'Rough Draft Korea, or simply Rough Draft, is a Korean-American animation studio owned by Rough Draft Studios based in South Korea that animates many cartoon shows, a few on Disney Channel, mainly Big City Greens and seasons 2-4 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil, and is one of the animation studios in Amphibia alongside Saerom Animation and Sunmin Image Pictures.
The studio also works with Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and other channels to animate other shows. They also have done animation on episodes of The Simpsons and Futurama, including The Simpsons Movie.
Episodes animated by Rough Draft Korea[]
Season 1[]
Season 2[]
- "Handy Anne"
- "Fort in the Road"
- "Truck Stop Polly"
- "A Caravan Named Desire"
- "Swamp and Sensibility"
- "Wax Museum"
- "Scavenger Hunt"
- "The Plantars Check In"
- "Little Frogtown"
- "Hopping Mall"
- "Night Drivers"
- "Return to Wartwood"
- "Ivy on the Run"
- "After the Rain"
- "New Wartwood"
- "Friend or Frobo?"
- "The Second Temple"
- "Barrel's Warhammer"
- "The Dinner"
- "Battle of the Bands"
Season 3[]
- "Hop 'Til You Drop"
- "Turning Point"
- "Fight at the Museum"
- "Temple Frogs"
- "Mr. X"
- "Sprig's Birthday"
- "Hollywood Hop Pop"
- "If You Give a Frog a Cookie"
- "Escape to Amphibia"
- "Sasha's Angels"
- "Olm Town Road"
- "The Root of Evil"
- "The Core & The King"