Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

Early Life[]

Claire came from the highly respected Symphonia house of nobles, nicknamed the Sword of the Kingdom.[1] Initially aspiring to be the tutor for Prince Jatice, Claire became gravely disappointed when she was assigned to Princess Iris instead, though the cute little girl soon had her captivated.[2]

Late Spring Arc[]

With Iris hoping to hear Kazuma tell his adventure stories because of him repeatedly defeating the Devil King's Generals, Claire who had also heard of him through the handsome Swordmaster Mitsurugi joined the princess alongside Rain to the Dustiness mansion at Axel, where Darkness serving as the hostess brought Kazuma's whole party along for a dinner meeting on the following day. Claire for most of the meeting's initial part proceeded to convey the princess' words to the commoners, the first of which was admonishing Kazuma for disrespectfully looking at the royalty.[3]

After listening to Kazuma recount how he had unconventionally defeated the Devil King's Generals among other powerful adversaries as well as his life before adventuring, Claire feeling doubtful over him defeating the handsome Mitsurugi asked to look at his Adventurer Card, a request he dubiously tried to shy away from until Darkness explained it to be because of him being a weak Adventurer. Accordingly drawing her sword in anger upon Kazuma's outburst at Iris, at Darkness' petitioning Claire was ordered to stand down, only to be shocked when Darkness next slapped the princess. Furiously hacking out at Darkness, the retainer instead had her sword blocked by Darkness' bare arm that suffered only a flesh wound, following which she duelled Kazuma when he agreed to demonstrate how he had defeated Mitsurugi, and ended up having her panties Stolen. Later as the two sides reconciled, Claire expressed her praise at Aqua's healing abilities and Darkness' toughness in addition to Megumin's power, but refrained from commending Kazuma. And when it was time to return, she handed Darkness the rewards for the adventure stories, yet became stunned by Iris suddenly dragging Kazuma into Rain's Teleportation and consequently back to the royal castle.[3]

Unable to go against Iris' wishes to have Kazuma continue telling her stories, Claire went off to perform the arraignments for Kazuma's stay. Upon entering the bedroom that Kazuma was assigned to, however, she became horrified by him reciting to the princess about the time a naked Darkness was forced to wash him, thus angrily confronted him over it on top of other acts of disrespect, though the retainer had to relent when Iris expressed her approval of him. Exhausted by Kazuma's continuous stream of infuriating words, Claire soon fell asleep, but was jolted awake when an alarm signalling another night raid by the Devil King's Army sounded, prompting her to go join the defenders fighting it off.[1]

Claire over the following week became ever more critical of Kazuma, with him pestering Iris into repeated boardgame matches, disrupting Iris' lessons, and teaching her all kinds of scummy knowledge being but a few of the antics Claire found was causing a bad influence on the princess. She therefore complained all about it to Darkness when the fellow noblewoman led her party to the Royal Castle seeking to drag Kazuma back, and busied herself with socialising during the farewell banquet Iris threw for him that night. Yet while mingling with Darkness, Kazuma came running to loudly declare his intent of catching a noble thief who recently committed a string of thefts against crooked nobles throughout the royal capital, something which Claire soon found out to her disgust was for the purpose of freeloading from the royal castle as reward. Unable to refuse his offer because the surrounding nobles all voiced their support, Claire having seen through Kazuma's goal of using this thief as an excuse to remain at the royal castle, instead skillfully derailed his plans by charging him with staking out at the residence of the noble most likely to be targeted next.[1]

Things turned out for the better when a week after Kazuma's party began staking out at Alderp's manor in the capital, they reported back about the masked and extraordinarily powerful thief escaping capture during his encounter with Kazuma. Despite the princess smoothing over the other nobles' disgruntled comments regarding Kazuma by praising his prevention of the theft, Claire was still able to declare him kicked out of the castle.[4]

When a large scale attack by the Devil King's Army occurred late that night, Claire as she oversaw the soldiers and adventurers gathering at the castle in response to the threat, noticed Kazuma who had brought his party along having trouble with the Adventurer Guild because his level was too low to join the battle. The princess' retainer thus stepped in citing his triumphs against the Devil King's Generals and opened the way for Kazuma's participation, before leading the countercharge out the city gate. Subsequent to the battle's conclusion, which saw Belzerg utterly dominating the day as well as Kazuma humiliatingly dying from Kobolds, Claire refused Iris' request to let him stay at the castle again, then stood guard at Kazuma's bedroom where the princess paid him a visit upon his return, though some screaming from inside alarmed the retainer until Iris assured her that nothing was wrong.[5]

Later accompanying Iris as she walked around the castle, Claire began noticing something off with the princess, especially when she suggested putting Kazuma down in the history books as a great man. Contemplating the elimination of the scum before he further defiles the princess mentally, the pair was next approached by Mitsurugi, at whom Claire blushed at, before becoming shocked by Iris' sudden declaration to have the Swordmaster executed,[5] and only through Claire's frantic persuasion did the princess retract her declaration.[6]

Next telling her about Darkness headed off to bathe, Claire was surprised again when Iris wanted to head to the bathroom for washing the Crusader's back, though all misgivings against the breach of protocol were forgotten once the beloved princess offered to wash the retainer's back too. Hurriedly pushing Iris into the bathroom with eagerness, she and Darkness quickly undressed for bathing. Accordingly finding Iris suddenly confused about the situation, Claire next heard the princess explain how she had switched bodies with Kazuma through a divine necklace, driving the retainer into roaring fury. Since Iris nevertheless wanted to try washing the women's backs, as a demonstration of the process, Claire first washed Darkness' back, before enjoying it as Iris performed the act herself while telling of her outing in Kazuma's body alongside Megumin.[7] Later parting with the princess, the thrilled Claire teamed up with Darkness to furiously give Kazuma a particularly good beating upon his return to the castle.[5]

Locating Kazuma while he sulked in disgrace at a corner of the hall during the victory banquet that night, Claire having spread the news about him dying from mere Kobolds, proceeded to rub it into the worthless scum the extent of his failure compared to his party members who were allowed to stay in the castle for the night. Momentarily caught flat-footed by Kazuma's retaliation regarding her eagerly bathing with Iris, she pointed out that it was his party members who had done all the fighting against the Devil King's Generals, and further drove the point in by forecasting how the girls will be transferred to the more competent Mitsurugi's party, where the kingdom's support can render their quirky flaws inconsequential. Consequently refusing to let Aqua seal the divine necklace's powers on the grounds it was a gift to Jatice, Claire ordered Kazuma who wasn't even qualified to participate in the banquet out of the royal capital by the next day, and was rewarded with the satisfaction of sending him scampering out of the royal castle in tears.[5]

Claire retired to bed subsequent to the banquet's close, only to be wakened late at night when an alarm sounded about unstoppable intruders heading upstairs towards the princess' bedroom on the top floor. She therefore took Rain and Mitsurugi as well as a band of knights to stand guard on the second-highest floor, and confronted the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade upon them sealing off the staircase behind them with wire. Next shocked by Mitsurugi's quick defeat at the hands of a thief wearing a mask, Claire and the other knights slashed out at the pair of intruders, only for them to skilfully Flee from the attacks and make their way upstairs through an uncanny familiarity with the castle's layout. The frantic Claire thus called for Rain to kill the thieves since Aqua can Resurrect them for interrogation later, but became stunned into a stupor when the masked man impossibly destroyed the wizard's rod from afar. After the Wire Trap left behind by the thieves who made it upstairs was eventually cut through, Claire led the reinforcements to Iris' bedroom, where she found the princess unharmed and the thieves escaping out the window.[8]
(In the anime, initially only Claire and Rain led a band of soldiers to confront the thieves, following which Claire attacked the masked man, only to have him easily Flee from her attack before causing her to collapse from losing power simply by touching her. After being recharged by Rain, she had to press out all the water forced into Mitsurugi by the masked man. Claire soon led reinforcements to Iris' bedroom where Darkness was facing off against the thieves, though she later could only watch them make their escape)[9]

While Darkness excused herself from the castle at daybreak, Claire heard Aqua explain how that necklace she had sealed the powers of was extremely dangerous, because its effects could become permanent if one person dies during the body switch and might be abused by those with malicious intent. Next assured by Megumin regarding the issue being closed just as Darkness returned with Kazuma, the retainer wondered about the identity and motive of the thieves especially the masked man, whose prowess she expressed acclaim on and even hinted affection for him. Dismissing Darkness' ensuing declaration of Kazuma being the one to defeat the Devil King, Claire then had to stop Iris when she uncharacteristically tussled with Megumin.[10]
(In the anime, Claire heard about the dangers of the necklace from Darkness during an audience the princess and her court held with the party)[9]

She was subsequent to Rain Teleporting Kazuma's party back to Axel promised by the princess that no punishment will be enacted over her royal engagement ring getting Stolen by the thieves, though Iris' premonition about seeing Kazuma again soon troubled Claire.[11]

Mid Summer Arc[]

Unable to stop Iris from heading to Axel in hopes of seeing Kazuma, Claire alongside Rain accompanied the princess to the Town of Beginners while indulging in her infatuation with the tale Mito Koumon from Kazuma's home country by taking on the role of "Kakunoshin". Worriedly accompanying Iris to the local Adventurer Guild upon arrival in fear of the cute princess getting kidnapped, the retainer wanted to force adventurers into picking a fight with Iris so that she can defeat them, before noticing Vanir whose mask was similar to the one worn by the masked thief. Unsuccessful with dissuading the princess from having the suspicious masked man become their moodmaking tour guide for the day, Claire was further distressed to see Iris successfully hiring Vanir through the money she had taken from the treasury, a matter the knight afterwards quarreled with her over.[12]

Next admonishing the princess for trying to teach the now-disappeared Alderp a lesson as an attempt for attracting Kazuma to her, she followed Vanir around looking for streetside thugs so they could teach them a lesson and let Iris proclaim her identity, though during the ensuing couple hours of sightseeing she didn't see anything of the sort, instead becoming astonished by the various sights that the masked man guided them to.[12] They eventually happened upon Dust thuggishly hitting on a girl, so at Iris' orders Claire stopped him from fleeing before beating him up and sending him to the police.[13] Arguing over Rain's suggestion of them visiting Kazuma's mansion, the knight next became interested in Vanir's revelation about the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade hiding somewhere in Axel. The noise of a gigantic explosion in the distance however cut the conversation off, before Claire was shocked by the subsequent nonchalance expressed by the locals on top of Vanir's explanation about it being a specialty of the city.[12]

The group accordingly ran into Auleep and his guards trying to pressure a female adventurer into becoming the noble's lover only to be snubbed by her and other adventurers, so with Iris concerned over the enraged Auleep contemplating revenge on those who had shamed him, Claire made to stop the corrupt former accountant, but was surprised when Vanir dismissed the issue as a small problem that will quickly settle itself. She accordingly became amazed by adventurers fearlessly boxing in Auleep who turned out to be on the run from Darkness, in addition to the residents' lack of reaction to a warning Fireball fired at the order of the noble. The princess intending to jump into the fray once Auleep's guards drew weapons against the unarmed adventurers though shocked Claire, before turning dumbfounded by Vanir at Iris' order sweeping down the guards with one wave of hand.[12]

Later outraged because they had to flee from pursuing police without enacting the part about Iris revealing her identity, Claire worried about the serious incident being discovered by Darkness proposed for the princess to lay low. Since Iris wanted Vanir to take her on more sightseeing, the knight had to furtively follow along to a small fiesta held in preparation for the upcoming Eris Appreciation Festival, though thankfully the incident that they were involved in didn't cause much disturbance by dusk. Still curious over Vanir's identity especially when he gave the royal retinue a noble's parting, Claire anyhow returned to the royal castle with the others.[12]

Late Summer Arc[]

Discovering the princess to have sneaked out of the royal castle one day, Claire who was privy to her other personal details frantically looked all over the royal capital before heading to Axel, where sometime during the night she discovered Iris with Megumin and Yunyun outside some noble's manor. The retainer after forbidding the princess from seeing Kazuma proceeded to hug her while savouring the little girl's scent, only to be retaliated with a crushing bear-hug. Later proclaiming how she would increase scrutiny on the Teleportation station at the royal capital, Claire took Iris back to the royal castle, though she had to rush out again when a gigantic explosion rocked the city.[14]

Distracted when another gigantic explosion shook the royal capital on the ensuing day, the retainer discovered the princess to have sneaked out during the commotion, and so went searching for her in Axel. Claire eventually found her at the local church of the Axis Order, where she attempted to stop Cecily from teaching Iris the teachings of the order due to its bad spiritual and mental influence. Yet when the Priest smelled the retainer to bear the same forbidden sexual desire as she does and tried to convert her into the tolerant Axis faith, Claire could barely resist the temptation as she dragged Iris back.[15]

As the gigantic explosions started becoming commonplace in the ensuing days, Claire discovered the princess to frequently sneak out, in one instance to the Guild of Axel where the retainer found her talking to Dust alongside Megumin and Chris, at which Claire scared the delinquent off before taking Iris back home.[16] The princess however still sneaked off one day even without the explosions causing a distraction, prompting Claire to search unsuccessfully all over the royal capital, until at dusk when she caught sight of her alongside Dust, the latter of whom she failed to catch because of the princess' hindrance.[13]

Claire afterwards took Rain to the Adventurer Guild of Axel where she asked Luna for the whereabouts of Dust,[13] whom they wanted help from in order to understand the thinking of adventurers because the princess had gotten mad at the knight speaking out against seeing Kazuma as well as going on adventurers with Megumin's band, and their inability to find Mitsurugi in addition to Yunyun requiring a familiar face left them with no other candidate. Accepting the drinks Dust whom she called names at treated them to, before venting to him and Rin over the stress that originated from Iris frequently sneaking out in hopes of seeing Kazuma who kept corrupting her, Claire further spewed out more displeasure at the low quality of the local adventurers as well as their lack of respect for the nobility.[2]

She dressing herself in a white suit accompanied Rain a few days later to rendezvous with the others, and at her colleague's prompting had to endure Dust who unlike the other girls lacked etiquette towards the nobility. On the group's way out to perform quests against Giant Toads and Goblins, the royal knight upon being asked about her abilities made a show of her swordsmanship, before being shocked to hear a gigantic Explosion nearby which the three locals inexplicably responded nonchalantly to. Bewildered by the craziness in the supposed Town of Beginners after Dust told them to stop panicking at such daily occurrences, Claire charged a knot of the Giant Toads which had been kept from hibernating by the Explosions, since she had heard that these amphibians won't eat knights, only to be deftly gobbled up. Humiliatingly licked in embarrassing places while having her clothes dishevelled and turned translucent with stinking slime, she subsequent to rescue from Yunyun agreed to go bathe.[2]

Stripped down to her panties as she washed the slime off in the riverhead lake, the royal knight soon found herself attacked by Goblins, which she had to fight with one hand covering her breasts. Although Claire soon received support from Yunyun and Rin, she was accordingly infuriated by Dust who despite being tied up in the distance cheered for the monsters in hopes that they will force her into removing the hand over her breasts, until Yunyun struck him unconscious and allowed the royal knight to finish cleaning herself and dry her clothes.[2]

Still showing distain towards the delinquent after he woke up, Claire wanting to ditch him was unmoved by Dust's pleas about him being the quest accepter required for collecting the rewards, but ended up untying the delinquent upon hearing of Iris liking nobles who secretly aid people through adventuring. Reluctant to return because she messed up the quests against the Giant Toads and Goblins, the knight asked to perform more adventuring in order to experience something worthy of telling to the princess, and expressed interest in the local adventurers' suggestion of dungeon exploring at a nearby abandoned castle formerly occupied by Beldia. Impressed by the magical burnt marks left by the furious battles in the castle, which still remained despite the place having been cleaned up previously, she took a break while Yunyun and the other women set up afternoon tea in a meeting chamber.[2]

After Dust took out a Friendship Crystal brought along by Yunyun and set it onto the table atop a nearby cleaning rag, Claire curious about its effects poured magical power into it alongside Rain as the instructions said, only to have images depicting embarrassing moments from her past, predominantly involving the knight's inappropriate lust towards the princess, displayed for everyone to see. Next witnessing Beldia's woeful days at the castle in face of Megumin's daily Explosions also shown, she found the footage depicting the Devil King's General brought to helpless misery tactically useless.[2]

Subsequent to Rin discovering a hidden staircase leading downwards, Claire followed inside in hopes of discovering intelligence on the Devil King's Army, only to be left disappointedly speechless upon finding in the secret chamber at the end an awaiting Vanir. Anyhow denying claims of inappropriate desires on her liege from the "Hachibei" whose additional identity as a merchant mystified her, the royal knight concerned about her waistline couldn't resist the dietary snacks he put up for sale upon hearing that they don't fatten people, and throwing aside her initial worry about their addictiveness after tasting some, ended up buying a whole box of them. Next seeing Rain gifted by Vanir a mask much like the one he and the masked thief of the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade wear, the princess' retainer expressed concerns about Iris becoming too engrossed in Megumin's bandit band.[2]

Claire back at the royal castle expressed puzzlement at Rain when the wizard who tried on the mask they planned gifting to Iris momentarily acted a bit confused about her location, but dismissed it once at the door of the princess' bedroom where she at the encouragement of her colleague started speaking to Iris still disgruntled at being forbidden from seeing Kazuma. Although gravely upset by the young girl's rebuke, Claire's mood quickly changed thanks to Rain skillfully bringing up their day of adventuring at Axel and cheering the princess up. Further elated when the wizard suggested them all going to bathe as they shared their adventure stories, the knight eagerly led Iris to the bathroom where they undressed,[2] before finding it puzzling when Rain acted dazed and confused after taking the mask off.[17]

Anyhow pressed by foreign relations matters, such as word about the Kingdom of Elroad planning to cut military funding to Belzerg[18] on top of a Dragon Knight emissary arriving from the Kingdom of Brydle, Claire on the following day made another trip to Axel alongside Rain. There they met with Megumin and Yunyun at a coffee shop while Kazuma was thankfully sleeping at home, and through blackmailing the Crimson Demons with their involvement in the gigantic explosions that facilitated Iris' escapades from the royal castle, made them agree to help cheer the troubled princess up. The retainers accordingly heard about the cute Iris' interests in adventure stories and the tale about the former Dragon Knight banished for kidnapping his kingdom's princess, following which Claire vetoed her colleague's suggestion of having the Dragon Knight emissary give Iris a ride on his Dragon.[17]

The royal knight on the next day busied herself with more duties, but was alarmed that night by a gigantic explosion outside the royal capital. Leading Rain and a band of soldiers out of the royal castle to seek and kill the culprit, Claire instead heard calls about the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade striking some noble's residence, in addition to the dietary snacks she had already finished being put out for sale in limited numbers. Stopped by Rain from heading towards the sale, she was accordingly approached by a drunken Dust, who to her horror revealed that Kazuma had also arrived at the royal capital. During the ensuing indecisive argument with her colleague about where to head for, Claire noticed the Dragon Knight emissary coming to ask about the commotion, and so apologising for the disturbance, she bid him to return to his room for resting. Unable to find the explosion culprit nor the Silver-Haired Thief Brigade afterwards, the royal knight returned to the castle where nothing undue seemed to have occurred.[17]

Early Autumn Arc[]

Axel Hearts Arc[]

Lightning Spirit Arc[]

Succubus Queen Arc[]

Devil King's Attack Arc[]

