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Midland Patrol is the ninth stage on Tolbrynd and contains a lot of dangerous enemies.


This zone contains hostile melee units that can deal a moderate amount of damage and may be potentially dangerous toward slower and larger machines.

The Player must also be aware of the tents on small hills as they may be hard to reach for some machines.

The best suited machine is a

  • Flying machine (Drone, Bomber)
  • Heavily Armoured Vehicle (if you feel challenged)


The soldiers will damage their own tents. You can lead them around from the air.

Southern CottageSouthern MillWoodland CaravanOld Howl BattlefieldPerimeter WallThe Queen's FodderOld Mining SiteStanding StoneThinside FortMidlands EncampmentLyre PeakHighland TowerPine Lumber SiteSolomon's FlockMarksman's PassWynnfrith's Keep
The Duke's PleaSouthern ShrineScouts of TolbryndThe Duke's PrototypesThe Duke's Dear FreightersGrand CrystalFarmer GascoigneVillage of DiomMidland PatrolValley of the WindOdd ContraptionDiom WellSurroundedSacred FlameArgus GroundsThe Duke's KnowledgeThe Venerated HeartShattered FieldAras' Refuge
The Frozen PathThe Awakening BellsPeculiar ClearingThe Martyr KnightsOrdyce LodeMountain BarrierRelict FrostConsumed KingRevolving MonolithPenitent Tower
Towering EyeDahor VaultForgotten SanctumMesa OutpostTree of AkhmoraAmbushStrange ArtefactKahraz VillageStock TowerThe Last Stand
Ancient Grounds Misty Mountain Barren Expanse Multiverse???