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Prepare to be beaten, tortured, and eventually arrested!
— A cop on the ways of the CCPD

The Carcer City Police Department is the state's law enforcement agency in Manhunt.


The Carcer City Police Department is the police force in Carcer City whose duties are public service, maintaining order in society, and law enforcement. Despite this, the CCPD are extremely corrupt as they dish out police brutality (especially against the homeless) and, among high-ranking officers, secretly consort with illegal entities.

There's a common misconception about the Hoods being off duty policemen. It seems to have originated from the official Manhunt Strategy Guide.[3] However, there's nothing in the game, or any of its related material that even implies that the Hoods have backgrounds in the police department, not to mention that the Hoods are willing to attack any police officers for their clients.[4]

Known Police Codes[]

Code Meaning
10-103m[5] Disturbance by mental person[6]
10-108[7] Officer down[8]
Code 1[9] Non-urgent situation[10]


Judging by the chevron insignias on the sleeves of their shirts, known ranks in the CCPD include private, corporal, and sergeant. The highest known rank is police chief, which is currently held by Gary Schaffer. There are also detectives or investigators within the CCPD.[11]

The CCPD also has its own SWAT unit. However, they rely on regular cops as snipers for some reason,[12][1] but early versions of Trained to Kill correctly use SWAT as snipers.[13]

According to one of the cops, there are liberal cops among their ranks, possibly cops who are opposed to the cruel cops.[14] One of these cruel cops mentions another cop who is named Mike who's also with him in the manhunt for Cash, but it's unknown who among the four known cops is Mike.[15]

Police officers may be awarded with medals or an “Officer of the Year” title by doing impressive feats of bravery in the line of duty.[16][17]

The names of CCPD officers who have died in service are inscribed on a wall located within the CCPD's headquarters.[18]

Notable Hunters[]

Portrait Hunter's name Summary of background
Cop 1 An elderly cop who has served in the police force for a long time. He has experience in dealing with Carcer's vagrants and punks with police brutality, accumulating useful street smarts that he uses against them, and is the only cop who can be observed using police protocol like using police codes and exercising his power as an officer of the law. But these many decades of service have made him world-weary of this city's homelessness problems, causing him to criticize this state's negligence and suggest radical solutions like hunting and tagging vagrants as if they were street dogs.
Adam 11 A corrupt police officer who may also be a detective. He is not very tact since he is easily angered and foul-mouthed, plus he finds police brutality thrilling and fun. It's implied he is a drug pusher when one hears him calculating something that he is selling by its weight, plus he can heard offering drugs to Cash (whom he thinks is a junkie hobo) in an attempt to draw him out from hiding.
Sniper 1 A cowardly cop who hates the dangerous and violent side of his job, leaving him not very inclined to do his job in the manhunt for Cash or deal any police brutality, unlike the other cops. Unless he is hunting for Cash which is when he feels safer, more powerful, and more confident, this cop is utterly terrified of him because he's a mental vagrant.
Cop 4 By far the most evil and corrupt CCPD officer among the four, he is also tactless and bad-tempered, as well as a domineering cop who seems to lead a toxic hypermasculine fraternity that initiates newer officers to do evil acts, like the manhunt for Cash which is just an opportunity to torture or kill him for a trophy. What sets him apart from the other cops is his cruelty and abusiveness, not only to Cash, but also towards his coworkers when they fail him since they are also in his toxic fraternity. This cop does crimes not just for fun, but also because of his strong belief in his twisted and almost fascist view of the law.

Other Characters[]

Portrait Character's name Summary of background
Gary Schaffer The corrupt police chief of the Carcer City Police Department. In cahoots with Lionel Starkweather who pays him dirty money to do what he tells him to do, he allows his snuff film ring to run in this city with impunity, something that some of his subordinate officers do for him unwittingly. He adds another layer of corruption in the CCPD, as if police brutality wasn't bad enough.
Dispatch A female police dispatcher who transmits information such as orders and sitreps from CCPD police command to active police responders on the scene and vice versa.


With Valiant Video[]

The CCPD's shocking collaborations with Valiant Video Enterprises include their snuff films CCPD Brutality Caught on Tape, In Carcer-ation Blues[19] and perhaps a film named Carcer City Riot where “real pros” (might be cops given the context) were recorded using nightsticks for unknown but disturbing material.[20] They also starred in an unnamed Starkweather snuff movie where they used their sniper rifles.[12]

Besides CCPD officers starring in their snuff films, at least a significant portion of cops are also being manipulated by Lionel Starkweather, who has the CCPD police chief Gary Schaffer under his thumb and receiving his illegal money.[21] An ex CCPD sniper instructor also became a sponsor with Valiant Video, allowing his services as an assassin to be advertised in their Winter / Spring Catalogue.[1] Despite this relationship, all police and their immediate families are barred from ordering Valiant Video's custom videos.[22]

A year before the events of Manhunt took place, an unknown perpetrator hijacked a police armory convoy, and stole an uncounted number of .38 revolvers. These guns ended up in the streets of Carcer City and the supply of the black market, where Starkweather purchased them from an unknown supplier to equip the hunters of his latest snuff film for shootout scenes. Valiant Video has also acquired these guns without serial nos. from the same supplier of Starkweather's hunters to sell them to their members.[23]

With the Journalist[]

Ever since the Journalist was investigating Starkweather's illegal operations, she had a mistrust of the police.[24] Her distrust became paranoia after she suffered trauma from witnessing the events of Manhunt firsthand and became disillusioned with society in Carcer City.[25]

According to one of the cops, the pretext for the Journalist's “arrest” was that she was “wanted for questioning” by the CCPD.[26]

With Cash and the manhunt[]

Despite the trigger happy police who will always and only shoot to kill, the manhunt for James Earl Cash was an operation whose mission was to arrest him, before kidnapping him for Starkweather. The manhunt was also illegal due to its connection with the snuff film ring and it was made secret due to its arrest report not being filed.[21]

The entire operation was a fatal fiasco for the CCPD and their SWAT units due to being disorganized, having ill-prepared responders, and lack of important information.

  • Many police units were urgently dispatched to make the arrest.[27][28][29] Thus some cops may complain that unnecessary elements like themselves were deployed.[30]
  • They were ill-equipped[31][32][33][34][35] (besides their weapons) and disadvantaged[36] due to the operation's urgency forcing them to rush deployment with no prep time.
  • Perhaps the most fatal mistake made by the CCPD was withholding important information to all police units, which would've resulted in most of the above.
    • The CCPD officers only know that they're arresting someone (or beating him up) but not capturing Cash for Starkweather since none of them mention the latter.
    • Also, they only received reports of the John Doe[37] being dangerous[38] with consistent reports of him being a bum[27][39][40][41] and a mental person.[5][42][43][44]
    • The CCPD officers know nothing about the suspect's description or background,[45][46] leaving them in the dark and suspicious about the operation.[47][48][49][50]
      • Even with a closer inspection at Cash's body, they still don't know who he is, implying that he was not notorious among any of the responding officers.[51]
    • Police are aware that he's dangerous, but not a deadly killer. They will only be aware that he is A&D once they spot the murder of their own or a cop's corpse.[52]
    • Police are also unaware of who's in charge of the operation, which makes them disorganized.[53]

Over time, the CCPD go from underestimating him as a crazy vagrant to dealing with him seriously as they take more precautions to halt his escape, including the deployment of sniper units,[54] blocking off subway routes using barricades,[55] plus deploying heavily armed SWAT units who used various tactics to stop him. By the time the player, Cash, has finished Trained to Kill, the CCPD and the SWAT have grown a malicious hatred for him being a cop-killer.[56]

Unused dialogue shows that the CCPD deployed officers in and sealed all stations (from Carcer Line and Station to Carcer Point Station) in hopes of capturing Cash.[57][58][59]

Interestingly, Schaffer was shocked about the news of Cash escaping the Director's clutches, suggesting that he may have been complicit in his faked execution.[21]


The Hoods gang are willing to attack police officers who have done wrong to their clients.[4]


Events of Manhunt[]

Having learned of Ramirez and his Wardogs' failure to capture Cash, Starkweather calls CCPD police chief Gary Schaffer to do him a favor. He informs him of Cash's escape, which shocks the police chief before he is promptly told to dispatch the police to capture Cash who is now with the journalist. Additionally, he tells him to not file the arrest report of this operation and bring them to him alive. Schaffer tries to remind him of his jurisdiction, but he is interrupted when Starkweather reminds him of their deal. The police chief concedes and deploys the cops.

Meanwhile, Cash and the journalist stop the car at a roadblock inside a tunnel and proceed to her apartment on foot as the former provides Press Coverage for the latter. On their way, they find that the police have set up a perimeter around the journalist's apartment, so he clears the way for the journalist and they enter her place to retrieve the dossier. However, the apartment is also filled with more cops who have intruded her residence, so Cash deals with them before they can proceed. She then enters a secret room and shows him her evidence against Starkweather, but Cash refuses to go with her in favor of hunting down Starkweather by himself, although he still relies upon her as his backup if his hunt fails. He then leaves her apartment through one of the windows and descends the emergency exit stairs.

Finding himself on the other side of the police barricade, Cash makes his way to the subway, but there are many police units between him and his goal. Cash goes through the heavily armed cops and he enters the Wrong Side of the Tracks when he finds the police preparing to secure the station for his arrival. The escalated situation also forced the CCPD to deploy SWAT teams who have shut down the power to the rails so that the last train can't be used. Cash clears the CCPD and their SWAT teams anyway as he restores the rail's power before taking the last train to the next station where he clears through more cops and enters the Carcer Point station connected to the Stockyard.

Cash survives and mows through the CCPD and SWAT units who are all Trained to Kill as he runs through Carcer Point Station until he reaches the end of the Stockyard. But he is ambushed and quickly surrounded by the remaining SWAT units who prepare to execute him against their orders due to him slaughtering many police officers. However, the SWAT team is shot dead by a squad of Cerberus mercs who capture Cash for themselves, leaving the bodies of many SWAT and regular officers to be found by their peers with their killers nowhere to be found and brought to justice.

Following Cash's infiltration of Starkweather's Estate, the police arrived at the scene and found the bodies of several people, including Piggsy, Starkweather and the Cerberus. Police investigators decided that the incident was a bloody vendetta with its perpetrator nowhere to be found. In their probe of the scene, they also managed to find evidence of a snuff film ring being run from the estate, as well as proof of their own police chief's connection to this illegal operation.

Scenes of Appearance[]





  • Alongside their own SWAT team whom they cooperate with, the CCPD are the one of the two groups of hunters who are allies with another hunter group.
  • Although the Hoods are not actually off-duty cops, they do share similarities with the CCPD, which may have led to the creation of this misconception:
    • Both the Blackjack and the Nightstick, weapons wielded by the Hoods and the CCPD respectively, use the same execution animations.
    • Relatively, the Hoods and the CCPD have normal backgrounds. They have no perverse cultures in their normal lives (unlike the Skinz who are white supremacists, the Wardogs being poachers of men and animals alike, the Innocentz being a mixture of many repulsive people in society, and the Smileys being mentally ill), and some of their members have families that may have children.
    • Hood 2 and SWAT officer Alpha mention a “Finnegan” entity. Hood 2 implies his gang is associated with it,[60] while Alpha implies that Finnegan is a bar.[61]
    • Both the Hoods and the CCPD have a member named “Mike” among them.[62][15]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 “Special Services for Hire: Ex-CCPD Sniper” section, p. 21
  2. Adam 11's dialogue
  3. "The Hunters" section, p. 06
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Special Services for Hire: Hood" section, p. 21
  5. 5.0 5.1 Cop 1 dialogue: This is the darndest 10-103m I've ever attended.
  6. Police Codes - Police Radio 10-Codes: 10-103m
  7. Cop 1 dialogue: We got a 10-108! A 10-108!
  8. Police Codes - Police Radio 10-Codes: 10-108
  9. Dispatch dialogue: This is Dispatch to Adam-11. We have a Code 1. Suspect is presumed to be heading your way.
  10. Police Code - Basic Police Radio Codes: Code 1
  11. Deliverance outro cutscene
    Journalist: Acclaimed movie maker Lionel Starkweather has been found dead today along with several of his bodyguards, at his estate at the Wapona Hills Residential District. In what investigators are calling a bloody vendetta, an unknown assailant infiltrated the compound, killing Starkweather, but more interestingly, leading police to the site of a snuff film ring being run from the estate's confines. Linked to this ring is Carcer City's own police chief Gary Schaffer, whose lawyer stated that he intends to plead not guilty.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Official Hunter Weapons - Firearms: IDK Type 2 Sniper Rifle section, p. 14
  14. Cop 4 dialogue: I've had it with these lame ass liberal cops.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Cop 4 dialogue: Let's bore him to death! Mike, what'd you do last weekend? Ha ha ha!
  16. Adam 11 dialogue: Cover me, men! I'm going in for a medal!
  17. Adam 11 dialogue: Officer of the year, here I come!
  18. Adam 11 dialogue: Aw, Christ! Another name for the wall back at HQ!
  19. “SALE” section, p. 7
  20. Official Hunter Weapons - Melee Weapons: Nightstick, p. 11
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Press Coverage intro cutscene
    Starkweather: I've lost him.
    Schaffer: What? Are you fucking kiddin...
    Starkweather: Oh shut up! Get some of your boys to take care of it. Don't file the arrest report. Don't kill him either. Send both to me.
    Schaffer: Hey, remember who you're talking to, you son of a...
    Starkweather: Listen you fuck. It's your job to clean up this city's mess. That's what you get paid for.
    Schaffer: Shit.
  22. “Custom Videos” section, p. 9
  23. Official Hunter Weapons - Firearms: .38 Revolver, p. 13
  24. Born Again intro cutscene
    Journalist: It looks like this goes all the way to the top. I can't trust anyone, least of all the police, and time's running out. I've got to get the one piece of evidence that will expose Starkweather without a shadow of a doubt. Footage and testimony of a man who was executed by the state five hours ago...
  25. Journalist/Interview Transcript
  26. Cop 1 dialogue: Hey you! You're wanted for questioning!
  27. 27.0 27.1 Cop 1 dialogue: Dragged out of bed to chase a drunken bum.
  28. Cop 1 dialogue: I'm just about to cuddle up with the wife when I get the call. Should've pulled the phone out of the wall...
  29. Cop 4 dialogue: Odd we should get called out urgently.
  30. Cop 1 dialogue: I feel like a fifth wheel here.
  31. Cop 1 dialogue: Anybody bring a taser?
  32. Adam 11 dialogue: Ugh! Should've brought extra batteries for my flashlight.
  33. Adam 11 dialogue: Anybody got anymore rounds?
  34. Sniper 1 dialogue: We should have tasers to hunt this freak. Drop the bastard and shock him out of it.
  35. Sniper 1 dialogue: We have tear gas and concussion grenades!
  36. Cop 1 dialogue: So damn dark! I can hardly see anything back here!
  37. Cop 1 dialogue: Who's hunting who here?
  38. Cop 4 dialogue: How can this perp be so dangerous if all he does is hide?
  39. Adam 11 dialogue: Dead or alive, he's a bum. Who's gonna care?
  40. Sniper 1 dialogue: Another homeless bum for the medical students!
  41. Cop 4 dialogue: That homeless bum is heading for a good kickin' in the cells.
  42. Adam 11 dialogue: We're never gonna find this lunatic! (growls)
  43. Sniper 1 dialogue: This guy is just another crazy in a long list. Ever since the hospital closed down...
  44. Cop 4 dialogue: He's a screwed up hobo! No one's gonna miss him or ask any questions!
  45. Cop 1 dialogue: Where'd this guy come from anyway? Did he escape from a hospital?
  46. Cop 1 dialogue: Does anybody have an accurate description of this guy yet?
  47. Cop 1 dialogue: I don't like it when we're given so little information. Something smells...
  48. Cop 1 dialogue: A wino probably phoned this report in in the first place. Wild goose chase, if you ask me.
  49. Adam 11 dialogue: I don't like this one bit. There's something going on, I swear!
  50. Adam 11 dialogue: Just watch your back, okay? I've got a bad feeling about this.
  51. Cop 1, Adam 11, Sniper 1, and Cop 4's dialogue after killing the player
  52. Cop 1, Adam 11, Sniper 1, and Cop 4's Press Coverage dialogue
  53. Sniper 1 dialogue: Who's in charge here, anyway?
  54. Press Coverage dialogue
    Dispatch: This is dispatch. Seal the perimeter. Snipers have been ordered to move in.
    Cop 4: Shit. Shit. Shit. We got plenty big trouble!
    Adam 11: We better go see what's going on.
  55. Police barricades in the scene Wrong Side of the Tracks
  56. Trained to Kill outro cutscene
    SWAT: Put your fucking hands up! Shoot that cop killin sonofabitch!
  57. Cop 4 dialogue: u Seems a pretty big operation - this guy must be real dangerous!
  58. Cop 4 dialogue: u I don't like this. They only pull out all the stops for the real nuts.
  59. Cop dialogue: u Don't know, but they are sending cops at all terminals. Hope we dont meet the guy...
  60. Hood 2 dialogue: Oh no. He got one of the Finnegan boys!
  61. Alpha dialogue: Bag this guy in the next twenty minutes then it's down to catch the happy hour at Finnegan's.
  62. The Crusher dialogue: Just gonna start swingin' and ask questions later. So if that's you, Mike...

