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The second island, Tolbrynd, is ruled by Duke Aras. It is a wet, windy place, with floating landmasses and ancient, mystic relics scattered throughout.

It is the longest island in the game, with 18 zones.


Zone Name Description
17 The Duke's Plea Before a gate, the duke sends knights to offer you gold so that you might leave him alone. It's not going to work.
18 Southern Shrine A flock of birds circle a monument.
19 Scouts of Tolbrynd Scout balloons float between suspended megaliths, far above the ground. Forces the player to learn how to fly.
20 The Duke's Prototypes A pass with checkpoints, littered with suicide bomber yaks.
21 The Duke's Dear Freighters Four wooden quadcopter freighters fly in the skies above.
22 Grand Crystal A tall tower capped with a large crystal.
23 Farmer Gascoigne Fields of tough crops and tougher farmers. The farmers' scythes can break wooden blocks.
24 Village of Diom A decently large town. For Besiege's standards.
25 Midland Patrol A battalion of halberdiers try to cut your machine to pieces in the middle of their camp.
26 Valley of the Wind A rainy copse with monuments and wandering tornadoes throughout.
27 Odd Contraption A single, odd contraption.
28 Diom Well A well of drinking water, and some barrels of poison lying off to the side.
29 Surrounded A firing squad of shrapnel cannons tries to blow you up.
30 Sacred Flame A tower on a hill, surrounded by gravestones and capped with a brazier of blue flame.
31 Argus Grounds The sword of a dead giant pierced into the ground.
32 The Duke's Knowledge A box with something important within.
33 The Venerated Heart Monks pray to a crystal sealed within a cage.
34 Shattered Field A field of floating crystals, with one massive shard suspended within.
35 Aras' Refuge Within his floating tower, defended by airships and soldiers, the duke makes his last stand.

Easter Eggs[]

  • Zone 21 is a name play reference of a Dark Souls II boss: Duke's Dear Freja.
  • Zone 23 is yet another name play reference of a Bloodborne boss: Father Gascoigne
  • Zone 24 contains a reference to the Legend Of Zelda series, where the pots may sometimes drop a gem (rupee), which is the primary currency throughout the series.
  • Zones 30 and 31 contain a blue flame and a magical sword, respectively. There happens to be a magical sword in Dark Souls II called Blue Flame.
  • Zone 31 contains a crescent moon that can actually be flown to, as it's actually a flat sprite placed in the world.



Main article: Achievements

Southern CottageSouthern MillWoodland CaravanOld Howl BattlefieldPerimeter WallThe Queen's FodderOld Mining SiteStanding StoneThinside FortMidlands EncampmentLyre PeakHighland TowerPine Lumber SiteSolomon's FlockMarksman's PassWynnfrith's Keep
The Duke's PleaSouthern ShrineScouts of TolbryndThe Duke's PrototypesThe Duke's Dear FreightersGrand CrystalFarmer GascoigneVillage of DiomMidland PatrolValley of the WindOdd ContraptionDiom WellSurroundedSacred FlameArgus GroundsThe Duke's KnowledgeThe Venerated HeartShattered FieldAras' Refuge
The Frozen PathThe Awakening BellsPeculiar ClearingThe Martyr KnightsOrdyce LodeMountain BarrierRelict FrostConsumed KingRevolving MonolithPenitent Tower
Towering EyeDahor VaultForgotten SanctumMesa OutpostTree of AkhmoraAmbushStrange ArtefactKahraz VillageStock TowerThe Last Stand
Ancient Grounds Misty Mountain Barren Expanse Multiverse???

All items (19)
