Besiege Wiki
Besiege Wiki

The first island, Ipsilon, is ruled by Queen Wynnfrith. It is a land of clear skies and rolling countryside, scattered with fortifications, lone buildings, and the occasional monument.

It serves as a series of tutorials which gradually increase in difficulty, starting with a simple cottage and ending with a fortress siege.


Zone Name Description
1 Southern Cottage A single, fragile house. Teaches the absolute basics of building.
2 Southern Mill A single windmill on a rock.
3 Woodland Caravan A caravan of three wagons.
4 Old Howl Battlefield A grove littered with bombs and rubble, with a checkpoint at the end. Teaches the basics of steering (with Steering Hinges).
5 Perimeter Wall A brick fortification with two buildings behind it and a squad of archers atop it. Their arrows can break wooden blocks.
6 The Queen's Fodder The queen throws an army at you.
7 Old Mining Site Two large iron ore balls must be moved to a checkpoint. Teaches saving/loading, and undoing/redoing.
8 Standing Stone A monument atop a hill. It's... special.
9 Thinside Fort A brick fort. Teaches you about Bombs.
10 Midlands Encampment A camp protected by archers, spearmen, and repeating cannons.
11 Lyre Peak A large lyre monument atop a tall, very windy mountain.
12 Highland Tower A large brick tower and wall atop a hill, defended by archers.
13 Pine Lumber Site A grove with wood piles scattered around. One pile must be moved to the checkpoint on the hill.
14 Solomon's Flock A large farm with sheep everywhere. Dumb sheep.
15 Marksman's Pass A narrow pass with checkpoints, with archers to hinder your path.
16 Wynnfrith's Keep The last bastion of Ipsilon; built of brick, surrounded by houses, and defended by some unfortunate spearmen.

Easter Eggs[]

  • Clicking on the small boat in the level select screen will cause it to explode.
  • The name 'Ipsilon' may be a play on the Greek letters Epsilon and Upsilon.
  • Ipsilon appears to resemble the island of Great Britain.



Main article: Achievements

Southern CottageSouthern MillWoodland CaravanOld Howl BattlefieldPerimeter WallThe Queen's FodderOld Mining SiteStanding StoneThinside FortMidlands EncampmentLyre PeakHighland TowerPine Lumber SiteSolomon's FlockMarksman's PassWynnfrith's Keep
The Duke's PleaSouthern ShrineScouts of TolbryndThe Duke's PrototypesThe Duke's Dear FreightersGrand CrystalFarmer GascoigneVillage of DiomMidland PatrolValley of the WindOdd ContraptionDiom WellSurroundedSacred FlameArgus GroundsThe Duke's KnowledgeThe Venerated HeartShattered FieldAras' Refuge
The Frozen PathThe Awakening BellsPeculiar ClearingThe Martyr KnightsOrdyce LodeMountain BarrierRelict FrostConsumed KingRevolving MonolithPenitent Tower
Towering EyeDahor VaultForgotten SanctumMesa OutpostTree of AkhmoraAmbushStrange ArtefactKahraz VillageStock TowerThe Last Stand
Ancient Grounds Misty Mountain Barren Expanse Multiverse???

All items (16)
