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Dixmor Hospital for the Criminally Insane, also known as the Cottonmouth Asylum [1], is a mental asylum for criminals located in Cottonmouth that appears in Manhunt 2.


According to its sign, the asylum was established in 1932. It is owned by The Project and the Project Scientists, and patrolled by the Asylum Staff. All of them can be seen working in the hospital during its appearance. Dixmor is mostly for insane criminals, as its name suggests, and failed Project experiments, such as The Legion and Dixmor Inmates.

Events of Manhunt 2[]

Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper were prisoners in the asylum, before they escaped during a riot.

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Episode Appearances[]

Manhunt 2


  • The asylum appears to be named after "Dixie", referencing the nickname for the Southern region of the United States in which Cottonmouth is located.


  1. Logo seen in H4PP1 pills and Vitamin X posters.

