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This page documents the Official Policy of the Manhunt Wiki. It concerns standards that all users should follow. |
This page details Manhunt Wiki's official policy on all things related to images and videos. If you need further help with the media policy, see the How To article.
Before uploading[]
Please review the Wiki FAIR USE policy. While Manhunt Wiki does not enforce it as strictly as Wikipedia does, we do fully acknowledge that the Manhunt series and everything associated with it are copyright to Rockstar Games and Take Two Interactive.
Please note that we do not recommend uploading images using the gallery builder, as it does not provide the option to rename or license images before they are uploaded.
Unless otherwise specified, all rights to all images reside with Rockstar Games and Take Two Interactive.
Image names[]
Images should have sections separated with hyphens (-), and individual sections must be written without any spaces or underscores (_). Images that are uploaded with meaningless names or overly broad names, such as Image:Piggsy or Image:Hoods, should be renamed immediately.
Images should be named in the following manner:
Note: Unabbreviated game title in the file names are acceptable.
- Characters: CharacterName-GameAbbreviation-ShortDescriptionIfNecessary
- Locations: LocationName-GameAbbreviation-ShortDescriptionIfNecessary
- Missions: MissionName-GameAbbreviation-ShortDesciptionIfNecessary
- Products/Brands: BrandName-ShortDescriptionIfNecessary-GameAbbreviation
- Vehicles: VehicleName-GameAbbreviation-AngleOfView-ShortDescriptionIfNecessary
- Voice Actor photos: FirstnameLastname
- Weapons: WeaponName-GameAbbreviation-ShortDescriptionIfNecessary
Right | Wrong |
File:JamesEarlCash-MH.jpg | File:James-Earl-Cash-Manhunt.jpg |
File:StarkweathersEstate-MH-Attic.jpg | File:Starkweather's Attic in Manhunt.jpg |
File:BlistaCompact-GTAVC.jpg | FIle:Blista Compact in GTA Vice City.jpg |
File:StephenWilfong.jpg | File:WILFONG, STEPHEN.jpg |
Image size[]
General screenshots should be neither too small nor too big. Images that are too small fail to properly illustrate what they show. Large, high quality images are a stretch on fair use.
Images should, in general, be no smaller than 400x400. There is no point in uploading thumbnail images to the wiki. Overly large or overly small images should be deleted.
- ALL videos must have a clear picture and audio.
- All videos must be copyrighted to show who the video belongs to, the video's site and Rockstar Games.
- All videos must be Manhunt related (some exceptions may be allowed as long as an administrator is aware and agrees).
- Videos MUST NOT violate other policies such as leaked information.
- Videos must have an extra copyright if it features music.
- Videos, like images, must not have a watermark.
Staff Legacy and Notes[]
All Staff members of the Manhunt Wiki are expected to enforce the Media Policy, by regularly maintaining the Recent Files list and ensuring images meet said policy. It is also important these images meet any additional Manual of Style that may apply.
Staff are able (and expected) to:
- Rename files in accordance to Image Names
- Add, remove or replace licenses in accordance to Image Licensing
- Consider deletion of the file with valid reasoning.
- Ensure previous versions of files are not overwritten by the wrong image.
- Update redirects of files if necessary.
- Ensure files are not duplicated.
- Alert users and uploaders if they are not meeting the standards of the Media Policy.
- Alert users if/why their files have been deleted if necessary.