Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Guide to Ingenuity is a Character Talent Material obtained from Steeple of Ignorance on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

How to Obtain[]


Mora 550 Mora
Icon Crafting Recipe
Guide to Ingenuity 1 Guide to Ingenuity

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 item that can be crafted using Guide to Ingenuity:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Philosophies of Ingenuity Philosophies of IngenuityCraftingGuide to Ingenuity Guide to Ingenuity ×3
Mora Mora ×550

Talent Leveling Usage[]

6 Characters use Guide to Ingenuity for leveling their talents:

AlhaithamDendro Alhaitham
DoriElectro Dori
KavehDendro Kaveh
LaylaCryo Layla
NahidaDendro Nahida
Traveler (Dendro)Dendro Traveler


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGuide to Ingenuity
"Qiǎosī" de Zhǐyǐn
"Qiǎosī" de Zhǐyǐn
"Soui" no Michibiki
Guidance to "Originality"
Korean「창의」의 인도
"Chang'ui"-ui Indo
Guidance of "Originality"
SpanishGuía del ingenioGuide of Ingenuity
FrenchGuide de l'IngénuitéGuide of Ingenuity
RussianУказания об «Остроумии»
Ukazaniya ob "Ostroumii"
Instructions of "Wittiness"
ThaiGuide to Ingenuity
VietnameseHướng Dẫn Của "Tinh Tế"Guide of "Delicacy"
GermanAnleitung zur FindigkeitGuide to "Ingenuity"
IndonesianGuide to Ingenuity
PortugueseGuia da EngenhosidadeGuide of Ingenuity
TurkishMarifet RehberiIngenuity Guide
ItalianGuida all'ingegnoGuide to Ingenuity

Change History[]

