Previous time, I wrote some problems about some of Japanease companies. Those are below.
- Recalcitrant chief who denounce his subordinates with INCORRECT grounds.
- STRANGE security policy which is clearly incompatible with theory of security.
- INEFFICIENT system, but if you plead improving system then you are denounced.
- POOR surroundings in which you cannot concentrate.
Do you know most of working office are poor? You might say "No, it is nomal. In noisy." Wait. Is it really nomal that surroundings are noisy? In which telephone bell ring ding-dong, frequently you are summoned by chief, someone talk loudly so that nobody concecntrate on their work. If it was, screamingly funny. I think nomal office is that most of all concentrate on their work. In other word, there are quiet, and wide room enought to do work.
Recently almost office is Open Office. Open office include a number of units in a large room which is not separated. Because a number of units mixed, ther are so noisy. Anytime somewhere telephone call ring ding-dong, in other area someone ( maybe you ) summoned their chief, the room echoed with laughter, or someone run helter-skelter behind your back. Moreover, as viewing from height, manager can observe followers detail, followers cannot debate. Even worse, some offices are filled with smoke of tabacco! So they, working at open office, always complained because their work was being interrupted.
Although there are so many complaints, why did open office spread? The answer is that management becomes easy. It is easy that manager can keep careful watch on their followers. When followers stop to typing ( but thinking about their own problems ) and manager looks up it immediately, manager call them to account. Manager say "Don't think about how to do well, or what would pick up. If you have such time, you only have to get into work!" So manager believe strongly that management is urgeing people to do work. Therefore manager denounce their followers with incorrect grounds. As a result, people lose motivation for working.
There are other problem. It is telephone. At our office, anytime somewhere telephone is ringing. It is no day when telephone didn't ring during 30 minuts. All telephones ring for calling out only one person. And then all people stoped working. Imagin that you were geting into your tasks then telephon rang frequently. Who feel like answering the phone? Who feel like happy? You know without saying that no-one is there. But manager say "Immediately pick up the phone! When telephone is ringing, you must answer it before tree time ringing!" Although the telephonecall is not for me, not for our unit, I must answer it. How foolish it is! You know that always your work was being interrupted. As a result, people lose more motivation for working.
Recently needs of telephone are not so strong. If the advantage is compared with the disadvantage, the disadvantage might be larger. You know when you make a phone call, you cannot define the party and one's status. But now, instant messengers ( IM ) are there. Before sending message using IM, you can define party and check status. Only one parson is interrupted, but another are not interrupted. Not wrote here, but some advantages are there. Why don't use such as usefull tools? Tradition? Habit? Corrupt of them should be improved, aren't you?
Such as poor environment, it is natural that followers can't get into work.
It would not surprise them if people say below. Instead manager should prise them.
"I cannot do my own task at office. May I work at home?"
"I cannot do anything during daytime, but can do around midnight."
At last, I think office should not be prison, office should be where people would like to work at their own initiative. Also manager should not be prisonofficer, not lie sprawled out in a chair. Manager should provide a place where people are able to concentrate, and remove what interrupt people's work. Constructing such offices is the task of manager. And this is management. When office become "bright", productivity will grow.
If do not so then productivity will down, also hacker will leave your office.