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Arizona Center for Advanced MedicineÍMCS(½í»w�N¿ßqÇ)Ì¡Ã@ÉÂ��ÄȺÌæ¤É��Ä��éB
[Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) (2013/06/26) on Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine]RnChZs[ÍãÖãÃÅgíêéÃ@¾ªAMayo ClinicÈÇÉæêÎAXNÍ ÁÄàAøÊÍÈ��BMartha M Grout, MD, MD(H)àAMCSÉÂÄ^íµï¿½ï¿½ãÖÃ@ðñµÄ��éæ¤Å éB
To treat, we identify and eliminate as many toxins as possible. These may include toxic foods, cleaning chemicals, heavy metals, pesticidesc the list goes on. We can help identify toxins in the home or workplace, and can help you create a safe environment in your own home. We help with nutrition – using both organic foods and supplements, to improve physical status. We test for heavy metals, and offer treatment to help eliminate these toxins from your body. We offer colon hydrotherapy to flush the toxic burden from the colon and help rebalance beneficial flora in the gut. We test for allergies and sensitivities, using preservative-free antigens, and then use immunotherapy to treat these sensitivities. Our goal is to desensitize our patients, so that they can eventually return to the world fully functional.
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