The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Forum Archives
The Forum •ï¿½51 Years, 526 Issues, 9,708 Articles, 60,931pp
Herodias the White
The Forum, May 1927, pp. 689-695
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1890s = 10 Years, 103 Issues, 1,272 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1890 = 1 Issue, 11 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1891 = 12 Issues, 152 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1892 = 12 Issues, 159 Articles
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            Issues of 1893 = 9 Issues, 120 Articles
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              Issues of 1894 = 12 Issues, 149 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1895 = 12 Issues, 144 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1896 = 12 Issues, 137 Articles
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                    Issues of 1897 = 10 Issues, 116 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1898 = 11 Issues, 132 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1899 = 12 Issues, 152 Articles
                      2. [+]
                        Issues of the 1900s = 6 Years, 36 Issues, 435 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1900 = 12 Issues, 150 Articles
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                            Issues of 1901 = 12 Issues, 148 Articles
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                              Issues of 1902 = 4 Issues, 47 Articles
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                                Issues of 1903 = 3 Issues, 32 Articles
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                                  Issues of 1906 = 1 Issue, 11 Articles
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                                    Issues of 1907 = 4 Issues, 47 Articles
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                                    Issues of the 1910s = 8 Years, 95 Issues, 1,575 Articles
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                                      Issues of 1912 = 12 Issues, 147 Articles
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                                        Issues of 1913 = 12 Issues, 196 Articles
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                                          Issues of 1914 = 12 Issues, 238 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1915 = 12 Issues, 190 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1916 = 12 Issues, 169 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1917 = 12 Issues, 208 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1918 = 12 Issues, 228 Articles
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                                                    Issues of 1919 = 11 Issues, 199 Articles
                                                  2. [+]
                                                    Issues of the 1920s = 10 Years, 113 Issues, 2,797 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1920 = 8 Issues, 143 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1921 = 12 Issues, 199 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1922 = 12 Issues, 260 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1923 = 12 Issues, 231 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1924 = 12 Issues, 373 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1925 = 9 Issues, 306 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1926 = 12 Issues, 378 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1927 = 12 Issues, 402 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      January 1927 Issue = 32 Articles
                                                                      1. Ask Aesculapius by George E. Vincent, pp. 1-9
                                                                      2. Coolidge Pro and Con---A Debate by Edward Elwell Whiting, pp. 10-13
                                                                      3. II---Assailing the President by Frank R. Kent, pp. 14-21
                                                                      4. Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather, pp. 22-29
                                                                      5. Will Skirts Disappear? by Paul Poiret, pp. 30-40
                                                                      6. Youth of To-Day and To-Morrow by Thomas A. Edison, pp. 41-52
                                                                      7. I Was a Garden by Muriel Cameron Bodkin, p. 53
                                                                      8. New Polar Trails by Vilhjalmur Stefansson, pp. 54-64
                                                                      9. The Mother of All Churches by Reginald Wright Kauffman, pp. 65-72
                                                                      10. Prayer by Nada de Braganca, p. 73
                                                                      11. Thinking in Millions by J.B.S. Haldane, pp. 74-77
                                                                      12. Dick Mapletoft's Christmas by John Drinkwater, pp. 78-81
                                                                      13. The Lock by Edward Sackville-West, pp. 82-89
                                                                      14. Can Insects See Colors? by H. Munro Fox, pp. 90-95
                                                                      15. America and Britain: The Naval Issue by Hector C. Bywater, pp. 96-106
                                                                      16. The Empery of the Empyrean by John Howard Dellinger, pp. 107-112
                                                                      17. England After Fifty Years by Henry Fairfield Osborn, pp. 113-122
                                                                      18. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 123-126
                                                                      19. The Perfect Child, pp. 127-145
                                                                      20. Our Rostrum, pp. 146-152
                                                                      21. [+]
                                                                        New Poetry by Robert M. Gay, pp. 153-154 - 6 Reviews
                                                                        1. East Wind by Amy Lowell
                                                                        2. The Selected Poems of Lizette Woodworth Reese by Lizette W. Reese
                                                                        3. Citadels by Marguerite O.B. Wilkinson
                                                                        4. Windows of Night by Charles Williams
                                                                        5. Cyclops' Eye by Joseph Auslander
                                                                        6. The Inner Harbor by Wilbert Snow
                                                                      22. [+]
                                                                        A Freudian Franklin by Philip Gregory Nordell, p. 155 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Benjamin Franklin: The First Civilized American by Phillips Russell
                                                                      23. [+]
                                                                        The Average Savage by A.M., p. 156 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Social Anthropology by Geza Roheim
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        Half a Century by J.B., p. 156 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Fifty Years of British Parliament by H.H. Asquith, Earl of Oxford and Asquith
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        The Haddocks in Paris by Edythe McConnell, p. 157 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Mr. and Mrs. Haddock in Paris, France by Donald Ogden Stewart
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Peeps at Pepys by E.C., p. 157 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Everybody's Pepys by O.F. Morshead and Samuel Pepys
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Turn to the East by Frank C. Davison, p. 157 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Turn to the East by Caroline Singer and Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        The Harlem Scene by Thurston Macauley, p. 158 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Nigger Heaven by Carl Van Vechten
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Angels and Ministers of Grace by Harvey M. Watts, p. 158 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Face of Silence: Sri Ramakrishna by Dhan Gopal Mukerji
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        The Cabell Epitome by Dashiell Hammett, p. 159 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Music from Behind the Moon by James Branch Cabell
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Coleridge, the Contemporary by Samuel McChord Crothers, p. 159 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Hugh l'Anson Fausset
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Step Lively! by Anne Cleeland, pp. 160-166 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. O Genteel Lady! by Esther Forbes
                                                                    2. [+]
                                                                      February 1927 Issue = 34 Articles
                                                                      1. Why Prohibition Will Win by Viscount Astor, pp. 161-169
                                                                      2. The American Takes a Holiday by Agnes Repplier, pp. 170-180
                                                                      3. Is It Right to Break Unjust Laws? by Benjamin Francis Sager, pp. 181-184
                                                                      4. II---Juggling Consciences by Norman Hapgood, pp. 185-188
                                                                      5. Women and the Old Immortality by Smith Ely Jelliffe, pp. 189-199
                                                                      6. Seven Sisters by Llewellyn Hughes, pp. 200-207
                                                                      7. The Causes of Disease by Francis Graham Crookshank, pp. 208-219
                                                                      8. Lincoln as a Lawyer by Lord Shaw of Dunfermline, pp. 220-229
                                                                      9. Good Manners in Literature by Richard Burton, pp. 230-236
                                                                      10. South of Augusta---Five Woodcuts by Howard N. Cook, pp. 237-241
                                                                      11. What Is a Good Sport?, pp. 242-245
                                                                      12. More of the President by Richard Washburn Child, pp. 246-251
                                                                      13. Back To Darwin by J.B.S. Haldane, pp. 252-264
                                                                      14. The New American Language---First Series, pp. 265-268
                                                                      15. How Times Haven't Changed by Margaret Winfield Stewart, pp. 269-275
                                                                      16. Yes, We Have No Mentalities To-Day by Scott Buchanan, pp. 276-277
                                                                      17. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 278-281
                                                                      18. Poetry Section by Helen Baker Parker, p. 282
                                                                      19. Gray Vase by Mella Russell McCallum, p. 282
                                                                      20. Lilith Laughs by John Hanlon, p. 283
                                                                      21. The Lapwing by Andre Dorynoff, p. 284
                                                                      22. The Artist by Doris Bingham, p. 284
                                                                      23. Adaptable Future by Julia Boynton Green, p. 285
                                                                      24. Death Comes for the Archbishop---II by Willa Cather, pp. 286-303
                                                                      25. Our Rostrum, pp. 304-312
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Treasure Trove by Frederick L. Allen, pp. 313-314 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Heart of Emerson's Journals by Bliss Perry and Ralph Waldo Emerson
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Business and the Church by Joseph Fort Newton, p. 315 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Business and the Church by Jerome Davis
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Avenues of Song by Samuel Scoville, Jr., p. 315 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Avenues of Song by Mary Ballard Duryee
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        i compose curves by Marianne Moore, p. 316 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Is Five by E.E. Cummings
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        A Human Being by J. St Loe Strachey, pp. 316-317 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. On England, and Other Addresses by Stanley Baldwin
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Hangman's House by Viola Paradise, p. 318 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Hangman's House by Donn Byrne
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Light in a Fog by John Jay Chapman, p. 319 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Evolution and Religion in Education by Henry Fairfield Osborn
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        Two Ardent Spirits by A.M., p. 319 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Prohibition in the United States by D. Leigh Colvin
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        Metaphysical Ninepins by Frank C. Davison, pp. 320-324 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Contemporary Thought of France by Isaak Benrubi
                                                                    3. [+]
                                                                      March 1927 Issue = 34 Articles
                                                                      1. Shall We Revise the Constitution?---A Debate by Louis Cuviller, pp. 321-325
                                                                      2. II---The Virtues of the Constitution by Wayne Wheeler, pp. 326-330
                                                                      3. Ellis Island, By Liberty Darkened by John Walker Harrington, pp. 331-340
                                                                      4. Aren't Men Queer? by Clemence Dane, pp. 341-343
                                                                      5. Marie of Roumania by Johan Bull, p. 344
                                                                      6. Mr. Babbitt Draws a Queen by Harold Norman Denny, pp. 345-353
                                                                      7. Why Clubs for Women? by Emily Newell Blair, pp. 354-363
                                                                      8. An Accident on the Quai Voltaire by Mary Borden, pp. 364-377
                                                                      9. A Tabloid a Day by Aben Kandel, pp. 378-384
                                                                      10. The New Lausanne Conference by Charles Evans Hughes, p. 385
                                                                      11. Blood Relationships by H. Munro Fox, pp. 386-391
                                                                      12. Greatness and Popularity in Literature by Carl Van Doren, pp. 392-398
                                                                      13. 'Dobe and Pueblo in Santa Fe---Wood and Linoleum Cuts by Howard Cook, pp. 399-403
                                                                      14. The Prevention of Cancer by James Ewing, pp. 404-412
                                                                      15. The New Religions of America by Jules-Bois, pp. 413-422
                                                                      16. Agriculture and Moneyculture by Virgil Jordan, pp. 423-432
                                                                      17. Is It Right to Break Unjust Laws? by Mary Badger Wilson, pp. 433-435
                                                                      18. II---The Test of Democracy by Winifred Kirkland, pp. 436-438
                                                                      19. What Is Natural?, pp. 439-441
                                                                      20. Poems by John Hall Wheelock, pp. 442-445
                                                                      21. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 446-449
                                                                      22. Death Comes for the Archbishop---III by Willa Cather, pp. 450-461
                                                                      23. Our Rostrum, pp. 462-470
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        Mencken, Coolidge, and Democracy by Bruce Bliven, pp. 471-472 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. Notes on Democracy by H.L. Mencken
                                                                        2. Foundations of the Republic by Calvin Coolidge
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        A Giant Caught Napping by A. Washington Pezet, p. 473 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Translations and Tomfooleries by Bernard Shaw
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Our Northern Neighbors by Harvey M. Watts, p. 473 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The United States as a Neighbour by Robert Falconer
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Byron as a Father by Agnes Repplier, p. 474 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Allegra by Armistead C. Gordon
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        China, Past and Present by Chi-Fung Liu, p. 475 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. An Outline History of China by Herbert H. Gowen and Josef Washington Hall
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Instructive Rather Than Seductive by A. More, p. 476 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. A General Theory of Value by Ralph Barton Perry
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        Travel Diary of a Wit by Viola Paradise, p. 476 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Jesting Pilate by Aldous Huxley
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Shades of Napoleon by S.M., p. 477 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Romance of Japan Through the Ages by James A.B. Scherer
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        The Dance by Jeannette Edwards, p. 477 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The American Ballet by Ted Shawn
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        Tradition or Creation? by Havelock Ellis, p. 478 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Making of the Modern Mind by John Herman Randall, Jr.
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        In the Wake of the Novel by I.A. Richards, pp. 479-484 - 11 Reviews
                                                                        1. Lord Raingo by Arnold Bennett
                                                                        2. Galahad by John Erskine
                                                                        3. Introduction to Sally by Elizabeth von Arnim
                                                                        4. They Went by Norman Douglas
                                                                        5. A Man Could Stand Up by Ford Madox Ford
                                                                        6. Teeftallow by T.S. Stribling
                                                                        7. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
                                                                        8. Power by Lion Feuchtwanger
                                                                        9. Harmer John by Hugh Walpole
                                                                        10. My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather
                                                                        11. Goodbye, Stranger by Stella Benson
                                                                    4. [+]
                                                                      April 1927 Issue = 35 Articles
                                                                      1. Spring and the Poets by Frederick L. Allen, pp. 481-484
                                                                      2. Are Tabloid Newspapers a Menace?---A Debate by Oswald Garrison Villard, pp. 485-491
                                                                      3. II---The Why of the Tabloids by Martin Weyrauch, pp. 492-501
                                                                      4. Morale by Private Michael Maloyne, pp. 502-517
                                                                      5. Crime in America by William McGougall, pp. 518-523
                                                                      6. England Turns Toward Catholicism by James Owen Hannay, pp. 524-528
                                                                      7. The Empire of Herring by Hrolf Wisby, pp. 529-533
                                                                      8. The Future of Disease Prevention by Hugh Cumming, pp. 534-545
                                                                      9. The Alcohol Motive by George T.W. Patrick, pp. 546-556
                                                                      10. Scenes in Toulon---Four Woodcuts by Clare Leighton, pp. 557-561
                                                                      11. Ellis Island, Enlightened by Liberty by John Walker Harrington, pp. 562-570
                                                                      12. Are Skyscrapers an Asset? by Thomas Hastings, pp. 571-574
                                                                      13. II---The City Beautiful by John Roosval, pp. 575-577
                                                                      14. Short Skirts and French Dictators by Carrie Chapman Catt, pp. 578-584
                                                                      15. Gypsy Bred by Ida Lowry Sinclair, p. 585
                                                                      16. Impressions of America by O.N. Pisgah, pp. 586-594
                                                                      17. Who Owns Mexico's Oil? by Frederic Rogers Kellogg and Jose Kelly, pp. 595-601
                                                                      18. What is Intelligence?, pp. 602-604
                                                                      19. Poetry Section by Deane Whittier Colton, p. 605
                                                                      20. Fiddler's Green by Harold Willard Gleason, p. 606
                                                                      21. Morning Sonnet by Grace Hazard Conkling, p. 607
                                                                      22. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 608-611
                                                                      23. Death Comes for the Archbishop---IV by Willa Cather, pp. 612-625
                                                                      24. Our Rostrum, pp. 626-632
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        Synthetic Genius by Lin Segal, p. 633 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. A Study of British Genius by Havelock Ellis
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Sandburg's Best by Viola Paradise, p. 634 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg by Rebecca West and Carl Sandburg
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Old Romans in Top Hat by Richard M. Gummere, p. 634 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Mind of Rome by Cyril Bailey
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Black Futility by Charles Lee Snider, p. 635 - 3 Reviews
                                                                        1. The Negro in American Life by Jerome Dowd
                                                                        2. Negro Workaday Songs by Howard Washington Odum and Guy Benton Johnson, ...
                                                                        3. The Second Book of Negro Spirituals by James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Father of the Man by Anne Cleeland, p. 636 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Tar: A Midwest Childhood by Sherwood Anderson
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        Critical America by B. Teats, p. 636 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Read America First by Robert Littell
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        A Scientist's England by Henry Fairfield Osborn, p. 637 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Need for Eugenic Reform by Leonard Darwin
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Pruriet Vagabondage by L.H. Titterton, p. 638 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. More Miles by Harry Kemp
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        A Teacher of Men by Frederick L. Allen, p. 638 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Essays in Memory of Barrett Wendell
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        Ivory Towers in Russia by George Vesselago, p. 639 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Utopia in Chains by Morris Gordin
                                                                      35. [+]
                                                                        Why the Churches? by Reginald Wright Kauffman, pp. 640-644 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Twelve Modern Apostles, and Their Creeds by W.R. Inge
                                                                    5. [+]
                                                                      May 1927 Issue = 32 Articles
                                                                      1. Ourselves and Italy by Benito Mussolini and Fredericka V. Blankner, pp. 641-647
                                                                      2. Fireworks by D.H. Lawrence, pp. 648-654
                                                                      3. Should We Stop Instalment Buying?---A Debate by Senator James Couzens, pp. 655-659
                                                                      4. II---The Case for Instalment Buying by Charles Connard Hanch, pp. 660-665
                                                                      5. Pegasus and Dobbin by Clemence Dane, pp. 666-668
                                                                      6. Tabu---A Defense of Birth Control by Edward Murray East, pp. 669-677
                                                                      7. The Philadelphia System by Thomas Raeburn White, pp. 678-687
                                                                      8. A Model for Scientists by Everett Partridge, p. 688
                                                                      9. Herodias the White by Herbert Ravenel Sass, pp. 689-695
                                                                      10. Student Suicide---A Disease or a Sympton? by Edward Campbell Aswell, pp. 696-703
                                                                      11. The New Dress by Virginia Woolf, pp. 704-716
                                                                      12. Santa Fe---Four Color Prints by Howard N. Cook, pp. 717-721
                                                                      13. Short-Circuiting War by Stuart Chase, pp. 722-729
                                                                      14. For New Marriage Laws by Hiram Wesley Evans, pp. 730-739
                                                                      15. Are You Consistent? by Oliver L. Reiser, pp. 740-741
                                                                      16. The English Sight Unseen by Viola Paradise, pp. 742-747
                                                                      17. What Is Tolerance?, pp. 748-751
                                                                      18. The New American Language---Second Series, pp. 752-756
                                                                      19. Bad Verse and Bad Readers by John Haldane Blackie, pp. 757-765
                                                                      20. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 766-769
                                                                      21. Death Comes for the Archbishop---V by Willa Cather, pp. 770-784
                                                                      22. Our Rostrum, pp. 785-792
                                                                      23. [+]
                                                                        Palmy Lord Palmerston by Don C. Seitz, p. 793 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Palmerston, 1784-1865 by Philip Guedalla
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        Modern Art Stabilized by Christian Brinton, p. 794 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. A Short History of Art by Andre Blum and Robert Rattray Tatlock
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        A Nordic Nimrod by Herbert J. Spinden, p. 795 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Among Pygmies and Gorillas by Prince William of Sweden
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        The Mystery of Childhood by Freda Kirchwey, p. 795 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Language and Thought of the Child by Jean Piaget
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Second Aid to Clippers by Viola Paradise, p. 796 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Second Conning Tower Book by F.P.A.
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Dusky Stories by John P. Fort, p. 797 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Tropic Death by Eric Walrond
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Hugo and Humanism by Horatio Smith, p. 797 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Victor Hugo: The Man and the Poet by William F. Giese
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        Writing and Selling by Dale Warren, p. 798 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. The Commercial Side of Literature by Michael Joseph and Grant Overton
                                                                        2. The Free-Lance Writers' Handbook by William Dorsay Ennedy
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Eating Through France by Thurston Macauley, p. 798 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Epicure's Guide to France by Marcel Rouff
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        The Human Adventure by C.K. Ogden, pp. 799-800 - 3 Reviews
                                                                        1. The Conquest of Civilization by James Henry Breasted
                                                                        2. The Ordeal of Civilization by James Harvey Robinson
                                                                        3. A History of the Ancient World by Michael I. Rostovtzeff
                                                                    6. [+]
                                                                      June 1927 Issue = 34 Articles
                                                                      1. The Eel by Evan Morgan, p. 801
                                                                      2. Shall We Force Religion Into the School---A Debate by Benjamin Severance Winchester, pp. 802-810
                                                                      3. II---Which God and Why Schools? by Harvey Maitland Watts, pp. 811-817
                                                                      4. At First Sight---I by Walter de la Mare, pp. 818-833
                                                                      5. If by Mary Dixon Thayer, p. 834
                                                                      6. Asia's New Voice by Felix Valyi, pp. 835-840
                                                                      7. The Fallacies of Birth Control by Halliday Sutherland, pp. 841-850
                                                                      8. Where the East Begins by Hamilton Fish Armstrong, pp. 851-855
                                                                      9. The Pathology of Race Prejudice by Edward Franklin Frazier, pp. 856-861
                                                                      10. No Images by Waring Cuney, p. 862
                                                                      11. What A Bird Will Sit Upon by F.B. Kirkman, pp. 863-868
                                                                      12. The Doctor in the Dock by Carey P. McCord, pp. 869-879
                                                                      13. Ireland---Four Woodcuts by Richard Bennett, pp. 880-883
                                                                      14. Can Mexico Maintain Its Isolation? by William Ledyard Rodgers, pp. 884-891
                                                                      15. Why We Live Beyond Our Means by Emily Newell Blair, pp. 892-899
                                                                      16. Franklin and Voltaire by Willis Steell, pp. 900-902
                                                                      17. Pitcairn Island by Louis Le Fevre, pp. 903-911
                                                                      18. Art As A Magic Mirror by J.B. Priestley, pp. 912-921
                                                                      19. What Is Heaven?, pp. 922-924
                                                                      20. French Prize Poem by Paul Claudel, p. 925
                                                                      21. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 926-929
                                                                      22. Death Comes for the Archbishop---VI by Willa Cather, pp. 930-942
                                                                      23. The Third Term by John Carter, p. 943
                                                                      24. Our Rostrum, pp. 943-950
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        Two First Novels by William Lyon Phelps, p. 951 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. The Ninth Wave by Carl Van Doren
                                                                        2. The Pacer by Viola Paradise
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Mars' Nest by Charles Seymour, p. 952 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The New Balkans by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Wheeler Looks at Comstock by Wayne B. Wheeler, p. 953 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Anthony Comstock: Roundsman of the Lord by Heywood Broun and Margaret Leech
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        China on the Map by Upton Close, pp. 954-955 - 4 Reviews
                                                                        1. China and the Powers by Henry Kittredge Norton
                                                                        2. Our Far Eastern Assignment by Felix Morley
                                                                        3. China: Yesterday and Today by Edward Thomas Williams
                                                                        4. China and Her Political Entity by Shuhsi Hsu
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        A New Sedgwick Novel by Dorothy Canfield Fisher, p. 956 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Old Countess by Anne Douglas Sedgwick (Mrs. Basil de Selincourt)
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        A Short Talk to Belloc by Richard Le Gallienne, p. 956 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Short Talks with the Dead, and Other Essays by Hilaire Belloc
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        The First Realist by Frederick S. Hoppin, p. 957 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Pieter Bruegel the Elder by Virgil Barker
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Israfel by Viola Paradise, p. 958 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe by Hervey Allen
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        Mr. Churchill's War by George Nebolsine, p. 959 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The World Crisis, 1916-1918 by Winston S. Churchill
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        Gantry, the Devil's Saint by William McFee, p. 960 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Elmer Gantry by Sinclair Lewis
                                                                    7. [+]
                                                                      July 1927 Issue = 36 Articles
                                                                      1. China and Christianity by Hu Shih, pp. 1-2
                                                                      2. Foreign Fashions by Arthur Waley, p. 3
                                                                      3. Wanted---A Cato! by Frederick S. Hoppin, pp. 3-6
                                                                      4. Is Birth Control Right? by G.A. Studdert Kennedy, pp. 7-14
                                                                      5. II---The Wrong of It by John Augustine Ryan, pp. 15-19
                                                                      6. The War Against the Moon by Andre Maurois, pp. 20-27
                                                                      7. Animal Poisoners by H. Munro Fox, pp. 28-31
                                                                      8. The Book of Tenants by Robert P. Tristram Coffin, pp. 32-41
                                                                      9. An Older Brother of Ours by Samuel McCoy, pp. 42-47
                                                                      10. The Goddess of Liberty by Valeska Bari, pp. 48-61
                                                                      11. Senator "Jim" Reed by Frank R. Kent, pp. 62-70
                                                                      12. Why I am a Zionist by Norman Hapgood, pp. 71-76
                                                                      13. Pirate Ships, pp. 77-81
                                                                      14. Psychiatry and Health by Frederick H. Allen, pp. 82-87
                                                                      15. The God of Dostoevsky by I.A. Richards, pp. 88-97
                                                                      16. How Talk Began by Sir Richard Paget, pp. 98-102
                                                                      17. Own Folk by Samuel Scoville, Jr., pp. 103-114
                                                                      18. What Is Art?, pp. 115-117
                                                                      19. Negro Poetry by Etta Baldwin Oldham, p. 118
                                                                      20. Hell Fire by Julia Johnson Davis, pp. 118-119
                                                                      21. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 120-123
                                                                      22. At First Sight by Walter de la Mare, pp. 124-138
                                                                      23. Our Rostrum, pp. 139-150
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        Democratic Lord Bryce by William B. Munro, p. 151 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. James Bryce by Herbert A.L. Fisher
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        When Ladies Were Ladies by Frederick S. Hoppin, p. 152 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Celebrities of the Italian Renaissance in Florence and in the Louvre by Robert de La Sizeranne
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Enough Rope by Viola Paradise, p. 153 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Enough Rope by Dorothy Parker
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        France Dissected by Bernard Fay, p. 153 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. France by Sisley Huddleston
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Napoleon's Star Rises Again by Harry Salpeter, p. 154 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Napoleon: The Man of Destiny by Emil Ludwig
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Jungle Tales by Herbert Ravenel Sass, p. 155 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Man and Beast by Samuel Scoville, Jr.
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        Re-casting the Melting Pot by A. Washington Pezet, p. 155 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Re-Forging America by Lothrop Stoddard
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        The Glass House in Politics by Roland S. Morris, p. 156 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. An Adventure in Constructive Finance by Carter Glass
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Chapman's Dante by Charles Hall Grandgent, p. 157 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Dante by John Jay Chapman
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        The State in Transition by Burt Teats, p. 158 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Man and the State by William Ernest Hocking
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        The Artistry of Henry James by L.H. Titterton, p. 158 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Henry James: Man and Author by Pelham Edgar
                                                                      35. [+]
                                                                        Indicting a Whole People by Charles Lee Snider, p. 159 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Babbitt Warren by C.E.M. Joad
                                                                      36. [+]
                                                                        Haydon Self-Confessed by Christian Brinton, pp. 160-166 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Autobiography and Memoirs of Benjamin Robert Haydon, 1786-1846 by Benjamin Robert Haydon
                                                                    8. [+]
                                                                      August 1927 Issue = 33 Articles
                                                                      1. Shall We Break the Third Term Tradition?, p. 161
                                                                      2. I---A Useless Tradition by William Bennett Munro, pp. 162-167
                                                                      3. II---A Useful Tradition by Walter Lippmann, pp. 168-172
                                                                      4. Over the Hills and Far Away by Frederick S. Hoppin, pp. 173-180
                                                                      5. Woodrow Wilson's Ford Boom by A.R. Pinci, pp. 181-189
                                                                      6. Hog's Eye and Human by Margaret Prescott Montague, pp. 190-203
                                                                      7. On the Survival of the Unfit by Leonard Darwin, pp. 204-213
                                                                      8. Whales Aground! by Elizabeth Taylor#4, pp. 214-225
                                                                      9. Maya Civilization---100% American by Sylvanus Griswold Morley, pp. 226-236
                                                                      10. Corrida de Toros by Hunt Diederich, pp. 237-241
                                                                      11. "Doing Right by Our Nell" by Albert Carr, pp. 242-249
                                                                      12. Pixies' Leaves by Mary Dixon Thayer, pp. 250-251
                                                                      13. The Child Jesus of Prague by Paul Claudel, p. 252
                                                                      14. Do Animals Think? by Reid Blair, pp. 253-260
                                                                      15. On Prodigal Sons by Montgomery Evans, pp. 261-268
                                                                      16. What Is Love?, pp. 269-270
                                                                      17. Words of To-Morrow, pp. 271-272
                                                                      18. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 273-277
                                                                      19. The Critics' Dilemma by Francis Hackett, pp. 278-283
                                                                      20. At First Sight by Walter de la Mare, pp. 284-301
                                                                      21. Our Rostrum, pp. 302-311
                                                                      22. [+]
                                                                        Tristram by Mark Van Doren, p. 312 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Tristram by Edwin Arlington Robinson
                                                                      23. [+]
                                                                        Mr. Emerson of Concord by Mildred Whitney Stillman, p. 313 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Emerson and Others by Van Wyck Brooks
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        Nailing Science to the Door by E.E. Free, p. 313 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Science: The False Messiah by Clarence E. Ayres
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        America Through French Lorgnettes by Henry M. Hart, Jr., p. 314 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. France and America by Andre Tardieu
                                                                        2. America Comes of Age by Andre Siegfried
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Edith Wharton by William Lyon Phelps, p. 315 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Twilight Sleep by Edith Wharton
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        The Rise of a Nordic by Donald Gibbs, p. 316 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. An American Saga by Carl Christian Jensen
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Two Views of Fascism by Lothrop Stoddard, p. 316 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. Fascism by Giuseppe Prezzolini
                                                                        2. Italy and Fascismo by Luigi Sturzo
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Fool's Gold by Henry H. Balos, p. 317 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The World in the Making by Hermann Keyserling
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        An Ambassador as Mystic by Harvey M. Watts, p. 318 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Letters to a Doubter by Paul Claudel
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Russia---Obverse and Reverse by John Cournos, p. 318 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Memoirs of Baron N. Wrangel, 1847-1920 by Petr N. Wrangel
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Religious Genetics by Jules-Bois, p. 319 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. An Outline Introduction to the History of Religions by Theodore Henry Robinson
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        Hilarious Satire by Harold Blodgett, pp. 320-324 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Talk of the Town by Lynn Montross and Lois Seyster
                                                                    9. [+]
                                                                      September 1927 Issue = 38 Articles
                                                                      1. The Future of Christian Missions by William Ralph Inge, pp. 321-328
                                                                      2. Are Religion and Science Irreconcilable? by James Henry Leuba, pp. 329-335
                                                                      3. II---Render Unto Caesar by J. Arthur Thomson, pp. 336-342
                                                                      4. What Is Youth? by Clemence Dane, pp. 343-345
                                                                      5. Can Civilized Man Keep Savage Virtues? by Herbert Joseph Spinden, pp. 346-356
                                                                      6. Black Biscuits by Panteleimon Romanoff, pp. 357-367
                                                                      7. What To Eat, and How to Eat It by J. Madison Taylor, M.D., pp. 368-373
                                                                      8. Making Friends With Fishes by Armstrong Perry, pp. 374-381
                                                                      9. The Nightingale by D.H. Lawrence, pp. 382-387
                                                                      10. The Fifteen Finest Short Stories by John Cournos, pp. 388-391
                                                                      11. Entombment by Gertrude Nason Carver, p. 392
                                                                      12. Brains for the Army by Lucius Hudson Holt, pp. 393-397
                                                                      13. Some Lingering Landmarks of Old-Time Philadelphia by Thornton Oakley, pp. 398-401
                                                                      14. Our Bill by Orrin Clifford Lester, pp. 402-409
                                                                      15. The Leading Expressionist by Josef Bard, pp. 410-416
                                                                      16. The Private Note-Book of Hans Christian Andersen by Carl Lorain Withers, pp. 417-429
                                                                      17. Achilles and the Tortoise by F.P. Ramsey, pp. 430-434
                                                                      18. The Flag and the Dollar by Amos Pinchot, pp. 435-442
                                                                      19. Poems for Children by Violet Alleyn Storey, p. 443
                                                                      20. To My Two Sons by Louis Ginsberg, p. 444
                                                                      21. Punctual by Violet Alleyn Storey, p. 445
                                                                      22. Wood-Gathering Song by Cora A. Matson Dolson, p. 445
                                                                      23. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 446-448
                                                                      24. What Is Bunk?, pp. 449-450
                                                                      25. At First Sight by Walter de la Mare, pp. 451-457
                                                                      26. Our Rostrum, pp. 458-470
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        "Will Be Altered To Suit Tenants" by Hendrik Willem van Loon, pp. 471-472 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Main Currents in American Thought by Vernon Louis Parrington
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        A Neurotic at His Best by Oliver Jenkins, p. 473 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Down Stream by J.K. Huysmans
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        India, Mother of What? by Frederick Peterson, M.D. and Antoinette Rotan Peterson, ..., p. 473 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Mother India by Katherine Mayo
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        Africa for Americans by Herbert Brucker, p. 474 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. What About North Africa? by Hamish McLaurin
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        When Sainthood Was in Flower by Frederick S. Hoppin, p. 475 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The History of the Translation of the Blessed Martyrs of Christ, Marcellinus and Peter by Barrett Wendell and Einhard
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        What Is Truth in Russia? by John Cournos, p. 475 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. The Russian Revolution, 1917-1926 by Lancelot Lawton
                                                                        2. On the Trail of the Russian Famine by Frank Alfred Golder and Lincoln Hutchinson
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        Daniels Come to Judgment by Sheldon Glueck, p. 476 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Probation and Delinquency by Edwin J. Cooley
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        Wagner's Women by Hugh A. Studdert Kennedy, p. 477 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Prodigious Lover by Louis Barthou
                                                                      35. [+]
                                                                        Bearding History by Charles Merz, pp. 477-478 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Rise of American Civilization by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
                                                                      36. [+]
                                                                        Sex or Politics? by Floyd Dell, p. 479 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Oil! by Upton Sinclair
                                                                      37. [+]
                                                                        A Unique Biography by Agnes Repplier, p. 479 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Trader Horn by Ethelreda Lewis and Alfred Aloysius Horn
                                                                      38. [+]
                                                                        Roosevelt as a Literary Man by J.B., pp. 480-484 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Works of Theodore Roosevelt by Theodore Roosevelt
                                                                    10. [+]
                                                                      October 1927 Issue = 34 Articles
                                                                      1. Disraeli by Andre Maurois, pp. 481-499
                                                                      2. Should the Negro Be Encouraged to Cultural Equality? by Alain Locke, pp. 500-509
                                                                      3. II---The Impasse at the Color-Line by Lothrop Stoddard, pp. 510-519
                                                                      4. My Golfing Luck by A.A. Milne, pp. 520-521
                                                                      5. Chicago, Hands Up! by Kate Sargent, pp. 522-531
                                                                      6. Science and the New Era by Edward Murray East, pp. 532-542
                                                                      7. A Fugitive Seeks Sanctuary by Margaret Prescott Montague, pp. 543-550
                                                                      8. Hobgoblins by John Hodgdon Bradley, Jr., pp. 551-556
                                                                      9. Arabesques Tunisiennes by Thomas Handforth, pp. 557-561
                                                                      10. The Taming of a Wild Oat by Mella Russell McCallum, pp. 562-576
                                                                      11. The Prodigal by Harold Willard Gleason, p. 577
                                                                      12. The Cry of the Loon by Richard Warner Borst, p. 578
                                                                      13. For Scholars by E. Merrill Root, p. 579
                                                                      14. Wives in Politics by Emily Newell Blair, pp. 580-584
                                                                      15. Alfalfa Song by Cora A. Matson Dolson, p. 585
                                                                      16. Christianity versus Missions by Edward H. Hume, pp. 586-592
                                                                      17. The Senate as Censor by Senator Thomas J. Walsh, pp. 593-604
                                                                      18. Pessimism and Depressimism by J.B. Priestley, pp. 605-612
                                                                      19. What Is Truth?, pp. 613-614
                                                                      20. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 615-618
                                                                      21. Our Rostrum, pp. 619-629
                                                                      22. Meditations of an Old Chinese Philosopher by Paul Eldridge, p. 630
                                                                      23. [+]
                                                                        Take Your Choice by Bernard Fay, p. 631 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. Variety by Paul Valery
                                                                        2. Messages by Ramon Fernandez
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        A Novel of Industry by Arthur Pound, p. 632 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Bread and Fire by Charles Rumford Walker
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        Squaring the Round Table by H.G. Leach, pp. 632-633 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance by Roger Sherman Loomis
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Cervantes Souffle by Donald Gibbs, p. 634 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Ingenious Hidalgo: Miguel Cervantes by Han Ryner
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Everybody His Own Prophet by E.E. Free, p. 634 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. An Experiment with Time by J.W. Dunne
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Greatness and Charm by John Cournos, p. 635 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Anton Tchekhov: Literary and Theatrical Reminiscences by S.S. Koteliansky and Anton Chekhov
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Sargent Revalued by Christian Brinton, p. 635 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. John Sargent by Evan Charteris
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        Ecstasy Lost or Strayed by Viola Paradise, p. 636 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Lost Ecstasy by Mary Roberts Rinehart
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Harding The Man by E.C.A., p. 637 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The President's Daughter by Nan Britton
                                                                      32. [+]
                                                                        Aiken to Joyceward by Evelyn Page, p. 637 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Blue Voyage by Conrad Aiken
                                                                      33. [+]
                                                                        Our Benighted States by Harvey M. Watts, p. 638 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The War on Modern Science by Maynard Shipley
                                                                      34. [+]
                                                                        Three English Poets by Joseph Auslander, pp. 639-644 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. New Poems and Old by Muriel Stuart
                                                                    11. [+]
                                                                      November 1927 Issue = 29 Articles
                                                                      1. Will the Democratic Party Split? by Stanley Frost, pp. 641-649
                                                                      2. II---The Force of Tradition by Roland S. Morris, pp. 650-656
                                                                      3. River Witch by Roark Bradford, pp. 657-664
                                                                      4. The Missing Muse by Philip Guedalla, pp. 665-672
                                                                      5. Matin and Marriage in China by Upton Close, pp. 673-684
                                                                      6. Borrowed Plumes by H. Munro Fox, pp. 685-693
                                                                      7. The Chaos Called College by George Thomas White Patrick, pp. 694-702
                                                                      8. Ferdinand and the Taste for Cheese by Christopher Morley, pp. 703-707
                                                                      9. Chicago, Hands Down by Kate Sargent, pp. 708-724
                                                                      10. Lammastide by Laurence Jordan, p. 725
                                                                      11. Public Health Nursing by Charles-Edward Amory Winslow, pp. 726-732
                                                                      12. My Queerest Experience by Clemence Dane, pp. 733-736
                                                                      13. Book Urchins by Upton Sinclair, pp. 737-742
                                                                      14. Contrasts by Edna Louise Smith, p. 743
                                                                      15. Primitive Man by Mary Austin, pp. 744-752
                                                                      16. What Is Instinct?, pp. 753-755
                                                                      17. Words of To-Morrow, pp. 756-757
                                                                      18. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 758-767
                                                                      19. Disraeli by Andre Maurois, pp. 768-781
                                                                      20. Our Rostrum, pp. 782-792
                                                                      21. [+]
                                                                        A Brace of Biographies by Agnes Repplier, p. 793 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study in Solitude by Herbert S. Gorman
                                                                        2. The Rebellious Puritan by Lloyd R. Morris
                                                                      22. [+]
                                                                        Shovels and Men by John S. Gambs, p. 794 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Main Stem by William Edge
                                                                      23. [+]
                                                                        Democracy's Handicap by Alfred J. Lotka, p. 795 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Next Age of Man by Albert Edward Wiggam
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        The Wells of History Un-Belloc(k)ed by Hendrik Willem van Loon, p. 796 - 3 Reviews
                                                                        1. A Companion to Mr. Wells's "Outline of History" by Hilaire Belloc
                                                                        2. Mr. Belloc Objects to "The Outline of History" by H.G. Wells
                                                                        3. Mr. Belloc Still Objects to Mr. Wells's "Outline of History" by Hilaire Belloc
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        Meanwhile Here Is Wells by Donald F. Rose, p. 797 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Meanwhile: The Picture of a Lady by H.G. Wells
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Freud and Beyond by Joseph Jastrow, p. 798 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Social Basis of Consciousness by Trigant Burrow
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        Tom Paine, Martyr by Harry Alan Potamkin, p. 799 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Thomas Paine: Prophet and Martyr of Democracy by Mary Agnes Best
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        Let's Write a Romance by Joseph C. Furnas, p. 799 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Tall Men by James Stuart Montgomery
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        American Art: When, As, and If by Christian Brinton, pp. 800-804 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The American Spirit in Art by Frank Jewett Mather, Jr. and Charles Rufus Morey, ...
                                                                    12. [+]
                                                                      December 1927 Issue = 31 Articles
                                                                      1. The House of Human Welfare by Judge Ben B. Lindsey, pp. 801-816
                                                                      2. The Armchair Millennium by Rose Macaulay, pp. 817-820
                                                                      3. Is the United States Imperialistic? by William J. McNally, pp. 821-827
                                                                      4. II---A South American Denial by Diomedes Pereyra, pp. 828-835
                                                                      5. Devil's Island by Blair Niles, pp. 836-847
                                                                      6. Whispering Houses by Florence Mary Bennett, pp. 848-857
                                                                      7. The Tracks of the Sun by Gerard De Geer, pp. 858-863
                                                                      8. Education or Anodyne? by George Whitney Martin#2, pp. 864-871
                                                                      9. Physician, Heal Thyself! by Smith Ely Jelliffe, M.D., pp. 872-878
                                                                      10. "Westward Ho!" by Richard Bennett, pp. 879-883
                                                                      11. Is Man Fundamentally Dishonest? by Clarence Darrow, pp. 884-888
                                                                      12. November Makes a World by David Morton, p. 889
                                                                      13. Thomas Jefferson and the Religion of America by Joseph Fort Newton, pp. 890-896
                                                                      14. Out of Sight 'n' Sound of the Sea by Montanye Perry, pp. 897-904
                                                                      15. Paean by Harold Willard Gleason, p. 905
                                                                      16. Black Ballots in the White South by George Fort Milton, pp. 906-912
                                                                      17. Psychology by John Drinkwater, p. 913
                                                                      18. A Passage to Forster by I.A. Richards, pp. 914-920
                                                                      19. Footpath and Highway by The Pedestrian, pp. 921-924
                                                                      20. What Is Common Sense?, pp. 925-926
                                                                      21. Disraeli by Andre Maurois, pp. 927-941
                                                                      22. Our Rostrum, pp. 942-951
                                                                      23. [+]
                                                                        America Van-Looned by Harvey M. Watts, p. 952 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Story of America by Hendrik Van Loon
                                                                      24. [+]
                                                                        No Answer---Dusty or Otherwise by Emily Newell Blair, p. 953 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Dusty Answer by Rosamond Lehmann
                                                                      25. [+]
                                                                        A Political Curiosity by Elisabeth Brown Cutting, p. 954 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Disraeli by D.L. Murray
                                                                      26. [+]
                                                                        Dreiser The Dull by Donald Gibbs, p. 955 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Financier by Theodore Dreiser
                                                                      27. [+]
                                                                        An Officer and a Gentleman by Alphonse B. Miller, p. 956 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. John Paul Jones: Man of Action by Phillips Russell
                                                                      28. [+]
                                                                        A Mount Carmel Saga by Gustav Davidson, p. 956 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. The Women at Point Sur, and Other Poems by Robinson Jeffers
                                                                      29. [+]
                                                                        Dropping the Pilot by Poultney Bigelow, p. 957 - 2 Reviews
                                                                        1. Wilhelm Hohenzollern: The Last of the Kaisers by Emil Ludwig
                                                                        2. Bismarck: The Story of a Fighter by Emil Ludwig
                                                                      30. [+]
                                                                        A Good Woman's Vices by Viola Paradise, p. 958 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. A Good Woman by Louis Bromfield
                                                                      31. [+]
                                                                        Maurois the Magician by Oliver Jenkins, pp. 959-960 - 1 Review
                                                                        1. Bernard Quesnay by Andre Maurois
                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1928 = 12 Issues, 198 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1929 = 12 Issues, 307 Articles
                                                                    2. [+]
                                                                      Issues of the 1930s = 10 Years, 120 Issues, 2,453 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1930 = 12 Issues, 307 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1931 = 12 Issues, 286 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1932 = 12 Issues, 214 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1933 = 12 Issues, 217 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 1934 = 12 Issues, 237 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 1935 = 12 Issues, 247 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 1936 = 12 Issues, 207 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 1937 = 12 Issues, 229 Articles
                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                        Issues of 1938 = 12 Issues, 255 Articles
                                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of 1939 = 12 Issues, 254 Articles
                                                                                        2. [+]
                                                                                          Issues of the 1940s = 6 Years, 58 Issues, 1,164 Articles
                                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                                            Issues of 1940 = 6 Issues, 152 Articles
                                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                                              Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
                                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                                Issues of 1946 = 12 Issues, 331 Articles
                                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                                  Issues of 1947 = 12 Issues, 206 Articles
                                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                                    Issues of 1948 = 12 Issues, 201 Articles
                                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                                      Issues of 1949 = 12 Issues, 180 Articles
                                                                                                    2. [+]
                                                                                                      Issues of the 1950s = 1 Year, 1 Issue, 12 Articles
                                                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                                                        Issues of 1950 = 1 Issue, 12 Articles