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*statisticsに関するエントリは43件あります。 統計資料機械学習 などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『【新卒研修資料】基礎統計学 / Basic of statistics』などがあります。
  • 【新卒研修資料】基礎統計学 / Basic of statistics


      【新卒研修資料】基礎統計学 / Basic of statistics
    • COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

      NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

        COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
      • Cloudflare、インターネットのルーティング状況を提供する新機能「Routing Statistics」を発表

        7月27日、Cloudflareは新しいRoutingページを発表しました。 この新機能は、インターネットのルーティング状況をモニタリングし、洞察を提供することを目的としています。 7月27日、Cloudflareは新しいRoutingページを発表しました。 この新機能は、インターネットのルーティング状況をモニタリングし、洞察を提供することを目的としています。 Routing Statistics: インターネットのルーティングに関する統計情報を提供 Routing Statisticsでは、インターネットのルーティング状況に関する統計情報を提供します。 利用者は、ASや国ごとのASの数、グローバルルーティングテーブルで観察されたさまざまなプレフィックスとそのルートの数、RPKI(Resource Public Key Infrastructure)によるルートの数の情報を迅速に調査できま

          Cloudflare、インターネットのルーティング状況を提供する新機能「Routing Statistics」を発表
        • Japan COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

          NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

            Japan COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
          • FediDB, Fediverse Network Statistics

            FediDB is a cutting-edge service providing detailed statistics and insights into the Fediverse network.

              FediDB, Fediverse Network Statistics
            • United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

              NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
              • Introduction to Modern Statistics (2nd Ed)

                Welcome to IMS2 This is the website for Introduction to Modern Statistics, Second Edition by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Johanna Hardin. Introduction to Modern Statistics, which we’ll refer to as IMS going forward, is a textbook from the OpenIntro project. IMS2 is currently under construction, it’s planned to be released in Spring 2024. The first edition of the book is available at openintro-ims.net

                • pythonのstatisticsを使って数理統計入門 | DevelopersIO

                  pythonの標準ライブラリ「statistics」を使うと簡単に平均値、中央値、分散、標準偏差を求められます。 pythonでは標準ライブラリでstatistics - 数理統計関数が用意されています。 これを使えば、簡単に平均値、中央値、分散、標準偏差を求められます。 動作確認環境 $ python --version Python 3.8.5 平均値 算術平均 import statistics data = [13, 15, 25, 37, 40, 50, 57, 61, 90, 99] result = statistics.mean(data) print(result) >>> 48.7 1.30 ms 調和平均 import statistics data = [13, 15, 25, 37, 40, 50, 57, 61, 90, 99] result = statist

                    pythonのstatisticsを使って数理統計入門 | DevelopersIO
                  • 医療関連データの国際比較-OECD Health Statistics 2019- 日本医師会総合政策研究機構 前田由美子

                    2019 年 9 月 17 日 日医総研リサーチエッセイ No.77 医療関連データの国際比較-OECD Health Statistics 2019- 日本医師会総合政策研究機構 前田由美子  2018 年の日本の対 GDP 保健医療支出は 10.9% (36 か国中 6 位) で、 アメリカ、ドイツ、フランスよりも低い。日本、ドイツ、フランス、 カナダの対 GDP 保健医療支出は 11%前後に収束している。また、高 齢化率から見ると、 日本の対 GDP 保健医療支出や対 GDP 社会支出は 高くはない。  しかし、日本では保健医療支出が公的財源でカバーされている範囲が 広い割に税金や保険料による負担が低い。  日本の保健医療支出に占める医薬品およびその他非耐久性医療財支出 の比率は G7 の中ではもっとも高く、抑制傾向にもない。  薬剤師数、薬剤師養成数ももっとも多い。他国より

                    • 音楽理論と方向統計学の初歩/introduction of circular statistics and musicology

                      音楽理論と方向統計学の初歩/introduction of circular statistics and musicology

                        音楽理論と方向統計学の初歩/introduction of circular statistics and musicology
                      • Statistics of Common Crawl Monthly Archives by commoncrawl

                        Number of pages, distribution of top-level domains, crawl overlaps, etc. - basic metrics about Common Crawl Monthly Crawl Archives Latest crawl: CC-MAIN-2024-33 View the Project on GitHub Distribution of Languages The language of a document is identified by Compact Language Detector 2 (CLD2). It is able to identify 160 different languages and up to 3 languages per document. The table lists the per

                        • Bayesian statistics Tokyo.R#94


                            Bayesian statistics Tokyo.R#94
                          • Google アナリティクスより簡単!WordPress内でアクセス解析できるWP Statistics

                            アクセス解析にはGoogle アナリティクスを使っている人が多いと思いますが、いちいちGoogle アナリティクスを開くのが面倒だったり、高機能のため項目が多く分析するのが大変ですよね。。 もう少し簡単に、だいたいの指標がわかればいいという方、プラグイン「WP Statistics」はいかがでしょうか? 「WP Statistics」 の特徴 外部サービスと連携しなくてもプラグイン単体で動作する ダッシュボードからグラフや表で統計情報を一覧で見れる人気のある記事トップ10など記事毎のアクセスが確認できるログインユーザーの権限に応じて管理画面や解析画面を制御できる 「WP Statistics」プラグインの使い方 インストールして有効化 ダッシュボードの【プラグイン】>【新規追加】でキーワードに 【WP Statistics】と入力しインストール後、有効化してください。 【ダッシュボード】>

                              Google アナリティクスより簡単!WordPress内でアクセス解析できるWP Statistics
                            • YouTube Channel Statistics - ViewStats

                              ViewStats gives you the power of in depth YouTube Channel Statistics. Search any creator, compare performance, see growth trajectories, and much more!

                                YouTube Channel Statistics - ViewStats
                              • Lies, damned lies, and (Cloudflare) statistics: debunking Cloudflare’s recent performance tests

                                A couple of weeks ago Cloudflare, one of our competitors, published a blog post in which they claimed that their edge compute platform is roughly three times as fast as Compute@Edge. This nonsensical conclusion provides a great example of how statistics can be used to mislead. Read on for an analysis of Cloudflare’s testing methodology, and the results of a more scientific and useful comparison. I

                                  Lies, damned lies, and (Cloudflare) statistics: debunking Cloudflare’s recent performance tests
                                • Yuukikikuchi's Live Twitter Follower Count - Social Blade LLC Realtime Statistics

                                  Facebook Top Charts - Talked About Top 50 Talked About Facebook Pages

                                    Yuukikikuchi's Live Twitter Follower Count - Social Blade LLC Realtime Statistics
                                  • OpenIntro Statistics

                                    Amazon KDP raised book print prices by ≈40% in mid-June, and they also subsequently removed free shipping from our books by pushing the minimum free shipping price up to $35 from what had been $25 (our account appears to be in the early phase of this price hike rollout, so others should expect to see this change rolled out to them soon). These changes will net Amazon over $50,000 per year from sal

                                    • Penguin Statistics

                                      Penguin Statistics is the Department of Data Analysis of Penguin Logistics.

                                        Penguin Statistics
                                      • Italy COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

                                        NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                                          Italy COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
                                        • EPEL Statistics Show Recent Surge In Rocky Linux Usage Past AlmaLinux, CentOS Stream - Phoronix

                                          EPEL Statistics Show Recent Surge In Rocky Linux Usage Past AlmaLinux, CentOS Stream Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 19 June 2022 at 06:48 AM EDT. 24 Comments Statistics published by Fedora for the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) usage point to a recent surge in Rocky Linux usage -- at least for those with EPEL enabled -- and at least recently appears to surpass the u

                                            EPEL Statistics Show Recent Surge In Rocky Linux Usage Past AlmaLinux, CentOS Stream - Phoronix
                                          • Statistics 110: Probability

                                            Statistics 110 (Probability) has been taught at Harvard University by Joe Blitzstein (Professor of the Practice in Statistics, Harvard University) each year ...

                                              Statistics 110: Probability
                                            • Australia COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

                                              NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                                                Australia COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
                                              • Telemedicine Market Size, Statistics, Trends Report 2032 | MRFR

                                                [email protected] 📞 +1 (855) 661-4441(US) 📞 +44 1720 412 167(UK) Global Market Outlook In-depth analysis of global and regional trends Analyze and identify the major players in the market, their market share, key developments, etc. To understand the capability of the major players based on products offered, financials, and strategies. Identify disrupting products, companies, and tr

                                                • データ分析のための統計学入門 “OpenIntro Statistics” - 日本統計協会

                                                  統計でみる日本 日本社会の今の姿を統計グラフで分かりやすく解説しています。 日本の統計 日本社会、経済に関する最新の政府統計データをコンパクトにまとめたハンドブックです。 世界の統計 世界の国々について、最も基本的な統計をコンパクトにまとめたハンドブックです。

                                                  • GitHub - yuka-friends/Windrecorder: Windrecorder is a memory search app by records everything on your screen in small size, to let you rewind what you have seen, query through OCR text or image description, and get activity statistics.

                                                    An Open Source Mac App Rewind / Copilot Recall alternative tool on Windows to help you retrieve memory cues. English | 简体中文 Windrecorder is a memory search app by records everything on your screen in small size, to let you rewind what you have seen, query through OCR text or image description, and get activity statistics. All its capabilities run completely locally, without the need for an Interne

                                                      GitHub - yuka-friends/Windrecorder: Windrecorder is a memory search app by records everything on your screen in small size, to let you rewind what you have seen, query through OCR text or image description, and get activity statistics.
                                                    • Statistics with Julia Book

                                                      Statistics with Julia: Fundamentals for Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. A book by Yoni Nazarathy and Hayden Klok. If you are affiliated with a University, in certain cases you may try to access the book directly via SpringerLink. You may also try to purchase the book from Springer, or some vendor such as Amazon. Note that as authors we have no control over the price tha

                                                        Statistics with Julia Book
                                                      • 財務省貿易統計 Trade Statistics of Japan

                                                        令和6年3月の貿易総額(速報値)詳細な資料はこちら 輸出額   9兆4,696億円(前年同月比   7.3%) 輸入額   9兆1,031億円(前年同月比  ▲4.9%) 差引額      3,665億円 次回公表予定日 5月22日 詳細な公表予定日はこちら

                                                        • COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

                                                          NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                                                            COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
                                                          • World of Statistics on X: "Busiest train stations in the world: 1. 🇯🇵 Shinjuku - 3.6 millions per day 2. 🇯🇵 Shibuya - 3m 3. 🇯🇵 Ikebukuro - 2.5m 4. 🇯🇵 Umeda - 2.3m 5. 🇯🇵 Yokohama - 2.1m 6-23. 🇯🇵 Japanese stations 24. 🇫🇷 Paris Nord Station - 0

                                                            • Twitch Channels, Games and Global Statistics

                                                              #ZEVENT2024 DERNIER JOUR ! ZEVENT.FR pour toutes les informations, partagez au maximum et parlez en autour de vous ! C'est important 💚

                                                                Twitch Channels, Games and Global Statistics
                                                              • Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights - Office for National Statistics

                                                                Tell us whether you accept cookies We would like to use cookies to collect information about how you use ons.gov.uk. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services.

                                                                • Github Statistics

                                                                  Specific github statistics with charts

                                                                  • WordPressのおすすめアクセス解析「WP Statistics」の設定方法・使い方について

                                                                    ホームページのアクセス解析は、ホームページを運用する上で重要な指標のデータを得ることができます。 アクセス解析ツールは、「Googleアナリティクス」が有名ですが、画面を開くのが面倒だったり、高機能のため操作が複雑だったり、使いにくい側面があります。 「WP Statistics」は、WordPress内で簡単にサイトを解析できるプラグインです。手軽にアクセス解析をはじめたい方におすすめです。 今回は、「WP Statistics」の「設定方法」と「使い方」を紹介いたします。 アクセス解析プラグイン「WP Statistics」とは 「Googleアナリティクス」と比べて、シンプルな機能のため「だいたいの指標を把握したい」という使い方に適しています。 外部サービスと連携しなくても、プラグイン単体で動かせる ダッシュボードから、データや統計情報をグラフィカルな表示で確認できる 記事トップ10

                                                                      WordPressのおすすめアクセス解析「WP Statistics」の設定方法・使い方について
                                                                    • Statistics 110: Probability

                                                                      Statistics 110 (Probability) has been taught at Harvard University by Joe Blitzstein (Professor of the Practice in Statistics, Harvard University) each year ...

                                                                        Statistics 110: Probability
                                                                      • United Kingdom COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

                                                                        NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                                                                          United Kingdom COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
                                                                        • Singapore COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

                                                                          NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                                                                            Singapore COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
                                                                          • World of StatisticsさんはTwitterを使っています: 「% of people that believe in God or a supreme being: Indonesia 🇮🇩 93% Turkey 🇹🇷 91% Brazil 🇧🇷 84% South Africa 🇿🇦 83% Mexico 🇲🇽 78% USA 🇺🇸 70% Argentina 🇦🇷 62% Russia 🇷🇺 56% India 🇮🇳 56% Poland 🇵🇱

                                                                            • Sweden COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

                                                                              NOTE: As of April 13, 2024, the Coronavirus Tracker is no longer being updated due to the unfeasibility of providing statistically valid global totals, as the majority of countries have now stopped reporting. However, historical data remain accessible. Worldometer delivered the most accurate and timely global statistics to users and institutions around the world at a time when this was extremely c

                                                                                Sweden COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
                                                                              • カナダ研究図書館協会(CARL)、機関リポジトリに関する報告書“Institutional Repository Statistics: Reliable, Consistent Approaches for Canada”を公開

                                                                                  カナダ研究図書館協会(CARL)、機関リポジトリに関する報告書“Institutional Repository Statistics: Reliable, Consistent Approaches for Canada”を公開
                                                                                • 日本の食料統計 - Japan Food Statistics -

                                                                                  「食料需要に関する基礎統計」は、昭和51年(1976年)に、農林大臣官房調査課が発刊した食料統計。明治以降の食料需給構造の変化の過程を明らかにするため、戦前の統計データを「食料需給表」と接続できるようにデータ整理した稀代の労作。 現在絶版となっており、現代及び後世に活用できるようjapanfoodstat.comにおいてデジタル復刻した。 「食料需給表作成の手引き」(原題:Food Balance Sheets - A handbook -)は、2001年に、国際連合食糧農業機関(FAO)が発刊した食料需給表作成の手引き。FAOは、1945年の設立以来、各国の食料・農業統計の発達のため食料需給表の開発を促進しており、各国はFAOの本マニュアルを参考に食料需給表を作成。 食料需給表に関する理解促進の一助として、japanfoodstat.comにおいて日本語訳を作成した。
