Manhunt Wiki

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Manhunt Wiki
This article or section is Under Construction.

Manhunt Wiki Staff are users on Manhunt Wiki granted the ability and responsibility to keep the wiki running smoothly.

Purpose of Staff

The main purpose of Manhunt Wiki staff is to keep the wiki clean and free of vandalism, to keep it running smoothly, and mainly to help editors.

Manhunt Wiki staff should not use their tools to settle editing disputes; for example, to lock a page on a version they prefer in an editing dispute that isn't vandalism, or use their blocking tool to block a user they have a dispute with. Their tools should be used to help keep the wiki clear of vandalism, spam, and users who make malicious edits, but not for simple disagreements between users acting in good faith.


This article or section is Under Construction.


The Bureaucrats are senior editors on Manhunt Wiki. As well as being full administrators, they have management abilities where they can grant limited user rights. They can promote and demote patrollers, administrators and moderators. They can promote other users to bureaucrat although they cannot demote other bureaucrats. Demotion of users by bureaucrats on Manhunt Wiki is not done without a community discussion, unless absolutely necessary. In cases where the community cannot reach consensus on an issue, the bureaucrats may hold a bureaucrats-only vote to reach a decision.

Shred N Slash Kamikatsu Vacancy


The Administrators are trusted editors, equipped with the tools to keep the wiki running smoothly. They can issue blocks to troublesome editors, revert vandalism using the rollback tool, and delete, move and edit-protect pages. They are authorized to use the tools at their disposal to deal with issues facing the wiki to the best of their ability.

Raziel Reaper Vacancy Vacancy

• ­General Housekeeper

Vacancy Vacancy


Patrollers are trusted editors granted the rollback tool to keep the wiki free of any vandalism. With a single click, they can revert edits. They also have the ability to move and/or rename pages and edit Administrator- or Bureaucrat-protected pages.

Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy
Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy

Inactive staff

Staff are considered inactive after a 3 month period in which they haven't made any edits to Manhunt Wiki. Administrators and Patrollers who are inactive even after a courtesy reminder on their user talk page shall be demoted by policy - no community vote required. Staff automatically demoted in this fashion are not entitled to re-promotion and are required to re-apply for vacant staff roles if they return.

Staff specialties

Some staff list their best specialties, making it easier for other users to identify those who specialise in specific areas of the wiki.

Media Specialist

These users have frequent access to specific game titles, and can obtain images, videos or audio files of different things. Contact these users if you would like a picture, video or audio file.

Coding Specialist

Editors who specialise in coding are heavily involved with the back end of the wiki - this could be anything from templates, to the wiki's layout, style and theme. They should be able to assist with any issues that may occur with code.


The Manhunt Wiki understands that English spelling and grammar don't come naturally; these users are here to help, and will regularly maintain the wiki's grammar to ensure utmost readability. If you are unsure of your own grammar in your contributions, contact these users and they will be happy to help.

Very Active

Users who consider themselves very active typically edit every day. This means they will regularly check their messages and respond quickly. Naturally, these users usually check through the wiki activity every day. In the case of an emergency, such as vandalism, these users are likely to respond quickly.


The enforcement team will do their best to ensure the Policy is reinforced. These users have Administrative powers and deal with the administration side of the wiki. Contact them if you have any questions about the policy.

File Manager

File managers will commonly make their way through files to ensure they meat the standards of the Media Policy. This may involve renaming files, updating their licenses, adding file summaries, replacing files with higher-quality versions, or even deleting files altogether. They may contact you if files you upload don't meet these standards.

General Housekeeper

Housekeeping may involve a number of the above specializations. These users may like to think of themselves as jack of all trades. They may not specialise in specific areas of the wiki, but are willing to get involved, and are happy to assist no matter the situation.
