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Networkingに関するエントリは85件あります。 networkネットワークaws などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Linux Networking Tools: 101』などがあります。
  • Linux Networking Tools: 101

    Representation Learning for Scale-free Networks: スケールフリーネットワークに対する表現学習

      Linux Networking Tools: 101
    • AWS 認定 高度なネットワーキング – 専門知識(AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty)の学習方法 - NRIネットコムBlog

      小西秀和です。 この記事は「AWS認定全冠を維持し続ける理由と全取得までの学習方法・資格の難易度まとめ」で説明した学習方法を「AWS 認定 高度なネットワーキング – 専門知識(AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty)」に特化した形で紹介するものです。 重複する内容については省略していますので、併せて元記事も御覧ください。 また、現在投稿済の各AWS認定に特化した記事へのリンクを以下に掲載しましたので興味のあるAWS認定があれば読んでみてください。 ALL SAP DOP SCS ANS MLS SAA DVA SOA DEA MLA AIF CLF 「AWS 認定 高度なネットワーキング – 専門知識」とは 「AWS 認定 高度なネットワーキング – 専門知識(AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Sp

        AWS 認定 高度なネットワーキング – 専門知識(AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty)の学習方法 - NRIネットコムBlog
      • 「AWS認定 高度なネットワーキング-専門知識(AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty)」の試験対策本を書きました - NRIネットコムBlog

        小西秀和です。 前作「要点整理から攻略する『AWS認定 データベース-専門知識』」に引き続き、「AWS認定 高度なネットワーキング-専門知識(AWS 認定アドバンストネットワーキング - 専門知識、AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty)」の試験対策本の執筆に参加しましたので、そのことを今回は書こうと思います。 本のタイトルは「要点整理から攻略する『AWS認定 高度なネットワーキング-専門知識』」で、2022-2-28に出版予定(現在、予約受付中)です。 要点整理から攻略する『AWS認定 高度なネットワーキング-専門知識』 (Compass Booksシリーズ) 作者:NRIネットコム株式会社,佐々木 拓郎,小西 秀和,安藤 裕紀,木美 雄太,早川 愛,宮川 亮,矢野 純平マイナビ出版Amazon 「要点整理から攻略する『AWS認定 高度

          「AWS認定 高度なネットワーキング-専門知識(AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty)」の試験対策本を書きました - NRIネットコムBlog
        • Kubernetesネットワーキング初級者脱出ガイド / Kubernetes networking beginner's guide

          A talk at CloudNative Days Tokyo 2021

            Kubernetesネットワーキング初級者脱出ガイド / Kubernetes networking beginner's guide
          • eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security

            Nov 10, 2020eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security Today is an exciting day for the Cilium community: Isovalent, the company behind Cilium, is announcing its $29M Series A financing round backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Google, and Cisco. This is a perfect occasion to take a deeper look into where eBPF-based networking is coming from and to understand what the excitement is all about. Two weeks

              eBPF - The Future of Networking & Security
            • How Docker Desktop Networking Works Under the Hood | Docker

              Products Docker DesktopContainerize your applicationsDocker HubDiscover and share container imagesDocker ScoutSimplify the software supply chainDocker Build Cloud Speed up your image buildsTestcontainers Desktop Local testing with real dependenciesTestcontainers Cloud Test without limits in the cloud See our product roadmapMORE resources for developers

                How Docker Desktop Networking Works Under the Hood | Docker
              • WWDC21のAccelerate networking with HTTP/3 and QUICを見ました。 - neko--suki’s blog

                WWDC21で、「Accelerate networking with HTTP/3 and QUIC」という発表がありました。 developer.apple.com iOS15、MacOS Monterey からHTTP/3とQUICが利用可能になるらしく、HTTPの進化、HTTP/3の使い方、QUICの使い方の紹介が取り上げられていました。 気になったスライドをピックアップしてまとめてみました。 Evolution of HTTP HTTPの進化 ここでは、HTTP/1.1、HTTP/2、HTTP/3の進化を典型的なWebページの表示(index.html, logo.png, style.css)のダウンロードにかかる時間の改善によって表しています。HTTP/1.1→HTTP/2ではストリームの多重化によって、logo.png, style.cssをリクエストするタイミングが早くな

                  WWDC21のAccelerate networking with HTTP/3 and QUICを見ました。 - neko--suki’s blog
                • Deep Dive on AWS App Runner VPC Networking | Amazon Web Services

                  Containers Deep Dive on AWS App Runner VPC Networking AWS App Runner, introduced in 2021, is a fully managed service for running web applications and API servers. App Runner greatly simplifies the experience to build and run secure web server applications with little to no infrastructure in your account. You provide the source code or a container image, and App Runner will build and deploy your ap

                    Deep Dive on AWS App Runner VPC Networking | Amazon Web Services
                  • Best Practices - Networking - Amazon Elastic Container Service

                    Modern applications are typically built out of multiple distributed components that communicate with each other. For example, a mobile or web application might communicate with an API endpoint, and the API might be powered by multiple microservices that communicate over the internet. This guide presents the best practices for building a network where the components of your application can communic

                    • Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment

                      Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment Introduction Azure AI Landing Zones provide a solid foundation for deploying advanced AI technologies like OpenAI's GPT-4 models. These environments are designed to support AI enthusiasts, but it's essential to grasp their networking aspects, especially concerning Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. In this article, we'll dive

                        Demystifying Azure OpenAI Networking for Secure Chatbot Deployment
                      • GitHub - cloudwego/netpoll: A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework focusing on RPC scenarios.

                        Netpoll is a high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework, which focused on RPC scenarios, developed by ByteDance. RPC is usually heavy on processing logic and therefore cannot handle I/O serially. But Go's standard library net is designed for blocking I/O APIs, so that the RPC framework can only follow the One Conn One Goroutine design. It will waste a lot of cost for context switching,

                          GitHub - cloudwego/netpoll: A high-performance non-blocking I/O networking framework focusing on RPC scenarios.
                        • NetDevSecOps to modernize AWS networking deployments | Amazon Web Services

                          Networking & Content Delivery NetDevSecOps to modernize AWS networking deployments NetDevOps orchestrates and automates network changes to shorten the network delivery lifecycle, treats the network as code to allow for version control, and tests changes to make sure of quality and stability. This increased speed helps organizations better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the m

                            NetDevSecOps to modernize AWS networking deployments | Amazon Web Services
                          • Google OCS Apollo: The >$3 Billion Game-Changer in Datacenter Networking

                            Google OCS Apollo: The >$3 Billion Game-Changer in Datacenter Networking Custom Optical Switches Reduce Broadcom's Networking Dominance Custom Optical Switches Reduce Broadcom’s Networking Dominance Networking is a critical part of any datacenter, especially with the rise of networking-intensive large language models. As such, it was a clear target for Google’s infrastructure optimization efforts.

                              Google OCS Apollo: The >$3 Billion Game-Changer in Datacenter Networking
                            • Networking of a turn-based game

                              3 years ago, I started developing Swords & Ravens, an open-source online multi-player adaptation of a strategy board game I love, A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition), designed by Christian T. Petersen and published by Fantasy Flight Games. As of Febuary 2022, around 500 players gather daily on the platform and more than 2000 games have been played since its release. While I stopped

                              • Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview) | Amazon Web Services

                                AWS News Blog Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview) March 31, 2023 – Amazon VPC Lattice is now generally available with new capabilities. Modern applications are built using modular and distributed components. Each component is a service that implements its own subset of functionalities. To make these services communicate with each other, you

                                  Introducing VPC Lattice – Simplify Networking for Service-to-Service Communication (Preview) | Amazon Web Services
                                • Google announces Cilium & eBPF as the new networking dataplane for GKE

                                  Aug 19, 2020Google announces Cilium & eBPF as the new networking dataplane for GKE Today marks an exciting day for the Cilium community and all Cilium contributors, Google just announced that Cilium has been selected and made available as the new datapath for GKE and Anthos: Today, we’re introducing GKE Dataplane V2, an opinionated dataplane that harnesses the power of eBPF and Cilium, an open sou

                                    Google announces Cilium & eBPF as the new networking dataplane for GKE
                                  • Streamline container application networking with built-in Amazon ECS support in Amazon VPC Lattice | Amazon Web Services

                                    AWS News Blog Streamline container application networking with built-in Amazon ECS support in Amazon VPC Lattice Since its launch, Amazon VPC Lattice has streamlined complex networking tasks. As a result, my perspective on how to build and connect modern, multi-service applications has changed. As my colleague Danilo wrote in his post announcing the general availability of VPC Lattice: “By using V

                                      Streamline container application networking with built-in Amazon ECS support in Amazon VPC Lattice | Amazon Web Services
                                    • The CPU Cost of Networking on a Host

                                      When evaluating networking for a host the focus is typically on latency, throughput or packets per second (pps) to see the maximum load a system can handle for a given configuration. While those are important and often telling metrics, results for such benchmarks do not tell you the impact processing those packets has on the workloads running on that system. This post looks at the cost of networki

                                        The CPU Cost of Networking on a Host
                                      • PUN2(Photon Unity Networking 2)で始めるオンラインゲーム開発入門

                                        Unityでオンラインゲームを作りたい人向けの入門書です。 本書は、Unity Connectで公開されていた記事「PUN2で始めるオンラインゲーム開発入門【その1】~【その6】」を加筆修正・再構成したものになります。 ※🌶は中級者以上向けのトピックになります。わからない部分は読み飛ばして、慣れた頃に読み返すのがオススメです。 ※Unity Connectの終了に伴って取り急ぎ公開しました。まだ作成中だったり説明不足だったりする部分も多いですが、順次加筆修正していく予定です。

                                          PUN2(Photon Unity Networking 2)で始めるオンラインゲーム開発入門
                                        • Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS-C01) に合格したので必要な対策や経験について記載します - サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ

                                          カスタマーサクセス部 佐竹です。 本日は、新しい AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty (ANS-C01) 認定に合格しましたので、その対策や感想について思ったことを記載していきます。 はじめにのはじめに はじめに 「ANS-C00」の歴史 「ANS-C00」の問題傾向 私の経験 私が過去記載したブログの一部(ネットワークに関する) AWS Network Firewall に関する弊社ブログ Gateway Load Balancer に関する弊社ブログ Transit Gateway に関する弊社ブログ Route 53 に関する弊社ブログ 受験前に行った準備 サンプル問題 無料の模擬試験(20問) 試験ガイド 試験の対象となる主要なツール、テクノロジー、概念 受験後の感想 合否 試験問題について 出題傾向について 残念だったところ

                                            Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS-C01) に合格したので必要な対策や経験について記載します - サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ
                                          • 3 Minutes Networking

                                            インター博士(通称:博士) 某所の某大学にて、情報処理技術を教える博士。専門はネットワーク。 たった一人しかいないゼミ生であるネット君をこきつかう。 わかりやすい授業を行うが、毒舌家で、黒板に大量に書く授業をするため、評判が悪い。 ネット助手(通称:ネット君) インター博士のただ1人のゼミ生。ネットワークについては全くの素人。 インター博士のゼミに入ったのは、評判の悪い博士から知識を奪い取り、いずれ取って代わろうという策略から。 なんていうか、いじめられっ子。

                                            • Troubleshoot Boot and Networking Issues with New EC2 Serial Console | Amazon Web Services

                                              AWS News Blog Troubleshoot Boot and Networking Issues with New EC2 Serial Console Fixing production issues is one of the key responsibilities of system and network administrators. In fact, I’ve always found it to be one of the most interesting parts of infrastructure engineering. Diving as deep as needed into the problem at hand, not only do you (eventually) have the satisfaction of solving the is

                                              • How Container Networking Works: a Docker Bridge Network From Scratch | iximiuz Labs

                                                How Container Networking Works: a Docker Bridge Network From Scratch Working with containers can feel like magic at times. In a good way for those who understand the internals and in a terrifying - for those who don't. Luckily, we've been looking under the hood of the containerization technology for quite some time already and even managed to uncover that containers are just isolated and restricte

                                                  How Container Networking Works: a Docker Bridge Network From Scratch | iximiuz Labs
                                                • GitHub - ycd/dstp: 🧪 Run common networking tests against any site.

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                                                    GitHub - ycd/dstp: 🧪 Run common networking tests against any site.
                                                  • GitHub - bluesky-social/atproto: Social networking technology created by Bluesky

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                                                      GitHub - bluesky-social/atproto: Social networking technology created by Bluesky
                                                    • シスコ、ネットワーク管理のシンプル化に向けた取り組みを説明 統一された統合管理基盤「Networking Cloud」の価値とは?

                                                        シスコ、ネットワーク管理のシンプル化に向けた取り組みを説明 統一された統合管理基盤「Networking Cloud」の価値とは?
                                                      • How we added full networking to WebVM via Tailscale

                                                        Back to blog How we added full networking to WebVM via Tailscale WebVM is a virtual Linux environment running fully client-side in the browser. It is based on CheerpX: our WebAssembly-powered x86 virtualization technology. Thanks to a powerful JIT recompilation engine, and an ext2 block-based filesystem, it makes it possible to run large-scale use cases: GCC / Clang / Python / Node.js / Ruby and m

                                                          How we added full networking to WebVM via Tailscale
                                                        • GitHub - microsoft/retina: eBPF distributed networking observability tool for Kubernetes

                                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                            GitHub - microsoft/retina: eBPF distributed networking observability tool for Kubernetes
                                                          • Coming Soon – EC2 C6gn Instances – 100 Gbps Networking with AWS Graviton2 Processors | Amazon Web Services

                                                            AWS News Blog Coming Soon – EC2 C6gn Instances – 100 Gbps Networking with AWS Graviton2 Processors Update: Amazon EC2 C6gn instances are generally available since December 18, 2020. Based on the amazing feedback from customers such as Snap, NextRoll, Intuit, SmugMug, and Honeycomb who are running their workloads on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances powered by AWS Graviton2, today

                                                              Coming Soon – EC2 C6gn Instances – 100 Gbps Networking with AWS Graviton2 Processors | Amazon Web Services
                                                            • 3 Minutes Networking

                                                              インター博士(通称:博士) 某所の某大学にて、情報処理技術を教える博士。専門はネットワーク。 たった一人しかいないゼミ生であるネット君をこきつかう。 わかりやすい授業を行うが、毒舌家で、黒板に大量に書く授業をするため、評判が悪い。 ネット助手(通称:ネット君) インター博士のただ1人のゼミ生。ネットワークについては全くの素人。 インター博士のゼミに入ったのは、評判の悪い博士から知識を奪い取り、いずれ取って代わろうという策略から。 なんていうか、いじめられっ子。

                                                              • Computer Networking Fundamentals

                                                                Books on Computer Networking are often intimidating - thousands of pages, boring diagrams... This colorful series walks you through the networking basics in just a few thousand words! It also offers hands-on labs to practice the obtained knowledge. I wish I had such a condensed resource at my disposal during my university days. As a software engineer, I need to deal with networking every now and t

                                                                  Computer Networking Fundamentals
                                                                • upto4 is the networking media

                                                                  upto4株式会社 | 創業期スタートアップコミュニティ

                                                                    upto4 is the networking media
                                                                  • Kubernetes Networking 101

                                                                    CloudNative Meets WebAssembly: Exploring Wasm's Potential to Replace Containers

                                                                      Kubernetes Networking 101
                                                                    • KubeVirt Networking ONIC 2024

                                                                      ONIC Japan 2024のBOFで話したKubeVirtの資料です #ONIC

                                                                        KubeVirt Networking ONIC 2024
                                                                      • Scaling Kubernetes Networking With EndpointSlices

                                                                        This article is more than one year old. Older articles may contain outdated content. Check that the information in the page has not become incorrect since its publication. EndpointSlices are an exciting new API that provides a scalable and extensible alternative to the Endpoints API. EndpointSlices track IP addresses, ports, readiness, and topology information for Pods backing a Service. In Kubern

                                                                          Scaling Kubernetes Networking With EndpointSlices
                                                                        • 【AWS認定資格】最難関!? AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty(ANS-C01) に挑戦 - APC 技術ブログ

                                                                          はじめに こんにちは。クラウド事業部の早房です。 先日 AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty(ANS-C01) を受験しました。 ANS は AWS 認定資格全冠を目指す方々の間では 最難関 と言われることも多い試験です。(私もかなり身構えました。) 今回は、本試験を受験するに至ったきっかけや実際の試験の感想まで余すことなく綴らせていただきます。 本投稿が受験を考えている方々の何かしらの一助となれば幸いです。 出題範囲と割合について 出題範囲と割合は以下です。 (公式より参照) • 第 1 分野: ネットワーク設計 (採点対象コンテンツの 30%) • 第 2 分野: ネットワーク実装 (採点対象コンテンツの 26%) • 第 3 分野: ネットワークの管理と運用 (採点対象コンテンツの 20%) • 第 4 分野: ネットワークのセキ

                                                                            【AWS認定資格】最難関!? AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty(ANS-C01) に挑戦 - APC 技術ブログ
                                                                          • Netmaker: Remote Access VPN & Software Defined Networking

                                                                            Introducing Advanced User Management! 🎉 Click here to learn more

                                                                            • Everything you need to know about Kubernetes Services networking | Tigera - Creator of Calico

                                                                              Everything you need to know about Kubernetes Services networking Services are one of the key Kubernetes primitives you need to understand to glue microservices together and expose your applications outside of the cluster. The Service resource provides an abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service. Sounds simple, but what’s the difference between a Cluster I

                                                                                Everything you need to know about Kubernetes Services networking | Tigera - Creator of Calico
                                                                              • Networking and Kubernetes

                                                                                Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. Kubernetes has become an essential part of the daily work for most system, network, and cluster administrators today. But to work effectively together on a production-scale Kubernetes

                                                                                  Networking and Kubernetes
                                                                                • GitHub - retis-org/retis: Tracing packets in the Linux networking stack & friends

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                                                                                    GitHub - retis-org/retis: Tracing packets in the Linux networking stack & friends
