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Jack Conroy Archives
Jack Conroy •ï¿½38 Items / 9 Books, 9 Articles, 20 Reviews
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  1. Review and Comment
    An Anthology of W.P.A. Creative Writing (Review)
    American Stuff (#1),
    1. American Stuff (#1)
    The New Masses, September 14, 1937, p. 24
  2. Anyplace But Here (1966)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  3. [+]
    Ariel in Idaho (Review)
    April: A Fable of Love, by Vardis Fisher
    1. April: A Fable of Love by Vardis Fisher
    The New Masses, March 16, 1937, p. 25
  4. [+]
    Baedeker According to W.P.A. (Review)
    Idaho: A Guide in Word and Picture (#5),
    1. Idaho: A Guide in Word and Picture (#5)
    The New Masses, February 23, 1937, p. 25
  5. Boyhood in a Coal Town
    The American Mercury, May 1931, pp. 83-92
  6. [+]
    The Decline of a Traitor (Review)
    Red Neck, by McAlister Coleman and Stephen Raushenbush
    1. Red Neck by McAlister Coleman and Stephen Raushenbush
    The New Masses, July 7, 1936, p. 28
  7. The Disinherited (1933)
    A Novel of the 1930's
    8 Reviews, 3 Readable
  8. [+]
    Education for Whites (Review)
    Primer for White Folks, by Bucklin Moon
    1. Primer for White Folks by Bucklin Moon
    The New Masses, February 26, 1946, p. 29
  9. [+]
    Empty Bellies and Loony Schemes (Review)
    Old Hell, by Emmett Gowen
    1. Old Hell by Emmett Gowen
    The New Masses, January 11, 1938, pp. 22-23
  10. [+]
    Evasion of Challenge (2 Reviews)
    Forgive Us Our Virtues, by Vardis Fisher
    1. Forgive Us Our Virtues by Vardis Fisher
    2. Vardis Fisher: Challenge to Evasion by David M. Rein
    The New Masses, May 17, 1938, pp. 25-26
  11. The Exodus Train
    Common Ground, Spring 1945, pp. 61-70
  12. Books
    A Factor Lives (Review)
    The Land of Plenty, by Robert Cantwell
    1. The Land of Plenty by Robert Cantwell
    The Partisan Review, June 1934, pp. 52-53
  13. [+]
    Father and Son (Review)
    Time of Our Lives, by Orrick Johns
    1. Time of Our Lives by Orrick Johns
    The New Masses, November 16, 1937, pp. 23-25
  14. February 1931 Hard Winter
    The American Mercury, February 1931, pp. 129-137
  15. A Groundhog's Death
    The New Masses, January 12, 1937, pp. 17-18
  16. [+]
    Hour of Decision for the South (Review)
    The Wasted Land, by Gerald W. Johnson
    1. The Wasted Land by Gerald W. Johnson
    The New Masses, February 8, 1938, p. 24
  17. The Jack Conroy Reader (1979)
    1 Review
  18. Life and Death of a Coal-Miner
    The American Mercury, August 1932, pp. 442-451
  19. Review and Comment
    The Little Mag (Review)
    The Little Magazine, by Frederick J. Hoffman, Charles A. Allen, and Carolyn F. Ulrich, ...
    1. The Little Magazine by Frederick J. Hoffman, Charles A. Allen, and Carolyn F. Ulrich, ...
    The New Masses, February 25, 1947, p. 24
  20. [+]
    Men of Darkness (Review)
    This, My Brother, by John Rood
    1. This, My Brother by John Rood
    The New Republic, December 2, 1936, p. 149
  21. [+]
    New Heroes and Heroines (Review)
    Those Who Built Stalingrad,
    1. Those Who Built Stalingrad
    The New Masses, September 3, 1935, p. 27
  22. Pipe Line
    The American Mercury, September 1932, pp. 98-107
  23. Review and Comment
    Ralph Bates's New Novel (Review)
    Rainbow Fish, by Ralph Bates
    1. Rainbow Fish by Ralph Bates
    The New Masses, April 20, 1937, p. 30
  24. [+]
    Round the Elephant and Back Again (Review)
    No Villain Need Be, by Vardis Fisher
    1. No Villain Need Be by Vardis Fisher
    The New Masses, March 24, 1936, p. 22
  25. Rubber Heels
    The American Mercury, April 1932, pp. 431-440
  26. Sam Patch, the High, Wide and Handsome Jumper (1951)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  27. The Siren
    The American Mercury, May 1933, pp. 70-79
  28. They Seek a City (1945)
    7 Reviews, 4 Readable
  29. [+]
    Three Novels (Review)
    Another Such Victory, by Clifton Cuthbert
    1. Another Such Victory by Clifton Cuthbert
    The New Republic, March 3, 1937, p. 118
  30. Book Reviews
    Two Regional Anthologies (2 Reviews)
    America Is West, by John T. Flanagan
    1. America Is West by John T. Flanagan
    2. Promised Land by Stewart H. Holbrook
    The New Masses, December 11, 1945, p. 22
  31. Unrest 1931 (1931)
    1 Review
  32. Unrest: The Rebel Poets' Anthology for 1930 (1930)
    1 Review
  33. [+]
    Vridar Hunter Betrayed (Review)
    We Are Betrayed, by Vardis Fisher
    1. We Are Betrayed by Vardis Fisher
    The New Masses, January 29, 1935, p. 25
  34. A World to Win (1935)
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  35. [+]
    A World Won (Review)
    Seeds of Tomorrow, by Mikhail Sholokhov
    1. Seeds of Tomorrow by Mikhail Sholokhov
    The Partisan Review, March 1936, p. 30
  36. Writers Disturbing the Peace
    The New Masses, November 17, 1936, p. 13
  37. Writers in Revolt (1973)
    The Anvil Anthology, 1933-1940
    1 Review
  38. [+]
    Writers of Today (Review)
    Cross Section, by Edwin Seaver
    1. Cross Section by Edwin Seaver
    The New Masses, September 26, 1944, p. 25
  39. No Items Found