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The Frozen Path is the first area of Valfross. There is a flat terrain consisting of large frozen rock formations, frozen human soldiers, and high speed winds.


The Core Block must reach the insignia.


Do not underestimate the wind. It is extremely powerful and can even be compared to the upward winds found in the old Sandbox, and it can easily destroy your machine if unprepared.

A brute way of forcing this level is creating a vehicle that has enough speed and weight to fight against the wind in order to move to the goal. If you decide to pursue this strategy, try to design the vehicle as (vertically) short as possible. The shorter it is, the less wind it will catch.

A more technical option involves Grabbers and Timers. This strategy essentially calls for making a walker that "crawls" instead, toggling Grabbers with Grab Static enabled to cling to the floor against the wind. These are often slow to control but a larger "stride" can mitigate this.

A more efficient way, however, is to counteract the wind using aerodynamics. The wind creates lift around your machine, which reduces friction and eventually sends your machine flying. Try combatting it by combining anti-wings / propellers pushing downwards with wheels that have low acceleration (this helps to maintain better friction).

Finally, you can just propel yourself in the direction of the goal using explosives.

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