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George F. Willison Archives
George F. Willison •ï¿½16 Items / 7 Reviews, 6 Books, 3 Articles
Saints and Strangers (1945)
Being the Lives of the Pilgrim Fathers and Their Families
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Published Reviews
  1. The Library
    The Pilgrim Fathers and Democracy (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    The American Mercury, October 1945, pp. 499-503
  2. [+]
    Book Notes (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    Political Science Quarterly, December 1945, p. 635
  3. Books in Review
    Pilgrims' Progress (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    The New Republic, December 10, 1945, p. 805
  4. [+]
    That Mayflower Crowd (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    The New Masses, January 29, 1946, pp. 25-26
  5. [+]
    Pull Dick, Pull Devil (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    The Nation, October 13, 1945, pp. 376-377
  6. [+]
    Entrepreneur Under Six Flags (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    Commonweal, October 19, 1945, pp. 22-23
  7. [+]
    For "Stuff" Read "Stuff!" (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    The Atlantic Monthly, October 1945, p. 149
  8. [+]
    Re-discovering the Pilgrims (Review)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    The Saturday Review, August 18, 1945, pp. 11-12
  9. [+]
    Briefly Noted (5 Reviews)
    1. America: Partner in World Rule by William Henry Chamberlin
    2. The Killing of the Peace by Alan M. Cranston
    3. The League of Frightened Philistines by James T. Farrell
    4. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    5. So Far, So Good by Charles Hanson Towne
    The New Yorker, August 11, 1945, p. 64
  10. [+]
    Lives of Americans---In Brief Review (6 Reviews)
    Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison
    1. Saints and Strangers by George F. Willison
    2. Tom Paine: America's Godfather, 1737-1809 by William E. Woodward
    3. Diplomat in Carpet Slippers by Jay Monaghan
    4. Woodrow Wilson and the People by H.C.F. Bell
    5. Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal by Thomas A. Bailey
    6. We Have Tomorrow by Arna Bontemps
    Common Ground, Winter 1946, p. 110