Re: Bad for some
"This is a cyclical thing, just like the thick client vs thin client/cloud cycle. Having these local communities has been tried and very often they are done badly and fail dismally."
Strange, 15 minute cities were normal for millenia until the car was invented. Then we demolished ours cities to build highways and parking lots.
Claiming that local communities have been tried and failed isn't based in any reality at all. People have been living in local commu cities for millenia worh plenty of success and plenty of failure.
"Over the past 4-5 decades we've lost most of our community spirit along with any sort of pride or desire to actually make things nice"
You mean during the same period that we were demolishing our cities to build highways and parking lots? How weird how we lost community spirit at the same time we literally destroyed them to build our cities for the car.
"There are places where it works, usually as it has happened in an organic way rather than as an imposed thing."
You mean like how we had car culture imposed on us and our cities destroyed so we can build them for cars? Yeah, that wasn't totally imposed on us at all...
We just want to go back to designing our cities for people, not cars, and you have a problem with that.
"And when you do get local communities coming together, particularly in the US, then along comes the screeching about gentrification."
Oh no, people don't want to get prices out of the area they have lived in for decades. How horrible of them.
"Cost savings by local govt has seen services consolidated into single sites. If local amenities like parks and playgrounds are not maintained they soon fall into disrepair or, more likely, succumb to vandalism. Budgets get blown on making something look fancy at the start and there is no budget to keep it going and most of the people in the area are of the 'not my problem' mentality."
Oh no, we would have to spend money on maintaining parks. The horrors.
Meanwhile cities and towns are literally being bankrupted by the cost of maintaining the massive amounts of car infrastructure they have to maintain, and when they can't, we get massive potholes.
It is significantly cheaper to maintain a city built for people rather than a city built for cars.
"Not forgetting shockingly piss-poor public transport options."
Places outside USA exist and they have incredible public transit so your comment is completely useless there.
"So it is not that having these things nearby is a bad thing, it just turns bad"
No it doesn't, you're just a brainwashed American who refuses to look outside their border.