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You can't lose Carcer S.W.A.T in the shadows! We OWN the shadows!
— Carcer SWAT on hiding in the shadows.

Carcer City Special Weapons and Tactics (also known as CCPD SWAT or just Carcer SWAT) is the Carcer City Police Department's police tactical unit.


When the CCPD's regular officers are faced with a dangerous crisis whose de-escalation is beyond their capabilities, they dispatch their very own Special Weapons and Tactics team. Trained in various specialized tactics beyond regular police training, they possess the capabilities to handle a wide variety of hostile situations that may disrupt peace in society or descend order into chaos. Their military grade equipment means that SWAT can tackle threats with excessive force, although the corruption of the CCPD means the Carcer SWAT may abuse this power maliciously and liberally, especially against mentally ill criminals.[1][2][3]


Notable elements that comprise CCPD SWAT include units who specialize in crisis negotiation, explosives, etc.

Notable Hunters[]

Portrait Hunter's name Summary of background
Bravo An old SWAT team leader who's close to retirement and has worked many overtime shifts that have forced him to spend too much on stimulants, implying his dedication to the police force. Among the three SWAT officers, he is the most professional in his line of work since he uses his powers to de-escalate violence without force when he can, being discriminate with his targets and observant with the situation at hand, etc. Still, he may be boorish and cruel with mentally ill criminals, such as Cash.
Alpha A SWAT officer who professes to be trained in negotiation, something he hardly uses on who he thinks is just an insane vagrant who went postal. He is pretty much an average Joe with a family and a normal life outside of his line of work, but he can be disrespectful and cruel against insane criminals since he mostly plans to kill Cash rather than arrest him, something unfitting but expected for someone in his profession as an officer of the anti-crazy and anti-hobo CCPD.
Charlie A SWAT team leader who sees his dangerous line of work as an opportunity to experience the greatest thrills. No different from the uncivilized thugs that Cash meets before this cop, the manhunt for Cash is nothing but a sport to him as he derives excitement from chasing down criminals before closing in on them to experience the ultimate thrill that is shooting the unfortunate perp down. Among the three SWAT officers, he treats the manhunt with the most levity.

Other Characters[]

Portrait Character's name Summary of background
SWAT Control Seems to be the command post of CCPD SWAT. They receive sitreps from officers on the scene, possess the power to command and dispatch additional units to the scene, have information on the whole operation that they can disclose by their discretion, and may be requested by officers to provide them with additional orders and assistance.


Unlike most hunter groups, the SWAT only have two models. The armor they wear is purely cosmetic, normal weapon damage stats still applies to them.

Image File name Description
Cop_M1 The SWAT officer is a white man who wears a blue jacket with the word “POLICE” in yellow on his right sleeve, blue pants with a thigh holster carrying two pouches on his left thigh, black gloves, black boots, and a black balaclava. His armor includes a black helmet with a short visor, a slightly unzipped black armor vest that has “SWAT” written on the back and on one of its pouches as well as various pouches and a radio on his left shoulder, and a pair of black shin guards.
Cop_M2 (head part model name) The SWAT officer is a white man who wears a blue jacket with the word “POLICE” in yellow on his right sleeve, blue pants with a thigh holster carrying two pouches on his left thigh, black gloves, black boots, and a black balaclava. His armor includes a black helmet with a full face visor, a slightly unzipped black armor vest that has “SWAT” written on the back and on one of its pouches as well as various pouches and a radio on his left shoulder, and a pair of black shin guards.


With Valiant Video[]

Much like the police department they belong to, a large portion of the CCPD SWAT is being manipulated by Lionel Starkweather, who has their Police Chief Gary Schaffer at the clutches of his snuff film ring and receiving his dirty money.[4]

One SWAT officer became a sponsor for Valiant Video, allowing him to advertise his services of VIP protection in their Winter / Spring Catalogue. His background includes being an ex-personal bodyguard and a decorated SWAT member who is an expert in “all weapons, explosives and Tae Kwon Do.” He claims that he isn't paid enough despite his work, hence he's looking for a full-time VIP protection job.[5] Despite this relationship, all police and their immediate families cannot order Valiant Video's custom videos.[6]

With Cash and the manhunt[]

Despite the trigger happy police who will always and only shoot to kill, the manhunt for James Earl Cash was an operation whose mission was to arrest him, before kidnapping him for Starkweather. The manhunt was also illegal due to its connection with the snuff film ring and it was made secret due to its arrest report not being filed.[4][7]

The entire operation was a fatal fiasco for the CCPD and their SWAT units due to being disorganized, having ill-prepared responders, and lack of important information.

  • Much like the CCPD's regular police, the SWAT were also rapidly deployed to this urgent situation. It might have been urgent, since Starkweather must have wanted Cash captured as soon as possible to stop him from exposing his snuff film ring, so he told Schaffer to make haste.
    • SWAT officer Bravo may complain that the new boots he's wearing are uncomfortable because he didn't have time to soften them.[8]
    • One of the SWAT officers, callsign Charlie, will be frustrated that he took the wrong ammunition belt. Perhaps he was in a hurry before leaving.[9]
    • SWAT officers Bravo and Charlie seem to be half asleep.[10][11]
  • Although some SWAT have guns with torches, they're still poorly equipped for the mission. Some SWAT may complain about lacking good or advantageous gear.
    • When facing Cash, SWAT officer Alpha will ask his team to deploy a flashbang before realizing that none of them have brought any.[12] Perhaps they didn't think they needed such equipment for who they thought was just a mental vagrant or their rushed deployment didn't give them time to grab one.
    • In idle times, SWAT officer Charlie may complain about not having a map of the area.[13] As such, he might find himself going to the same place more than once.[14]
    • SWAT officer Alpha seems to carrying a gun with a faulty safety.[15]
  • According to SWAT officer Charlie, the SWAT teams were thinly spread around the perimeter, a tactic that he complains about.[16]
  • Perhaps the most fatal mistake made by the CCPD was withholding important information on the fugitive and the manhunt to all police units.[17][18][19][20][21][22]
    • The SWAT only know that Cash is a violent lunatic hobo, not a serial killer with mastery of weapons and stealth and dozens of murders under his belt.[23][24]
    • SWAT officer Alpha seems to be on to the truth of the manhunt, believing that they're actually doing clean-up for a rich criminal before the press arrives.[25]
    • Like the CCPD's regular cops, the SWAT also have no idea on who's in charge of the operation, but some officers like Bravo will attempt to assume leader roles.[26]

By the time the player has finished Trained to Kill, the CCPD and the SWAT have grown a malicious hatred for Cash being a cop-killer.[27]


Events of Manhunt[]

When Cash enters the subway, he finds himself on the Wrong Side of the Tracks as he sees CCPD officers securing the station. SWAT leader Charlie turns off the power to the third rail where the last train is on to prevent it from being used as escape. Cash proceeds to off the cops at the station before going to the train tunnels to get to the control room. However, he finds himself flanked by Bravo's team in the train tunnel and Alpha's team entering the subway. Cash deals with both teams before restoring the third rail's power, before dealing with another SWAT team heading towards the control room. He is now free to ride the last train and he proceeds to the next station where he offs some regular cops on his way to the Stockyard.

Cash faces both the CCPD's regular officers and SWAT in the Stockyard who are all Trained to Kill the fugitive. The overnight serial killer shows them the real deal as he guns, bludgeons, hacks, stabs, and sprints his way past both regular cops and SWAT members alike to the end of the trainyard, which has a gate locked with a padlock. Cash breaks it and goes through the gate, but he finds himself ambushed by the remaining SWAT members who have grown a hatred for Cash being a cop-killer. They prepare to execute him, but they are all shot to death by the Cerberus who show up to capture Cash by himself. The SWAT are never seen again after this.

Scenes of Appearance[]

The CCPD SWAT have the least amount of appearances among all the hunter groups.





  • Alongside their CCPD whom they belong to, the SWAT are the one of the two groups of hunters who are allies with another hunter group.


  1. Alpha dialogue: He-hey! Carcer City SWAT nails another fruitcake!
  2. Bravo dialogue: We all learned something from this...shooting crazies is fun!
  3. Charlie dialogue: Carcer SWAT nailed another wacko freak! Yeehaw!
  4. 4.0 4.1 Press Coverage intro cutscene
    Starkweather: I've lost him.
    Schaffer: What? Are you fucking kiddin...
    Starkweather: Oh shut up! Get some of your boys to take care of it. Don't file the arrest report. Don't kill him either. Send both to me.
    Schaffer: Hey, remember who you're talking to, you son of a...
    Starkweather: Listen you fuck. It's your job to clean up this city's mess. That's what you get paid for.
    Schaffer: Shit.
  5. “Special Services For Hire: CCPD SWAT Member” section, p. 21
  6. “Custom Videos” section, p. 9
  7. Charlie dialogue: Weren't we supposed to take him alive?
  8. Bravo dialogue: Didn't have time to soften my new boots. They're punishing my heels pretty bad.
  9. Charlie dialogue: *sighs* Grabbed the wrong ammo belt. Damn it!
  10. Bravo dialogue: *yawns* Wish I was still tucked up in bed with my wife...
  11. Charlie dialogue: Peeping around in the dark half asleep. What kind of a job is this?
  12. Alpha dialogue: Somebody roll a flashbang in there! Well, don't look at me! I ain't got one!
  13. Charlie dialogue: Should've given us a map of this place...
  14. Charlie dialogue: Haven't I been down this way before?
  15. Bravo dialogue: The safety on this thing is screwed!
  16. Charlie dialogue: We shouldn't be spread out so thin...
  17. Alpha dialogue: Control is sure keeping this one close to their chests.
  18. Alpha dialogue: Have we got any intel on this guy yet?
  19. Bravo dialogue: Who is this guy, anyway? Just popped up out of nowhere, no one's saying anything!
  20. Bravo dialogue: Not every night someone goes postal like this. And we still ain't got no ID on him!
  21. Bravo dialogue: Whole thing stinks! No one's telling us jack shit!
  22. Bravo dialogue: If I'm putting my life on the line, I'd like to know why. Who is this guy, anyway?
  23. Alpha dialogue: I've never seen SWAT mobilize so quick for a violent hobo before!
  24. Charlie dialogue: Eh, word is he's just some mentally deficient hobo who went psycho on some kids.
  25. Alpha dialogue: This stinks of some well-to-do inbred needing cleaned up before the press gets a whiff of the story.
  26. Bravo dialogue: Who's in charge here? Me! That's who! So hang ten while I appraise the situation.
  27. Trained to Kill outro cutscene
    SWAT: Put your fucking hands up! Shoot that cop killin sonofabitch!

