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Genshin Impact Wiki

A wondrous instrument that a hunter once wore. It forever points towards their prey.

Viridescent Venerer's Determination is an Artifact in the set Viridescent Venerer.


A delicate device used for wayfinding.

Legend has it that when the Viridescent Venerer walked barefoot on the fields,
the grass beneath her feet would tell her what the birds in the trees could see,
and the mud she trod on would tell her what the roots in the earth could hear.

But it is said that ever since disaster struck, the grass and trees never spoke again.
For the God of the Woods had died in the disaster.[Note 1]

Since then, she relied on this device for direction when hunting.
At the request of a boy she encountered, she ceased hunting birds and beasts.
Instead, she made the monsters that brought destruction and suffering her prey.


  1. In the original Chinese description, it says "ever since disaster descended upon the ancient kingdom," which was excluded from the English translation. The following sentence also says the God of the Woods "died together with the disaster," with the implication that the God of the Woods was in the ancient kingdom during the disaster.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishViridescent Venerer's Determination
Cuìlǜ Lièrén de Dǔdìng
Emerald Green Hunter's Composure
Cuìlǜ Lièrén de Dǔdìng
Midori no Karyuudo no Kesshin
Green Hunter's Determination
Korean청록색 사냥꾼의 확신
Cheongroksaek Sanyangkkun-ui Hwaksin
Blue-Green Hunter's Conviction
SpanishSerenidad de la Cazadora Verde EsmeraldaSerenity of the Emerald Green Huntress
FrenchDétermination de la Verte ChasseuseDetermination of the Green Huntress
RussianРешимость изумрудного охотника
Reshimost' izumrudnogo okhotnika
Emerald Hunter's Determination
ThaiViridescent Venerer's Determination
VietnameseThời Gian Của Thợ Săn
GermanGelassenheit des FeldjägersComposure of the Feldjäger
IndonesianViridescent Venerer's Determination
PortugueseDeterminação do Caçador Verde
TurkishYeşil Gölge KararlılığıGreen Shadow Determination
ItalianDeterminazione della Cacciatrice smeraldoDetermination of the Emerald Huntress

Change History[]

