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Besiege Wiki

The Ancient Grounds is a massive sandbox for players to interact with, containing many enemies and structures.


This new sandbox has terrain with large mountains and gentle rolling hills in the center of the location. Players spawn their vehicles in the center, just like the previous sandbox.

It contains these elements:

  • Villages and a soldier camp near the center
  • Monuments and Statues
  • Moving platforms and blocks
  • Hilly terrain near the center
  • Mountains


  • This location was added in v0.3 as the Sandbox. It was renamed in v1.0 to its current name to avoid confusion with the other sandbox areas.
  • This location uses Tolbrynd-based structures and entities. Its predecessor (Old Sandbox) used Ipsilon-based structures.

Southern CottageSouthern MillWoodland CaravanOld Howl BattlefieldPerimeter WallThe Queen's FodderOld Mining SiteStanding StoneThinside FortMidlands EncampmentLyre PeakHighland TowerPine Lumber SiteSolomon's FlockMarksman's PassWynnfrith's Keep
The Duke's PleaSouthern ShrineScouts of TolbryndThe Duke's PrototypesThe Duke's Dear FreightersGrand CrystalFarmer GascoigneVillage of DiomMidland PatrolValley of the WindOdd ContraptionDiom WellSurroundedSacred FlameArgus GroundsThe Duke's KnowledgeThe Venerated HeartShattered FieldAras' Refuge
The Frozen PathThe Awakening BellsPeculiar ClearingThe Martyr KnightsOrdyce LodeMountain BarrierRelict FrostConsumed KingRevolving MonolithPenitent Tower
Towering EyeDahor VaultForgotten SanctumMesa OutpostTree of AkhmoraAmbushStrange ArtefactKahraz VillageStock TowerThe Last Stand
Ancient Grounds Misty Mountain Barren Expanse Multiverse???