The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Oriana Atkinson Archives
Oriana Atkinson •ï¿½12 Items / 5 Books, 7 Reviews
Over at Uncle Joe's (1947)
Moscow and Me
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Public Relations for U.S. and U.S.S.R. (Review)
    Over at Uncle Joe's, by Oriana Atkinson
    1. Over at Uncle Joe's by Oriana Atkinson
    The Saturday Review, June 21, 1947, p. 16
  2. [+]
    The Check List (2 Reviews)
    Foreign Affairs
    1. No Peace for Asia by Harold R. Isaacs
    2. Over at Uncle Joe's by Oriana Atkinson
    The American Mercury, August 1947, p. 248
  3. [+]
    Behind Those Iron Curtains (6 Reviews)
    Just Tell the Truth, by John L. Strohm
    1. Just Tell the Truth by John L. Strohm
    2. Why They Behave Like Russians by John Fischer
    3. Stalin Must Have Peace by Edgar Snow
    4. Over at Uncle Joe's by Oriana Atkinson
    5. Behind the Silken Curtain by Bartley C. Crum
    6. Richer by Asia by Edmond Taylor
    Common Ground, Autumn 1947, p. 107
  4. [+]
    Briefly Noted (12 Reviews)
    1. Tracks in the Snow by Ruthven Todd
    2. The Hidden Damage by James Stern
    3. Over at Uncle Joe's by Oriana Atkinson
    4. I. G. Farben by Richard Sasuly
    5. The Origin of Things by Julius E. Lips
    6. Horizon Is Calling by Taro Yashima
    7. From Caligari to Hitler by Siegfried Kracauer
    8. Magic and Myth of the Movies by Parker Tyler
    9. Great Shooting Stories by Stuart D. Ludlum
    10. Venetian Drawings in the Eighteenth Century in America by Otto Benesch
    11. Henry Moore by James Johnson Sweeney
    12. Eugene Berman by Julien Levy
    The New Yorker, June 7, 1947, pp. 110-111
  5. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (18 Reviews)
    Eastern Europe
    1. The United States and Russia by Vera Micheles Dean
    2. The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941 by Max Beloff
    3. Russia's Europe by Harold Arthur Lehrman
    4. Towards an Understanding of Russia by Wlodzimierz Baczkowski
    5. Operation Moscow by Christopher Norborg
    6. The Spirit of Post-War Russia by Rudolf Schlesinger
    7. Soviet Russia Since the War by Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury
    8. Scientist in Russia by Eric Ashby
    9. Just Tell the Truth by John L. Strohm
    10. Over at Uncle Joe's by Oriana Atkinson
    11. Poland's Place in Europe by Zygmunt Wojciechowski
    12. Poland, Russia and Great Britain, 1941-1945 by Roman Umiastowski
    13. New Czechoslovakia and Her Historical Background by Gustav Beuer
    14. Hungary: The Unwilling Satellite by John Flournoy Montgomery
    15. Transylvania: The Land Beyond the Forest by Louis C. Cornish
    16. The Balkans: Frontier of Two Worlds by William B. King and Frank O'Brien
    17. The Silent People Speak by Robert St. John
    18. General Mihailovich: The World's Verdict
    Foreign Affairs, April 1948, pp. 576-578