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Genshin Impact Wiki

Echo of an Ancient Chord is a Weapon Ascension Materials obtained from Echoes of the Deep Tides on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.


Mora 1,075 Mora
Icon Crafting Recipe
Echo of an Ancient Chord 1 Echo of an Ancient Chord

Craft Usage[]

No recipes use Echo of an Ancient Chord as an ingredient.

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Echo of an Ancient Chord for ascension.

8 Weapons use Echo of an Ancient Chord for ascension:

VerdictQuality 5 Verdict

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishEcho of an Ancient Chord
Yōugǔ Xiányīn de Huíxiǎng
Yōugǔ Xiányīn de Huíxiǎng
Yuukyuu no Tsuru no Hibiki
Korean오래된 현악의 울림
Oraedoen Hyeon'ak-ui Ullim
Echoes of Ancient String Music
SpanishReverberación de serenata arcaicaReverberation of the Archaic Serenade
FrenchÉcho d'un accord ancienEcho of an Ancient Chord
RussianЭхо отзвука древней струны
Ekho otzvuka drevney struny
Echo of an Ancient String's Resound
ThaiEcho of an Ancient Chord
VietnameseTiếng Vọng Cung Đàn Cổ Xưa
GermanEcho einer archaischen SerenadeEcho of an Archaic Serenade
IndonesianEcho of Ancient Chord
PortugueseEco de uma Corda Antiga
TurkishKadim Akor YankısıAncient Chord Echo
ItalianEco di un antico accordoEcho of an Ancient Chord

Change History[]

