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The Southern Mill is the second stage in the island of Ipsilon. It features a windmill atop a small hill.


The objective of this stage is to destroy the windmill.

There are various ways to accomplish the objective.

  • Drive the Tutorial contraption directly to the windmill
  • Use a Shrapnel Cannon or any other ranged weapon at mid range
  • Create a vehicle that is at least three blocks tall and has either a ranged weapon or some sort of forward facing rod to hit the mill.

Other than the examples provided, the player is free to apply their creativity on their contraptions to achieve the stage's objective.



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The Duke's PleaSouthern ShrineScouts of TolbryndThe Duke's PrototypesThe Duke's Dear FreightersGrand CrystalFarmer GascoigneVillage of DiomMidland PatrolValley of the WindOdd ContraptionDiom WellSurroundedSacred FlameArgus GroundsThe Duke's KnowledgeThe Venerated HeartShattered FieldAras' Refuge
The Frozen PathThe Awakening BellsPeculiar ClearingThe Martyr KnightsOrdyce LodeMountain BarrierRelict FrostConsumed KingRevolving MonolithPenitent Tower
Towering EyeDahor VaultForgotten SanctumMesa OutpostTree of AkhmoraAmbushStrange ArtefactKahraz VillageStock TowerThe Last Stand
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