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What Does A Radar Tracker Do?[]

A Radar Tracker is a tracker that scans it's surrounding in a set range, once it find the target, it will stop.

According to different designs, a Radar Tracker can be made as a Laser Tower that shoots lasers at the target, or a to be turret which fires towards the target.

There are two types of Radar Tracker:

  • 2D Radar Tracker
  • 3D Radar Tracker

By their meaning, 2D only scan on a 2D platform, while 3D scan on a 3D space.

2D Radar Tracker[]

 2D Radar Tracker is simple, spinning a long thin trigger and stop it when it hit the target. One single trigger will do the job perfectly.  But despite the ease to make, it is not a good tracker whenile it comes to a fast-moving target, it will have to re-scan to find it again (and lose it again).  The good about it is it causes way less lag than all other kinds of trackers, and is also good for easy mode levels' design. (Other advance trackers will just smack on the player's machine and their determinations of beating the level.)

Example Level[]

2D Radar

3D Radar Tracker[]

 There are many ways to track something's location on a 3D platform with 3D Radar according to how you design the logic events. You'll mostly need 2 triggers only. One will scan the horizontal area, and the second will scan the vertical area.

 Just like how the 2D Radar works, the horizontal trigger will spin both triggers around the y-axis, and it will stop when hitting the target. After that, the second trigger will be activated, and start scanning the vertical area, also stop when hitting the target. When the triggers are both stopped, the vertical will be facing at the target, and that's how we track with 3D Radar.

Example Level[]

3D Radar
