Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant is a Weapon Ascension Material obtained from Court of Flowing Sand on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 item that can be crafted using Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Mask of the Tiger's Bite Mask of the Tiger's BiteCraftingMask of the Wicked Lieutenant Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant ×3
Mora Mora ×125

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant for ascension.

8 Weapons use Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant for ascension:


  • The Japanese name can be a reference to Konjaku Monogatarishū which is a Japanese collection of tales inspired by Buddhist and popular folklore from the Heian period.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMask of the Wicked Lieutenant
Jīnxī Jùhuà zhī È Wèi
Evil Lieutenant of Dramatic Scenes of the Present and the Past
Jīnxī Jùhuà zhī È Wèi
Konjaku Gekiga no Akujou
Evil Inspector of the Past and Present Dramatic Picture
Korean금석극화의 가면
Geumseokgeukhwa-ui Gamyeon
Mask of the Past and Present Dramatic Art
SpanishMáscara del teniente malignoMask of the Malign Lieutenant
FrenchMasque du lieutenant pernicieuxMask of the Pernicious Lieutenant
RussianМаска злого военачальника
Maska zlogo voyenachal'nika
Mask of the Evil Commander
ThaiMask of the Wicked Lieutenant
VietnameseMặt Nạ Tà ÁcEvil Mask
GermanDie Maske des bösen LeutnantsThe Mask of the Evil Lieutenant
IndonesianMask of the Wicked Lieutenant
PortugueseMáscara do Tenente Perverso
TurkishHabis Teğmenin MaskesiThe Evil Lieutenant's Mask
ItalianMaschera del tenente malvagio

Change History[]

Version 5.4
  • Vietnamese name of the item was changed to "Mặt Nạ Tà Ác"

Version 2.0

  • Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant was released.

