The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Common Ground Archives
Common Ground •ï¿½9 Years, 33 Issues, 867 Articles, 3,887pp
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1940s = 9 Years, 33 Issues, 867 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1941 = 1 Issue, 30 Articles
      1. [+]
        Autumn 1941 Issue = 30 Articles
        1. Mexicans to Michigan by Carey McWilliams, pp. 5-18
        2. Mexican Sketches by Howard N. Cook, pp. 19-22
        3. Community in Clover by Landrum Bolling, pp. 23-27
        4. Polonia to America by Ed Falkowski, pp. 28-36
        5. The Canadian Amalgam by Watson Kirkconnell, pp. 37-40
        6. Hello Mr. Fairbanks!, p. 41
        7. The People Respond by Ruby Black, pp. 42-47
        8. To the South Americans by Robert Nathan, p. 48
        9. Tony and Aunt Susan by Merritt H. Perkins, pp. 49-51
        10. What the Negro Wants by Langston Hughes, pp. 52-54
        11. Cotton Pickers (A Wood Engraving) by Clare Leighton, pp. 55-56
        12. Evenin' Air Blues by Langston Hughes, p. 57
        13. Carrie King Bowles by Fannie Cook, pp. 58-62
        14. Joe Louis and His People by William G. Nunn, pp. 63-64
        15. One Year in America by Philipp Flesch, pp. 65-68
        16. The Story of Add-A-Part Records by Isabel Lundberg, pp. 69-72
        17. How Not to Solve "The Jewish Problem" by Marie Syrkin, pp. 73-78
        18. What Makes George Run? by James R. Gordon, pp. 79-82
        19. The War on the Social Studies by Kenneth M. Gould, pp. 83-91
        20. Sabotage in B-8 by Mataileen L. Ramsdell, pp. 92-96
        21. Immigration, a Field for Research by Marcus Lee Hansen, pp. 97-106
        22. Discrimination---Defense Bottle-Neck by Alan Cranston, pp. 107-111
        23. Organizations and Their World, pp. 112-116
        24. From the Immigrant Press, p. 117
        25. [+]
          American Folkways, p. 118 - 2 Reviews
          1. Desert Country by Edwin Corle
          2. Pinon Country by Haniel Long
        26. [+]
          America Is Becoming by Henry C. Tracy, p. 119 - 1 Review
          1. Home Is Here by Sidney Meller
        27. [+]
          Hemispheric and Island Neighbors by Henry C. Tracy, p. 120 - 1 Review
          1. Good Neighbors by Hubert C. Herring
        28. [+]
          America in Artistic Expression by Henry C. Tracy, p. 121 - 3 Reviews
          1. Father of the Blues by W.C. Handy and Arna Bontemps
          2. The Negro in Art by Alain LeRoy Locke
          3. American Renaissance by F.O. Matthiessen
        29. [+]
          On the Social Horizon by Henry C. Tracy, p. 122 - 5 Reviews
          1. The New American by Francis Kalnay and Richard Collins
          2. Democracy in the Middle West, 1840-1940 by Jeannette P. Nichols and James G. Randall
          3. We Hold These Truths by Stuart Gerry Brown
          4. The American Tradition by Louis B. Wright
          5. The Patriotic Anthology by Carl Van Doren
        30. Recommended Reading, pp. 123-128
    2. [+]
      Issues of 1942 = 4 Issues, 118 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1942 Issue = 35 Articles
        1. Disciples of Freedom by Blair Bolles, pp. 3-8
        2. The Democratic Effort by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, pp. 9-10
        3. The Japanese American Creed by Mike Masaoka, p. 11
        4. After Pearl Harbor by Mary Oyama, p. 12
        5. New York City by Tooru Kanazawa, pp. 13-14
        6. I Am Alive by Satoko Murakami, pp. 15-18
        7. New England Town Meeting by Harriette Wilburr, pp. 19-26
        8. Merry-Go-Round by Langston Hughes, p. 27
        9. A White Folks' War? by Roi Ottley, pp. 28-31
        10. Ear Players by Woody Guthrie, pp. 32-43
        11. Stone by Mari Tomasi, pp. 44-49
        12. War Comes to Little Italy by Michael De Capite, pp. 50-52
        13. Masaryktown by Joseph Lawren, pp. 53-55
        14. Alma Jaded Lotus Blossom by Kum Pui Lai, pp. 56-58
        15. "This America"---a photographic feature by Alexander Alland, pp. 59-62
        16. The Two American Half-Worlds by Waldo Frank, pp. 63-70
        17. Immigrant Cobbler---a wood engraving by Bernard Brussel-Smith, pp. 71-72
        18. Norway and Norwegian Americans by Sigrid Undset, pp. 73-76
        19. What Must Lindsborg Be! by Howard W. Turtle, pp. 77-80
        20. You Can't Move a Windmill by Arnold Mulder, pp. 81-84
        21. Julia Is Educated by Sidney Meller, pp. 85-87
        22. A Southerner Learns About Race by Brewton Berry, pp. 88-92
        23. You Like? You Have! by Leta Browne, pp. 93-97
        24. Morale Begins at School by Marie Syrkin, pp. 98-102
        25. Dear Mr. Adamic--- by Margery Harville, pp. 103-104
        26. American Community by Felizia Seyd, p. 105
        27. Organizations and Their Work, pp. 105-107
        28. News Notes, pp. 108-109
        29. From the Immigrant Press, pp. 110-111
        30. [+]
          Abreast of Our Time, p. 112 - 7 Reviews
          1. The Democratic Tradition in America by Thomas V. Smith
          2. The Brandeis Guide to the Modern World by Alfred Lief and Louis D. Brandeis
          3. Fountainheads of Freedom by Irwin Edman and Herbert W. Schneider
          4. The Opinions of Oliver Allston by Van Wyck Brooks
          5. Language in Action by S.I. Hayakawa
          6. When Peoples Meet by Alain LeRoy Locke and Bernhard J. Stern
          7. The Myth of the Negro Past by Melville J. Herskovits
        31. [+]
          American Character by Henry C. Tracy, p. 113 - 9 Reviews
          1. Simon Bolivar: A Story of Courage by Elizabeth Waugh
          2. Young Man of Caracas by Thomas R. Ybarra
          3. Native American by Ray Stannard Baker
          4. My India, My America by Krishnalal J. Shridharani
          5. It's the Gypsy in Me by Konrad Bercovici
          6. The Life of Margaret Fuller by Madeleine B. Stern
          7. The Doctors Mayo by Helen B. Clapesattle
          8. They Knew Lincoln by John E. Washington
          9. Lincoln: His Life in Photographs by Stefan Lorant
        32. [+]
          New Americans and Old by Henry C. Tracy, p. 114 - 4 Reviews
          1. Windswept by Mary Ellen Chase
          2. L. Baxter, Medicus by Knud Stouman
          3. Swift Are the Shadows by Giuseppe Di Gioia
          4. Broad and Alien Is the World by Ciro Alegria
        33. [+]
          In the National Vein by Henry C. Tracy, p. 115 - 9 Reviews
          1. The Short Grass Country by Stanley Vestal
          2. Ozark Country by Otto Ernest Rayburn
          3. Some American Primitives by Clara Endicott Sears
          4. Our Singing Country by John A. Lomax and Alan Lomax
          5. America's Own Refugees by Henry Hill Collins, Jr.
          6. Twelve Million Black Voices by Richard Wright and Edwin Rosskam
          7. Independent Vermont by Charles Miner Thompson
          8. Boston's Immigrants, 1790-1880 by Oscar Handlin
          9. A Maritime History of New York (#56)
        34. [+]
          From the Old World by Henry C. Tracy, p. 116 - 3 Reviews
          1. Great Men and Women of Poland by Stephen P. Mizwa
          2. We Were and We Shall Be by Zdenka Munzer and Jan Munzer
          3. Flight in Winter by John Clinton Adams
        35. Recommended Reading, pp. 117-120
      2. [+]
        Summer 1942 Issue = 30 Articles
        1. Rendezvous With America by Melvin B. Tolson, pp. 3-9
        2. Admitted as a Citizen by Frank Kingdon, pp. 10-14
        3. I Am an "Enemy Alien" by Hans Lamm, pp. 15-18
        4. The Alien Enemy Program---So Far by James Rowe, Jr., pp. 19-24
        5. American Soldiers Can Eat Black Bread by Edward F. Haskell, pp. 25-29
        6. Soldier in the South by Fred D. Wieck, pp. 30-36
        7. When Singin' Comes In by Jean Thomas, pp. 37-41
        8. The Fourth of July by John Ciardi, p. 42
        9. Journey From the Isle of Man by Mary K.A. Denney, pp. 43-50
        10. The Good-Neighbor Policy---at Home by Roi Ottley, pp. 51-56
        11. Freedom of Worship (Photographs) by Alexander Alland, pp. 57-64
        12. Japanese Evacuation: Policy and Perspectives by Carey McWilliams, pp. 65-72
        13. Strangers' Rice by Asami Kawachi, pp. 73-75
        14. We Are America by Edith Handleman, pp. 76-78
        15. A Killer's Knife Ain't Holy by Fannie Cook, pp. 79-84
        16. Big, Good Country by Michael Hudoba, pp. 85-86
        17. Marcus Lee Hansen---Historian of Immigration by C. Frederick Hansen, pp. 87-94
        18. America's First Families on the Warpath by Estelle Webb Thomas, pp. 95-99
        19. So You're in the United States by Waino Nyland, pp. 100-104
        20. News Notes, pp. 105-106
        21. The John Anisfield Foundation by Ann Eliza Keller, p. 107
        22. Organizations and Their Work, pp. 107-108
        23. Young "Good Neighbor" by Kara Hunsucker, p. 109
        24. Schools and Teachers, pp. 109-110
        25. From the Immigrant and Negro Press, pp. 111-115
        26. [+]
          These Are Americans, p. 116 - 6 Reviews
          1. Eve's Stepchildren by Lealon N. Jones
          2. Blue Ridge Country by Jean Thomas
          3. Old McDonald Had a Farm by Angus Henry McDonald
          4. Ill Fares the Land by Carey McWilliams
          5. Bolivar: The Life of an Idealist by Emil Ludwig
          6. Jefferson by Saul K. Padover
        27. [+]
          Novels of Compassion by Henry C. Tracy, p. 117 - 10 Reviews
          1. In the Night Did I Sing by O'Kane Foster
          2. Nayar by Miguel Angel Menendez
          3. Hills Beyond Manhattan by Guido D'Agostino
          4. The Rivers Are Frozen by Lea Colton
          5. Big Ben by Earl Schenck Miers
          6. In the Forests of the Night by Kenneth S. Davis
          7. Sabbath Has No End by John Weld
          8. Here Come Joe Mungin by Chalmers S. Murray
          9. Never Come Morning by Nelson Algren
          10. Head of the Line by Gladys Hasty Carroll
        28. [+]
          Multicultural America by Henry C. Tracy, p. 118 - 5 Reviews
          1. The Negro Caravan by Sterling A. Brown, Arthur P. Davis, and Ulysses Lee, ...
          2. Music Comes to America by David Ewen
          3. Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea Islands by Lydia Parrish
          4. Shakespeare in Harlem by Langston Hughes
          5. Plain-Chant for America by Katherine Garrison Chapin
        29. [+]
          Democratic America in the World Struggle by Henry C. Tracy, p. 119 - 6 Reviews
          1. The Making of Tomorrow by Raoul de Roussy de Sales
          2. The Destiny of Western Man by W.T. Stace
          3. A New Earth and a New Humanity by Oliver L. Reiser
          4. America in the New Pacific by George E. Taylor
          5. Jews in a Gentile World by Isacque Graeber and Steuart Henderson Britt
          6. The Philippines: A Study in National Development by Joseph Ralston Hayden
        30. [+]
          In Brief by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 120-128 - 5 Reviews
          1. The American Idea by Eugene T. Adams
          2. Color, Class, and Personality by Robert Lee Sutherland
          3. Norwegian-American Studies and Records
          4. The Waldenses in the New World by George B. Watts
          5. The Good Inheritance by Norman Cousins
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1942 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. The American Experience and European Reconstruction by David Dempsey, pp. 3-9
        2. The Heritage of the Refugee by Martin Gumpert, pp. 10-13
        3. The Tooth-Dentist by Jean Thomas, pp. 14-20
        4. Names by Louis Adamic, pp. 21-26
        5. Manzanar---Relocation Center by Robert L. Brown, pp. 27-31
        6. This Isn't Japan by Mary Oyama, pp. 32-34
        7. State Line to Skid Row by Woody Guthrie, pp. 35-44
        8. On the Italian Americans by Max Ascoli, pp. 45-49
        9. My Uncle Polde by Frank Mlakar, pp. 50-56
        10. Freedom of Expression, pp. 57-64
        11. Foreign-Language Radio and the War by Carl J. Friedrich, pp. 65-72
        12. The Sound of Home by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 73-74
        13. Rock, Church, Rock! by Arna Bontemps, pp. 75-80
        14. The Open Door by John Ward Bayly, pp. 81-87
        15. Sincerely Yours, pp. 88-90
        16. Plowing the Dew Under by Grace Cable Keroher, pp. 91-96
        17. He Dreamed America by Kent Pellett, pp. 97-98
        18. I, Too, Sing America by Jo Sinclair, pp. 99-107
        19. From the Immigrant and Negro Press, pp. 108-110
        20. Organizations and Their Work, p. 111
        21. News Notes, pp. 112-114
        22. [+]
          Faith in the Common Man, pp. 115-116 - 9 Reviews
          1. Forward the Nation by Donald Culross Peattie
          2. The Pennsylvania Germans by Ralph C. Wood
          3. Pennsylvania Cavalcade (#50)
          4. New Hampshire Borns a Town by Marion Nicholl Rawson
          5. Ohio in Homespun and Calico by I.T. Frary
          6. High Border Country by Thane Eric and Caldwell Erskine
          7. The Long Ships Passing by Walter Havighurst
          8. The Roaring Land by Archie Binns
          9. Fair Is Our Land by Samuel Chamberlain
        23. [+]
          The Common Man As World Citizen by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 117-118 - 9 Reviews
          1. The New Belief in the Common Man by Carl J. Friedrich
          2. The Wind Blew from the East by Ferner Nuhn
          3. The Real Italians by Carlo Sforza
          4. American Unity and Asia by Pearl S. Buck
          5. Memoirs of the Life and Peregrinations of the Florentine Philip Mazzei, 1730-1816 by Filippo Mazzei
          6. The New Order in Poland by Simon Segal
          7. The Odyssey of a Faith by Bernard Heller
          8. Today We Are Brothers by Leo Lania
          9. A Short History of Canada for Americans by Alfred LeRoy Burt
        24. [+]
          This America by Henry C. Tracy, p. 119 - 10 Reviews
          1. This America by John Dwight Kern and Irwin Griggs
          2. Approach to America by Walter Havighurst, Robert F. Almy, and Joseph M. Bachelor, ...
          3. Of the People by Harry R. Warfel and Elizabeth Manwaring
          4. The Roots of American Culture, and Other Essays by Constance Rourke and Van Wyck Brooks
          5. Horse Sense in American Humor by Walter Blair
          6. Walt Whitman: Poet of Democracy by Hugh l'Anson Fausset
          7. Letter from America by Carlos Bulosan
          8. Whittier: Bard of Freedom by Whitman Bennett
          9. The Old South by Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker
          10. Millhands and Preachers by Liston Pope
        25. [+]
          Fiction in Brief Mention by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 120-130 - 4 Reviews
          1. Tap Roots by James Street
          2. There Is a Happy Land by A.I. Bezzerides
          3. The Just and the Unjust by James Gould Cozzens
          4. Brother, the Laugh Is Bitter by Lawrence Lipton
      4. [+]
        Winter 1942 Issue = 28 Articles
        1. Emerson: Radical Democrat by Eduard C. Lindeman, pp. 3-6
        2. Long Wharf: Boston by John Ciardi, p. 7
        3. This Man's Army by Thaddeus Bialek, pp. 8-12
        4. Cleveland's New Mayor by Clayton Fritchey, pp. 13-18
        5. Little Italys by Marie Di Mario, pp. 19-27
        6. It Is Not So by Michael De Capite, pp. 28-35
        7. The Return by Joseph Remenyi, pp. 36-40
        8. The Breaking-In by Floyd Tillery, pp. 41-46
        9. "Nobody Knows" (Linoleum Cut) by William H. Smith, pp. 47-48
        10. Is Americanism American? by Lawrence Martin, pp. 49-51
        11. Juan Q. Citizen Speaks His Piece by Robert L. Grimes, pp. 52-57
        12. Learning Should Be Motivated by Mataileen L. Ramsdell, pp. 58-60
        13. Anthracite Miners (Photographs) by David Robbins, pp. 61-68
        14. Burning Down Georgia's Back Porch by Lillian E. Smith, pp. 69-72
        15. Green Citizens by Donald Culross Peattie, pp. 73-78
        16. America Becomes Musical by David Ewen, pp. 79-83
        17. Antonin Dvorak and American Music by Verna Arvey, pp. 84-88
        18. An Attempt at Autobiography by Regina Gor, pp. 89-99
        19. The Twain Meet by Lincoln Leung, pp. 100-103
        20. Quaker Street by James R. Gordon, pp. 104-108
        21. "Enemy Aliens" by Alan Cranston, pp. 109-112
        22. School That Is "More Together" by Frank Eakin, p. 113
        23. Schools and Teachers, pp. 113-118
        24. From the Immigrant Press, pp. 119-120
        25. Organizations and Their World, pp. 121-123
        26. [+]
          America and Americans in the Making, pp. 124-125 - 16 Reviews
          1. First Papers by Martin Gumpert
          2. I Am an American by Robert Spiers Benjamin
          3. The Ground We Stand On by John Dos Passos
          4. What Is Democracy? by Charles E. Merriam
          5. The Highland Call by Paul Green
          6. Reveille in Washington, 1860-1865 by Margaret Leech
          7. Walt Whitman: Builder for America by Babette Deutsch
          8. American Giant by Frances Winwar
          9. Carl Sandburg by Karl Detzer
          10. Anton Dvorak by Paul Stefan
          11. Tar Heels by Jonathan Daniels
          12. Emigres in the Wilderness by T. Wood Clarke
          13. Shake Hands with the Dragon by Carl Glick
          14. No Life for a Lady by Agnes Morley Cleaveland
          15. From My Highest Hill by Olive Tilford Dargan
          16. Northwest Gateway by Archie Binns
        27. [+]
          Rebirth in America by Henry C. Tracy, p. 126 - 13 Reviews
          1. Not Without Honor by Vivian Parsons
          2. The Long Winter Ends by Newton G. Thomas
          3. Blood on the Forge by William Attaway
          4. Mr. George's Joint by Elizabeth Lee F. Wheaton
          5. Bird of the Wilderness by Vincent Sheean
          6. Hurricane Hush by Laurie Havron
          7. The Last Frontier by Howard Fast
          8. Lance by Edward F. Haskell
          9. The Big Snow by Jake Falstaff
          10. Boot-Heel Doctor by Fannie Cook
          11. The Harvest Waits by Lorene Pearson
          12. County Seat by Paul Corey
          13. The Great Big Doorstep by E.P. O'Donnell
        28. [+]
          The New World Neighbors by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 127-136 - 8 Reviews
          1. Inside Latin America by John Gunther
          2. Latin America: A Descriptive Survey by William Lytle Schurz
          3. Brazil: Land of the Future by Stefan Zweig
          4. The Other America by Lawrence Griswold
          5. Meet the South Americans by Carl Crow
          6. Salud! A South American Journal by Margaret Culkin Banning
          7. Our Latin American Neighbors by Philip Leonard Green
          8. Lands of New World Neighbors by Hans Christian Adamson
    3. [+]
      Issues of 1943 = 4 Issues, 109 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1943 Issue = 26 Articles
        1. The War and the Foreign-Language Press by Yaroslav J. Chyz, pp. 3-10
        2. The Negro Press Today by Roi Ottley, pp. 11-18
        3. Katie Stieglitz by Sholem Asch, pp. 19-23
        4. The Making of an American Family by Claude M. Fuess, pp. 24-29
        5. New England Accepts by Barbara Parmelee, pp. 30-37
        6. Woodcuts for Americana by Melvin B. Tolson, pp. 38-40
        7. Vacation Daze by George S. Schuyler, pp. 41-44
        8. The Jews: Fact and Fiction by Edward E. Grusd, pp. 45-49
        9. Crossroads by Woody Guthrie, pp. 50-56
        10. Freedom From Fear and Want, pp. 57-64
        11. The Forgotten Mexican by Carey McWilliams, pp. 65-78
        12. Dutch Gap by William Strovink, pp. 79-82
        13. What Happened at Manzanar, pp. 83-87
        14. Do You Believe in the Four Freedoms? by Sally Lowenhaupt, pp. 88-90
        15. Canteen by Victor Wittgenstein, pp. 91-93
        16. Seeds Without Soil by Fannie Cook, pp. 94-100
        17. Sincerely Yours by Phyllis K.H. Patchett, pp. 101-103
        18. It Can Be Done by William Suchy, p. 104
        19. Schools and Teachers, pp. 104-106
        20. The Immigrant and Negro Press, pp. 107-108
        21. Miscellany, pp. 109-114
        22. [+]
          Self-Discovery in America, p. 115 - 5 Reviews
          1. America: The Story of a Free People by Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager
          2. The American Spirit by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
          3. On Native Grounds by Alfred Kazin
          4. And Keep Your Powder Dry by Margaret Mead
          5. The Making of America
        23. [+]
          In the American Pattern by Henry C. Tracy, p. 116 - 5 Reviews
          1. Maria by Michael De Capite
          2. Mount Allegro by Jerre Mangione
          3. For My People by Margaret Walker
          4. Dust Tracks on a Road by Zora Neale Hurston
          5. Syrian Yankee by Salom Rizk
        24. [+]
          Continental Thinking---For the Americas by Henry C. Tracy, p. 117 - 2 Reviews
          1. A Latin American Speaks by Luis Quintanilla
          2. Latin America: Its Place in the World Life by Samuel Guy Inman
        25. [+]
          Aspects of the American Scene by Henry C. Tracy, p. 118 - 8 Reviews
          1. The Making of a Reporter by Will Irwin
          2. I Came Out of the Eighteenth Century by John Andrew Rice
          3. Mr. Justice Holmes by Francis Biddle
          4. Jefferson Himself by Bernard Mayo and Thomas Jefferson
          5. Angel Mo' and Her Son, Roland Hayes by MacKinley Helm
          6. Swede Homestead by Nancy Mae Anderson
          7. America Is Americans by Hal Borland
          8. Southern Harvest by Clare Leighton
        26. [+]
          On Winning the Peace by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 119-122 - 9 Reviews
          1. How to Win the Peace by Carl J. Hambro
          2. Victory Is Not Enough by Egon Ranshofen-Wertheimer
          3. Listen, Hans! by Dorothy Thompson
          4. The World After War by Henry Bamford Parkes
          5. Listen, Germany! by Thomas Mann
          6. A Permanent United Nations by Amos J. Peaslee
          7. Make This the Last War by Michael Straight
          8. Social Insurance and Allied Services by William Beveridge
          9. Let the People Know by Norman Angell
      2. [+]
        Summer 1943 Issue = 26 Articles
        1. What America Means to Me by Pearl S. Buck, pp. 3-10
        2. This Is the Picture by John Beecher, pp. 11-16
        3. Goebbels' Favorite Weapon by Marie Syrkin, pp. 17-21
        4. This My Brother by Viva Hill, p. 22
        5. Labor Lengthens Its Perspectives by Monroe Sweetland, pp. 23-29
        6. That I Had the Wings by Ralph Ellison, pp. 30-37
        7. Our Town---An Adventure in Co-operation by Justus Lane, pp. 38-43
        8. Ancient Abode Soil by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 44-48
        9. An American Finds America by Herbert Kubly, pp. 49-56
        10. Civilian Defense (Photographs) by Alexander Alland, pp. 57-64
        11. Democracy Begins at Home---II by M. Margaret Anderson, pp. 65-66
        12. Relocating a People by Robert W. Frase, pp. 67-72
        13. Student Relocation by Robert W. O'Brien, pp. 73-77
        14. Blueprint for a Slum by Eddie Shimano, pp. 78-85
        15. St. Paul Extends a Hand by Alice L. Sickels, pp. 86-87
        16. Madam to You! by Langston Hughes, pp. 88-90
        17. Hollywood and the American Scene by Ezra Goodman, pp. 91-95
        18. Steppe Children of the Czar by Grace Cable Keroher, pp. 96-102
        19. America's Folk Music by David Ewen, pp. 103-109
        20. Miscellany, pp. 110-113
        21. Schools and Children, pp. 114-115
        22. [+]
          America Discovers the World, p. 116 - 6 Reviews
          1. One World by Wendell L. Willkie
          2. Way for America by Alexander K. Laing
          3. Fantastic Interim by Henry Morton Robinson
          4. Free Men of America by Ezequiel Padilla
          5. A Time to Act by Archibald MacLeish
          6. The Freedom to Be Free by James Marshall
        23. [+]
          Where New and Old Cultures Meet by Henry C. Tracy, p. 117 - 5 Reviews
          1. The Heart Returneth by Vera Lebedeff
          2. The Waltz Is Over by Hester Pine
          3. Golden Wedding by Jo Pagano
          4. The Human Comedy by William Saroyan
          5. The Hill by David Greenhood
        24. [+]
          Lives and Backgrounds by Henry C. Tracy, p. 118 - 5 Reviews
          1. Father and Glorious Descendant by Pardee Lowe
          2. George Washington Carver: An American Biography by Rackham Holt
          3. Bound for Glory by Woody Guthrie
          4. The Other Side of Main Street by Henry Johnson
          5. The Shadows of the Trees by Jacques Ducharme
        25. [+]
          Hemispheric Backgrounds by Henry C. Tracy, p. 119 - 3 Reviews
          1. Chile: A Geographic Extravaganza by Benjamin Subercaseaux
          2. Land Where Time Stands Still by Max Miller
          3. Rediscovering South America by Harry A. Franck
        26. [+]
          For American Unity by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 120-130 - 2 Reviews
          1. Brothers Under the Skin by Carey McWilliams
          2. Patterns of Negro Segregation by Charles S. Johnson
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1943 Issue = 28 Articles
        1. An Institute of Ethnic Democracy by John Collier and Saul K. Padover, pp. 3-6
        2. Race Tensions: Second Phase by Carey McWilliams, pp. 7-12
        3. Pachucos in the Making by George I. Sanchez, pp. 13-20
        4. Prelude to Disaster: Detroit by Louis Martin, pp. 21-25
        5. We Go On From Herre by D'Arcy McNickle, pp. 26-31
        6. The First Day by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 32-36
        7. Together We Test Our Courage by Marjorie McKenzie, pp. 37-41
        8. Growing Out of Shadow by Margaret Walker, pp. 42-46
        9. Growing Into Freedom by Lillian E. Smith, pp. 47-52
        10. The American Way, pp. 53-60
        11. The Practice of Citizenship by Archibald MacLeish, pp. 61-66
        12. The Flying Africans by Kenneth Porter, pp. 67-70
        13. Our Humiliation---Not Theirs by Bruno Lasker, pp. 71-76
        14. Citizen Kwong by Carl Glick, pp. 77-79
        15. Portrait of Papa by Fotine Zirpiades, pp. 80-85
        16. Is This America Speaking?, pp. 86-87
        17. Pulling the Turnip by Leta Browne, pp. 88-90
        18. Passover and Americans in the Pacific by Henry A. Davidson, pp. 91-92
        19. The Fourth---Somewhere in the Pacific by Arthur D. Williams, p. 93
        20. Motion Pictures of the Quarter by Ezra Goodman, pp. 94-95
        21. Miscellany, pp. 96-100
        22. The Negro Press on the Riots, pp. 101-104
        23. The Finnish Immigrant Nyrkkilehti by John I. Kolehmainen, pp. 105-106
        24. [+]
          New World A-Coming, pp. 107-108 - 9 Reviews
          1. New World A-Coming by Roi Ottley
          2. The Fighting South by John Temple Graves
          3. The Year of Decision: 1846 by Bernard De Voto
          4. Citizen Tom Paine by Howard Fast
          5. They Also Ran by Irving Stone
          6. What America Means to Me by Pearl S. Buck
          7. Our Fighting Faith by James Bryant Conant
          8. History of Bigotry in the United States by Gustavus Myers
          9. The Negro's Share by Richard M.E. Sterner, Lenore A. Epstein, and Ellen Winston, ...
        25. [+]
          For a Free World by Henry C. Tracy, p. 109 - 8 Reviews
          1. The Century of the Common Man by Henry A. Wallace
          2. The World of the Four Freedoms by Sumner Welles
          3. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time by Harold J. Laski
          4. America's Role in Asia by Harry Paxton Howard
          5. Between Tears and Laughter by Yutang Lin
          6. Freedom of the Soul by Dwight J. Bradley
          7. A New World Is Born by Israel Herbert Levinthal
          8. The Nature and Destiny of Man by Reinhold Niebuhr
        26. [+]
          The Land and Its People by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 8 Reviews
          1. Kansas Irish by Charles B. Driscoll
          2. Coal Dust on the Fiddle by George G. Korson
          3. Roughly Speaking by Louise Randall Pierson
          4. Village Down East by John Wallace
          5. The Maine Idea by Keith Warren Jennison
          6. New England Town Meeting by John Gould
          7. Chief Seattle by Eva Greenslit Anderson
          8. Man and Resources in the Middle Rio Grande Valley by Allan G. Harper, Andrew R. Cordova, and Kalervo Oberg, ...
        27. [+]
          The Other Americas by Henry C. Tracy, p. 111 - 4 Reviews
          1. The Other Americans by Edward Tomlinson
          2. Ecuador: Portrait of a People by Albert B. Franklin
          3. Brazil in the Making by Jose Jobim
          4. The Wind that Swept Mexico by Anita Brenner and George R. Leighton
        28. [+]
          Fiction in Brief by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. Sophie Halenczik, American by Rose C. Feld
          2. Till I Come Back to You by Thomas Bell
          3. Joshua Moore, American by George F. Hummel
      4. [+]
        Winter 1943 Issue = 29 Articles
        1. Democracy Begins at Home by Langston Hughes, pp. 3-6
        2. Democracy Was Not a Candidate by Lillian E. Smith, pp. 7-10
        3. A Letter Home by Dorothy Kissling, p. 11
        4. The South Needs Help by Thomas Sancton, pp. 12-16
        5. Wimmin in Britches by Jean Thomas, pp. 17-24
        6. The case of Jacob Goldstein by Marie Syrkin, pp. 25-30
        7. Those of German Descent by George N. Shuster, pp. 31-35
        8. Hans and Magda Meet the War by Barbara Parmelee, pp. 36-42
        9. Democracy in Relocation by Dillon Myer, pp. 43-47
        10. When the Aliens Left by Ernest L. Meyer, pp. 48-49
        11. Topsoil and Bibles by Paul B. Sears, pp. 50-56
        12. American Farmers, pp. 57-64
        13. An Ancient Democracy to a Modern by Mary Ellen Chase, pp. 65-71
        14. Me Do It! by Leta Browne, pp. 72-76
        15. A Letter to Giulio by Alfredo C. Camerini, pp. 77-79
        16. Section Boss by Marguerite Deti Lathrop, pp. 80-85
        17. A Special Stake in the War by Arnold Mulder, pp. 86-88
        18. Shipment by George Morimitsu, pp. 89-90
        19. Two Worlds by Edward Urban, pp. 91-94
        20. In the "Melting Pot" by Elfreda Nordell, pp. 95-100
        21. My Name Was Vinia by Marguerita Rudolph, pp. 101-103
        22. Sincerely Yours, pp. 104-106
        23. News Notes, pp. 107-109
        24. Language Teaching and the High Schools by M. Margaret Anderson, pp. 110-112
        25. From the Immigrant and Negro Press, pp. 113-114
        26. [+]
          Aspects of the Democratic Offensive, p. 115 - 7 Reviews
          1. Argentina: The Life Story of a Nation by John W. White
          2. Pan American Progress by Philip Leonard Green
          3. New World Constitutional Harmony by George H. Jaffin
          4. A Democratic Manifesto by Emery Reves
          5. The Raft by Robert Trumbull
          6. What's Your Name? by Louis Adamic
          7. The American Jew by Oscar I. Janowsky
        27. [+]
          One Human Species by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 116-117 - 6 Reviews
          1. Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race by Ashley Montagu
          2. No Day of Triumph by J. Saunders Redding
          3. Small Town, South by Sam Byrd
          4. Virginia Is a State of Mind by Virginia Moore
          5. Mormon Country by Wallace Stegner
          6. The Plenty of Pennsylvania by Cornelius Weygandt
        28. [+]
          The American Spirit in Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, p. 118 - 13 Reviews
          1. All-American by John R. Tunis
          2. Gentleman Ranker by John Jennings
          3. The Valley of Decision by Marcia Davenport
          4. The Drums of Morning by Philip Van Doren Stern
          5. Tap Roots by James Street
          6. Look Down from Heaven by Naomi Lane Babson
          7. The Stones Begin to Dance by Aben Kandel
          8. The Cup and the Sword by Alice Tisdale Hobart
          9. Coarse Gold by Edwin Corle
          10. The Little People by Albert Halper
          11. The Seed Beneath the Snow by Ignazio Silone
          12. Hostages by Stefan Heym
          13. Fiesta in November by Angel Flores and Dudley Poore
        29. [+]
          People and Places by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 119-130 - 7 Reviews
          1. People of Poros by Peter S. Gray
          2. The Days of Ofelia by Gertrude Diamant
          3. Negroes in Brazil by Donald Pierson
          4. The Changing Indian by Oliver La Farge
          5. The Time of My Life by Harry Carlos De Vighne
          6. Rebels and Gentlemen by Carl Bridenbaugh and Jessica Bridenbaugh
          7. The Port of New Orleans by Harold Sinclair
    4. [+]
      Issues of 1944 = 4 Issues, 110 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1944 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. The Tools for Ethnic Democracy by Ward Shepard, pp. 3-17
        2. Maids of the Missouri by Leon Z. Surmelian, pp. 18-22
        3. Report from the Mountain States by Barron B. Beshoar, pp. 23-30
        4. Freedom's Blood by Jo Sinclair, pp. 31-32
        5. The Artist and the War by Yasuo Kuniyoshi, pp. 33-35
        6. Southern Defensive by J. Saunders Redding, pp. 36-42
        7. �---��by Lillian E. Smith, pp. 43-45
        8. Two Worlds by Alphonse Heningburg, pp. 46-52
        9. Roll Call, pp. 53-60
        10. The Conditions of Enduring Peace by Arthur E. Morgan, pp. 61-68
        11. Getting Quick Rich by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 69-72
        12. Mama, What Am I Going to Do? by Hugh McGovern, pp. 73-74
        13. Friendship Through Food by Alan Cranston, pp. 75-78
        14. What's Cooking in Your Neighbor's Pot? by Rosalie Slocum, pp. 79-81
        15. Everyone We Call "Du" by Herbert Kubly, pp. 82-85
        16. American Speaking, pp. 86-90
        17. Letter to the Reader by M. Margaret Anderson, pp. 91-95
        18. Miscellany, pp. 96-98
        19. Education for Resettlement by Monika Kehoe, pp. 99-101
        20. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 102-103
        21. The Press, pp. 104-106
        22. [+]
          Toward the American Creed, pp. 107-108 - 8 Reviews
          1. An American Dilemma by Gunnar Myrdal, Richard Sterner, and Arnold Rose
          2. Get Together Americans by Rachel Davis-Dubois
          3. Race and Rumors of Race by Howard W. Odum
          4. To Stem This Tide by Charles S. Johnson
          5. Race Riot by Alfred McClung Lee and Norman Daymond Humphrey, ...
          6. The Race Question and the Negro by John La Farge
          7. Race and Crime by Willem Adriaan Bonger
          8. American Negro Slave Revolts by Herbert Aptheker
        23. [+]
          The American Scene by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 109-110 - 8 Reviews
          1. Assignment U.S.A. by Selden C. Menefee
          2. Mainstream by Hamilton Basso
          3. Montana: High, Wide, and Handsome by Joseph Kinsey Howard
          4. The Wake of the Prairie Schooner by Irene D. Paden
          5. A Short History of American Democracy by John D. Hicks
          6. The Spirit of Hawaii by Alexander S. MacLeod
          7. Mother America by Carlos P. Romulo
          8. In Search of Myself by Hans Natonek
        24. [+]
          Liberalism and the Passing of Empire by Henry C. Tracy, p. 111 - 6 Reviews
          1. Common Cause by G.A. Borgese
          2. The Passing of the European Age by Eric Fischer
          3. Empire by Louis Fischer
          4. God's Englishman by Leland Dewitt Baldwin
          5. Liberal Education by Mark Van Doren
          6. The Complete Jefferson by Saul K. Padover and Thomas Jefferson
        25. [+]
          Life and Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. A Certain Measure by Ellen A. Glasgow
          2. Dunnybrook by Gladys Hasty Carroll
          3. A Bell for Adano by John Hersey
      2. [+]
        Summer 1944 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. Your Million Fathers by Lyle Owen, pp. 3-8
        2. Cantata: Mixed Voices by Sid Schumann, pp. 9-16
        3. Something in Our Ways by Justus Lane, pp. 17-19
        4. Growing New Roots by Clare Leighton, pp. 20-22
        5. As Every Alien by Rosamund Dargan Thomson, p. 23
        6. Jim Crow in the Classroom by Marie Syrkin, pp. 24-32
        7. Here in This Pleasant Land by Milton Kaplan, p. 33
        8. Yes, Your Honesty by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 34-37
        9. Adobe Village by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 38-43
        10. Fighting Together by Sergeant Ben Kuroki, pp. 44-52
        11. Young Americans, pp. 53-60
        12. The Nisei Speak by Carey McWilliams, pp. 61-73
        13. The Braggart by Melvin B. Tolson, p. 74
        14. Snowfall by D'Arcy McNickle, pp. 75-82
        15. Racial Discrimination Not Allowed by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 83-86
        16. Southern Offensive by Guy B. Johnson, pp. 87-93
        17. Shall We Go Back? by Elfreda Nordell, pp. 94-97
        18. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 98-100
        19. Miscellany, pp. 101-103
        20. The Press, pp. 104-106
        21. [+]
          The Pattern of Democracy, p. 107 - 4 Reviews
          1. Chicago by Dorsha Hayes
          2. Democracy: Should It Survive?
          3. What Is Our Destiny? by Norman Thomas
          4. The Practice of Idealism by Alfred M. Bingham
        22. [+]
          For a Better World Order by Henry C. Tracy, p. 108 - 4 Reviews
          1. How New Will the Better World Be? by Carl L. Becker
          2. Russia and the United States by Pitirim A. Sorokin
          3. The Road to Teheran by Foster Rhea Dulles
          4. A Preface to Peace by Harold Callender
        23. [+]
          Fiction for Today by Henry C. Tracy, p. 109 - 5 Reviews
          1. Strange Fruit by Lillian Smith
          2. The Outnumbered by Catherine Hutter
          3. Latchstring Out by Skulda V. Baner
          4. The Dove Brings Peace by Richard Hagopian
          5. The Laughter of My Father by Carlos Bulosan
        24. [+]
          Regional Reflections by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 3 Reviews
          1. Out of the Midwest by John T. Frederick
          2. Pills, Petticoats, and Plows by Thomas D. Clark
          3. Street Corner Society by William Foote Whyte
        25. [+]
          Personalities and Backgrounds by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. A Yankee from Olympus by Catherine Drinker Bowen
          2. Thirteen Against the Odds by Edwin R. Embree
          3. Dr. George Washington Carver, Scientist by Shirley Graham and George D. Lipscomb
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1944 Issue = 31 Articles
        1. The Englishman Meets the Negro by George W. Goodman, pp. 3-10
        2. Word-Makers Versus War-Makers by Joseph Levin, pp. 11-13
        3. My Son, Jonathan by Milton Kaplan, pp. 14-16
        4. The Man Who Would Not Stay Dead by Paul H. Oehser, p. 17
        5. Grandpa Was a Racer by Fern M. Crehan, pp. 18-26
        6. I Think You for This by Langston Hughes, pp. 27-28
        7. The Faint Dawn Quickens by Louella MacFarlane, pp. 29-31
        8. To der Fuehrer on D-Day by Mataileen L. Ramsdell, pp. 32-34
        9. The Man Without Manners by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 35-40
        10. Country Boy by Carol Seeley, pp. 41-42
        11. Prejudice by J.P. Shalloo, pp. 43-44
        12. Youth Crusades for a Better Democracy by Sara Bloch, pp. 45-52
        13. The Men of the Merchant Marine (Photographs) by Marie H. Baldwin, pp. 53-60
        14. The "Foreign-Born Vote" by Yaroslav J. Chyz, pp. 61-64
        15. Decision by Owen Dodson, p. 65
        16. The Grandeur and Misery by Leon Z. Surmelian, pp. 66-72
        17. The Ballad of Oleana by Theodore C. Blegen, pp. 73-76
        18. Why We Came to America: The Finns by John I. Kolehmainen, pp. 77-79
        19. The Heart's Tongue by Jewel Drickamer, p. 80
        20. Strange Breed by Jessie T. Ellison, p. 81
        21. Ordeal by Christmas by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 82-85
        22. Legacy by Leila Barrett, pp. 86-92
        23. At the Core by Gene Claussen, pp. 93-94
        24. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 95-97
        25. The Press, pp. 98-102
        26. Miscellany, pp. 103-106
        27. [+]
          America is the People, p. 107 - 6 Reviews
          1. America by Stephen Vincent Benet
          2. The Miracle of America by Andre Maurois
          3. Woodrow Wilson by Gerald W. Johnson
          4. The Way Our People Lived by William E. Woodward
          5. Far North Country by Thames R. Williamson
          6. Lake Huron by Fred Landon
        28. [+]
          Group Relations in America by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 11 Reviews
          1. Group Relations and Group Antagonisms by Robert M. MacIver
          2. Tailor's Progress by Benjamin Stolberg
          3. Organized Labor and the Negro by Herbert R. Northrup
          4. The Indian in American Life by G.E.E. Lindquist, Erna Gunther, and John H. Holst, ...
          5. The Navaho Door by Alexander H. Leighton and Dorothea C. Leighton, ...
          6. Indians Are People, Too by Ruth Muskrat Bronson
          7. An Experiment in Modifying Attitudes Toward the Negro by F. Tredwell Smith
          8. We Who Would Die by Binga Dismond
          9. Rising Above Color by Philip Henry Lotz
          10. A Guide for the Bedevilled by Ben Hecht
          11. Behold the Jew by Ada Jackson
        29. [+]
          Miscellaneous by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 2 Reviews
          1. Ukrainian Literature by Clarence A. Manning
          2. American Dialect Dictionary by Harold Wentworth
        30. [+]
          Novels of Understanding by Henry C. Tracy, p. 111 - 6 Reviews
          1. A Walk in the Sun by Harry Brown
          2. The Life and Death of Little Jo by Robert Bright
          3. Crazy Weather by Charles L. McNichols
          4. The Red Cock Crows by Frances Gaither
          5. Fire Bell in the Night by Constance N. Robertson
          6. Freedom Road by Howard Fast
        31. [+]
          For Better Relations with Latin American Nations by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. The Americas and Tomorrow by Virginia Prewett
          2. Middle America by Charles Morrow Wilson
          3. Rebellion in the Backlands by Euclides da Cunha
      4. [+]
        Winter 1944 Issue = 29 Articles
        1. Are Race Relations the Business of the Federal Government? A Symposium by Francis Biddle, pp. 3-12
        2. No Short-Cut to Democracy by Lester B. Granger, pp. 13-16
        3. A National Agency Must Have Authority by Louis Adamic, p. 17
        4. A Research Agency Outside of Government by William H. Hastie, p. 18
        5. We Must Construct or Disintegrate by John Collier and Saul K. Padover, pp. 19-21
        6. Adobe Christmas by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 22-25
        7. When Two Cultures Meet by Frank G. Nelson, pp. 26-31
        8. Gedicht der Dankbarkeit by Paul H. Oehser, p. 32
        9. Some Questions for Americans by Edward E. Grusd, pp. 33-36
        10. Blood, Sweat, and Ink by Louis Martin, pp. 37-41
        11. White Folks Do the Funniest Things by Langston Hughes, pp. 42-46
        12. Wne I Was in Knee Pants by Arthur P. Davis, pp. 47-52
        13. Democracy Is for the Unafraid by Chester B. Himes, pp. 53-56
        14. American Women, pp. 57-64
        15. Alien Seamen: The Case of Jose Diaz, pp. 65-74
        16. So We Bought a Farm by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 75-78
        17. Black Mother Praying in the Summer 1943 by Owen Dodson, pp. 79-89
        18. Farewell to Little Tokyo by Larry Tajiri, pp. 90-94
        19. Sea Blood by Mary Poole, pp. 95-96
        20. Sophia Becomes an American by Fotine Zirpiades, pp. 97-102
        21. Memo to Junior Hostesses by Margaret Halsey, pp. 103-104
        22. And Have Not Love by Helen Bugbee, p. 105
        23. Miscellany, pp. 106-111
        24. [+]
          All Nationalities Are Here, p. 112 - 8 Reviews
          1. American Counterpoint by Alexander Alland
          2. Harriet Tubman by Earl Conrad
          3. 'Scusa Me Teacher by Marian Agnes Dogherty
          4. Italian or American? by Irvin L. Child
          5. Swedish Immigrants in Lincoln's Time by Nels Hokanson
          6. Modern Negro Art by James A. Porter
          7. Brown Americans by Edwin R. Embree
          8. Three Times I Bow by Carl Glick
        25. [+]
          Americans in Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, p. 113 - 4 Reviews
          1. The Darker Brother by Bucklin Moon
          2. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
          3. The Free Man by Conrad Richter
          4. They Came from France by Clara Ingram Judson
        26. [+]
          Recent Events in Perspective by Henry C. Tracy, p. 114 - 3 Reviews
          1. An American Diary by Samuel Grafton
          2. Home Front Memo by Carl Sandburg
          3. Preview of History by Raymond Gram Swing
        27. [+]
          Behind the Scenes in New World History by Henry C. Tracy, p. 115 - 8 Reviews
          1. Journey Into America by Donald Culross Peattie
          2. The Story of the Americas by Leland DeWitt Baldwin
          3. The Origins of the American Revolution by John Chester Miller
          4. American Heroes and Hero-Worship by Gerald W. Johnson
          5. American Political Parties by Wilfred E. Binkley
          6. The Growth of American Thought by Merle Curti
          7. The Republic by Charles A. Beard
          8. Under Cover by John Roy Carlson
        28. [+]
          Interaction of the Old and New Worlds by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 116-117 - 4 Reviews
          1. Kosciuszko in the American Revolution by Miecislaus Haiman
          2. The Life of Ole Bull by Mortimer B. Smith
          3. The New Sun by Taro Yashima
          4. The Legend of the Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl by Charles de Coster
        29. [+]
          The American Scene by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 118-130 - 3 Reviews
          1. Roundup Time by George Sessions Perry
          2. The Dwelling Place by Anne Goodwin Winslow
          3. Our Way Down East by Elinor M. Graham
    5. [+]
      Issues of 1945 = 4 Issues, 111 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1945 Issue = 29 Articles
        1. Prejudice Among the Unprejudiced by Isabel Currier, pp. 3-9
        2. The Casuals by Sidney Margolius, pp. 10-16
        3. Two Advertisements by The People of Sierra Madre, pp. 17-18
        4. When Goodwill Is Organized by Barron B. Beshoar, pp. 19-22
        5. The Comradeship of Faiths by Bernard Heller, pp. 23-28
        6. The Fellowship Church of All Peoples by Howard Thurman, pp. 29-31
        7. Intercultural Education in the Synagogue by Leo Shapiro, pp. 32-36
        8. Truth by Gwendolyn Brooks, p. 37
        9. Uncle Andrew and Auld Robbie by Helen Papashvily, pp. 38-39
        10. Karl Bitter, Sculptor by Oswald Garrison Villard, pp. 40-44
        11. The Right to Work by Edward Lawson, pp. 45-48
        12. It Can Be Done by Elfreida Hartt, pp. 49-52
        13. American Families, pp. 53-60
        14. The Exodus Train by Arna Bontemps and Jack Conroy, pp. 61-70
        15. Afternoon of a Rock by D'Arcy McNickle, pp. 71-76
        16. Maids Are Hard to Get by Milton Kaplan, pp. 77-80
        17. Democracy at Work by David Weisman, pp. 81-83
        18. American Songs by Danish Immigrants by Enok Mortensen, pp. 84-86
        19. Seven Miles from the Old Country by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 87-91
        20. Homefront by Gilbert A. Papp, pp. 92-93
        21. The Common Council at Work, pp. 94-95
        22. Miscellany, pp. 96-99
        23. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 100-102
        24. The Press, pp. 103-106
        25. [+]
          World Problems Have Become Our Problem, p. 107 - 7 Reviews
          1. An Intelligent American's Guide to the Peace by Sumner Welles
          2. Land of the Free by Homer Carey Hockett and Arthur Meier Schlesinger, ...
          3. A Basic History of the United States by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
          4. My Country by Russell W. Davenport
          5. The Veteran Comes Back by Willard Waller
          6. The American Story by Archibald MacLeish
          7. The Faith and Fire Within Us by Elizabeth Jackson
        26. [+]
          The Land, the People---Our Country by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 9 Reviews
          1. A Pictorial History of the Great Lakes by Harlan Hatcher
          2. Deep Delta Country by Harnett T. Kane
          3. Pioneers of the Ozarks by Lennis Leonard Broadfoot
          4. The Scotch-Irish of Colonial Pennsylvania by Wayland F. Dunaway
          5. Some of My Best Friends Are Soldiers by Margaret Halsey
          6. Jim Crow Joins Up by Ruth Danenhower Wilson
          7. The Negro in American Life by John Leonard Becker
          8. Were You There When They Crucified My Lord? by Allan Rohan Crite
          9. My Happy Days by Jane Dabney Shackelford
        27. [+]
          New Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 4 Reviews
          1. No Bright Banner by Michael de Capite
          2. They Dream of Home by Niven Busch
          3. Dear Baby by William Saroyan
          4. Young 'Un by Herbert Best
        28. [+]
          Liberalism and Labor by Henry C. Tracy, p. 111 - 3 Reviews
          1. Labor in America by Harold U. Faulkner and Mark Starr
          2. Bread Upon the Waters by Rose Pesotta
          3. The First Round by Joseph Gaer
        29. [+]
          Immigrant Contributions by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. Anything Can Happen by George Papashvily and Helen Waite Papashvily
          2. Music Master of the Middle West by Leola Nelson Bergmann
          3. Prodigal Genius by John J. O'Neill
      2. [+]
        Summer 1945 Issue = 29 Articles
        1. What America Means to Me by John Beecher, pp. 3-10
        2. Blessed Be the Holy Saints by Helen Papashvily, pp. 11-16
        3. How Do Children Learn Such Things? by Isabel Currier, pp. 17-22
        4. Main Street---Springfield by Clarence I. Chatto and Alice L. Halligan, pp. 23-27
        5. Abe Lincoln in the Third Grade by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 28-33
        6. Festivals Together by Bernard Postal, pp. 34-37
        7. Journey Toward the Light by I.L. Salomon, pp. 38-43
        8. Negro Hero---to Suggest Dorie Miller by Gwendolyn Brooks, pp. 44-45
        9. Mommie, Why Am I Colored? by Marian S. Jackson, pp. 46-47
        10. Adobe Grace by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 48-52
        11. Americanization, pp. 53-60
        12. Laws Educate by Marie Syrkin, pp. 61-66
        13. Roads Going Down by Frank Yerby, pp. 67-72
        14. Wanted---a Charter for the Least Peoples by Arthur E. Morgan, pp. 73-75
        15. In America You Say It With Flowers by Wallace Stegner, pp. 76-79
        16. For Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Pauli Murray, pp. 80-81
        17. Weather Report by Eve Merriam, pp. 82-85
        18. Silkville---Colony of Dreams by Grace Cable Keroher, pp. 86-91
        19. The Foreign-Language Press on Dumbarton Oaks, pp. 92-93
        20. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 94-96
        21. The Common Council at Work, pp. 97-99
        22. Miscellany, pp. 100-101
        23. [+]
          The Democratic Ferment at Work in America, pp. 102-103 - 10 Reviews
          1. Pine, Stream and Prairie by James Gray
          2. Tin Horns and Calico by Henry Christman
          3. Town Meeting Country by Clarence M. Webster
          4. This Is Judaism by Ferdinand M. Isserman
          5. The Declaration of Independence by Julian P. Boyd
          6. Philadelphia: Holy Experiment by M. Struthers Burt
          7. The Missouri by Stanley Vestal
          8. Continent's End by Joseph Henry Jackson
          9. New Hampshire by Keith W. Jennison
          10. One America by Francis James Brown and Joseph Slabey Roucek
        24. [+]
          Thinking About Religion by Henry C. Tracy, p. 104 - 3 Reviews
          1. One God by Florence Mary Fitch
          2. Sabbath: The Day of Delight by Abraham E. Millgram
          3. Let's Think About Our Religion by Frank Eakin and Mildred Moody Eakin
        25. [+]
          Hemispheric Neighbors by Henry C. Tracy, p. 105 - 4 Reviews
          1. Cocks and Bulls in Caracas by Olga Briceno
          2. Costa Rican Life by John Biesanz and Mavis Biesanz
          3. Timeless Mexico by Hudson Strode
          4. America and the Americas by Hubert C. Herring
        26. [+]
          Defenders of Human Rights by Henry C. Tracy, p. 106 - 7 Reviews
          1. The Young Jefferson, 1743-1789 by Claude G. Bowers
          2. The Selected Work of Thomas Paine by Howard Fast and Thomas Paine
          3. Citizen Toussaint by Ralph Korngold
          4. Against the Current by Carl F. Wittke
          5. Black Boy by Richard A. Wright
          6. Home in the West by Harvey Fergusson
          7. Straw in the Sun by Charlie May Simon
        27. [+]
          Novelists Score Again by Henry C. Tracy, p. 107 - 4 Reviews
          1. Two Solitudes by Hugh MacLennan
          2. Great Son by Edna Ferber
          3. Tomorrow Will Sing by Elliott Arnold
          4. The Moved-Outers by Florence Crannell Means
        28. [+]
          Americans Plan for Peace by Henry C. Tracy, p. 108 - 1 Review
          1. Take Your Place at the Peace Table by Edward L. Bernays
        29. Recommended Reading, pp. 109-122
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1945 Issue = 28 Articles
        1. Bridges of Understanding by Alice L. Sickels, pp. 3-14
        2. Speak the People's Voice by Nathan Zimelman, p. 15
        3. For Marriage Is a Fine Thing, Entirely by Helen Papashvily, pp. 16-19
        4. The Fat Collectors by Ramona Lowe, pp. 20-21
        5. Adam's Black Boy by Florence V. Mayberry, pp. 22-23
        6. Prejudice!---Roadblock to Progress, pp. 24-30
        7. Cathay in Southern California by Carey McWilliams, pp. 31-37
        8. Come by Ethel Wilmer, p. 38
        9. Jon by Jade Snow Wong, pp. 39-44
        10. Restrictive Covenants by G. Eleanor Kimble, pp. 45-52
        11. Interracial Housing, pp. 53-60
        12. Japanese American Relocation: Final Chapter by Dillon S. Myer, pp. 61-66
        13. On My Father's Mountain by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 67-73
        14. Patrons of Religion by Edwin McNeill Poteat, pp. 74-79
        15. Wisdom Tooth by Peter J. Packer, pp. 80-83
        16. Prescriptions for Prejudice by Marian Mowatt and Margery E. Gulbransen, pp. 84-85
        17. Graduation by Langston Hughes, pp. 86-87
        18. The Father of an American by David Ollan, pp. 88-91
        19. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 92-94
        20. Intergroup Education by Leo Shapiro, pp. 95-99
        21. The Common Council at Work, pp. 100-102
        22. The Press, pp. 103-104
        23. Miscellany, p. 105
        24. [+]
          Making Democracy Work, pp. 106-107 - 12 Reviews
          1. Freedom Is More Than a Word by Marshall Field
          2. Fighting Liberal by George W. Norris
          3. Fate and Freedom by Jerome Frank
          4. Public Journal by Max Lerner
          5. The Governing of Men by Alexander H. Leighton
          6. Born Free and Equal by Ansel Adams
          7. Democracy Under Pressure by Stuart Chase
          8. Practical Applications of Democracy by George B. de Huszar
          9. Time for Planning by Lewis L. Lorwin
          10. The Economics of Peace by Kenneth E. Boulding
          11. Build Together Americans by Rachel Davis DuBois
          12. They See for Themselves by Spencer Brown
        25. [+]
          Becoming American by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 6 Reviews
          1. I Ask You, Ladies and Gentlemen by Leon Z. Surmelian
          2. The Ten Grandmothers by Alice Marriott
          3. Hopi Way by Laura Thompson and Alice Joseph
          4. Names on the Land by George R. Stewart
          5. The Builders of the Bridge by David B. Steinman
          6. On a Note of Triumph by Norman L. Corwin
        26. [+]
          The Quest of Freedom by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 4 Reviews
          1. They Seek a City by Arna Bontemps and Jack Conroy
          2. Jews in the Post-War World by Max Gottschalk and Abraham G. Duker
          3. Jewish Frontier Anthology, 1934-1944 by Jewish Frontier Association
          4. Color and Democracy by W.E.B. DuBois
        27. [+]
          Accent on Youth in Today's Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, p. 111 - 5 Reviews
          1. The Very Good Neighbors by Irmengarde Eberle
          2. Up at City High by Joseph Gollomb
          3. Now That April's Here by Daisy Neumann
          4. Roofs Over Strawtown by Sara Elizabeth Gosselink
          5. They Change Their Skies by Letitia Preston Osborne
        28. [+]
          Many Nationalities, Creeds---One Fighting Faith by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. Mission Beyond Darkness by Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Bryan, III, U.S.N.R., ...
          2. Jewish Youth at War by Isaac E. Rontch
          3. The Negro in the Armed Forces by Seymour J. Schoenfeld
      4. [+]
        Winter 1945 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. An Ozarker and the Jews by Lyle Owen, pp. 3-11
        2. The Road From Prejudice by Morris A. Skop, pp. 12-15
        3. Open Letter by Owen Dodson, p. 16
        4. To Be Happy Married by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 17-21
        5. An American Credo by Pauli Murray, pp. 22-24
        6. Daddy by Jade Snow Wong, pp. 25-29
        7. An American Fence by Maurice Bisgyer, pp. 30-31
        8. People and Symbols by Lois Margaret Hamvas, pp. 32-35
        9. Poets of Wood and Word by Meridel Le Sueur, pp. 36-40
        10. Warrior Returning by Juanita Platero and Siyowin Miller, pp. 41-52
        11. American Workers, pp. 53-60
        12. Notes on American Culture by James G. Leyburn, pp. 61-65
        13. Without Benefit of Clergy by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 66-71
        14. Incident by Eugene T. Maleska, p. 72
        15. The Negro and the CIO by Helen M. Gould, pp. 73-75
        16. American Song From the Negro by David Ewen, pp. 76-83
        17. America Is Grand! by Margaret Jacobson, translator, pp. 84-86
        18. Adobe Pay Checks by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 87-91
        19. Doughboy Ambassador by Dick Murray, Prf., pp. 92-97
        20. Miscellany, pp. 98-101
        21. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 102-104
        22. [+]
          For the Real American Tradition, pp. 105-106 - 8 Reviews
          1. Prejudice: Japanese-Americans by Carey McWilliams
          2. Foreign Influences in American Life by David F. Bowers
          3. What the Negro Wants by Rayford W. Logan
          4. Probing Our Prejudices by Hortense Powdermaker and Helen Frances Storen, ...
          5. Your School, Your Children by Marie Syrkin
          6. A Faith to Free the People by Cedric Belfrage
          7. Democracy Begins at Home by Jennings Perry
          8. Rendezvous with America by Melvin B. Tolson
        23. [+]
          News of the People by Henry C. Tracy, p. 107 - 4 Reviews
          1. A Treasury of American Folklore by Ben A. Botkin
          2. The People of Alor by Cora Alice Du Bois
          3. An Anthology of American Negro Literature by Sylvestre C. Watkins
          4. Old World Wisconsin by Fred L. Holmes
        24. [+]
          Social Growth in the U.S.A. by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 6 Reviews
          1. The World of Washington Irving by Van Wyck Brooks
          2. The Gentleman from Massachusetts by Karl Schriftgiesser
          3. The History of the New Deal, 1933-1938 by Basil Rauch
          4. State of the Nation by John Dos Passos
          5. Journey Through Chaos by Agnes E. Meyer
          6. No Mean City by Simeon Strunsky
        25. [+]
          Novelists Speak Out by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 110-122 - 4 Reviews
          1. Earth and High Heaven by Gwethalyn Graham
          2. Out of These Roots by Boris Todrin
          3. Partner in Three Worlds by Dorothy Duncan
          4. Deep River by Henrietta Buckmaster
    6. [+]
      Issues of 1946 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1946 Issue = 28 Articles
        1. Postwar Employment and the Negro Worker by John A. Davis and Marjorie McKenzie Lawson, pp. 3-15
        2. "With All My Compliments" by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily, pp. 16-19
        3. Mexican Middletown by Norman Daymond Humphrey, pp. 20-28
        4. Little Girl by Raymond Forer, pp. 29-30
        5. Shem by Garnet Owen, pp. 31-33
        6. Saturday Nights: Americans Meet Americans by Marie Seton, pp. 34-36
        7. Pittsburgh's Nationality Rooms by Margery E. Gulbransen and Marian Mowatt, pp. 37-40
        8. The Homecoming by Frank Yerby, pp. 41-46
        9. Nisei, Nisei! by M.H. Constable, pp. 47-48
        10. Strike Up the Band School by Josephine Robertson, pp. 49-52
        11. Nationality Foods, pp. 53-60
        12. Educating for One World by Esther W. Hymer, pp. 61-67
        13. Grandpa Beats the Broom by Irwin Stark, pp. 68-70
        14. Case History by Bradford Smith, pp. 71-76
        15. Magic Act by Nathan Zimelman, p. 77
        16. Funerals Are Fun by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 78-83
        17. Not Just Talk by S. Raiziss, pp. 84-85
        18. How to Fight Race Prejudice by Arnold Rose, pp. 86-88
        19. The Press, pp. 89-92
        20. The Common Council at Work, pp. 93-94
        21. Miscellany, pp. 95-98
        22. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 99-101
        23. Intergroup Education by Leo Shapiro, pp. 102-105
        24. [+]
          The Great Experiment, p. 106 - 4 Reviews
          1. A Nation of Nations by Louis Adamic
          2. Around the World in St. Paul by Alice L. Sickels
          3. Nationalities and National Minorities by Oscar I. Janowsky
          4. This Way to Unity by Arnold Herrick and Herbert Askwith
        25. [+]
          The Lesson Yet To Learn by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 107-108 - 6 Reviews
          1. One World in the Making by Ralph Barton Perry
          2. The Liberal Tradition by William Aylott Orton
          3. A Man from Kansas by David Hinshaw
          4. Democratic Education in Practice by Rose Schneideman
          5. Soldier of Democracy by Kenneth S. Davis
          6. More Lives Than One by Hobert Douglas Skidmore
        26. [+]
          Regional American Writing---Selected by Henry C. Tracy, p. 109 - 5 Reviews
          1. America Is West by John T. Flanagan
          2. Promised Land by Stewart H. Holbrook
          3. North, East, South, West by Charles Lee
          4. Cross Section, 1945 by Edwin Seaver
          5. North Star Country by Meridel Le Sueur
        27. [+]
          Facing Our Problems by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 110-111 - 5 Reviews
          1. What the Informed Citizen Needs to Know by Bruce Bliven and A.G. Mezerik
          2. The Jewish Dilemma by Elmer Berger
          3. A Proverb for It by B.J. Marketos
          4. A Catholic Looks at the World by Francis E. McMahon
          5. Lay My Burden Down by B.A. Botkin
        28. [+]
          A Fresh Breath in Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. Gold in the Streets by Mary Vardoulakis
          2. Told Under the Stars and Stripes
          3. Border City by Hart Stilwell
      2. [+]
        Summer 1946 Issue = 27 Articles
        1. The Slaying of the European Father by Max Lerner, pp. 3-6
        2. The Rediscovery of America by Frances Minturn Howard, pp. 7-8
        3. East Is East by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 9-13
        4. The Southern Conference for Human Welfare by James A. Dombrowski, pp. 14-24
        5. You Do Take It With You by Robert Lowenstein, pp. 25-31
        6. Today's Foreigner---Tomorrow's Ancestor by Oliver Twin, p. 32
        7. Kei-Lan by M.H. Constable, pp. 33-34
        8. Maria by Peggy Pond Church, pp. 35-38
        9. A House of Prayer for All Peoples by L. Humphrey Walz, pp. 39-43
        10. Invitation to Vermont by A. Ritchie Low, pp. 44-52
        11. Posthumous Awards, pp. 53-60
        12. Intercultural Education: Utopia or Reality by Charles I. Glicksberg, pp. 61-67
        13. Together---Sink or Float by Horace Bryan, pp. 68-70
        14. A Letter to a Southern Gentleman by Mataileen L. Ramsdell, p. 71
        15. Radio on the Inoffensive by Milton Kaplan, pp. 72-77
        16. Mr. Gold and the Sailor Boy by Ben Maddow, pp. 78-82
        17. The Vanguarders by Albert Libby, pp. 83-87
        18. Balance Sheet for One City by Dan W. Dodson, pp. 88-91
        19. The Common Counil at Work, pp. 92-94
        20. Miscellany, pp. 95-98
        21. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 99-101
        22. Intergroup Education by Leo Shapiro, pp. 102-105
        23. [+]
          Safeguarding the Four Freedoms, p. 106 - 5 Reviews
          1. The First Freedom by Morris L. Ernst
          2. Citizenship and the New Day by Parley Paul Womer
          3. Freedom's People by Bonaro W. Overstreet
          4. Civilization and Group Relationships by R.M. MacIver
          5. The Roots of American Loyalty by Merle Curti
        24. [+]
          The Negro in the World Today by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 107-108 - 7 Reviews
          1. The Negro and the Post-War World by Rayford W. Logan
          2. My Africa by Mbonu Ojike
          3. Marching Blacks by Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
          4. Negro Labor by Robert C. Weaver
          5. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters by Brailsford R. Brazeal
          6. Essays in the History of the American Negro by Herbert Aptheker
          7. A Street in Bronzeville by Gwendolyn Brooks
        25. [+]
          Answered in Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, p. 109 - 6 Reviews
          1. Focus by Arthur Miller
          2. Wasteland by Jo Sinclair
          3. The Street by Ann Petry
          4. Mrs. Palmer's Honey by Fannie Cook
          5. If He Hollers Let Him Go by Chester B. Himes
          6. The Friendly Persuasion by Jessamyn West
        26. [+]
          "White Man's Burden" by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 110-111 - 4 Reviews
          1. Southern California Country by Carey McWilliams
          2. America Is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan
          3. White Man's Burden by Ruth Smith
          4. Anatomy of Racial Intolerance by George B. de Huszar
        27. Books Received by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1946 Issue = 26 Articles
        1. Breaking the Vicious Circle by J. Milton Yinger, pp. 3-8
        2. Jin-nee by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 9-16
        3. Nisei---Ears for the Government by Stephen Greene, pp. 17-20
        4. So to Speak by Christopher Kilmer, p. 21
        5. A Piece of Bread by R.R. Aaronson, pp. 22-26
        6. Experiences in Black and White by Ruby E. Stutts Lyells, pp. 27-31
        7. Emancipation by Martin Staples Shockley, pp. 32-34
        8. The Original American Blueprint for Peace by Mabel Powers, pp. 35-43
        9. A Good Name by I.L. Salomon, pp. 44-48
        10. "You Should Meet My Chauffeur!" by Charles H. Nichols, Jr., pp. 49-52
        11. American Jazz Artists by Elizabeth Colman, pp. 53-60
        12. Minneapolis: The Curious Twin by Carey McWilliams, pp. 61-65
        13. Papa Andreyshevski by Irene M. Durfos, pp. 66-73
        14. What We Want Is Action by Elis M. Tipton, pp. 74-81
        15. Adobe Alphabet by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 82-86
        16. Faces in the Sun by Mary Harris Seifert, pp. 87-88
        17. Restricted Housing---Restricted Democracy by Elmer R. Smith, pp. 89-91
        18. Miscellany, pp. 92-94
        19. The Common Council at Work, pp. 95-98
        20. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 99-101
        21. Intergroup by Leo Shapiro, pp. 102-104
        22. [+]
          Studies in American Life, p. 105 - 6 Reviews
          1. Midwest at Noon by Graham Hutton
          2. Race and Nation in the United States by E.A. Benians
          3. Tomorrow Without Fear by Chester Bowles
          4. There's Work for All by Michael Dunlop Young and Theodor Prager
          5. The Great White Hills of New Hampshire by Ernest Poole
          6. The Lost Americans by Frank C. Hibben
        23. [+]
          All Kinds of Americans by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 106-107 - 6 Reviews
          1. The Autobiography of William Allen White by William Allen White
          2. Detroit Is My Own Home Town by Malcolm W. Bingay
          3. The Wilson Era: Years of War and After, 1917-1923 by Josephus Daniels
          4. American Daughter by Era Bell Thompson
          5. And That's No Lie by Beatrice W. Bill Talbot
          6. Paul Robeson, Citizen of the World by Shirley Graham
        24. [+]
          Of the Best a Nation Strives For by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 6 Reviews
          1. The Jew in American Life by James Waterman Wise
          2. An Enemy of the People: Antisemitism by James W. Parkes
          3. An International Convention Against Antisemitism by Mark Vishniak
          4. The Rise of the Jewish Community of New York, 1654-1860 by Hyman B. Grinstein
          5. To Whom Palestine? by Frank Gervasi
          6. The Revolt of the South and West by A.G. Mezerik
        25. [+]
          Outstanding New Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 110-111 - 11 Reviews
          1. Our Own Kind by Edward McSorley
          2. The American by Howard Fast
          3. Trumpet to the World by Mark Harris
          4. The Adventures of Wesley Jackson by William Saroyan
          5. Brewsie and Willie by Gertrude Stein
          6. The Old Country by Sholom Aleichem
          7. American Legend by Robert Van Gelder and Dorothy Van Gelder
          8. Two Rivers Meet in Concord by T. Morris Longstreth
          9. A Mighty Fortress by LeGrand Cannon, Jr.
          10. The Intruders by Robert Bright
          11. Bright April by Marguerite de Angeli
        26. [+]
          Applied Semantics and Civic Education by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 3 Reviews
          1. People in Quandaries by Wendell Stacey Johnson
          2. Signs, Language, and Behavior by Charles W. Morris
          3. For Us the Living by John J. Mahoney
      4. [+]
        Winter 1946 Issue = 26 Articles
        1. Letter to Germany by Pearl S. Buck, pp. 3-9
        2. Two Poems by Ethel Williams Wright, p. 10
        3. "For a Kinder Race..." by Helen Papashvily, pp. 11-19
        4. The College---An Active Social Agent by Algo D. Henderson, pp. 20-24
        5. Peace Conference in an American Town by Langston Hughes, p. 25
        6. A Nisei Report From Home by Mary Oyama, pp. 26-28
        7. Southern California: Ersatz Mythology by Carey McWilliams, pp. 29-38
        8. Shrine of Apricots by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 39-43
        9. I Can Take It---But Should I Have To? by A Jewish American, pp. 44-52
        10. Mother and Child, pp. 53-60
        11. Total Equality and How to Get It by Stetson Kennedy, pp. 61-68
        12. Adobe Ancients by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 69-73
        13. The "Disloyal" at Tule Lake by G. Eleanor Kimble, pp. 74-81
        14. Mothers by Fannie Cook, pp. 82-85
        15. For a World Planner by Bianca Bradbury, p. 86
        16. Diploma by Lucile Rosenheim, pp. 87-90
        17. Equal Job Opportunity by Malcolm Ross, pp. 91-95
        18. Miscellany, pp. 96-98
        19. The Common Council at Work, pp. 99-100
        20. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 101-102
        21. Intergroup Education by Leo Shapiro, pp. 103-106
        22. [+]
          A House Divided?, p. 107 - 5 Reviews
          1. One Nation by Wallace Stegner
          2. A Partisan Guide to the Jewish Problem by Milton Steinberg
          3. Black Metropolis by St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton
          4. Primer for White Folks by Bucklin Moon
          5. Riots and Ruins by A. Clayton Powell, Jr.
        23. [+]
          They Strive Toward Freedom the World Over by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 7 Reviews
          1. South America Uncensored by Roland Hall Sharp
          2. What the South Americans Think of Us by Carleton Beals, Bryce Oliver, and Herschel Brickell, ...
          3. Smouldering Freedom by Isabel de Palencia
          4. Europe in Revolution by John Scott
          5. The German Talks Back by Heinrich Hauser
          6. Dilemma in Japan by Andrew Roth
          7. Japan and the Son of Heaven by Willard Price
        24. [+]
          Lives of Americans---In Brief Review by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 6 Reviews
          1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
          2. Tom Paine: America's Godfather, 1737-1809 by William E. Woodward
          3. Diplomat in Carpet Slippers by Jay Monaghan
          4. Woodrow Wilson and the People by H.C.F. Bell
          5. Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal by Thomas A. Bailey
          6. We Have Tomorrow by Arna Bontemps
        25. [+]
          Education in Democratic Living by Henry C. Tracy, p. 111 - 6 Reviews
          1. The Springfield Plan by Alexander Alland and James Waterman Wise
          2. The Story of the Springfield Plan by Clarence I. Chatto and Alice L. Halligan
          3. Design for America by Theodore B. Brameld
          4. Democracy's Children by Ethel M. Duncan
          5. All Brave Sailors by John Beecher
          6. My Brother Americans by Carlos P. Romulo
        26. [+]
          Fiction Tangles With Our Problems by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 2 Reviews
          1. Her Own People by Grace Tomkinson
          2. My Felicia by Paul Driscoll
    7. [+]
      Issues of 1947 = 4 Issues, 104 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1947 Issue = 26 Articles
        1. Books Make Bigots by Aubrey Haan, pp. 3-12
        2. The Question by Helen Waite Papashvily, pp. 13-17
        3. Letter to the American Slaves by Helen Boardman, pp. 18-22
        4. American in American Music by Philip Gordon, pp. 23-26
        5. California's Proposition 15 by Grace Cable Keroher, pp. 27-32
        6. Peace on Earth by George E. Norford, pp. 33-36
        7. The $64 Question by Isabel Currier, pp. 37-42
        8. Perspective by Sara King Carleton, p. 43
        9. Come Holy Ghost by Gertrude S. Cleary, pp. 44-50
        10. Slippers for the President by John I. Kolehmainen, pp. 51-52
        11. Americans and Their Machines, pp. 53-60
        12. Rise and Fall of the German Americans in Baltimore by Dieter Cunz, pp. 61-70
        13. Chicago Saturday Night by William Suchy, pp. 71-72
        14. How John Boscoe Outsung the Devil by Arthur P. Davis, pp. 73-79
        15. Sprinkling the Grass Roots by Ruth D. Tuck, pp. 80-83
        16. Clouds Over Canaan by Mary Harris Seifert, pp. 84-87
        17. Do I Have a Jewish Complex? by Edith Handleman, pp. 88-93
        18. Miss Emmeline by Lucile Rosenheim, pp. 94-98
        19. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 99-100
        20. Miscellany, p. 101
        21. The Common Council at Work, pp. 102-103
        22. [+]
          Human Nature, Culture, and Control, pp. 104-105 - 8 Reviews
          1. The Theory of Human Culture by James Fiebleman
          2. The Human Frontier by Roger J. Williams
          3. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict
          4. A Brother Is a Stranger by Toru Matsumoto and Marion Olive Lerrigo
          5. Hawaii's Japanese by Andrew W. Lind
          6. The Spoilage by Dorothy S. Thomas and Richard Nishimoto
          7. Under the Red Sun by Forbes J. Monaghan
          8. White Man, Yellow Man by Arva C. Floyd
        23. [+]
          American Backgrounds by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 106-107 - 8 Reviews
          1. Bring Along Laughter by Milla Z. Logan
          2. My San Francisco by Gertrude Atherton
          3. Country Jake by Charles B. Driscoll
          4. As We Were by Bellamy Partridge and Otto Bettmann
          5. Lost Men of American History by Stewart H. Holbrook
          6. American Scriptures by Carl Van Doren and Carl Carmer
          7. Small Town by Granville Hicks
          8. Only and Ocean Between by Lella Secor Florence
        24. [+]
          Race Myth and Psychosis by Henry C. Tracy, p. 108 - 6 Reviews
          1. Slave and Citizen by Frank Tannenbaum
          2. The Masters and the Slaves by Gilberto Freyre
          3. Mexico South by Miguel Covarrubias
          4. The Making of a Southerner by Katharine Du Pre Lumpkin
          5. To Master---A Long Goodnight by Brion Gysin
          6. Anti-Semitism: A Social Disease by Ernst Simmel
        25. [+]
          Dream of Democracy by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 109-110 - 8 Reviews
          1. Not So Wild a Dream by Eric Sevareid
          2. The Shore Dimly Seen by Ellis Gibbs Arnall
          3. Frontier on the Potomac by Jonathan Daniels
          4. Congress at the Crossroads by George B. Galloway
          5. The Alien and the Asiatic in American Law by Milton R. Konvitz
          6. The Constitution and Civil Rights by Milton R. Konvitz
          7. Southern Exposure by Stetson Kennedy
          8. Battle for Chicago by Wayne Andrews
        26. [+]
          The American Scene in Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 7 Reviews
          1. East River by Sholem Asch
          2. Night Fire by Edward Kimbrough
          3. Third Ward, Newark by Curtis Lucas
          4. A Star Pointed North by Edmund Fuller
          5. City in the Sun by Karon Kehoe
          6. Anna Zanger by Kent Cooper
          7. Thieves in the Night by Arthur Koestler
      2. [+]
        Summer 1947 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. How Deep Are the Roots? by Carey McWilliams, pp. 3-11
        2. For Equality in Naturalization by Richard J. Walsh, pp. 12-17
        3. Priest on a White Horse by Isabel Currier, pp. 18-24
        4. Invitation to Dinner by Mary Ann Lee, pp. 25-29
        5. Portrait of a Friend by Raymond Forer, pp. 30-33
        6. Move to the Rear by Melba Wright and Edwin L. Mayer, pp. 34-37
        7. American Aboriginal Societies Come Into Their Own by John Collier, pp. 38-42
        8. Grass Roots and City Blocks by Rudolph M. Wittenberg, pp. 43-49
        9. Opportunity for America by William S. Bernard, pp. 50-52
        10. New Americans (photographs) by Clemens Kalischer, pp. 53-60
        11. Each Man Is an Island by John Caswell Smith, Jr., pp. 61-72
        12. Stamp of Approval by Murrah Gattis, pp. 73-75
        13. Street Scene---1946 by Kenneth Porter, p. 76
        14. The Pachuco Patois by Beatrice Griffith, pp. 77-84
        15. Soil for Freedom by Norma Bixler, pp. 85-90
        16. On My Son's Birthday by Milton Kaplan, p. 91
        17. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 92-93
        18. [+]
          Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 94-98 - 5 Reviews
          1. A Southerner Looks at Negro Discrimination by George Washington Cable
          2. The Problem of Violence by Lloyd H. Fisher
          3. Studies in Reduction of Prejudice by Arnold M. Rose
          4. Some Roots of Prejudice by Gordon W. Allport and Bernard M. Kramer
          5. Operational Research and Action Research by H.A.C. Dobbs
        19. Common Council at Work, pp. 99-101
        20. Miscellany, pp. 102-104
        21. [+]
          Toward a Moral World, p. 105 - 7 Reviews
          1. Human Destiny by Pierre Lecomte du Nouy
          2. Atomic Power and Moral Faith by T.V. Smith
          3. Can Science Save Us? by George A. Lundberg
          4. American Thought, 1947
          5. The Rediscovery of Morals by Henry C. Link
          6. Religion in Public Education by Vivian T. Thayer
          7. What's Wrong with Religion? by Karl B. Justus
        22. [+]
          Of People and Their Freedoms by Henry C. Tracy, p. 106 - 5 Reviews
          1. The Social System of the Modern Factory the Strike by W. Lloyd Warner and Josiah Orne Low
          2. Adventures of a Ballad Hunter by John A. Lomax
          3. Horn of Plenty by Robert Goffin
          4. Jazz Cavalcade by Dave Dexter
          5. Really the Blues by Mezz Mezzrow and Bernard Wolfe
        23. [+]
          Culture's Coat of Many Colors by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 107-108 - 16 Reviews
          1. Two on a Continent by Lili Foldes
          2. The Refugees Are Now Americans by Maurice R. Davie
          3. My American Pilgrimage by Stoyan Christowe
          4. Montana Margins by Joseph Kinsey Howard
          5. Land of the Dacotahs by Bruce Opie Nelson
          6. The Last Trek of the Indians by Grant Foreman
          7. American Indian Education by Evelyn C. Adams
          8. The Cherokee Nation by Marion L. Starkey
          9. The Navaho by Clyde Kluckhohn and Dorothea Cross Leighton
          10. Journey to Accompong by Katherine Dunham
          11. Puerto Rican Paradox by Vincenzo Petrullo
          12. The Stricken Land by Rexford G. Tugwell
          13. Cuban Counterpoint: Tobacco and Sugar by Fernando Ortiz
          14. Cuba by Erna Fergusson
          15. Trinidad Village by Melville J. Herskovits and Frances S. Herskovits, ...
          16. A Little Yes and a Big No by George Grosz
        24. [+]
          One World---Of Many Creeds and Colors by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 109-110 - 13 Reviews
          1. The World and Africa by W.E. Burghardt Du Bois
          2. Racism: A World Issue by Edmund Davison Soper
          3. Why Men Hate by Samuel Tenenbaum
          4. Action for Unity by Goodwin Watson
          5. Into the Main Stream by Charles S. Johnson
          6. Jim Crow America by Earl Conrad
          7. Latin Americans in Texas by Pauline R. Kibbe
          8. Americans: The Story of the 442d Combat Team by Orville C. Shirey
          9. Unity and Difference in American Life by R.M. MacIver
          10. Foundations of Democracy by F. Ernest Johnson
          11. North Star Shining by Hildegarde Hoyt Swift and Lynd Ward
          12. Fields of Wonder by Langston Hughes
          13. On These I Stand by Countee Cullen
        25. [+]
          Fresh Approaches in Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 11 Reviews
          1. Kingsblood Royal by Sinclair Lewis
          2. Gentleman's Agreement by Laura Z. Hobson
          3. The Chequer Board by Nevil Shute
          4. Janey Jeems by Bernice Kelly Harris
          5. The Good Crop by Elizabeth H. Emerson
          6. Tradition by Anne Emery
          7. Willow Hill by Phyllis A. Whitney
          8. Great Day in the Morning by Florence Crannell Means
          9. Michael's Victory by Clara Ingram Judson
          10. Milo's New World by Betty Morgan Bowen
          11. The Russian-American Song and Dance Book by Marion Bergman
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1947 Issue = 28 Articles
        1. How Deep Are the Roots? Part II by Carey McWilliams, pp. 3-14
        2. Faraway the Spring by Richard Hagopian, pp. 15-20
        3. Journey of Reconciliation by Homer A. Jack, pp. 21-26
        4. "I Hope I Am Not Abundant" by Marie Syrkin, pp. 27-30
        5. Songs for Our Nation of nations by Langston Hughes, pp. 31-33
        6. The "Lost Generation" of Dutch Americans by Arnold Mulder, pp. 34-39
        7. Adobe Stepchildren by Dorothy L. Pillsbury, pp. 40-45
        8. Atlanta, USA by Gloria Grant, pp. 46-47
        9. The Door by Howard Singer, pp. 48-50
        10. A Poem for Patriots by Paul H. Oehser, pp. 51-52
        11. American Harvest, pp. 53-60
        12. People in Motion by Robert M. Cullum, pp. 61-68
        13. Help Wanted by Ross DeLue and George Kentera, pp. 69-74
        14. We Are Many People by Carol Levene, pp. 75-77
        15. United Nations, Jr. by Arnold L. Scheuer, Jr., pp. 78-81
        16. Unfinished Report by Edith Witt, pp. 82-87
        17. Can You Speak Russian? by Joseph Lawren, pp. 88-91
        18. Out of the Kitchen by Mary B. D'Antonio, pp. 92-97
        19. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 98-99
        20. Miscellany, p. 100
        21. Common Council at Work, pp. 101-104
        22. [+]
          Our Government---Its Rise, Shaping and Tradition, p. 105 - 8 Reviews
          1. The Shaping of the American Tradition by Louis M. Hacker
          2. The Web of Government by Robert M. MacIver
          3. The March of Freedom by William Harlan Hale
          4. Lions Under the Throne by Charles P. Curtis, Jr.
          5. Total War and the Constitution by Edward S. Corwin
          6. A Twentieth-Century Congress by Estes Kefauver and Dr. Jack Levin
          7. Fighting for Freedom by Harold A. Hansen, John G. Herndon, and William B. Langsdorf, ...
          8. Economic Policy and Full Employment by Alvin H. Hansen
        23. [+]
          Backgrounds in Biography by Henry C. Tracy, p. 106 - 7 Reviews
          1. Marshall: Citizen Soldier by William R. Frye
          2. The Wallaces of Iowa by Russell Lord
          3. A.P. Giannini: Giant in the West by Julian Dana
          4. Franklin D. Roosevelt: An Informal Biography by Alden Hatch
          5. Dark Companion by Bradley Robinson and Matthew Henson
          6. Lincoln the Liberal Statesman by J.G. Randall
          7. Knudsen: A Biography by Norman Beasley
        24. [+]
          Behind Those Iron Curtains by Henry C. Tracy, p. 107 - 6 Reviews
          1. Just Tell the Truth by John L. Strohm
          2. Why They Behave Like Russians by John Fischer
          3. Stalin Must Have Peace by Edgar Snow
          4. Over at Uncle Joe's by Oriana Atkinson
          5. Behind the Silken Curtain by Bartley C. Crum
          6. Richer by Asia by Edmond Taylor
        25. [+]
          They Discover "One World" by Henry C. Tracy, p. 108 - 4 Reviews
          1. The Dark Ship by Richard O. Boyer
          2. With an H on My Dog Tag by Morris N. Kertzer
          3. Purple Testament by Don M. Wolfe
          4. I Have Two Countries by Mbonu Ojike
        26. [+]
          Studies of American Life by Henry C. Tracy, p. 109 - 7 Reviews
          1. Corn Country by Homer Croy
          2. Home Country by Ernie Pyle
          3. By Their Fruits by Julia Neal
          4. Big Country: Texas by Donald Day
          5. Ozark Superstitions by Vance Randolph
          6. Our Lusty Forefathers by Fairfax D. Downey
          7. The Way of the South by Howard W. Odum
        27. [+]
          Strongholds of Prejudice by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 5 Reviews
          1. Wartime Shipyard by Katherine Archibald
          2. People Who Intermarry by Milton L. Barron
          3. The Wine of Violence by Nathan Zuckerman
          4. The High Cost of Prejudice by Bucklin Moon
          5. All About Us by Eva Knox Evans
        28. [+]
          Novels and Stories of Liberation by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 10 Reviews
          1. Masters of the Dew by Jacques Roumain
          2. Moon Gaffney by Harry Sylvester
          3. Albert Sears by Millen Brand
          4. White Shadows by Guy Nunn
          5. Knock On Any Door by Willard Motley
          6. The Hourglass by David Alman
          7. The Enchanted by Martin Flavin
          8. The Other Room by Worth Tuttle Hedden
          9. When Greek Meets Greek by George Demetrios
          10. Americans One and All by Harry Lee Shaw and Ruth Helen Davis
      4. [+]
        Winter 1947 Issue = 25 Articles
        1. One World Revisited by Norman Corwin, pp. 3-17
        2. The Foreigner by Helen Waite Papashvily, pp. 18-23
        3. Southern Journey by Owen Dodson, pp. 24-27
        4. Stereotypes in Intercultural Education by Alfred G. Fisk, pp. 28-33
        5. The Great American Swindle by Bradford Smith, pp. 34-38
        6. Hitting Prejudice With Knowledge by Arnold Rose, pp. 39-44
        7. Grandmother by Frank Mlakar, pp. 45-51
        8. Calvary Way by May Miller, p. 52
        9. What King of America for Them? by Elizabeth Colman, pp. 53-60
        10. Racial Democracy---The Navy Way by Lester B. Granger, pp. 61-68
        11. Court-Martial by Philip Thayer, pp. 69-73
        12. Hunting by Edith Witt, pp. 74-79
        13. Freedom Train by Hilda W. Smith, pp. 80-81
        14. Fire-Words by Louis Binstock, pp. 82-84
        15. What Happened to the One We Used to Have? by Herblock, pp. 85-87
        16. Start the Semester With a Neighborhood Party by Arthur Katona, pp. 88-90
        17. Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 91-95
        18. Intergroup Education by Leo Shapiro, pp. 96-99
        19. The Common Council at Work, pp. 100-101
        20. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 102-104
        21. [+]
          Problem for Men of Courage, p. 105 - 3 Reviews
          1. The New Veteran by Charles G. Bolte
          2. While Time Remains by Leland Stowe
          3. Brandeis: A Free Man's Life by Alpheus Thomas Mason
        22. [+]
          Clarifying Our Conscience by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 106-107 - 9 Reviews
          1. Color and Conscience by Buell G. Gallagher
          2. Color Blind by Margaret Halsey
          3. Glass House of Prejudice by Dorothy W. Baruch
          4. Boy from Nebraska by Ralph G. Martin
          5. Citizen 13660 by Mine Okubo
          6. Not With the Fist by Ruth D. Tuck
          7. It Happened in Taos by J.T. Reid
          8. Powerful Long Ladder by Owen Dodson
          9. Chinatown, U.S.A. by Elizabeth Colman
        23. [+]
          "The Proper Study" by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 3 Reviews
          1. Man: An Autobiography by George R. Stewart
          2. The Lowells and Their Seven Worlds by Ferris Greenslet
          3. The Epic of Latin America by John A. Crow
        24. [+]
          Beyond the Victory by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 5 Reviews
          1. As He Saw It by Elliott Roosevelt
          2. The United Nations by Louis Dolivet
          3. Nothing to Fear by B.D. Zevin
          4. Dinner at the White House by Louis Adamic
          5. Where Are We Heading? by Sumner Welles
        25. [+]
          The Field of Fiction by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 7 Reviews
          1. Yes and No Stories by George Papashvily and Helen Papashvily
          2. Island in the Atlantic by Waldo David Frank
          3. Cross on the Moon by John Hewlett
          4. All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
          5. John Fury by Jack Dunphy
          6. Straw in the South Wind by Donald Joseph
          7. Homeland by Georges Surdez
    8. [+]
      Issues of 1948 = 4 Issues, 93 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1948 Issue = 20 Articles
        1. "The Mexican Problem" by Carey McWilliams, pp. 3-17
        2. A Cape Jasmine Dies by John Forrest Mason, pp. 18-20
        3. Mother and the Grand Duchess by Edith Handleman, pp. 21-23
        4. The Spartan Greeks of Bridgetown by J. Mayone Stycos, pp. 24-33
        5. Mass Production by Bianca Bradbury, p. 34
        6. Baranya County to America by Emil Lengyel, pp. 35-48
        7. Pachuco by Gene L. Coon, pp. 49-52
        8. Mexican Americans (photographs) by Marion Palfi, pp. 53-60
        9. Finger-Tip Coats Are the Style by Beatrice Griffith, pp. 61-67
        10. Still Tyring to Win World War II by Joseph Schiffman, pp. 68-71
        11. Progress Report by Arnold M. Rose, pp. 72-80
        12. Listen to My Heart by Jo Sinclair, pp. 81-95
        13. Miscellany, p. 96
        14. [+]
          Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 97-101 - 3 Reviews
          1. To Secure These Rights by Steven F. Lawson
          2. Northwest Harvest by Victor L.O. Chittick
          3. Community of the Free by Yves R. Simon
        15. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 102-103
        16. [+]
          The Peoples of America, pp. 104-105 - 6 Reviews
          1. Americans from Holland by Arnold Mulder
          2. Grass Roots History by Theodore C. Blegen
          3. Saga in Steel and Concrete by Kenneth O. Bjork
          4. The American Indian in North Carolina by Douglas L. Rights
          5. Meet the Amish by Charles S. Rice and John B. Shenk
          6. Colonists in Bondage by Abbot Emerson Smith
        17. [+]
          Values in Democracy by Henry C. Tracy, p. 106 - 6 Reviews
          1. Good Will Days by Hilah Codlington Paulmier and Robert Haven Schauffler, ...
          2. Physical Science and Human Values by Eugene P. Wigner
          3. The Person and the Common Good by Jacques Maritain
          4. Federal Protection of Civil Rights by Robert K. Carr
          5. Hawaiian Americans by Edwin G. Burrows
          6. Hawaii: The 49th State by Blake Clark
        18. [+]
          To Be an American by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 107-108 - 10 Reviews
          1. Postscript to Yesterday by Lloyd R. Morris
          2. The Proper Bostonians by Cleveland Amory
          3. Yankee Life By Those Lived It by Barrows Mussey
          4. A Treasury of New England Folklore by B.A. Botkin
          5. Indiana: An Interpretation by John Bartlow Martin
          6. Back Home by Bill Mauldin
          7. America in Perspective by Henry Steele Commager
          8. We, the People by Leo Huberman
          9. The Negro Year Book, 1947 by Jessie Parkhurst Guzman
          10. One World Cookery
        19. [+]
          Biographies---in Brief by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 109-110 - 11 Reviews
          1. Harry Truman: A Political Biography by William P. Helm
          2. FDR: His Personal Letters by Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt
          3. The James Family: A Group Biography by F.O. Matthiessen
          4. The Times of Melville and Whitman by Van Wyck Brooks
          5. Kosciuszko: Leader and Exile by Miecislaus Haiman
          6. Gallant General by Antoni Gronowicz
          7. Blessed Is the Match by Marie Syrkin
          8. David Lilienthal: Public Servent in a Power Age by Willson Whitman
          9. The La Follettes and the Wisconsin Idea by Edward N. Doan
          10. American Promise by Sulamith Ish Kishor
          11. The Loud Red Patrick by Ruth McKenney
        20. [+]
          Fiction Notes by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 11 Reviews
          1. Raintree County by Ross F. Lockridge, Jr.
          2. Flood Crest by Hodding Carter
          3. Wild Grape by John Hewlett
          4. Far and Near by Pearl S. Buck
          5. In a Hawaiian Valley by Kathleen Dickenson Mellen
          6. The Horncasters by Victor H. Johnson
          7. Karen by Borghild Dahl
          8. The Lost Violin by Clara Ingram Judson
          9. The Assorted Sisters by Florence Crannell Means
          10. On Hampton Street by Alice Marietta Williams
          11. Constancia Lona by Alida Malkus
      2. [+]
        Summer 1948 Issue = 22 Articles
        1. We Are Not Born Civilized by John Benjamin Nichols, pp. 3-9
        2. Transplanting by Toyo Suyemoto, p. 10
        3. Farewell to Sicily by R.R. Aaronson, pp. 11-19
        4. History as a Record and a Progress by Louis Adamic, pp. 20-23
        5. The Nisei in Japan by Roger Baldwin, pp. 24-28
        6. Missouri Students Want Progress in Race Relations by William C. Harrison, pp. 29-32
        7. The Egg Man by Jean Paradise, pp. 33-36
        8. Immigrant---Blue Gum by Charlotte Miles, p. 37
        9. I Got the Blues by Alan Lomax, pp. 38-52
        10. New Citizens, pp. 53-60
        11. The Things of Life by Beatrice Griffith, pp. 61-67
        12. Rice Instead of Potato by Ferd Okada, pp. 68-71
        13. The Spartan Greeks of Bridgetown by J. Mayone Stycos, pp. 72-86
        14. Payday Blues by George Roth, pp. 87-94
        15. The Press, pp. 95-97
        16. Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 98-101
        17. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 102-104
        18. [+]
          Backgrounds and Frontiers of Human History, pp. 105-106 - 12 Reviews
          1. Civilization on Trial by Arnold J. Toynbee
          2. The First Frontier by R.V. Coleman
          3. Men in Sheepskin Coats by Vera Lysenko
          4. The Great Hope by Marguerita Rudolph
          5. They Crossed Mountains and Oceans by Anisoara Stan
          6. Nationality Rooms of the University of Pittsburgh by John G. Bowman, Ruth Crawford Mitchell, and Andrey Avinoff, ...
          7. Race and Nationality as Factors in American Life by Henry Pratt Fairchild
          8. Americans from Hungary by Emil Lengyel
          9. Swords of Silence by Carl Glick and Hong Sheng-Hwa
          10. The South, Old and New by Francis Butler Simkins
          11. A Southern Vanguard by Allen Tate
          12. The Dixie Frontier by Everett Dick
        19. [+]
          Prejudice Unmasked by Henry C. Tracy, p. 107 - 7 Reviews
          1. A Mask for Privilege by Carey McWilliams
          2. All Manner of Men by Malcolm Ross
          3. Caste, Class, and Race by Oliver C. Cox
          4. People vs. Property by Herman H. Long and Charles S. Johnson
          5. Lost Boundaries by William L. White
          6. To Be Free by Herbert Aptheker
          7. The Negro in the American Theatre by Edith J.R. Isaacs
        20. [+]
          Leaders and the People by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 108-109 - 8 Reviews
          1. Eagle Forgotten: The Life of John Peter Altgeld by Harry Barnard
          2. Architects of the Republic by Frank Kingdon
          3. Heirs Apparent by Klyde Young and Lamar Middleton
          4. The Disruption of American Democracy by Roy Franklin Nichols
          5. Thomas Jefferson, American Humanist by Karl Lehmann
          6. Democracy and Progress by David McCord Wright
          7. The Great Rehearsal by Carl Van Doren
          8. Toward World Peace by Henry A. Wallace
        21. [+]
          A Common Goal for Faiths and Races by Henry C. Tracy, p. 110 - 6 Reviews
          1. The Future of the American Jew by Mordecai M. Kaplan
          2. The Christian Way in Race Relations by Williams Stuart Nelson
          3. American Overture by Abram Vossen Goodman
          4. The Price of Liberty by Nathan Schachner
          5. The Buried Are Screaming by Waren Helen
          6. Basic Judaism by Milton Steinberg
        22. [+]
          Fiction Is Not Make-Believe by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-122 - 7 Reviews
          1. My Uncle Jan by Joseph Auslander and Audrey Wurdemann
          2. Small Victory by Zelda Popkin
          3. Marching Bonnet by Astrid E. Valley
          4. The Wall of Dust by Hallam Tennyson
          5. That Winter by Merle Miller
          6. The Professor's Umbrella by Mary Jane Ward
          7. Peony by Pearl S. Buck
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1948 Issue = 27 Articles
        1. Lettesr to Italy by Sylvan Gotshal and Halsey Munson, pp. 3-11
        2. The Dove by Charlotte Miles, p. 12
        3. In the Flow of Time by Beatrice Griffith, pp. 13-20
        4. Color Blind by Ralph Friedman, pp. 21-22
        5. Human Relations and World Survival by Brock Chisholm, pp. 23-26
        6. A Few Little Words by Francis Steegmuller, pp. 27-29
        7. I Write of Washington by Leslie Johnston, pp. 30-32
        8. Monument of, for, and by the Living by Isabel Currier, pp. 33-41
        9. Nothing Overwhelms Giuseppe by Edna Blue, pp. 42-48
        10. Passport to Youth by Elizabeth McFadden, pp. 49-52
        11. The Men Who Load the Ships (photographs) by Clemens Kalischer, pp. 53-60
        12. Puerto Rican Strength by J. Mayone Stycos, pp. 61-68
        13. Prejudice by Sara King Carleton, p. 69
        14. Shakespeare and I by Mikhail Jeleznov, pp. 70-71
        15. Under Any Flag by Milla Z. Logan, pp. 72-79
        16. The Logic of the Segregationists by Arnold M. Rose, pp. 80-85
        17. The Friends by Jean Paradise, pp. 86-94
        18. Miscellany, p. 95
        19. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 95-97
        20. Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 98-102
        21. [+]
          Politics and Destiny, p. 103 - 4 Reviews
          1. The Politics of Equality by Leslie Lipson
          2. The American Democracy by Harold J. Laski
          3. Balance of Power: The Negro Vote by Henry Lee Moon
          4. The Age of the Great Depression, 1929-1941 by Dixon Wecter
        22. [+]
          Americans for Liberty by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 104-105 - 8 Reviews
          1. I Lift My Lamp by Hertha E. Pauli and E.B. Ashton
          2. American Historians and European Immigrants, 1875-1925 by Edward N. Saveth
          3. Seeds of Liberty by Max Savelle
          4. Francis Lieber: Nineteenth Century Liberal by Frank Freidel
          5. What the People Want by Ellis Gibbs Arnall
          6. The Best in None Too Good by Ralph G. Martin
          7. Nobody Owns Us by Davis Douthit
          8. The Making of an Insurgent by Fiorello H. La Guardia
        23. [+]
          Racial and Cultural Beginnings by Henry C. Tracy, p. 106 - 6 Reviews
          1. Anthropology by Alfred L. Kroeber
          2. Human Ancestry by R. Ruggles Gates
          3. Man's Way from Cave to Skyscraper by Ralph Linton and Adele Linton
          4. A History of the Jews by Abram Leon Sachar
          5. Story of the Negro by Arna Bontemps
          6. Everyman's History of the Jews by Sulamith Ish-Kishor
        24. [+]
          Men and Issues by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 107-108 - 9 Reviews
          1. Eisenhower Speaks by Rudolf Treuenfels and Dwight D. Eisenhower
          2. We Need Not Fail by Sumner Welles
          3. The United States and China by John K. Fairbank
          4. The Stilwell Papers by Theodore H. White and Joseph W. Stilwell
          5. Witnesses for Freedom by Rebecca Chalmers Barton
          6. The Story of John Hope by Ridgely Torrence
          7. I Have Lived with the American People by Manuel Buaken
          8. The Legend of Henry Ford by Keith Sward
          9. Paul Laurence Dunbar and His Song by Virginia Cunningham
        25. [+]
          Saga of a Continent, South by Henry C. Tracy, p. 109 - 7 Reviews
          1. The Southern Americas by Abel Plenn
          2. The Brazilians: People of Tomorrow by Hernane Tavares de Sa
          3. Democracy and Empire in the Caribbean by Paul Blanshard
          4. Battle for the Hemisphere by Edward Tomlinson
          5. A Treasury of Mexican Folkways by Frances Toor
          6. These Are the Mexicans by Herbert Cerwin
          7. East of the Andes and West of Nowhere by Nancy Bell Fairchild Bates
        26. [+]
          Call Them Educational by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 110-111 - 9 Reviews
          1. An American Dilemma by Gunnar Myrdal, Richard Sterner, and Arnold Rose
          2. New Song in a Strange Land by Esther Sietmann Warner
          3. The Negro Entrepreneur by Vishnu V. Oak
          4. A Treasury of Jewish Folklore by Nathan Ausubel
          5. The Child's Book of Folklore by Marion Vallat Emrich and George Korson
          6. Summer at Yellow Singer's by Flora L. Bailey
          7. The American People by Geoffrey Gorer
          8. The More Perfect Union by Robert M. MacIver
          9. Higher Education for American Democracy
        27. [+]
          Fiction Notes by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 112-122 - 6 Reviews
          1. Negro Voices in American Fiction by Hugh Morris Gloster
          2. The Living Is Easy by Dorothy West
          3. Summer on the Water by David Westheimer
          4. The Well of Compassion by David Alman
          5. South Wind Blows by Clark Porteous
          6. Son of the Moon by Joseph George Hitrec
      4. [+]
        Winter 1948 Issue = 24 Articles
        1. Those Gringos! by Malcolm Ross, pp. 3-12
        2. One World Kid by Beatrice Griffith, pp. 13-18
        3. Legislation for Humanity by Mary K. Fitzgerald, pp. 19-21
        4. Chee's Daughter by Juanita Platero and Siyowin Miller, pp. 22-30
        5. With the Aid of the One Above by Yuri Suhl, pp. 31-33
        6. Legalized Blackmail by Bradford Smith, pp. 34-36
        7. Intercultural Education and the Independent Schools by Robert U. Jameson, pp. 37-44
        8. Noel McMahon by Gertrude S. Cleary, pp. 45-52
        9. Young America, pp. 53-60
        10. The Spartan Greeks of Bridgetown by J. Mayone Stycos, pp. 61-70
        11. Kidnapped by a Dream by Isabel Currier, pp. 71-76
        12. The Foreign-Language Press Discusses Prejudice, pp. 77-83
        13. The Sanctum of Harmonious Spring by Jade Snow Wong, pp. 84-91
        14. Gold vs. Silver Workers in the Canal Zone by George W. Westerman, pp. 92-94
        15. One English Word by Edith Handleman, p. 95
        16. The Common Council at Work, p. 96
        17. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 97-98
        18. [+]
          Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 99-103 - 3 Reviews
          1. World Minority Problems by James G. Leyburn
          2. These Few by Milton Sanford Mayer
          3. Reason and Rubbish About the Negro by Elta Campbell Roberts
        19. [+]
          The American Mind---Who Shapes It?, p. 104 - 5 Reviews
          1. Making the American Mind by Richard D. Mosier
          2. Freedom of the Press by William Ernest Hocking
          3. People and Power by Harvey Fergusson
          4. American Memoir by Henry Seidel Canby
          5. The American Experience by Henry Bamford Parkes
        20. [+]
          Friendly Attitudes by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 105-106 - 6 Reviews
          1. Approaches to Group Understanding by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, and R.M. Maciver, ...
          2. The Psychology of Rumor by Gordon W. Allport and Leo Postman
          3. American Jews in World War II by Isidore Kaufman
          4. Wear It Proudly by William Shinji Tsuchida
          5. The Cultural Approach by Ruth Emily McMurry and Muna Lee
          6. The Police and Minority Groups by Joseph D. Lohman
        21. [+]
          We Are In Trouble by Henry C. Tracy, p. 107 - 6 Reviews
          1. Or Forfeit Freedom by Robert Wood Johnson
          2. Labor's Relation to Church and Community by Liston Pope
          3. Conflicts of Power in Modern Culture by Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, and R.M. MacIver, ...
          4. The American Farmer by Lee Fryer
          5. As You Sow by Walter Goldschmidt
          6. America's Needs and Resources by J. Frederic Dewhurst
        22. [+]
          More or Less Regional by Henry C. Tracy, p. 108 - 10 Reviews
          1. Cities of America by George Sessions Perry
          2. Our Fair City by Robert S. Allen
          3. Inside U.S.A by John Gunther
          4. California In Our Time by Robert Glass Cleland
          5. William Allen White's America by Walter Johnson
          6. The Great Northwest by Oscar Osburn Winther
          7. The American Imagination at Work by Ben C. Clough
          8. Native American Humor by James R. Aswell
          9. Legends of Paul Bunyan by Harold W. Felton
          10. I Remember Distinctly by Agnes Rogers and Frederick Lewis Allen
        23. [+]
          Fiction Storms Barriers by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 109-110 - 7 Reviews
          1. Wetback by Claud Garner
          2. The Gentle Bush by Barbara Giles
          3. American Story by Allen Taft
          4. Straw Fire by Kathleen Crawford
          5. God Is for White Folks by Will Thomas
          6. Lonely Crusade by Chester Himes
          7. Hope Haven by Dirk Gringhuis
        24. [+]
          Gains and Goals for Freedom by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 111-123 - 5 Reviews
          1. From Slavery to Freedom by John Hope Franklin
          2. The Walls Came Tumbling Down by Mary White Ovington
          3. Dark Glory by Harry V. Richardson
          4. Negro Business and Business Education by Joseph A. Pierce
          5. Joe Louis by Neil Scott
    9. [+]
      Issues of 1949 = 4 Issues, 85 Articles
      1. [+]
        Spring 1949 Issue = 23 Articles
        1. Trends in Race Relations on the West Coast---A Symposium by Carey McWilliams, pp. 3-9
        2. The Negro in San Francisco by Carol Levene, pp. 10-17
        3. Seattle: Race Relations Frontier, 1949 by Robert W. O'Brien, pp. 18-23
        4. Novitiate by Hubert Creekmore, pp. 24-31
        5. I Gotta Teach Her Some English by O'Kane Foster, pp. 32-33
        6. Rachel Mourning for Her Children by Isabel Williams, p. 34
        7. The Besieged by Tere Rios, pp. 35-40
        8. Letter to Mako to Meet Again by Mitsu Yashima, pp. 41-46
        9. Second Generation: New York by Langston Hughes, p. 47
        10. The Thing in Their Hearts by Elizabeth Wolfe, pp. 48-52
        11. Dress Parade (Photographs) by Clem Kalischer, pp. 53-60
        12. "You Can't Legislate Against Prejudice"---Or Can You? by Arnold M. Rose, pp. 61-67
        13. Nearer to the Sun by Mary McGonigal, pp. 68-73
        14. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, pp. 74-77
        15. My Friend Kathleen by Elise Jerard, pp. 78-86
        16. Winter Feast by Peggy Pond Church, pp. 87-90
        17. Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 91-96
        18. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 97-101
        19. [+]
          The Literature of Race Relations by Robert M. Cullum, pp. 102-103 - 7 Reviews
          1. Black Odyssey by Roi Ottley
          2. North from Mexico by Carey McWilliams
          3. America Divided by Arnold M. Rose and Caroline Rose
          4. The Roots of Prejudice Against the Negro in the United States by Naomi Friedman Goldstein
          5. The Social Politics of FEPC by Louis Coleridge Kesselman
          6. Peoples of the Earth by Edwin R. Embree
          7. Most of the World by Ralph Linton
        20. [+]
          Pushing Behind the Stereotypes by Helen Papashvily, pp. 104-105 - 6 Reviews
          1. American Me by Beatrice W. Griffith
          2. The Movement to Americanize the Immigrant by Edward George Hartmann
          3. Pilgrims in a New Land by Lee M. Friedman
          4. The Affairs of Dame Rumor by David J. Jacobson
          5. Anti-Semite and Jew by Jean-Paul Sartre
          6. Organizing for Community Action by Clarence King
        21. [+]
          Current Fiction by Eddie Shimano, p. 106 - 7 Reviews
          1. The Curious Wine by Bianca Bradbury
          2. The Path of Thunder by Peter Abrahams
          3. The Cleft Rock by Alice Tisdale Hobart
          4. High John, the Conqueror by John W. Wilson
          5. Seraph on the Suwanee by Zora Neale Hurston
          6. Harlem Story by John Hewlett
          7. Crosswinds by Martha L. Cheavens
        22. [+]
          American---People and Regions by Helen Papashvily, pp. 107-108 - 6 Reviews
          1. Mr. Justice Black: The Man and His Opinions by John Paul Frank
          2. American Spiritual Autobiographies by Louis Finkelstein
          3. Tomorrow is Beautiful by Lucy Robins Lang
          4. Wayfaring Stranger by Burl Ives
          5. Yankee Folk by Edwin Valentine Mitchell
          6. Pine, Potatoes and People by Helen Hamlin
        23. [+]
          Juveniles for Understanding by M. Margaret Anderson, pp. 109-122 - 17 Reviews
          1. Skid by Florence Hayes
          2. By Secret Railway by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft
          3. Sea Change by Kathryn Worth
          4. Seven Beaver Skins by Erick Berry
          5. I Heard of a River by Elsie Singmaster
          6. The Palomino Boy by Don L. Emblen and Betty Emblen
          7. Juanita by Leo Politi
          8. Ten Beaver Road by Isabel Couper McLelland
          9. Pinto's Journey by Wilfrid S. Bronson
          10. Joe Magarac and His U.S.A. Citizen Papers by Irwin Shapiro
          11. Ricardo's White Horse by Alice Geer Kelsey
          12. Mingo of the Merry-Go-Round by Alice Geer Kelsey
          13. Rosita, A Little Girl of Puerto Rico by Jeanette Perkins Brown
          14. A Rocket in My Pocket by Carl Withers
          15. Other Young Americans by Delia Goetz
          16. You and the Constitution of the United States by Paul A. Witty and Julilly Kohler
          17. For the Rights of Men by Carl Lamson Carmer
      2. [+]
        Summer 1949 Issue = 20 Articles
        1. The Mexican American: A National Concern by Hart Stilwell, pp. 3-14
        2. California and the Wetback by Carey McWilliams, pp. 15-19
        3. The New Mexico Pattern by R.L. Chambers, pp. 20-27
        4. Program for Action by Ernesto Galarza, pp. 28-37
        5. As Long as the Grass Shall Grow by Carlos Bulosan, pp. 38-43
        6. The Century of the Discommoned Man by Paul Meadows, pp. 44-46
        7. Pince-Nez and Calico by Mikhail Jeleznov, pp. 47-52
        8. Men of Oil, pp. 53-60
        9. The Challenge of Citizenship by Dan W. Dodson, pp. 61-64
        10. The Golden Myth by D'Arcy McNickle, pp. 65-74
        11. They Belonged by Thomas Sancton, pp. 75-78
        12. Adobe Fourth Dimension by Dorothy Pillsbury, pp. 79-83
        13. European Beliefs Regarding the United States, pp. 84-89
        14. [+]
          Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 90-95 - 2 Reviews
          1. How Well Are Indian Children Educated? by Shailer A. Peterson
          2. ABC's of Scapegoating by Gordon W. Allport
        15. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 96-101
        16. [+]
          Variations on the American Theme by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 102-105 - 10 Reviews
          1. This Was America by Oscar Handlin
          2. As Others See Us by Andre Visson
          3. American Themes by Denis W. Brogan
          4. Report on America by Robert Payne
          5. Paths to the Present by Arthur M. Schlesinger
          6. Father Knickerbocker Rebels by Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker
          7. Upon This Continent by Abel Plenn
          8. The Power of Freedom by Max Ascoli
          9. Ideological Differences and World Order by F.S.C. Northrop
          10. American Argument by Pearl S. Buck and Eslanda Goode Robeson
        17. [+]
          Youth in Action by M. Margaret Anderson, p. 106 - 1 Review
          1. In the Direction of Dreams by Violet Wood
        18. [+]
          The Common Basis of Humanity by Robert M. Cullum, pp. 107-108 - 10 Reviews
          1. Toward Better Race Relations by Dorothy Sabiston and Margaret Hiller
          2. Mirror for Man by Clyde Kluckhohn
          3. Human Relations in a Changing World by Alexander H. Leighton
          4. Investment in People by Edwin R. Embree and Julia Waxman
          5. Discrimination and National Welfare by R.M. MacIver
          6. These Our People: Minorities in American Culture by Richard A. Schermerhorn
          7. The Maryland Germans by Dieter Cunz
          8. One-Way Ticket by Langston Hughes
          9. The Poetry of the Negro, 1746-1949 by Langston Hughes and Arna Bontemps
          10. Race and Region by Edgar T. Thompson and Alma May
        19. [+]
          Current Fiction by Eddie Shimano, pp. 109-110 - 13 Reviews
          1. Without Magnolias by Bucklin Moon
          2. Alien Land by Willard Savoy
          3. Southbound by Barbara Tunnell Anderson
          4. Spit and the Stars by Robert Mende
          5. The Post of Honor by David Dortort
          6. Yokohama, California by Toshio Mori
          7. Little Squire Jim by Robert K. Marshall
          8. The Freebooters by Robert Wernick
          9. The Girl on the Via Flaminia by Alfred Hayes
          10. The Evening and the Morning by Virginia Sorensen
          11. The Spear Penny by Dorothy Davis Willette
          12. Double Muscadine by Frances Gaither
          13. For Us the Living by Haakon Chevalier
        20. [+]
          Books for Young People by M. Margaret Anderson, pp. 111-122 - 10 Reviews
          1. Son of the Valley by John R. Tunis
          2. Hit and Run by Duane Decker
          3. The Rocky Summer by Lee Kingman
          4. Boot Camp by Henry Berkowitz
          5. Sea Boots by Robert C. DuSoe
          6. The Sign of the Golden Fish by Gertrude Robinson
          7. Pilgrim Kate by Helen F. Daringer
          8. The Bells of Bleecker Street by Valenti Angelo
          9. Tumbleweed Boy by Eleanor Hull
          10. A Summer to Remember by Erna M. Karolyi
      3. [+]
        Autumn 1949 Issue = 19 Articles
        1. Is There an American Stock? by Max Lerner, pp. 3-9
        2. The Indivisible by Oliver Hale, p. 10
        3. The Wetback Invasion by Art Leibson, pp. 11-18
        4. The American Standard---For All Americans by Pauline R. Kibbe, pp. 19-27
        5. Lily by Estelle Webb Thomas, pp. 28-35
        6. Even Money on John Chavis by Arna Bontemps, pp. 36-39
        7. Letters to Italy---A Reconsideration by Richard Robbins, pp. 40-47
        8. Part-Time Americans by Mikhail Jeleznov, pp. 48-52
        9. Older Brothers and Sisters, pp. 53-60
        10. Viva Roybal---Viva America by Beatrice W. Griffith, pp. 61-69
        11. So You Live Good by Karl Detzer, pp. 70-73
        12. Italian to the Moon Over New York by Joe Papaleo, p. 74
        13. The Pecan Tree by R.R. Aaronson, pp. 75-88
        14. Theme for English B by Langston Hughes, pp. 89-90
        15. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 91-96
        16. Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 97-104
        17. [+]
          Democracy Under Fire by Henry C. Tracy, pp. 105-106 - 5 Reviews
          1. Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought by David Spitz
          2. Changing Patterns in American Civilization by Dixon Wecter
          3. The American Spirit in Europe by Halvdan Koht
          4. Pioneers of American Freedom by Rudolf Rocker
          5. The Pilgrimage of Western Man by Stringfellow Barr
        18. [+]
          Toward an Understanding of Race Relations by Robert M. Cullum, pp. 107-110 - 14 Reviews
          1. Intergroup Relations in Teaching Materials
          2. Americans Betrayed by Morton Grodzins
          3. The Negro in the United States by E. Franklin Frazier
          4. The American Soldier, Vol. I by Samuel A. Stouffer, Edward A. Suchman, and Leland C. Devieney, ...
          5. Build the Future
          6. In the Land of Jim Crow by Ray Sprigle
          7. Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman
          8. How Secure These Rights? by Ruth G. Weintraub
          9. Caste and Class in a Southern Town by John Dollard
          10. Elmtown's Youth by August B. Hollingshead
          11. Group Work with American Youth by Grace Longwell Coyle
          12. The Negro's Adventure in General Business by Vishnu V. Oak
          13. The Social Areas of Los Angeles by Eshref Shevky and Marilyn Williams
          14. The Negro Handbook, 1949 by Florence Murray
        19. [+]
          Current Fiction by Eddie Shimano, pp. 111-122 - 6 Reviews
          1. Go Fight City Hall by Ethel Rosenberg
          2. Limbo Tower by William Lindsay Gresham
          3. O, Huge Angel by Howard Baer
          4. Angels' Camp by Ray Morrison
          5. Whisper My Name by Burke Davis
          6. Kinfolk by Pearl S. Buck
      4. [+]
        Winter 1949 Issue = 23 Articles
        1. Civil Liberties in Crisis by J. Milton Yinger, pp. 3-8
        2. Name of Action by Frances Hall, p. 9
        3. Report From Korea by Monika Kehoe, pp. 10-15
        4. Japanese Etiquette by Bradford Smith, pp. 16-20
        5. Ballad of the Seven Songs by Langston Hughes, pp. 21-27
        6. Belonging by Leila Barrett, pp. 28-35
        7. To the Negro by Marjorie Berkowitz, p. 36
        8. The Busy Bishop by John Cogley, pp. 37-46
        9. Russian Christmas by Elizabeth Wolfe, pp. 47-52
        10. Summers Together, pp. 53-60
        11. Southern Train by Thomas Sancton, pp. 61-67
        12. The Imponderable by Irwin Stark, pp. 68-73
        13. Moscow-on-the-Hudson by Mikhail Jeleznov, pp. 74-76
        14. Spoil the Child by Helen Eustis, pp. 77-86
        15. Japanese American Audit---1948 by Robert M. Cullum, pp. 87-92
        16. [+]
          Round-Up by Carey McWilliams, pp. 93-98 - 1 Review
          1. Mosley? No! by Tom Driberg
        17. The Pursuit of Liberty by Milton R. Konvitz, pp. 99-100
        18. The Common Council at Work, pp. 101-103
        19. [+]
          Patterns of Survival by Henry C. Tracy, p. 104 - 5 Reviews
          1. The Road to Survival by William Vogt
          2. The Political Tradition of the West by Frederick Mundell Watkins
          3. Free Speech and Its Relation to Self-Government by Alexander Meiklejohn
          4. Being An American by William O. Douglas
          5. Wobbly by Ralph Chaplin
        20. [+]
          In the American Idiom by Helen Papashvily, pp. 105-106 - 9 Reviews
          1. The Land of the Crooked Tree by U.P. Hedrick
          2. Jonathan Fisher---Maine Parson, 1768-1847 by Mary Ellen Chase
          3. Where I Was Born and Raised by David L. Cohn
          4. A Man Called White by Walter F. White
          5. Frederick Douglass by Benjamin Quarles
          6. The Valley of Shadows by Francis Grierson
          7. Personality in the Nature, Society, and Culture by Clyde Kluckhohn and Henry A. Murray
          8. The Rescue of Science and Learning by Stephen Duggan and Betty Drury
          9. Group Experience and Democratic Values by Grace Longwell Coyle
        21. [+]
          More on the American Dilemma by Robert M. Cullum, pp. 107-108 - 9 Reviews
          1. Americans from Japan by Bradford Smith
          2. The Canadian Japanese and World War II by Forrest E. La Violette
          3. Whither Solid South? by Charles Wallace Collins
          4. Epistle to White Christians by Fred D. Wentzel
          5. The Protestant Church and the Negro by Frank S. Loescher
          6. A Reader in General Anthropology by Carleton S. Coon
          7. Man and His Works by Melville J. Herskovits
          8. The Negro Family in the United States by E. Franklin Frazier
          9. Negro Liberation by Harry Haywood
        22. [+]
          Handbooks, p. 109 - 2 Reviews
          1. Yearbook on Human Rights
          2. The Immigration Problem by Clarence A. Peters
        23. [+]
          Current Fiction by Eddie Shimano, pp. 110-122 - 11 Reviews
          1. The Crusaders by Stefan Heym
          2. Remembrance Rock by Carl Sandburg
          3. The Wine of Astonishment by Martha Gellhorn
          4. Guard of Honor by James Gould Cozzens
          5. Mr. Quill's Crusade by George Abbe
          6. The Precipice by Hugh MacLennan
          7. Laughter from Downstairs by Czenzi Ormonde
          8. Tomorrow Will Be Better by Betty Smith
          9. A Clouded Star by Anne Parrish
          10. Storm Against the Wall by Fannie Cook
          11. The Threshold by Karin von Wahl