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Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration is a Weapon Ascension Material obtained from Ancient Watchtower on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 item that can be crafted using Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition Night-Wind's Mystic PremonitionCraftingNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration ×3
Mora Mora ×125

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration for ascension.

6 Weapons use Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration for ascension:

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration
Shénhé Mìyān de Sīxù
Shénhé Mìyān de Sīxù
Shinpi-naru Kemuri no Shikou
Korean신이 깃든 연기의 사색
Sini Gitdeun Yeon'gi-ui Sasaek
SpanishReflexión espiritista vientonocturnaNightwind Spiritualist Reflection
FrenchConsidération mystique du vent nocturneNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration
RussianЗагадочные размышления ночного ветра
Zagadochnyye razmyshleniya nochnogo vetra
Night Wind's Enigmatic Thoughts
ThaiNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration
VietnameseSuy Tư Của Làn Khói Thần Bí
GermanGedanken der VergänglichkeitThoughts of Transience
IndonesianNight-Wind's Mystic Consideration
PortugueseConsideração Mística do Vento Noturno
TurkishGece Rüzgarının Mistik Düşüncesi
ItalianRiflessione mistica del Vento della Notte

Change History[]

