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Genshin Impact Wiki

Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord is a Weapon Ascension Material obtained from Ancient Watchtower on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.


Mora 350 Mora
Icon Crafting Recipe
Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord 1 Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 item that can be crafted using Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord Delirious Divinity of the Sacred LordCraftingDelirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord ×3
Mora Mora ×1,075

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord for ascension.

6 Weapons use Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord for ascension:

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDelirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord
Kyouran no Seishu no Youbou‍[!][!]
Korean실성한 왕의 용모
Silseonghan Wang'ui Yongmo
SpanishEsplendor del Sagrado Señor deliranteSplendor of the Delirious Sacred Lord
FrenchAttitude délirante du seigneur sacréDelirious Attitude of the Sacred Lord
RussianБезумный облик Святого Мудреца
Bezumnyy oblik Svyatogo Mudretsa
Mad Appearance of the Sacred Sage
ThaiDelirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord
VietnamesePhong Thái Của Thánh Chủ Mê Sảng
GermanGlanz des wahnsinnigen FürstenRadiance of the Mad Prince
IndonesianDelirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord
PortugueseAspecto do Santo Delirante
TurkishKutsal Lordun Hezeyanlı Sureti
ItalianAspetto delirante del Sacro Signore

Change History[]

