Re: Hahhhh-Hahhhh
“Ne joue pas le fou!”
Subtitle: Don’t fuck up!
819 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Mar 2021
Learn the difference between “wrong” and “fantasy.”
If I say unemployment was 4.3% last month, I would be wrong. It was actually 4.(whatever)%.
If I say unemployment was 17.8%, the highest it’s ever been in the history of the world, as opposed to 0% like when I was in charge…. That would be orange diarrhea.
The problem with today’s fact checking is that they call both of those things “untrue” or whatever.
Have you driven across West Virginia lately? LOTS of giant trucks on the highway with the paint completely scraped off their plates. Just blatantly, brazenly, defying the law. These people are way past the point of being salvageable.
I’m strongly considering buying one or more guns to protect my family because I don’t see how we get out of this without another civil war.
The tax code looks the way it does because of (A) giveaways like tax abatement for ‘certain shared-interest mining operations undertaken before 1985,’ and other legacy nonsense; and (B) closing loopholes found by people with expensive tax lawyers. Good luck.
Schools - “full stop”? Ok. When the low-tax-paradise states have to switch to 3 day school weeks to keep the lights on, we’ll see who’s happy and who’s mad.
The biggest and growing expenses of the federal government are the mandatory entitlement programs - paying for old folks to eat (Social Security) and get medical care (Medicare).
After that, it’s our $1T/year military-industrial complex.
Good luck with cutting any of those things. They are defended ferociously by their constituents. We got rid of GWB thanks to his idiotic attempt to privatize Social Security; before that it looked like we would be stuck shifting to the right long-term.
Next up is the rest of it, the “discretionary” spending. You can try to nip and tuck things but it’s small potatoes. There isn’t $2T there to save because it doesn’t hardly amount to that in total. (I haven’t looked at the numbers in a while.)
Dept of Ed? Funds schools in rural areas all over America.
Dept of Commerce? Runs the census, which is specifically required by the constitution.
Dept of Energy? Mostly maintains the nuke stockpile. People against gov’t waste tend not to be in favor of nuclear disarmament.
IRS? Every dollar we give to the IRS produces something like $8 in revenue that rich people tried to dodge.
Want to cut regulations to save money? OK. Keep in mind that many of those regulations are there to keep vendors like Twitler from ripping off the government, by overcharging for faulty crap. Or from dumping poison in the river because it’s more profitable that way.
But sure, go after waste, fraud, & abuse. Have fun!
If we had a real justice system and/or any sense of fairness, pedo guy would be denaturalized and put back on a plane to his shithole country-of-origin.
Took a job while on a student visa? ILLEGAL!
Lied about it on your citizenship application? DENATURALIZED!
“Illegal immigrant” spending money on an election? DEPORTED!
A deferred tax asset (I think!) is when you pay taxes up front on something (like, say, stock options) that turn out to be worth less when you sell them. Your actual tax owed is less than what you already paid.
They don’t give you your money back. Instead you get to carry that on your books to cancel out part of the future tax you owe, over multiple years.
Eventually, if you haven’t owed any tax because you’ve been losing money consistently, you lose the ability to claim it back. Hence the write-down.
I am happy to be corrected if this is wrong.