Physicians trained in environmental medicine often use antigens, very diluted amounts of an offending substance. It is both an allopathic and a homeopathic approach to treatment. Doctors will typically find the level just below that which causes a reaction, and give patients regular doses of antigens so the body can "learn" how to tolerate the substance(s) again. Jet fuel antigens, for example, would be used to desensitize some patients who fell ill from flying after 9/11 and others who work or live near airports.ǤâçAzIpV[ÌóßðµÈ��ÆA³ÒÉMCSÌÇóªoéçµï¿½ï¿½B»Ìæ¤ÈuR�LvÍð³êé�}ÆÍÈ��¾ë¤B
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"The Board did not understand antigens and perhaps still does not," said Dr. Rea. "They accused us of injecting jet fuel into patients. They eventually analyzed the homeopathic solution we use and didn't find anything in it. Finally they had to accept it was homeopathic-like."
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The Board's final rulng came last September and merely concluded that from now on, Dr. Rea must have his patients sign an informed consent explaining that treatment with a few chemical antigens, such as jet fuel and car exhaust, are not FDA- approved, and that the antigens have only the "electromagnetic imprint" of the original substance. And that's fine with Dr. Rea. "About two- thirds of the practice of medicine is not FDA-approved," he said. The therapeutic value of the therapy was not disputed.
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[Mary Budinger:"Dr. William Rea Exonerated In Texas" on PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT]
ÅA�Lö�NÌÆÆàÉAzIpV[ªMCS¡ÃÉLø¾Æ��¤å��ÍAEnvironmental Health CenterÌTCgÉà è...
Since its inception in 1974, center physicians have worked in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory vascular disease and its relationship to pollutants in air, food, and water. Etiology can now be defined in many cases. The removal of causes along with nutrient treatment, dietary manipulation, injection therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, oxygen therapy, and immune modulations can usually restore health to patients in a non-toxic manner.zIpV[àg���}¯Ä��éæ¤Å éB½¾µAEnvironmental Health CenterÌÆÍÊÉAZª¯êÅ éWilliam J Rea Classical HomeopathyÆ��¤ÊïÐðgÁÄ��é©àµêÈ��ª[Salespider]B
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[Detail of The Environmental Health Center]