San Fierro Rifa gang in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
    • Furthermore, this suggests that Ino_S1A may be affiliated with the Rifas.
  • The masks of Ino_M1C and a Ino_B1A can be worn in Grand Theft Auto Online. They are named “Fleshless” and “Baby Smile” respectively.
  • The words “PUSH THE WEAK AROUND” in one of the Innocentz' graffiti may be a reference to System of a Down's song Deer Dance, the lyrics that were referenced being “Pushing little children with their fully automatics they like to push the weak around.”[27]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 “Special Services For Hire: Professional Bounty Hunter/Enforcer” section, p.21
  2. 2.0 2.1 “Scenes: View of Innocence” section, p. 7
  3. 3.0 3.1 View of Innocence intro cutscene.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Innocentz' gang graffiti in the scene Divided They Fall
  5. 5.0 5.1 Innocentz' gang graffiti in the scene Divided They Fall
  6. Innocentz gang graffiti in the scene View of Innocence
  7. El Vampiro dialogue: Oh ho! You resist your place in Heaven! In resisting, you deny your very soul!
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Innocentz gang graffiti in the scene View of Innocence
  9. El Vampiro dialogue: We are all of us, born to die.
  10. Skully 3 dialogue: This schmuck's not here! Think I'll smoke a butt...
  11. Innocentz' idle animations.
  12. Skully 2 dialogue: Oh, man. This peyote.. is wearing off...
  13. “Signature Moves of Starkweather's Hunters: Insanity 101” section, p. 16
  14. Skully 2 dialogue: D-Damn it! Carlos! He over on your side?
  15. Skully 3 dialogue: Carlos, is that you? Shit.
  16. Skully 3 dialogue: Carlos? I told you to stop screwing around! Carlos?
  17. Skully 3 dialogue: Hey Carlos! I raped your woman last week. And she begged me for more! (Laughs)
  18. The Director dialogue: We need this in the can by sun-up!
  19. The Director dialogue: Sun-up's approaching. Get on with it!
  20. The Director dialogue: Come dawn, there won't be any shadows, so get busy.
  21. The Director dialogue: By the way, these guys are packing heat, so you might want to find a gun for yourself.
  22. The Director dialogue: u I thought this graveyard would make a great location for a shootout. What do you think, Cash?
  23. The Director dialogue: You're starting to bore me more than these Mexican assholes!
  24. Official Hunter Weapons - Firearms: .38 Revolver section, p. 13
  25. Offical Hunter Weapons - Melee Weapons: Wooden Bat section, p.11
  26. Dead Hood in View of Innocence
  27. 27.0 27.1 Innocentz gang graffiti in the scene "View of Innocence"

